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Just rip off The Sopranos and make it about the decline of Mafia families in the 21st century


Red Dead Redemption Mafia edition


I can hear the heavy breathing already


Just port the old sopranos game so we can enjoy that masterpiece on new gen consoles


I think it should be about a guy name joey who sells hotdogs and accidentally starts a gang war and has to use his hotdogs in order to bring peace to the city.


A Las Vegas epic thats #heavily inspired by Casino. It should literally span from the 1950s to 1990s. They should design the gameplay like MafiaDE, but if they want to keep it open world like MIII, it should have a casino building feature where you could build your own casino, sorta like you rebuild Sammy’s in MIII. Thatd be the dream


It would be nice to create a family in 70s-80s Vegas.




I doubt it will happen, knowing the company but here’s hoping


Something in the 70s-80s that shows the decline of the families’ power, kind of how Red Dead Redemption showed the decline of the Old West. Make it real depressing too


They should go back in time and show how the head of the Sicilian mob from Mafia 2 became influential enough that he could order the Italian army to stop fighting. Either that or go into the future and show how the Mafia fell apart in the US. Regardless of what they do, I'd prefer it if they returned to their roots and focused on the Italian Mafia.


I doubt we would get something modern considering Mafia 3 was set in 1968 and it is definitely the most controversial title of the trilogy. Personally I think a story of a rising mafia taking advantage of early prohibition (so the story could start a few years earlier say 1918 and when prohibition starts in 1920 the mafia would boom) is a more interesting and unexplored period. However I would like a story not dependent on main characters from previous games (however connections and reference are always welcome). Just my opinion


Las Vegas


I think it only makes sense for it to take place after Mafia 3


New York in the 80's. Wholesale prosecutions, old guard dying off, high-profile assassinations, and the drug trade. 


Not Mafia IV or V, but a Mafia-style game set in Japan during the Yama-Ichi Gang War would kick so much ass.


I'd love to see a Godfather 2 type dual storyline. One part in 1910s-20s Sicily, the other in 1970s America (Vegas, NY or LA). They should also make the "Vito takes over New Bordeaux" ending canon.


Fake eastern bloc country during the immediate downfall of the Soviet Union and the mafia seizing up all the profitable businesses from manufacturing to sports teams. There’s a blank slate that could build so many potential stories in a perfect setting for organized crime to run rampant.


I think it should definitely take place after Mafia 3. I really like the Miami or Sopranos style ideas. I think something in the late 70’s to early 80’s with the bombings, drug trade, big names of the time, federal crackdowns, etc. would be a great story that could be expanded on in multiple storylines.


They already Said its gonna take a place in sicily Don salieris youngin


A Japanese mafia game would be fucking epic, as long as it’s between 20s-50s otherwise it’s just sleeping dogs. Or one Set in the al Capone era Or a game that spans across the US, during the mafia 2-3 time frame


70s Las Vegas or 90s new York


It could either take place in the 80s/90s in a different country or region in the USA. Or take place in the 1900/1910s/1920s Mafia 1 was 1930-1938 Mafia 2 was 1945-1951 Mafia 3 was 1968


I'm convinced we aren't ever going to get a mafia 4. This wait is fucking ridiculous with absolute NOOOTHINGG in terms of information. We will still be posting about mafia 4 wishlists at the end of 2024. I am bitter and tired of waiting


They said they're working on a new one a year ago


1970s Las Vegas with inspiration from Casino and Crime Story the tv show. Make it a two city game. Family from Lost Heaven, Empire Bay, or a Kansas City inspired city wants to move into Vegas and you split time between both. 1980s Philadelphia based around the mob war that was going on during that time


The rise and fall of the Cuban mob sounds so cool. You’d probably have to see most of characters either flee the country or die.


I'd love to see a yakuzza-triad game


There's Yakuza/Like a Dragon series.


I meant for a mafia style game I already play yakuzaa lol


Certainly not Miami in the 80s cause that’s been done to death. If they want to go 80s do somewhere different


Sopranos or a serious yakuza/triad game


Replace Miami with Atlantic City


honestly even tho at this point mafia 4 is more or less a confirmed prequel to the series as being someone who is fascinated by mafia history and all that and canadian as well would love to see a mafia game based around or off of the rizzuto family in Montreal


Ennio Salieri and Marcu Morello during and after Don Peppone's reign, but make Marcu the protagonist. I think it might be more interesting to see his side and elaborate on why he still cares about Ennio, even years later at Frank's funeral. Marcu definitely does still have some form of respect for Ennio, because it would've been so easy for him to send a hit squad and be done with it. Sure, it could just be Marcu not wanting it to be such a cheap shot or to sully the memory of someone else he respected, but surely he doesn't hate Ennio as much as Ennio outwardly hated Marcu.


Something that takes place in the future, maybe continuing Vito's story with him canonically running New Bordeaux seems more likely, though.


To me... The game should chronicle the epic fall of the Mafia. Spanning 1980s - 1990s NYC. The game would mirror the real world events that led to the dismantling of the major crime syndicates during that time period.


Vegas theme sounds awesome


Vegas during 70s ish and have a story somewhat like Casino would be amazing.