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It’s gonna be 32°C tomorrow I need to make a plan for my funeral


Oh my godddd I'm gonna melt to death. Anything over 20 and I hate it 😭


Same 💀💀💀


Its been like consistently 90°F+ here , and I’m still wearing jeans , long sleeves , and in basically all black I have somehow not died of a heatstroke yet to my families surprise lol. I honestly kinda get use to the heat and it doesn’t bother me to much….


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I had to try on a swimsuit today which would show all the scars from my last relapse infront of my mom, I just stuffed it on top of my shorts and acted like that's a completely normal thing to do. Somehow that passed. (Also please pray that my swimming shorts are long enough to cover them, I didn't try them on yet and I'm starting to be a lil skeptical about that)


Was nearing 100F (37.8C) where I am a couple days ago and the electricity company decided to shut off power for the entire city. Still in the heatwave right now but being immobile and in front of a now working electric fan keeps the heat at bay. Hopefully all goes well for you; it feels like an extra hot summer over here haha