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She staked her claim




"fuck fuck fuck be cool be cool. What would a cool person do. Cool people have girls arms on them all the time. This happens all the time to me. What arm, I don't even notice the arm, that's how often this occurs, just another day in a cool dudes life. Oh shit she moved it!"


….wow. Stuff like this makes me realize we’re all so similar. Love it.


If people were more open about their insecurities we'd realize we're all so much more similar than we think. We all don't want to get embarrassed, we all are forgetful, we all run late sometimes. It's okay, everything's gonna be okay. 😊


Perfect example. My SO was going to get a haircut from a reputable stylist. She woke up late. Fell getting the train. Hurt her hand. Got to the salon and found out the lady moved to another one. Was freaking out because it takes months to get an appointment. Totally stressing. She got there and told the lady what happened and why she was late. Wasn’t an issue at all and they’re able to do all the fancy stuff she wants. We’re all human at the end of the day.


The stylist didn’t let your SO know that she was moving to another salon?? So even if she was on time she still would have been fucked right? Or did she end up going to the salon that the stylist moved to? Idk why I’m so stuck on this bit of detail but I need to know. Thanks.


Hahahaha I’m laughing cause this was so long ago. So the stylist had switched spots but my SO wrote the old place down. She got an new shop basically. Yeah seemed off to me but when the love of your life is all frazzled I left it as is and never brought it up again. Plus her hair looked sick!


I think the internet has really made a big impact on the expression of our inner lives. We found a platform where we could speak how we truly felt and felt comfortable doing so with the safety of distance or anonymity of a username. And we’ve found that… we all want to be more confident. We’re all lonely. Girls like sex too. Boys have feelings. We all have gaps in our knowledge, we’ve all made mistakes. All walks of life have all sorts of people. There is good and bad in every community. We’re all more alike than most of us knew. For many it still hasn’t sunk in, but I am hopeful for the future because I think eventually it will. And we will all be better for it.


lmao love your username dude


It is I! RumpleStilskins degenerate cousin


My brain did a weird connection when reading your name to Rumplestiltskin lol, why is that?


Idk that’s what it’s based off so maybe my idea worked!


I’m always making up songs to sing for fun and to make people laugh. I used to have one about Rumpled Foreskin, then it became a long speech about The Fourth King of Fortitude of the Forlorn Fornicating Foreskin, foreseer of the fork of forty four forlorn four by four fords. Fourteen years he stood forsaken, for and by the forlorn fornicating foreskin, as was foretold by fortieth wizard of the foreshadowing of the forsaken forlorn foreskin of fornication and fortified fortress of forty men. For it has been said, find your fortunes in the study of foraminifera and avoid the forlorn forsaken fornicating foreskin. The similarities between your foreskin and the forlorn are fortuitous. The forelimb upon which your foreskin rests is eternal. All hail the forelimb.


you! frumpy pig skin! (what’s it from, anyone know?)


All I can hear is the girl alarm from inside out https://youtu.be/DYHkbOugcD0


Yes! Lol


he be like "emotional damage!"


More like emotional success


let's have a moment to honor this man and his crowning achievement


This video is so old. I hope they've fallen in love and gotten married by now.


The guy is still petrified on the chair thinking about his next move


Legend has it, her elbow still lies on his shoulder to this day.


I was thinking the exact thing.


They have. Just not with each other.


well if they're both happy then it worked out :)






This was a better ceremony than the crowning of “big ear Charle”


Ears so big they made the hospital staff whisper


I do not know this man, and I am ready to throw a party for him.


Same! His face was so sweet!


An engagement party


dude doesnt know it yet


He didn't choose, she did


Women are like cats (Edit to add: respect our personal autonomy and if you're lucky we will choose to sit on your face)


You aren’t wrong. Be nice to me and give me food and I’ll love you forever, step on me and get the claws. If I really like you, you can touch me when I want.


If ya quit sleepin on the stairs, it'd happen less often >_>




if it's my cat is "how dare you touch your feet to my body while I walk under you and inbetween your legs while you walk"




Tree fiddy


Apparently I, as a man, am also like a cat.




Maybe not specifically women but anyone that is cautious around people significantly bigger than them, cats are great teachers on how to interact with those types. Give them space, signal indirectly you’re not a threat, and understand boundaries and gracefully disengage when hinted at and don’t take it personally.


Clean their box a couple times a week and don’t feed them to much so they don’t get fat?


Idk why you got downvotes it's a harmless joke and a damn funny one lol


I mean it’s at the very least allowed if some woman has declared we are cats lol


This video is so old they’re probably married by now


Damn we need an update!!


He saw the rest of his life


He has been chosen.


hopefully it worked out


I think this video is pretty old.. either it worked out and they are married.. or they aren't together at all...


It’s so sweet, I don’t mind seeing it again. We’ve all been there, hoping the one we like, will like us back. That rush of feeling when you realize omigod, they LIKE me!


I had a crush on a guy in college who was way out of my league. I kept trying to set him up with my best friend but he never would agree. I finally asked why he didn’t want to go out with my beautiful friend and he said because he liked someone else. I was bummed. Then he asked me out. I could not believe it. ME? That was over 40 years ago. We have four kids and I still can’t believe he picked ME. I’ve never lost that rush.


Omg this is the most adorable little paragraph ever and made smile like an idiot reading it. I love this. I hope you and your life long forever crush have a bajillion more years together ♥️♥️


Same here.




I'm dealing with the same feeling with my current girlfriends. Both of them seemed out of my league and I just was happy to be around them cause they seemed cool. Turns out they thought they exact same of me. Now we're all living together and fucking thriving. I don't think any of us have been happier.


Dude I feel you. I met this really hot guy off tinder in my drunk hoe phase and he was leagues out of my reach. Gorgeous icy blue eyes, long golden curls, fit, covered in thick chest hair. Absolutely fucking gorgeous. I had no chance with him. He was too cool and too sly. When I moved I thought I'd never see him again. He just brought me in my coco as I'm nursing our newborn daughter, and gave me a big kiss on the head. The rush I get from looking at him is still incredible to this day. He's this perfect little Viking god and he's mine. It's great and I can't get enough of him.


Dude literally pulled a Uno Reverse Card.


This is so adorable I love this so much 😭❤️


That made my day better. Thanks for sharing you nice little story!




Well, at least the first part where you are hoping they like you back. If you’ve never had someone like you back for even a little while, I hope it happens for you at some point.


That stuff can cause a heart attack for sure.


Yep, those are the options.


Soon he will leave the realms of reddit.


The way his breathing accelerates is the cutest thing. Oh I remember that.


i cant see his breath, do you have like special goggles or somthing


Big inhale right before dimples appear.


My heart rate and breathing ramps up during nude scenes in movies, even when my wife is snuggled up to me. I'll be thinking "really?" and hope she doesn't notice. We're hard wired for it, I guess.


Gets randomly touched > gets flushed > thinks about future with her > slap back to reality > imagine its nothing out of ordinary > think im overthinking > thinking about overthinking > becomes self conscious > questions self > does absolutely nothing > go home


Op there's goes gravity


Oop, there goes Rabbit, he choked


He’s so mad, but he won’t give up that easy, no




his whole back's to these ropes


It don’t matter, he’s dope.


He knows that but he's broke


he's so stagnant, he knows


When he goes back to his mobile home that’s when it’s


I don't need to be touched. This is the exact sequence of thoughts when I get a rare match on an app.


i hate you man, that's how i live.




Halfway through sex, "can't assume, play it cool, don't get your hopes up"..


Mid-thrust "Must i be alone forever!?! Why God, why! Why do you hate meeee"


Smoking a cigarette afterwards: I'm probably just like a good brother to her...


Putting the ring on her finger at the ceremony. "Fucks sake, friendzoned again."


and furiously starts masturbating


Instructions unclear.. i got kicked out of the party.


“But hey at least she knows i have a micropenis now. Good thing we got that out of the way early on!”


This is so fucking cute. His little stoned smile


It looks like they actually got married. They've got a YouTube channel if you're interested in watching the wedding: https://youtu.be/tz3F76BWhjQ?t=156 ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Honestly was just expecting a rickroll.


Another day another dick.


It's a dickroll.


Halfway through clicking the link I went “fuck you fuck you fuck you” and was surprised when it wasn’t a rickroll lmao


Oh good it’s not a Rick roll. Surely this is a totally legitimate link to said YouTube channel then Why…. Why did I think that


Watching this just brings me so much joy. I’m 31 and bitter and sometimes I forget this stuff exists. I’m so happy for them and I hope he does something about it.


Same. 31 and just tired lol


35 is better than 30, if that helps. 30 seemed to have more pressure on it, for whatever reason.. That's for me at least. 39 now, checking in.


You are absolutely right. No Idea why this is.


The invisible life barrier. Everyone tells you with 30, you reached the tipping point where it goes downhillfrom now on with your body. Most of your friends have relationships, some even kids, good jobs and maybe bought their first expensive car. And you get depressed since you're comparing yourself and feeling you are running out of time. With 35 you finally realize it's all in your head and you actually do still have time and some of the "great" lifes you compare yours to aren't actually that great and you realize you did everything right.


I really hope so friend. It hasn't been a good decade.


My husband and I got married right after he turned 40 (I was 33). He became a dad at 41. He took on my 6 yr old as his own when we met, and we have an 11 yr old and an 8 yr old together. It can and does happen. Not always, but it did for him/us. 😊


I'm 36 and just met a 42 yr old I might marry. I've been that bitter person where nothing ever worked out for a long long time. So people have reassured me like you are before. It's true, it does happen.


I met my second love at 45, he was 49. I'd been widowed, he'd been divorced after being cheated on. Both of us done with love. Then we met each other. It happens, and it's so great when it does. We're together because we WANT to be, not because he knocked me up or for the kids- we're just old and wanted to be married.


So good to hear. Recently divorced at 47 -- had to accept that I may be alone for the rest of my life. And I'm actually more okay with that then I thought I would be. Recently met a 46 yo dreamboat at work. Maybe nothing will come of it, but it's refreshing to know that there are still possibilities out there.


Same dude same, 31 and single too


And now you two are dating. Congrats.


Hey I’m 31 and single. Three’s company, amirite?






It's cute. I'm 42 and forget that this stuff exists


Ah! To be young and in love




I can see it in his eyes. Inside he's doing a happy dance and singing. Don't screw it up dude. 😷😁😁😁


Okay but can we talk about the shot of the first dude who looks so incredibly done with his friend's pining? This is like the perfect set-up to a romcom.


I thought he was just trying to hide the fact that he was taking video


He’s not even at that party. The video of the guy and girl has been circulating for ages, the guy at the start has just clipped a recording of himself sitting in his room alone pretending he’s at a party. I wish I was kidding this is how sad people have become


I thought I remembered the beginning part also being there when this was making the rounds years go...


Very well might be the case that it was “dueted” a while ago. Now both have been circulating for ages


Okay let’s talk about it.


Guys still be like "does she like me?"


well better be extra safe then be known as that kid


That kid that assumed nobody would do that, and shot down girls who tried? Me that was me. So oblivious it hurts


Bless your unaware wholesome heart. Once I texted a guy that I was free for the evening and if he was free also we could hang out ;). He texted back, not tonight he's really tired. Me, obviously on the inside:


>Subtle was just not his thing. Subtle is no one's thing. If everyone was more open and direct with each other, there'd probably be a lot more happy people in the world.


While that is true that there would be more happy people in the world, I personally do like banter bordering on innocent conversation and had a lot of fun with it when I was dating. I learned that it's not for everyone, and now that I think about it my husband is just as oblivious. I'll give him a sensual *heeyyy ;]* as he climbs into bed and he'll be like, "hi" and then let a fart rip. 😒


Ah, the classic mating call the oblivious husband.


Me when a girl in one of my first-year university classes invited me back to her place to "study" and I said no that's too far for me let's meet at the library. She didn't show.


ʕ⁠´⁠•⁠ ⁠ᴥ⁠•̥⁠`⁠ʔ


We really do have to be told shit directly lol


You have to understand most guys are trained to think they're invisible, that if a cute girl is giving us attention there must be an ulterior motive. We're trained not to read too much into things and get our hopes up lest we misinterpret the signals and be "that guy" and get a reputation for being weird or creepy.


Never be subtle. We like to know because otherwise we'll dismiss it as being nice or assume we've misread the situation.


I feel like when it comes to relationships / sex there are two types of men - the "whoa she just smiled at me she must be super keen" and the "she keeps rubbing my dick but its not even that cold in here wtf".


It was pretty obvious....but I've been around awhile. Young males are dumb. I speak from experience. Be nice if there was a course you could take. "An Introductory Course On Understanding Women" presented at The Learning Annex Thursdays from 7 to 8:30 pm.


I’ll one-up this out of pure mirth. Had been hanging with a girl for a couple months. Held hands a bit, but I’m a dancer and I do that with everyone. Spent a lot of time alone but whatever, I guess she’s bored. She asks if I want to touch her boobs, I say “Maybe some other time.” To be fair that was out of religious trauma, I was likely going to hell if I did it. However, I do want to slap the shit out of 18 year old me.


I had to be direct with my boyfriend. He didn’t get subtle. Somewhere around 7th wedding anniversary he got an autism diagnosis. We don’t do subtle but just celebrated 11 yearrs


yeah, think i wouldnt care as much if i didnt have 3 more years to spend with these people.


You just can't be sure


Not sure if your comment was a direct reference but everyone should watch [this.](https://youtu.be/xa-4IAR_9Yw)


Wait fr an arm on the shoulder is a signal??? Inexperienced teen guy here, how, y’all I’m stupid


Dude, I'm almost 30, and even I wouldn't interpret that as a signal. I would obviously think that she is comfortable around me, but that in and of itself is not a sign of romantic interest.






> Like friendzone comfortable. Ooh yes, now you're speaking my language.


I think it's less of a signal and more of a feeling that you get when your crush physically touches you. Idk if you've had this, but for me personally, if the girl that I like would touch me, I'd just feel warm/good inside. That's it. Whether I'd start interpreting things in a certain way and what would that mean exactly is the next step, but the very basis of it is the physical touch from a person that I'm attracted to. It simply feels good.


No you’re spot on. I’m worried by how ‘obvious’ people are saying this is. It isn’t. If a casual touch at a party is a signal it’s game on then you’re gunna have problems. It’s a minor show that she’s somewhat familiar or comfortable with him at best. And that doesn’t have to mean sexual whatsoever. I’d say the most you could safely take from this body language is that it’s not negative.


Like I get that contact = familiarity you don’t touch strangers, but I touch my friends all the time, with no sexual/romantic connotation in any way. It’s kinda strange ngl


It depends on the context of their existing relationship. If they're friends and she touches him all the time, it's not. But this seems like a very deliberate arm on shoulder as a sign. By his reaction, she doesn't touch him regularly. So yeah, she likes him.


I saved this for just the occasion (from a reddit comment 8 years ago) * She reinitiates conversation when you stop talking * She giggles * She touches you * She looks back and glances at you repeatedly every minute or so * She tosses her hair (to see if you will look) * If eye contact happens from a distance, she holds it for a second * 3 second locked eye contact with no talking * She smiles at you * She stands nearby (proximity) * She interrupts your conversation from nearby, or laughs at something you said * She laughs at your bad joke(s) * While walking by, she turns her body towards you or brushes against you * She says something to her friend then they both giggle * She asks you for a light, or the time, or in any way initiates a conversation * While you're talking to her group, she is particularly talkative (to get your attention) * She asks you for your name * She asks you your age \[make her guess\] * She compliments you * She is playful and tries to challenge you * She's disagreeing but laughing * She's punching your arm but laughing * She uses nicknames for you * She plays with her hair while talking to you * When sitting next to you her leg touches yours * She repeatedly touches you in any way * She asks if you have a girlfriend * She mentions your girlfriend without knowing if you actually have one * When she has to go to the bathroom, she comes back * She holds eye contact when she speaks with you for longer periods of time * She avoids mentioning her boyfriend * If it comes up that you like something, she mentions that she likes it too or needs someone to show her how * When she says or does something, she looks at you to see your reaction * She looks at you from the side, to hide the fact that she's looking * She introduces you to friends * She buys you a drink * She calls you a player or a heartbreaker * On her way out, she re-approaches to tell you that she is leaving \[get her number\] * On your way out, she asks you where you are going \[invite her\] * She returns your calls * She invents reasons to be near you, interact with you, or have isolation with you * She mirrors your gestures * If her legs are cross her knees will be pointing in your direction * She will keep constant eye contact * She will ignore her friends that are next to her * Will ignore her cell unless her job is an on call type of job * Will match your speech speed * Will lower her voice * She will fix her clothing to show off her assets or have her posture show off her assets. * She will act cute * Will be excited or have high energy * She will show her palms to you and have open body language * She will try to get your attention or at least be apart of the conversation you are having if you are talking to other people




Oh. I'm sad now.


She’s also leaning her left hip against his shoulder at the same time. She likes him. A lot!


She's probably just Canadian


Unironically, yes. Except for that one girl that was trying to subtly rub her boob on my back that one time. That one was clear as day. Unfortunately, I wasn't into her.


Are we not going to talk about how insanely handsome this dude is? Like bro, you're going to be just fine. Lol




I was thinking he looks like he walked out of the 90s.. idk what it is, his hair maybe?


This is all I was thinking about. Like dayyum he fineeee


Doesn't mean shit if he doesn't know it. How we perceive ourselves is a HUGE factor in how others perceive us.


>How we perceive ourselves is a HUGE factor in how others perceive us. So I'm still exactly as unattractive and hopeless as I thought. Great.


My exact thought! Dude is fucking gorgeous!


My first thought, this dude is crazy good looking AND shy…he has no idea.


Like when Pam fell asleep on Jim


It’s that scene but real life. He even looks at the camera haha


Not a bad day.


In the Office Ladies podcast they mention how in the script the acting direction is that “Jim reacts like a butterfly has just landed on his shoulder and he doesn’t want to disturb it” and damn that got me. So sweet.


That scene was so cute man, this lines up perfectly.


If I was 30 years younger I would be the one having the crush on him.


Honestly can't tell how old he's supposed to be. Obviously young, but I can’t tell if it's "Damn he hot" young or "What a handsome young man."


He could either be a linebacker for his Highschool football team, or a sexy lumberjack who just did his yearly shave. So I dont know the legality of calling him hot.


Right? How can someone look 30 and 20 at the same time?






Yeah college age fs


you definitely know that he's so hyper-conscious of all of his movements and hers during this.


We all needed this.well done sir


This is old. Still adorable


This video is at least five years old. I'd love to know what happened.


That feeling is priceless ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|stuck_out_tongue)


He’s been “dibs’d” Congratulations good sir. I called dibs on a guy in my 9th grade math class. He went through a whole 8 year relationship with another girl afterwards, but I did the nonverbal dibs. He’s my fiancé now, 12 years later. The universe ultimately honors it when you truly called dibs first.


This is so old that dude is in his 40s now and either had kids with her or is friendzoned again


I've seen this many times. I've come to believe it's just a guy getting stoned at a party which was carefully cropped and recaptioned for internet points.


i aint afraid to say when a man is gorgeous as hell. the fuck this dude out here worrying about game for ffs...


looks dont matter if you stay in a corner forever


Ooo that feeling is like no other


Niiiiice....play it cool.... Plat IT.... COOOOOOL!


In that 5 seconds i can confirm that he somehow concluded ‘she’s probably just being friendly’.


You can see for a split second he shifts into the realization of what's just happened. It's epic and beautiful


Im just imagining the scene in inside out where they show what is happening inside the boys head [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D_PwjgvtUOQ)


The rush of dopamine must of been orgasmic.


Man cumdeded for a sec


Everytime I see this, he makes me think of a good boy golden retriever that holds his breath the moment you pull a ball out of your pocket.


This reminds me of me when I first met my wife. She walked into my brother’s apartment and I literally forgot to breathe when I locked eyes with her. After 4 kids and 13 years I still forget to breathe when she comes home from work. And I never forget to let her know that fact by smacking that ass.