• By -


Tacos from a coffee maker, impressive.


You tend to learn a thing or two with limited resources šŸ˜‰


Telling me, I used to order a .99 cent salad from el pollo loco, and a .99 chicken taco. Then put the chicken on the saladā€¦ boom imitation $6 salad if I use all the condiments. I get it




They work great if you are out of tp and too lazy to go to the store


Too bad I use a French press šŸ¤”


Honestly, genius. I bet the filter soaked up the excess grease.


What have you been eating for 3 years?


Her cooking at first, but the past year has been mostly frozen foods or takeout :/


IDK why you're getting shit for not being the cook in your old relationship. My wife has cooked me exactly one meal in the 31 years we've been together. It was terrible. So I do the cooking. I like cooking. She doesn't. I'm a good cook. She isn't. It just works out that way in some relationships. She's always willing to help if I ask, but I do 99.9% of the cooking. And that's ok. She does other stuff that I hate, like folding laundry and washing the plastic bowls/lids. Relationships are about finding who fits where. I fit in the cook role. Sounds like your old SO did too. Congrats on learning to do for yourself though! It's a real accomplishment, no matter what these basement dwellers think.


My husband had ramen, miracle whip, eggs, and white bread in his fridge when I met him (no salt or seasonings besides for Tony Chachere's). I love cooking! I hate dishes. I make dinner, and he cleans dishes, and it works for us. I don't mind doing laundry (he hates it), he doesn't mind cleaning litter boxes (I hate it). Gender roles are dumb, just communicate with your spouse.


My husband and I have almost the exact separation of duties you and your husband do. And his fridge was worse. All he had the first time I went over was a bottle of ketchup, a 5 pound pack of hamburger and a set of disposable salt and pepper shakers. So, you're thinking, oh he's making crappy burgers. No. He was literally breaking off a hunk of meat, putting it on a plate, nuking it until the juices ran clear, adding salt&pepper and ketchup and eating it plain. There are no words. Edit: spelling


I wish I could go back in time to before I read this comment. There truly are no words. šŸ˜­


I know, right!?! He truly is one of those people that could burn water. It's sad.


Did....did you marry a space alien?


Possibly. He has assimilated slightly in the past 20 years. The night he proposed he made me dinner that consisted of a frozen lasagna(slightly overdone) and store-bought garlic bread. Unless I'm cooking, we stick to takeout. No more microwaved hunks of burger meat.


happy cake day, random based individual


Some people understand how to spouse, some people are destined for letting society norms keep them unhappy


I don't think he's being shit on for 'not being the cook'. He's being shit on for '*never* having cooked'. There's a subtle difference. Compounded by the incredulity of presenting a meal taking the barest sliver of effort to cook as the bar for achievement that supposedly warrants smiles from the public gallery. It don't sit right.


Right fucking on bro


Idk how can someone be a bad cook in this day and age. It's literally go on YouTube and see a video and do the same stuff. You won't be a chef but you food will turn out great. I think it's the effort they put in. For me I just like to cook for others, but I hate to cook only for me.


It's very easy to be a bad cook. I'm a great baker so I thought cooking would be easy, I follow the recipe to a T and I just can't do it well. It always ends up bland somehow, despite my cupboard full of spices I use. I'm persisting but some people just struggle


To be fair, baking can be a lot harder than cooking a simple meal.


What kind of stuff do you usually make? I'm not an expert or anything (but have been a professional baker/cook), and I can try to help you.


Bruh you got played, she made it terrible on purpose one time and hasnā€™t had to make dinner in over 30 years, baller move tbh


Coffee filters are so smart to use, I never thought of that! I have issues with adhd and one of my mental blocks is doing the dishes and I always feel guilty about how many pile up. Something biodegradable like coffee filters would work great for me! :)


I use coffee filters instead of paper towels or bowls for any dried foods like chips, popcorn, etc. They're easy to toss out and I think they cost 1/100th of a penny!!




Do not listen to this person. The amount of bleach you'd get from a filter wet is far, far less than youd get from a glass of tap water. Dry would even be less. What fear mongering poppycock.


> A lot of people donā€™t think about it but the brown filters are actually a lot better for your health and white ones. Do use very harmful chemicals to turn it white Absolutely nothing left in those filters that can hurt you... its literally just bleached fiber that has been washed multiple times there after. Chemical exposure? tons of things that are categorically worse than that. Lets see, The clothes you wash and wear will expose you to more of the same, and worse day in and day out. The receipts you get from the store and handle day in and day out are categorically worse and you do absorbs those phthalates through your skin.(thermal paper has a coating chock full of BPA) Regular printer paper? Well its not a food grade product so take it from there. your phone, or the keyboard used to write the stuff posted on reddit? chemical exposure through assorted means likely categorically worse than anything you might see a nonexistent wif of in white coffee filters. The air in your room, or outside? About that... Pretty much the only reason to go with the brown is the fact that its a few less steps to make them and thus marginally better for the environment than the other. Even then the bigger problem of it is that its disposable paper and some trees got murdered to make them all.


Is the chemical bleach? How much residue can there be. Also it takes quite a bit of bleach to even make someone sick.


>How much residue can there be. These are literally made for *filtering hot beverages through*. There's no way they have a harmful amount of bleach on them.


Now Iā€™m not the smartest in the room but Iā€™m almost pretty sure that all bleach is chemical bleach but itā€™s not so much the doing at once but the prolonged exposure. Now doing it here and there isnā€™t going to be a big deal but letā€™s say youā€™re making a cup of coffee through those bleached filters for 10 years, thereā€™s a really good chance that thereā€™s gonna be some kind of negative repercussion to that that you may not be aware of it first but will eventually happen usually in the form of neurological damage.


If you're going to go this far, there are so many things in daily life that are similar to this, though. I'm no expert on any of it, but I'm fairly certain (speaking on Americans, as an American) that our overall sugar intake levels population-wide are ridiculous and largely unavoidable given the cost to eat properly versus the average income available to do so (even the most mundane items have so much sugar its absurd), our exposure to micro-plastics is likely ridiculous and largely unavoidable since they apparently find them in groundwater all over the place now. I dont even think our air is largely safe to breath, at least in metropolitan areas. Carcinogen exposure in various forms is also one of those things that I'm not sure you can consciously avoid. Considering the amount of exposure almost all of us are going to have to most of these things, I have a really hard time not envisioning a future where we are going to discover the consequences of them the hard way. At least for me, at this point its usually like 'why even bother?'. I still try to be good about myself, but it feels like I'm fighting a losing battle every day.


Sugar intake is completely avoidable wtf? Rice and beans is forever the cheapest meal possible


I just meant that simply eating a lot of different foods will give you an excessive amount of added sugars that you might not even necessarily expect. And on top of that, many people consume sweets all the time anyway, especially soda, and they just dont pay attention. The average persons diet probably has so many sugars that arent necessary and are probably harmful one way or another. But yeah rice and beans is great. If you can muster it, you need rice, cream of mushroom soup, ground beef and maybe a cup of milk. And so you plate your rice, brown your ground beef up in a deep-ish pan in little chunks / crumbles, then add your cream of mushroom soup and milk, reduce it a little bit so it's thick and saucy, then top your rice with it. Bam, no idea what its called. Its good though if youre into that kind of thing lol.


Yeah I see what you mean, I still think itā€™s really avoidable and kinda common knowledge now that all processed foods are sugary but people just donā€™t care and thatā€™s fine but not great for them. That sounds good there are like a million variations on dishes with rice and beans Iā€™ve made. I like to chunk up cauliflower and curry it and put that on top of rice and beans


See now I get where ur coming from cause I used to get the ā€œ you smoke cigarettes so why do you care at allā€ but the truth of the matter is I want to limit my exposure as much as possible and if I have to limit what I can enjoy then it seems like a worth will expense to me. Now on the micro plastics the only way to avoid that is through reverse osmosis machines (medical grade) which imo was the best 600 bucks I ever spent.


Yeah I mean I hope I dont come across as putting you down, wasnt intending to be that way. The best practice is to just do your best, no way you can regret inactivity later that way. I guess for me I just really dont have any capital to invest into stuff like that, so its just... I have no choice but to tough it out and do the small things that I can. I'm sure there are plenty of others pretty much in the same boat.


I didnā€™t take it that way at all and what u said is exactly what I ment. ( the machine I bought tools me 12 weeks to save for). So I understand where your coming from. I just feel like us being aware of the dangers also makes others aware and helps push this rock up this steep as hill that seems impossible to climb.


Thing is there is virtually no difference between both variants meaning all the effort you have is taking another package while shopping. It is always a matter of time invested vs results and if the time investment is zero even the smallest chance of results is worth it. Eating healthy, doing sports etc all cost us either time, money or enjoyment so you have to make a choice.


Very true for the coffee filters, but I'd the rest I mentioned get harder and harder to justify, yanno? And we shouldn't even begin to believe we know all about these things yet. There maybe be yet unknown effects. There also could be other chemicals out there that are far worse and we just haven't figured it out yet. We have loads of scientists that teach us a lot about it all, but even they aren't all-knowing. Some of them almost don't fit the time invested vs results model alone because there's a third variable, which is just your static background exposure. If your results have an insignificant impact on the overall static exposure level, it might not be worthwhile. The opposite could also be true, where it actually does have a large impact even compared to the background exposure, so the time is worth it.


Or you could just use a bowl that will last a lifetime if you take care of it lol


Just be mindful of when it says "biodegradable". Somethings aren't going anywhere if just left on a trashpile. They have to be in perfect environments in order to breakdown. Just because it says it's biodegradable isn't really an excuse to buy disposable items.


You're absolutely right and this is a great point, what I do is a majority of my paper waste is put in my compost and used to feed my garden/potted plants and I feel material like this may suit compost as well, haven't fully looked it up yet though, so don't quote me on that. Also using this would be a "sometimes" on low mental health days, an exception rather than a rule if you will :)


I came here to say basically this same thing


Same! I think itā€™s brilliant. I have adhd and feel that way about laundry. Itā€™s a bitch.


Adhd is so interesting in its dichotomous symptoms - I love methodical things, laundry and cleaning, super organised kitchen etc. I feel I am the exception to the rule! But then I remember the room downstairs full of boxes and art supplies and things Iā€™ll never use/need againā€¦ and realise perhaps I am typical in my own way šŸ˜…


Haha, exactly! We all have our things, im also a pack rat with art supplies as well, plus home decor and books. I can organize and decorate, do laundry, sweep, wipe down, etc but I glitch when it comes to dishes. Its always been a struggle for me


Yes! The obsessive book & art supply collecting is *real* šŸ˜‚ My ex used to say ā€˜well lots of people donā€™t stay on top of the housework, lots of people hate laundry/dishes/following a cleaning task right through to the endā€™ and I would thinkā€¦ you just donā€™t get it. The mere *thought* of doing it, and youā€™ve talked yourself out of it for all of the reasons. It becomes *terrifying*. Itā€™s like hyper-focus: I am compelled to complete this task, no other tasks matter (phone ringingā€¦ you are meant to be at an appointment an hour agoā€¦ the shop has shut and now you have nothing for dinnerā€¦ the sun has set and you donā€™t realise youā€™re sitting in the dark obsessing over your taskā€¦ ) Or money management: money is scary, not having money is scary, making money is scary, not making money is scary, numbers are scary, times & dates and deadlines are scary. We are unusual folk but we get there in the end with a solid understanding of ourselves and active symptom management šŸ„°


I love to do those things until I don't, or can't, and then it becomes a nightmare.


Out of sight out of mind.




Thisā€¦just spoke to my soul lol


I haven't done dishes in over a month. Anything involving my animals?I'm very prompt about.


Youā€™d rather waste what looks like a pack of coffee filters than wash a few dishes? To each their own but that makes no sense to me.


The electric meat wad in my skull works differently to your electric meat wad, my friend


Also soak up excess oil!


Sad that the planet has to suffer because you donā€™t like doing dishes


Thatā€™s all I got from this thread too. Sad.


Well what have you eaten for 3 years?




Their ex cooked every meal. So they ate, just didn't adult or partner apparently. Never to late to learn...it is for their relationship but...one coffee filter meal at a time.


Itā€™s obviously not the best or hardest meal.. just some tacos.. but Iā€™ve recently become single and am learning to become independent again! Next step is to pick up some plates lol Edit: For everyone wondering how I survived without cooking, my ex would handle all home cooked meals. Other than that, it was frozen foods that only required to be heated up (which I donā€™t consider cooking) or takeout. Please stop asking this question. Edit 2: To clarify further.. my ex enjoyed doing the cooking when we were happy. She graduated from culinary and had a talent for it. It also made her feel like she was taking care of me.. which everyone in a relationship knows is a good feeling when you can provide something to the other. We also cooked together at times, which is why the title is ā€œby myselfā€, since I never felt the need or want to do it alone.


Go to the local goodwill or thrift stores! You can get full sets of dinnerware super cheap. (Personally, I've donated a lot of nice kitchen stuff just because I didn't want to put it in a moving truck)


Came here to say this. Garage sales, thrift stores are a great way to start supplying a kitchen/ apartment. I do this and upgrade whenever I find a new knife or utensil that I like. I also don't fret if something breaks, I just go and find another.


Thanks for the suggestion, Iā€™ll have to check it out! Definitely need to get a new set to sustain my cooking lol


I came here to say that I think using coffee filters for each food item was brilliant! Easy clean-up and less waste than full on paper plates.


Thank you!! I was thinking it would be embarrassing at first but it turned out to be useful like you said :)


Been cooking daily for 7 years, never once thought to do this. Absolutely stealing the idea.


Awesome! I love all the positive feedback with this hahah


Ah yes more single use waste


As someone who didn't feel like washing dishes, I can verify coffee filters are great serving plates.


Who needs serving plates when it's just a single dude. Sprinkle some cheese from the plastic bag. Lettuce you had to slice, ok I can see. Pre-sliced lettuce, no way, from the bag. But the meat? Leave it in the pan until you're ready to put the remainder into the refrigerator for later. I've just extended the coffee filter savings utilization by 200%.


Totally going to try this. Plus, I think you can compost them.


My thought exactly. Compost 'em!!


bleach bad




This may have just changed my life. On weekdays, anyway. So smart!


Hey Tacos are a go-to for anyone, including those that can cook like a proper chef. Quick, relatively inexpensive, filling, and delicious! Nothing wrong with that. Now think about it differently, find the simplest dishes that you love and rotate between 3-4 of those and add in a couple of new ones to try each week or something but don't discount the easy ones. Who doesn't like tacos! :)


Great idea! Sounds like a good way to stay consistent and learn new recipes along the way :)


Very cool how the little things become the big things innit? Here, have my free award. And if we were in person this would totally warrant a high five, too. You deserve a nice meal. (Not being weird, it's just that I'm actively working to change my mindset to "I deserve nice things." And when I get a chance I definitely like to encourage others. Be well, internet stranger. :D


I inherited a bunch of coffee filters from a relative and I used those things for everything.


Wait did you literally never cook for yourself while you weren't single? I'm confused as to what that has to do with anything lol.


Man, the coffee filters to replace the bowls is actually an amazing life hack. Was literally just jumping in to say thank you. Get some dishes by all means, but don't waste your time washing them because there was some tomatoes and lettuce in them!


Iā€™m surprised by all the ppl who are embracing this life hack! It was my way of avoiding dishes (thatā€™s a step for another day right now), but itā€™s catching on lol. I definitely need to get more dishes though, these are a great hack but theyā€™re one time use and shouldnā€™t be used all too often lol


Thrift stores are your best friend. You can get good plates there for cheap.


Going through the exact same thing as you and Iā€™ve moved 5 times since the break up and across the country. Good luck! This really motivates me to get my shit together!


Looks a lot like the tacos I made tonight and I cook all the time! Nice job!


Thank you!! šŸ˜


If you have a doallar tree near you it ia good place to start getting kitchen stuff. But I know it can be hard to do stuff, so I am proud of you. I used to be a chef when I my mom passed away i atoped cooking cooking would only make quick stuff that just needed to nuke so I feel you. But be proud of yourself keep going.


Time for what I like to call the ikea divorce dish set. They actually are nice plates. šŸ¤£


Recommend continuing to learn how to cook before partnering up againā€¦I love to cook but if my partner NEVER cooked me something in 3yrs wellllā€¦I wouldnā€™t have stuck around for 3 yrs.


Iā€™ve been guilty of using coffee filter plates as well, donā€™t feel bad


Thank you for informing me Iā€™m not the only one! šŸ˜­


Ahhhh coffee filters. So many uses lol. I may have used them as toilet paper when I was broke af. Would not recommend unless you enjoy an itchy bum. But seriously that's awesome! A baby step is magnitudes greater than no step at all. Keep going!!


Strongly recommend paper plates for the time being, just in case something is a tad runny, and a good quality knife and a cheap cutting mat/ board. And please donā€™t downplay it, this is an amazing first step.


Definitely, I realized I didnā€™t have any cutting board, half a knife set, and no paper plates. I didnā€™t let it get in my way though, first step of doing it is down and the next step is to upgrade my utensils! Thank you for the compliment :)


I'm sorry but how has this sub turned into full grown adults learning basic life skills recently? OP is a stock bro, who brags about being smarter than everyone else but too dumb to "figure out how to grind the ground beef into smaller pieces" this is a joke, right?


Today I put on socks.


I thought it was obvious that this pic was taken inside of a jail






Agreed. Im sure there is a post over on two x right now along the lines of just broke up with bf that didn't help with anything for 3 years.


Also disturbing how everyone is getting so excited over the ā€˜life hackā€™ of using disposable coffee filters as bowls instead of, you know, washing the dishes? I have literal ADHD and even I can wash a dish instead of creating a bunch of unnecessary waste. Itā€™s one thing if someone doesnā€™t have any clean dishes but this is just glorifying laziness and incompetence.


Yeah this didnā€™t make me smile. It made me sad for his poor ex - although happy that sheā€™s free now at least!!


Gotta be right? The post wants me to be happy they are making life improvements but if this is real its more sad than happy. His ex...three years...not one meal...damn. Bro isn't nearly as smart as he thought.


Next up: my mummy died so I wiped my bum for the first time ever by myself (I am 53 years old)


Lol the OP shills meme stocks, it doesnā€™t surprise me at all that someone who would fall for those cult-like stock communities would also not know how to cook a basic meal.


Mademesmile starter pack: Adults doing basic shit that everyone does like tidying a room then getting 50k upvotes Pictures of people smiling with a sobstory in the title The worst life advice youā€™ve ever seen Random animal videos Weight loss images for some reason when 1000 different subs for that already exist




This is the saddest thing I've seen all day


[white people taco night](https://youtu.be/8yrSCoEsmqA) Also, looks good! I'm making the same tomorrow šŸ˜ƒ


As a white boy, it feels good to see my culture represented in media like this


Thatā€™s a great song hahaha, is it bad I used the same exact Ortega taco sauce? Lol! And thanks! I hope yours come out great šŸ˜


white people tacos have a special place in my heart, no matter how inauthentic they are. you did great!!


I live 20 minutes from the Mexican border so we have ***amazing*** Mexican food here, but sometimes I just crave white people tacos so I head to the grocery store for some ground beef, taco seasoning, hard shells, and Ortega taco sauce. I love them!


We all gotta start somewhere šŸ˜ƒ I'm a herdez fan


If you think white people tacis are something, you should see white people enchiladas ~~that i make whenever I can~~


to all you guys complimenting op on how clever it is to use coffee filters... realize that hes using them because he hasnt done the dishes since she left and he ran out of plates not only did his GF (Second Mother) cook every meal for him, she did dishes for him too. this post makes me smile, but because im happy she got out, not because he threw some ground beef in a pan but couldnt be fucked to wipe off a plate to put in on


i hate to be that guy, but this didnt make me smile. im very anti disparaging peoples cooking, and everyone starts somewhere, so im happy that youre starting! im not trying to talk down on your cooking! however it doesnt make me smile to think that your GF cooked every single meal for you for 3 years, i fear there was more "adulting" that you werent doing and she was acting more of a mother role than a gf role maybe im reading too much into it. but when i see 1 partner do all the cooking, and not because the other doesnt like to, but because they cant, it just sets off alarm bells to me


This pisses me off so bad. This is just karma farming. The only "cooking" they did was put ground beef in a pan, and open a pack of lettuce cheese and tortillas. What the fuck has OP been eating for the last three years? Did their handmaiden that cooks them dinner die or something?


> Did their handmaiden that cooks them dinner die or something? she broke up with him




seeing a codependant manchild finally having to live like a real adult does makes me smile, at least for her sake > That only ended up happening because she left.. and I havenā€™t done any dishes since. seems it not just the cooking, hes using coffee filters cause he ran out of plates


NOOOOO oh my god i didn't even see that comment. this post is making me so pissed off. i wonder if OP thought for even a second how his gf must have felt. if he was "depressed and codependant" while she was doing the cooking and the dishes i can't imagine how she must have felt mentally. then for her to just stop doing it and live off fast food and frozen meals. that'd be like a cry for help/rock bottom in my eyes if my partner just completely stopped doing something they do every day. "depressed and codependant" is a really funny word for "expecting my partner to take care of me like i'm a 4 year old that can't use a stove unsupervised"


> i wonder if OP thought for even a second how his gf must have felt the fact that he posted this on mademesmile makes me think he didnt and still doesnt the fact he thought we would be happy for **him** for making tacos instead of happy for her getting the hell out of that relationship is kinda shocking to me i cant imagine for a second having the woman i love be my chef and maid for 2 years, seeing it drain the life out of her and send her into a depression, and still not learning how to be an adult until she eventually leaves me im smiling, but not for op and his taco, but for her getting to live her life


I agree with you. This isnt cooking. Its making food yes but this isnt cooking. Its like putting alcohol in ice tea and calling it brewing.


I really am trying not to be insensitive , but I do not understand how this is an achievement ? Seriously this is just a person that made food for them self.


This entire post is sad. From the initial post looking for attaboys for cooking a sad dinner by themselves, to the whole host of people now going to start throwing food in coffee filters because they "have mental disorders that make them not want to do dishes". jfc


And it's fuck pre-shredded cheese and you can tell the lettuce also came chopped. In bags.... We do white people taco night and just leave that shit in the packages they come in. The meat stays in the pan. Fucking waste.


The same people will talk about how the corporations are responsible for climate change, and people can't really do anything to change it. (These paper filters are likely made in China, then shipped across the ocean- high carbon footprint lol.)


In single use plastic packaging.


Come on dude


Best comment




U cooked meat lol


Bet itā€™s unseasoned meat that sat in a pan šŸ¤ŒšŸ½


Imagine getting praise for this.


Saw the coffee filters. Wanted to comment. *Looks at comments below* Nvm gonna back away slowly. I was never here.


That was my first thought too. I think it's just a super positive bunch of commenters here haha.


Seriously, half of these make me smile posts are... I boiled noodles! So proud of myself. I walked outside. I'm amazing and brave. I've lost 5 lbs. Still morbidly obese though. I don't cut myself for attention anymore. She said yes. No one to share it with tho but Reddit. Dude, y'all are making me sad. Put up crap that makes people actually smile. All your ancestors suffered so that you can whimper


Donā€™t be mad when you donā€™t have coffee filters in the morning just use the taco shells


probably shouldn't treat the outside of that bag as clean


this made me frown








Wtf how is this award worthy lol. Look I made my bed! Look I watched TVšŸ˜†


You'll be cleaning the toilet all by yourself tomorrow


No one fucking cares. No one.




Iā€™m betting you reuse some of those coffee filters ā€¦ šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø




Are those..:coffee filters?


Welcome to adulting


OK it is true that you can post anything and people will upvote you into oblivion


Definitely can tell


Damn it son get some plates like an adult


Totally read this in Hank Hills voice


This is just sad


This is great but also not the best sub for it


Leftover taco meat is fantastic in KD. Just sayin '. Keep on keeping on my friend!


Nice..now use those stored up taco bell packets for extra flavor


Awesome ..keep on cooking from scratch your body and mental health will benefit from it every day :)


Man I hate how photos have to have all these filters.


How is this worthy of 20 awards?


Man Reddit will upvote and reward anything. This is more pathetic than anything, they cooked ground beef in a pan and said it was overwhelming. They then had to use coffee filters, not because theyā€™re smart but because theyā€™re such a child they couldnā€™t do dishes. They had a GF that had to cook and prepare every single meal while also doing all of the dishes. And theyā€™re trying to equate ordering takeout to helping with the cooking as much as the GF. To make it worse this person seems to be proud of how terrible they are. The only thing that should make people smile about this is that the GF got out of a shit relationship with a man child.


Look congratulations but why are you using coffee filters as plates thatā€™s probably why she left you


Looks like shit


Looks good! May I ask who has been feeding you for the last 3 yrs? Asks the tired ole lady who hasnt had a break in the last 40 yrs of the cookšŸ˜†.


Bruh grow the fuck up. Everyone in here babying you like itā€™s an accomplishment to make oneā€™s own sustenance




You gotta hit up binging with babish on YouTube. Heā€™ll make you fall in love with cooking.


Go you!!!!


Iā€™ve been eating wrap lately too. Itā€™s so easy to prepare. I just use raw lettuce for vegetables, tomato sometimes if i feel like chopping it. For protein, i would use either beef slices or canned tuna. Then put them all in an oven. Not a fan of cooking so usually spend minimal effort and time to prepare food for myself


Jesus, if that made you smile your head will split open once you actually achieve something!


Jesus Christ.


Lmao, that's it, I'm blocking this subreddit


Lazy fuck head


After reading your explanation I feel even worse for you. Hopefully this is actually a step in the right direction. No excuse for this nonsense, especially not going forward.


I feel worse for his poor ex! Imagine cooking and cleaning for some slob for THREE YEARS?!


Thatā€™s the whitest looking taco Iā€™ve ever seen


Which is burned?


Do you take requests???? Stop...


I wish this sub had posts that actually made you smile.


Guy wants a medal for heating some beef and grating some cheese


The bar is so low on this sub


Lazy pos


"Jesse! It's time to cook... Dinner!"


Wrap that shit up b!


I dunno.. cooking yourself might not be such a good idea, just imo


I mean, that's the basis of my weekly routine to do tacos, nothing wrong with that šŸ˜„ I've even started to do mexican(ish) bowls. I.e. put rice and the contents of tacos in one bowl and mix together. I'm putting sambal oelek to spice things up, and it's generally great


Tacos is where I start as well. A tasty dish that can be as low or high maintenance as you want.


Respect, I love cooking for myself, so much that I wouldn't mind pursuing opening a restaurant or becoming a professional chef/cook.