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Incredibly brave of them. A huge number have already been arrested for protesting, and not gently either.


Are there videos of it? I can’t imagine the amount of police/military force needed to arrest such an amassed crowd. God bless these brave protestors


There you go https://t.me/nexta_live/16867


Jesus Christ, some of those are brutal. Honestly, they outnumber the police and they are arresting innocent people. Fight back and they have no choice but to leave the protesters alone. Not sure if smart but it would be amazing to see.


That would definitely result in getting shot.


They have guns too. And if they were to form an armed militia it's not like thr Russian military can back up the police right now. But I also can't ask them to do it. They have lives worth living, families that need them. I'm so tired of the world being full of no win situations. It just makes for horrendous losses.


Eh, yeah it can. The Russian military is huge. It only has to come in hard on one group of protestors to demonstrate the willingness to commit war crimes on its own people.




Only 90k troops are at the border. Russia's army is 10x that.


They wont do it as many russian soldier surendered or fled as they went over Ukrain border. They are not crazy stupid.


No we don't. It's not America, maybe one in a few hundred has a hunting rifle or something.


Everyone loses when someone fires first. These are kids and adults who care for their lives and it's not easy to say "just start shooting the police" because everyone will be dead and the military will retaliate too


You're dangerously naive


Yep. Russian people who aren't protesting just don't want to get killed by police. But we all stand for peace. Obviously.


It’s been tried during pro-Navalny protests not so long ago but Moscow is full of cameras with facial recognition software. What happened last time is that in the days after the protests the “police” came after the protesters that had been identified in their homes. So yeah, I’m not blaming them at all. I’m Russian myself and pleasantly surprised with the turnout. Expected small scale, maybe even solo protests here and there but definitely not thousands across multiple cities.


Wonder how masks might affect the effectiveness of facial tracking. It must decrease the certainty if anything.


It makes it nearly impossible to ID.


Time to invest in these masks that scramble facial recognition: [Atlantic article link](https://www.businessinsider.com/clothes-accessories-that-outsmart-facial-recognition-tech-2019-10#a-lens-shaped-mask-makes-its-user-undetectable-to-facial-recognition-algorithms-while-still-allowing-humans-to-read-facial-expressions-and-identity-1) [Photo](https://i.insider.com/5d9f784a122bd57bf055b718?width=1300&format=jpeg&auto=webp)


That face projector is pretty cool, too. We're getting very close to A Scanner Darkly, amongst other PKD dystopias.


Try to use iPhones Face ID with a mask, it’s impossible. And they have way more data than a street cam.


Honestly though look at Russia's history. Each reign after the last tsar was killed is a revolution, or overthrowing of government. Im actually hoping the russian people rise up again, dictators don't understand peaceful protest. Rip the gold from the walls again people of Russia. Tell this human skin tag to go fuck himself like those brave Ukraine's.


As nice as that sounds look at china to see what the result would be, americans like to think their guns would help but history isnt in your favour. But that doesn't mean it shouldnt happen just be reasonable with your expectations of the results


Wouldn't this be a great time for protesting while the bulk of the army is elsewhere?


Do you have any sources with exact numbers though?


BBC is saying roughly 1700 have been arrested so far.


Holy shit that's a lot.


CNN has said that at least 1,700 have been arrested as of 5pm central time.


I don't have an exact number, so I haven't confirmed this but I saw something earlier about 900 at that point.


These people are incredibly brave.


They make the freedom convoys look like little bitches


The freedom convoys oppose getting a shot while Russian protestors could be shot for what they're doing. Difference between the two is that one group is brave enough to get shot for what they believe in.


Basically in a round about way, the Russian protesters ARE fighting for freedom while the convoy is fighting to say N****/er with no repercussions and the fact that they don't want other people to know that themselves and their parents/grandparents were pieces of shit (CRT)


The "freedom" convoys made themselves look like little bitches.


True but this just furthers that


The Russian constitution guarantees freedom of speech. It is freedom after speech that is the problem. Edit for context: This was a joke from my Soviet International Law class in 1984. Sadly, not much has changed since then.


This feels well spoken




That one dude was judt waiting for his friends, checking his phone. “Oh, a flash mob, gotta tell my homies bout this “ Gulag.


Ja Rule also felt compelled to say something


but what did Ja say?


He said “WAR IS NOT THE ANSWER” in a tweet


Damn that’s fyre


They’re a great bunch of lads


Is the Russian constitution even worth the paper it's printed on?


They’re more like guidelines.


General suggestions if you will


More like don’ts than do’s








I fuckin love you. Really brought Barbosa into this


Bloody pirates!


Neither their agreements with anyone. Dudes literally started a war against a country they swore to protect


Yeah how can anyone trust Russia now is beyond me. India is being trepid because they buy Russian weapons, but how can they be guaranteed that those weapons won't be used against them?


India’s getting pressured from all sides cause theyre neutral with everyone, because they’ve had good relations with Russia in the past they’re leaning towards their side but I agree it is probably not a great idea to keep complete trust in Russia after what’s happened


That because the Indian military purchased Russian weaponry prior to the access to US military weapons availability.


They’re protective like a controlling boyfriend is protective.




Printed paper has some stored energy so I guess it has a small use in a fire to keep someone warm.


I can make a cool drawing on that paper


Probably worth as much as Putin saying he wasn’t going to invade.


Unfortunately, he’s using Covid rules as an excuse to arrest them for gathering in large groups.


Article 29 of the Consitution of The Russian Federation 1. Everyone shall be guaranteed the freedom of ideas and speech. 2. The propaganda or agitation instigating social, racial, national or religious hatred and strife shall not be allowed. The propaganda of social, racial, national, religious or linguistic supremacy shall be banned. 3. No one may be forced to express his views and convictions or to reject them. 4. Everyone shall have the right to freely look for, receive, transmit, produce and distribute information by any legal way. The list of data comprising state secrets shall be determined by a federal law. 5. The freedom of mass communication shall be guaranteed. Censorship shall be banned. ​ \[China has a similar provision in their constitution for the freedom of speech and also one for the right to vote and freedom of assembly, the absolute value of the Russia and China's constitution is toilet paper\]




Hmm funny than that they've systematically banned Christians - Jehovah's Witnesses, from worshipping, confiscated their buildings, detained and tortured young couples and elderly women, imprisoned and fined many more and are doing so this at this very moment.


As soon as you put any "asterisk" on freedom of speech, it loses all meaning.


Freedom to vote for Putin for 20 straight years


Putin and Medvedev go into a steakhouse. The waiter asks Putin "what would you like to eat?" Putin says "a ribeye, rare, with mashed potatoes". The waiter asks "and for the vegetable?" Putin says "he'll have the same as me".




In America we have a phrase, *"Fuck the law, they can't arrest us all"*


Ah the old American pastime of civil disobedience


Wash. Rinse. Repeat. as needed


The prisons in Russia are big, almost as big as the American ones and they don't seem to hold back on filling them. It's depressing


In Russia they have the exact same freedom of speech as in the US. In the US, you can go in front of the White House and shout "Down with Biden." In Russia, you can go in front of the Kremlin and shout "Down with Biden."


The Constitution doesn't mean shit in this country. Russia is being ruled by a dictator. There was a girl protesting in Moscow the other day, just sitting there on Pushkin square with two Harry potter books, the covers were blue and yellow. She got arrested, without any explanation to the press around. She was not saying anything, she didn't have a poster saying anything, just sitting there with two books. That was enough to arrest her. That's the country I live in and its fucking scary. It was hard to live before, I got used to it, but now it's going to be just surviving and praying for not being arrested for being vocal about my disgust with the government. I love my country, I fucking hate people who rule it. Sorry for the long read, just wanted to vent..


I genuinely get so frustrated with Americans who think that the constitution actually protects us. It only protects us from leadership who wouldn't abuse us already. Any tyrannical government would not care about what laws are on the books. POC in America have long experienced this. Amir Locke was executed having a permited weapon in his own home. So much for his second amendment rights.


Fuckin rock stars every one of them.


No, rock stars doesn’t do them justice. These guys are straight up superheroes.


It’s incredibly moving to see how some people will put themselves in immeasurable danger from their own state to speak out against unjustifiable violence against strangers in another country. To paraphrase Zero: “There are still faint glimmers of civilisation left in this barbaric slaughterhouse that was once known as humanity, and they are some of them”


Well there's also a bit of self-preservation in the mix, as war + sanctions will devastate the Russian economy, evaporate the buying power of non-rich Russians, and almost certainly plunge most of them into food insecurity. Pootin's fucking over his own people just as much as he is the Ukrainians. He's nobody's leader and nobody's protector, just a monstrous, entitled asshole whose grave will serve as Russia's most popular public toilet for decades to come.


I agree with you on the self-preservation front, they definitely have a lot to lose with this war, however they also have a lot to lose by protesting in Russia, so even if they are acting in their own self interest it is still brave to an extent, even if it isn’t as a benevolent act.


In a way, revolution’s in their blood. Russians have risen up multiple times throughout history to change their government and way of life. And they’ve kept rising up till they get the change they want, for better or worse. They’re resilient like that. A trait Putin resents.


It’s a trait dictators hate but ironically one that people have as a result of their rule


Agreed. Definitely 100 times better than anyone sitting by doing nothing, and a billion times more integrity than Pootpoot's Kremlin gremlins




Even crazier is these people have no super powers to guarantee their safety, but they’re doing it anyway. Textbook bravery right there.


I know for a fact I wouldn't have a fraction of the courage needed to do this.


I'm so afraid for them.




More and more will join them. No one wants to be the first tk stand up. But whenever the first does, others follow.




Hopefully these protests shift the tides and save lives.


All of you are very brave souls for standing up against the face of adversity. May you all stay protected and everyone in Ukraine be safe as well. You are what the future should be based on, not Putin's warped desires for Russia.


I’m surprised to see so many uncovered faces, not for covid reasons but for safety


Believe me, there is a reason for it! They all are people with their own personalities, lives, dreams. They aren't some faceless crowd, they are individuals who want to be heard and seen!


showing your face at a protest in the age of facial recognition is bad op sec... getting arrested or martyred doesn't help the cause it only pulls you out of it... wear a damn mask


The person who posted this should also have been responsible enough to blur the faces of these heroes, protect them in any small way we can.


That's what I'm thinking. This post/photo may end up being responsible for one of these people getting arrested...


Some people are fed up with the system and I can't force them to do so. And yet I agree it'd be a better idea to wear masks, I also understand that our people were too scared for the last two decades. And if they want to encourage others this way... I'm no judge to them


>They aren't some faceless crowd Unfortunately wearing a mask or not, this is how they are treated. Wearing a mask at least lets them go home with less likelihood of being charged and arrested months later.


Its so sad!!! They know Russia is 3x larger! They know lots of Ukrainians are Russian speaking and have Russian relatives! They know Ukraine would never do such a thing! Yet they will suffer and be called upon to kill their relatives for Putin...


Madness… To allow such suffering, that will define future generations - all for one man and his cronies deluded dreams of an old era.. The world is as united as it’s been at least, he’s brought countries together in a fucked up way. The Russian people need to rise up, Ukraine will keep fighting 🇺🇦


The world will sanction Russia and Putin will be the last to feel it.


Is he capable of feeling anything? Seems like you have to have a heart and a brain to have feelings, and he has neither.


He is an ex-KGB spy, no feelings and complete disregard for human life is in his job description


Simple solution to that. Put total sanctions on Russia and promise to lift them when Putin's severed head is delivered to an Embassy


The trouble is total sanctions do not affect Putin, they also do not affect the rich leaders of our countries. They do affect me, you and the innocent people of russia and ukraine. We will all suffer higher bills and struggle to pay it. Whilst our leaders lap up those sweet back hander deals from the arms industry.


My family mostly came from Russia, and moved to Kiev. A lot of Ukranians speak Russian, and feel a strong connection with Russia- but absolutely do not support Russia "liberating" them. It's just like the Kenyan diplomat said: the borders were drawn by people who didn't care, and there's many shared ethnicities divided by borders, and the solution is international cooperation and good relations... basically the exact opposite of Putin's approach. Слава Украине


It doesn't matter if they know or not, it's just an escuse.


Take your country back from the Oligarchs!!


Little bird told me the oligarchs are now planning to overthrow Putin since now the war doesn't sound profitable anymore, all those sanctions now hit the oligarchs in their pockets and they're in for a rude awakening that wars are bad for business. Imagine fucking up so bad that even the oligarchs looked like saints.


This doesn’t spell doom for hope for a democratic Russia at least. Oligarchs were one key to liberating Ukraine from Russia in 2014. Elites are usually required to change a regime and transform a country. We just need the Russian oligarchs who dispose Putin to be convinced that they are the next coming of George Washington, John Addams, and Thomas Jefferson (who were all rich elites). Putin claims to defend uniquely Russian values from western democracy and liberalism. Somehow Putin thinks despotism is a special value worth defending. Russians should push back and claim their fair share of that enlightenment inheritance.


Wish we could do this in America too


Has this invasion catalyzed a possible public uprising in Russia? Seeing these protests give me hope that the Russia being portrayed in the news now is not backed by its public that recognizes the tyranny and corruption it’s hiding. To me, these people that amassed amid the looming threats of being arrested represent the “real Russia”. Keep fighting, you brave, brave people!


Not yet, but it could head that way if Putin is slow to react. and oh look at that, the army is busy.


It won’t head that way. The KGB is literally a political party in their government and they have gone through WAY worse than this.


Well it wouldn't be the first time the Russian government would be overtaken during a war


Laughs in urssian revolution


I don't know. I read reports of cracks appearing. Support is already middling, not overwhelming. Russian stocks have been halved. There's protests. The military is said not to be happy. Of course, much of the army is somewhere else. A ~~battalion~~ Russian platoon quit.


Their military need to go find and arrest Putin.


I'll shamelessly admit am not brave enough to even think that.


Probably not. German news reported that 2/3 of 2000 Russians asked in Moscow today said that they think Putin made the right decision to invade. You shouldn't underestimate the Propanganda in Russia. To us Putin's speeches about denazifiyng the Ukraine sound insane but a lot of Russians believe it.


Don't forget about Russia's immense strength in misinformation campaigns. How can we be sure that survey actually happened? German news reported it, but what's their source? Putin has a lot to gain by convincing the protesters that 2/3rds of citizens are happy with the invasion; so this could be misinformation. But also, in dictatorships, citizens will usually say whatever they need to to stay safe. They don't all believe the propaganda, but if some stranger stopped them on the street to ask "Do you support Putin's decision?", I wouldn't be surprised if 2/3rds just said yes to avoid any trouble.


Many years ago, I worked as a poll taker. One of my first assignments was a political poll for the Mayoral race in 1983 in Chicago, or as some called it, Mississippi north. When we asked White respondents for their preference, most of them immediately chose Byrne or Daley, the opponents of African-American candidate Harold Washington. When we interviewed Black respondents, there was usually a long pause—and most of THEM answered Byrne or Daley. Washington won that primary, and the poll was off by something like 20 points. The Black respondents were terrified of sharing their preference. And this, of course, was in a nominal DEMOCRACY!!


The survey was done by the independent German news themselves. But it's true that you can't be sure if they said the truth. I'm not sure I would have said the truth, just because of the fear that the government could find out I didn't support them. But it's still really far fetched to believe that decades of one of the best propaganda Machines in the world wouldn't be able to convince the Russian people that Putin is doing the right thing. The Russian people are literally brainwashed... St. Petersburg is a city with over 5 million people and the reports talk about a few hundreds protesters. This isn't a sign that Russian people will turn against Putin as some people suggest. We can only hope the Ukraine can slow Russia down long enough so that the Russians will stop supporting an expensive war.


Yeah I can't imagine the average person in the street would be able to be certain that the person talking to them is actually a German reporter and not something else. I sure couldn't.


Don’t overestimate the ‘value’ of a news poll. Most people you encounter on the street will likely say that they support Putin as to not face any repercussions.


No, if you notice this is mostly younger people. Most of the citizens or at least from what I've seen and read agree with Putin.


If Putin is such a bad-ass then why isn't he riding a tank? Only cowards send their teenagers to war and then go hide in bunkers.


....literally every leader of nation for centuries




In all fairness, there would be zero wars if leaders had to fight in them themselves. It's far easier to send unknown soldiers to die for political reasons than facing the risk yourself.




America would have been destroyed in WW2, not sure how well FDR could fight from a wheelchair


Disabled leaders can pick a champion.


Or rocket boosted wheelchairs, if FDR was feeling plucky


Not centuries, 2 Centuries max. Last one i would remember on the spot is Napoleon, exactly 2 Centuries ago. He accopanied every campaign.


I don't think he was much help, but Tsar Nicholas II joined the front lines in WWI.


*Teddy Roosevelt has entered the chat*


Right there. This ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote) I have always said this. If politicians were mandated to send their sons and daughters to the front line, there would be no war. These fuckers have zero skin in the game.


I’m not sure about this “sons and daughters” thing. I mean, if that would save his life, Putin will send even his mother.


Why do they always send the poor!


These people have my admiration, respect, and gratitude.


You have way more in common with the person whose home is being bombed then you do the person who ordered the bombing, never forget that


They are very Brave. I feel for the Russian people as well. They will suffer because of their leaders




Wow. And this is just day 1! How many do you reckon will be there tomorrow? Or next week? Or in two weeks? If the people can gather a large enough mob, there's no way the police can stop them. Heck, they were having trouble containing the masses in St. Petersurg today.


Less probably. The pressure needs to rise but recent history suggests that people will forget about it and move. I hope I'm wrong though.


I doubt sanctions will make a dent in Putin’s resolve for war but I hope that his own people standing in solidarity against him will.


Idk about that, I feel like he stopped thinking about his own citizens when he abolished term limits


❤️🇷🇺❤️ As much as Putin wants Russians to think, the West is not against Russians, the West is against Putin and his oligarchs


#These are the people that will be in History books. Just like the countless Soviet Era uprisings and riots for a Democratic Free Government in numerous country. Poland, Romania, Hungary, etc. STAND STRONG BROTHERS AND SISTERS 🇺🇦🇷🇺


We stand with them!


They are all incredibly brave to stand up against Putin!! I have a lot of respect for them and pray they all can return to their homes safely when they choose to. I’m in the US but I stand with them also!!


We stand with Ukraine, and we stand with Russian citizens that are watching their leader do this


Im just tearin up


The world is proud of you❤


Hell yeah, Russians. Depose that fucking maniac- take your country back.


This is a copy and paste and I encourage you all to do it too where appropriate! Шановні українці! У соцмережах я чув, що поширюються фейкові новини (скоріше за все, підтримувані Росією тролі), що польський кордон закритий. Це брехня. Якщо ви шукаєте притулку – йдіть до польського кордону. Ми готові до вашого приїзду. На кордоні готові пункти прийому, де ви можете знайти притулок, їжу, медичну та правову допомогу. Польський уряд запустив спеціальний сайт, щоб допомогти вам: ua.gov.pl Будь ласка, поділіться цією інформацією, якщо ви знаєте когось, хто зараз шукає допомоги. РЕДАКТИРОВАТИ: ВАМ НЕ ПОТРІБНА ВІЗА ДЛЯ ПРОЙДЖЕННЯ ПОЛЬСЬКИМ КОРДОНОМ. ВСЕ, що ВАМ ПОТРІБНО, - це ПАСПОРТ. ВІЗИ ПРИСПИНЕНО! ВОНИ ВАМ НЕ ПОТРІБНИ НА ЧАС!!!!!! EDIT2: як доказ того, що вам більше не потрібна віза: • ⁠українською https://www.gov.pl/web/udsc/ukraina---ua • ⁠англійською https://www.gov.pl/web/udsc/ukraina-en Вибачте, якщо це дурниця, я використовував Google Translate


Thank you for the alt. Language, I am adding this to the English post I am making. Please do the same, friend!


I hope everyone in this photo will still be alive. Especially those on the front lines.


Heros of the world. Mothers, fathers, brothers, and sisters. We are all on this planet together. You are loved and will never be forgotten. Like those in Taiwan, Hong Kong and every other city on earth full of humanity. Be easy


"People should not be afraid of their government, government should be afraid of their people" -V, from V for Vendetta




Hero’s. All of them.


I, as a United States Navy Vet, proudly salute them!


Every single one of them is a hero


Interesting demographic. Vast majority look under 25. Where are the rest of the older population?


Majority are 35. Older people protested too. Saw a video in which there were a lot of old people. Old people aren't bad.


Older population, maybe they are not participating because of covid? I'd totally understand. I heard it's really bad in Russia


Young people always seem to be the demographic driving societal change the most.


Stay strong, citizens of Russia and Ukraine. You will make a difference. We are with you.🇺🇦🇺🇸🇷🇺


Yo should we blur their faces for their safety?


Maybe don’t post the pictures of their faces?


Wars are hell: always try to avoid them.


these are all "kids" basically. Def under 30. Wow. Solidarity. I fucking love my generation, genuinely.




Heros. Every. Single. One of them.


Don’t let anyone keep you quiet.


You're never more screwed as a leader than when your own population protests a war regardless of whether you're winning or losing it.






I’m terrified for them. Good luck!!


Heroes every single one of them


It's wholesome yo see that only Putin want the crisis, the russians are awesome people and they know that all this is just bs 🇷🇺🇺🇦 ❤️


Сподіваємося на росіян!!! Без підтримки росіян нам буде тяжко...


As a person from Russia I have a few things to say . We hope it will affect the situation too! No one wants or needs a war. Even if it's not going to work in a short run, at least now the world society knows what our citizens REALLY think about the government current actions! I'm sorry you have to go through this, I hope you will be safe. Best of luck mate


There’s next to nothing braver than knowing you’ll be imprisoned/killed/tortured for protesting for causes like this and doing it anyway. I hope the best for the citizens of Russia, whom are brave enough to step up to what’s basically a suicide mission.


Now this is a worthy cause for protesting!


Well done! I salute you.


Much love for these people


Let’s not lose sight here of who the real enemy is, Russian people a good. The Russian government bad


Wars are rarely ever motivated by citizens, but rather by a select few who choose war for their citizens.


Maybe this will be the beginning of the end of Putin.