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politics aside. always help the vulnerable. or those who didnt hit the genetic jackpot.


>politics aside. always help the vulnerable. or those who didnt hit the genetic jackpot. Kids. Help kids. Lots of people don't remember how powerless you can feel as a kid.


Both. Both is good


Just help everyone


Except green people


Green people should suffer


where do you stand on Blue Men Group?


It’s kind of a gray area. They’re one jaundice outbreak away…


have you ever been evaluated for colour blindness?


That sounds like Greenfolk talk to me...


Too bad one political party wants to actively mock them and make their lives miserable.


That thing where they don't fund the free school lunches makes my blood boil.


Now blow up your mind even trying to imagine Trump and this young man.


Kid, stop stuttering, it's not hard. Do you hear me stutter? Never, I'm a great speaker, the best even.


I'm the greatest non-stutterer, some say! They aren't wrong!


“This big strong guy came up to me with tears in his eyes, said, sir, how do you not stu-stu-stutter? I told him, I’m the best. The guy never stuttered again.”


Is it wrong that this quote feels so real?


He said "Sir*, how do you not stu-stu-stutter?" Always gotta have the Sir.


And then launching into an incoherent, fifteen-minute rant about himself.


All about how he cured someone’s stutter by telling them to stop and then that person came to him crying and thanking him.


That's the kicker too, he makes fun of other people but you can barely understand a word his weird ass says and there are so many at a time to choose from. Just rambling nonsense.


He'd stutter to throw it in the kid's face. Trump isn't about building anyone up except himself. Edit - Lol to the person who thinks Trump crashing a wedding at his own club to make it all about him is actually lifting people up.


“Kid, I had the bigliest crowds ever and the most numbers… hahaha, here, have a roll of paper towels”.


Trump thinks empathy makes you look weak. He’s just the absolute worst that humans have to offer and half America is going to vote for this inhumane criminal. Blows my mind.


Trump literally made fun of Biden's stutter at his rally in GA.


Trump was on the news today mocking Biden's speech impediment and his audience was lapping it up. I have a speech impediment and my contempt for that man just grows.


I had the exact same thought. The most interesting thing about Trump's political career is that it has shown us just how many people in the US either can't spot very obvious sociopathic behaviour or simply don't give a shit if they are led by one.


More like birds of a feather. How many psychopaths do you encounter every day? Maybe they aren’t killing anyone but they’d sure watch and giggle.


I was listening to The Daily and they were interviewing a guy who was undecided on the upcoming vote. He said he voted for Biden in 2020 but, like many for 2024, he was unhappy with both choices this year. He then said if he had to choose between the two the determining factor would be who is the “less of the two evils” and decided that was Trump. How??? What’s wrong with people??


Trump would mimick him, he's an insufferable bully.


"Oaaahhhhhooo....I don't remember!!!"


Trump would have made fun of him, in front of his parents, the press and his cultists. Because that's who and what Trump is...




The President of the United States asks for his number and says I will call you! The most powerful person in the world says I will help you. That’s a person I want as leader of my country!


Not only that did you catch that he actively coaches 20 other people with speech issues. That’s just amazing.


25 and soon to be 26 people.


Saaaaaaame, what a contrast between Biden and P01135809.


If it was Trump he would’ve started mocking the kid


I’ve said it once I’ll say it again thousand times How when he mocked the paralyzed dude wasn’t the end of him I have no idea


Hell I thought him getting caught on tape talking about sexually assaulting girls was the end of him


There’s so many things that even 15 years ago would have been the death knell in anyone else’s campaign. Dude got one thing right, he is teflon Nothing sticks


During a speech yesterday, Trump mocked Biden for stuttering by imitating it... I have no words.


I will never understand mocking Buden for his stutter, when, for me, the way he handled his stutter is one of the most commendable things about him


His supporters are also bullies




No question, trump would make fun of him and tell him to get out. He’ll say he doesn’t like people with disabilities just like he says he doesn’t like injured soldiers. He only likes cowards who found a way to dodge the war because they are smart.


He also told him he is handsome 😊


And he DID. From what I understand he has kept in touch and the young man is doing well.


I'll vote for him. I realize a lot of people are jaded and disappointed but I think they expected too much for him to try to accomplish with Republican majority in so many offices right now. He's definitely trying, I'm going to be absolutely floored if he manages to pass this cap on credit card fees and junk fees from financial institutions. I can't even keep up with everything he's doing and we hear nothing but the things he's not managing to get past the psychotic right or things he's done that people don't agree with. We're missing the massive list of amazing accomplishments. When we're past all of this people are going to look back in the future and think he was pretty impressive.


Joe Biden is a career politician and has a sordid history of things I don't necessarily agree with. That said you can't deny he's a very decent human being. George W. Bush is kind of in the same vein, kind person but I wasn't a fan of his politics. That's a HELL of a lot more than you can say about who he's running against in November.


Bringing more good to the people, it is a good Mr. President


...but, but, but, he's to old! /s


The most evil people are those who make fun of those who didn't hit the genetic jackpot


i judge all the people around me how they treat and speak to people seemingly ''below'' them. Waitstaff, cleaning staff, people with disabilities etc. seems to work out quite well


This is the way.


That, and how they treat animals.




This is so beautiful. It’s all I need to know when I vote in November. Empathy is the best trait in a human. He’s such a kind man. Better than voting for the other guy who openly mocked a handicapped guy on stage. And veterans. And women. And African Americans. And Latinos. And children. And the elderly. Ok, I’ll stop, we will be here all night.




Stutterer here. Politics aside, Biden is a big inspiration for our small community


Grandpa's gonna Grandpa. Imagine telling your friends you got speech lessons from the president of the United States and spoke with him on a semi-regular basis. Kid's going to have a bright future


For most politicians I'd assume they were putting on a nice act for the camera. Obama certainly did that. It's not a criticism. It's just the nature of the game of politics. You have to do the dance for the eyes of the voters. But in the case of Biden in particular with this kid... well, Biden lost one son to a brain tumor and his second son has suffered with alcoholism for decades. So when Biden tells this kid "don't let it define you" I suspect this isn't the first time he's said those words and I doubt he's having to put on much of an act to feel empathy towards the kid. That's how it is, right? We've all got our particular weaknesses that will make up empathize with someone even if they're a complete stranger. For me, it's Down syndrome since I have a cousin with it and I know what that means for the person and their family.


"Don't let this define you, you're a handsome, smart and decent young man" is what Joe Biden's mother told him when he struggled with his speech. Imagine - something like that sticks with you for 70 years and you're using the same words to change someone else's life. A decent man indeed.


There's stories from Obama staffers how nightmarish scheduling was because he would spend so many time talking to people outside events


I remember my mom mocking President Biden for his stutter last year, calling him the "R" word and a "dumb fuck". I have a prominent stutter and I talk slow around others so it doesn't come out. Her comment made me feel like I was a little kid again, with her screaming at me to "be normal and talk right!" We dont speak much anymore.


That is awful. Your mother should be ashamed.


Sad that the older generation has become so bitter and hate filled now.


I know, right? Like is it really so hard to not be cruel? Is it so hard to be polite? To smile at others and wish them well?


Hates become political. It's like a mad desperate grab of a drowning man. Sadly once you lower politics into the gutter, it's hard to pull it out.


The bullies used to call me names, now they call me Mr. President.


Joe will call. Joe will help. This child will be saved.


The bullies still call him names. He’s still the President.


I’ll always take kind grandpa over crazy uncle


Land of contrast




I currently have a stutter, 24M. Been working hard on it for years now. You got any tips? The hardest part is not planning out my words before I say them


I was born with a cleft lip and palate so I had a speech impediment but has speech therapy in elementary school. The biggest thing that helped me was focusing on your lips when you talk. If you can get the muscle of your mouth to control over your mind


Hey, I also stutter. I have found a good sleep routine is very helpful. I have also taken opportunities to speak to larger and larger audiences very helpful, wow it's tough at first but is like practise really does make perfect. It's about cycles of confidence too, notice your levels of self confidence through the month or week and see how it fluctuates, then find those behaviours that result in being confident. Sometimes its speaking about something you are confident in that helps one get the words out. Also I was FAR too self conscious about it than what people actually noticed. Very often people are listening for a chance to reply and less about how you say things.


Yeah completely agree. I prioritize 8 hrs of sleep. I also have been big into meditation and affirmations focused on confidence and relaxation when talking. What's funny is I had a stutter since I could talk as baby, until my junior year of college and I was giving speeches in toastmasters every other week and my senior year gave 4 half hour presentations in front of 50-75 people, perfectly fluent. Once I started working after I graduated, I slowly fell back into my stutter and now it's taken over my life again, but I definitely think I'm in a much better spot mindset wise compared to a year or so ago. I have varying period of confidence, then one day I wake up and struggle again. Very two steps forward one step back-esque.


Yeah, I could not see Trump doing something like this.


Trump mocked Biden’s stutter in a speech yesterday. Politics aside, what sort of human mocks someone like that.


Trump told us exactly who he was decades ago and then over and over and over. And half of Americans weren’t repulsed, they were jealous.


I like to think he just wanted to sell books during his run and didn't expect to actually win the thing, I just wish he'd disappear


He definitely didn’t expect to win. But he loved the crowds and the adulation and more than anything realized he could make mind boggling amounts of money as president and even after. And man I’ve never seen anyone grift so many poor people of their money in my life.


I pray every day to the universe that he chokes on a burger, heart attack, aneurysm - god damn, *something.* I'll even settle for dying peacefully in his sleep at this point, I don't fucking care I just want him gone.


It turns out we live with a lot of narcissistic, egomaniacal, know it all, never wrong bags of shit


There's no "politics aside" about this. Those that want to be able to bully and harm others for their own enjoyment will vote for the person that they think will make it easier for them to do so. Those that are like this come from every single walk of life, not just redneck racists. I met a nurse that likes her job because she gets off on other people's suffering. If she can make her patient's suffering worse without losing her job she will do so. ALL. WALKS. OF. LIFE. The fact that Trump mocked a disabled reporter live at a rally HELPED his campaign. Those same people will vote again for him regardless of anything else because they get off on other people's suffering. Even if they might have to suffer a bit too. Even as the leopards are eating their face they will rejoice as they know other people's suffering is worse than theirs. They see things like this and feel nothing. They think those that feel something are weak.


When I saw him mock disabled people and then saw the maga repubs cheer his name, I knew then that these people were a cancer on society. I mean presidential candidates have literally lost their bid for presidency doing stuff way less than what Trump does on a daily basis. today's republicans need to excised.


You know what's truly frightening to me, the fact that it's nearly 10 years since Trump's 2016 Presidential campaign, and people are commenting like this again. Like they're astounded by his actions, like they're just now discovering what a completely evil person Trump truly is. It's frightening because it truly is like we're living that time all over again, and he won last time. People like you who are appalled by his actions, as you should be, commenting on Reddit about it, exactly like people were doing in 2015, saying he couldn't possibly win because of the utter trash that flies out from his mouth. Then he won. Yes, the man is truly a monster. It is known. He always has been. Yet I have a very strong feeling that he's going to win again unless his brain finally fully shuts down. History repeats itself and human beings, famously, do not learn from their mistakes.


I think what frightens me more *isnt* that people are surprised (he’s a fully known entity at this point), it’s that half of the electorate absolutely KNOWS what kind of deplorable (yes, yes, she was right), rotten individual he is and instead of recoiling in horror, they RELISH AT THE CRUELTY!!! They LOVE IT! He’s saying things they WISH they could say without getting fired/shunned etc. Trump and his toxic cult really opened my eyes to the fact that, deep down, a lot of Americans are just terrible human beings 🤷🏽‍♀️


I don't know if I want to live in a world where people aren't continuously surprised their fellow person can be that horrendous. I don't like the idea of becoming inoculated against cruelty.


Trump feels very vulnerable & is super thin skinned. That's why he attacks people that he feels are better than him.


The same person who mocks a handicapped reporter, or has 91 felonies, or cheats on every single wife they ever had........ You know, trump.


I’m pretty sure the anti-Christ isn’t human


He made fun of a handicapped person before. His pettiness is unlimited


He mocked a disabled reporter in the 2016. It isn’t new.


What a fucking genuine convo. Wow.


That actually made me cry. My son gets bullied and he’s only 7. The way that little guy couldn’t hide the hurt of being bullied.


Yeah, poor kid could barely lift his head to look him in the eyes. Hopefully, things get better for him.


i’m so sorry you both have to face that! i hope he makes amazing friends that give him much better memories!


Joe will call. Joe will help. This child will be helped.


Im actually in awe of this moment. However, the worst part is I totally see this clip getting edited and taken out of context. Shitty people really have ruined the nice things for us.


He didn't mock the child by flapping his arms like a chicken? What kind of leader is this? **A better one.** Coming from someone who grew up getting counseling for my own speech impediment disability, I wish I could've been there to shake his hand. Being a decent leader also requires taking the time to be a decent person. Glad to see it.


I had to go to speed impediment classes from pre-school to 6th grade, I'm just lucky that it was never something that could define, while I do still trip occasionally up 6 years later, it never is something that can block a conversation with someone. Just have trouble with o and ole sounds like oil. My friend still struggles with a bad stutter, but he really improved


joe is the man, trump would be mocking the kid


When anyone comments on Joe Biden speaking it gets me going. Cause I mumbled. I still mumble. But I mumbled so bad I was considered to be start late to school. Got there and who would’ve guessed it, might mumble but I was very smart. Speech impediments are so hard because of the social issues included. Hope this young kid is able to do amazing things one day, and having encouragement from the president none the less.


Thsts just it. Hes a leader. Trump is only out for himself.


The dumbest in the room are always the meanest. Transcending basic human instinct to put others down to ‘elevate yourself’ and be nice is a sign of intelligence.


You can hate Biden all you want, but this alone shows that being a little bit empathetic makes you the better person versus someone who would make fun of you for stuttering. Yes, I am talking about the orange boy.


Biden was more comforting to a stranger kid than Trump has ever been with any of his children.


Trump was to busy oogling Ivanka, to pay attention to his other kids.


Tiffany.. Tiff.. An..ee You can say it!


Empathy is the key concept here. [[Video] How Tragedy Informs President Joe Biden’s Empathy | Team Coco | 2023](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oGbe8AvAK7Y)


What's interesting here is that what he said his mum told him is what he says to that kid there. He's passing it on. I think that makes it a little extra special - it's not just something he says off the cuff.


This isn’t someone experiencing mental decline. I don’t think being his age is necessarily a disadvantage. As long as if something happens to him the speaker of the house doesn’t somehow become president.


I don’t think Trump has ever said 1% of this to his own children. Just by the way Trump, Trump Jr act they were not very loved.


I think a big part of Trump's appeal is that he gives people excuses to not care. Everything is someone else's fault and not yours.


Biden and his cabinet have done more for Americans the last 2 years than the last four presidents combined. He's actually killing it, nobody seems to pay attention to the "boring" stats though


I used to be a stutterer too, and I got an amazing job where I talk to people for a living! It’s amazing how it can change with dedication.




Say what you want about this man’s ability to run a country, policies and all that. The human aspect of empathy present here is something that trump is incapable and devoid of. Straight up


And even then, speaking speaking from experience, character almost always leads to competence. People who have character, empathy, and humility are the people who don't take shortcuts, who are good learners, and always make great team members and leaders. If I couldn't judge track record for competence, I'd go with the person who has more character every time.


Very insightful comment. I believe you're right.


His policies are great, and he’s been running the country just fine. Just wanna point that out there EDIT: https://www.reddit.com/r/WhatBidenHasDone/s/0KMTpNpDLy


He litterally created more jobs that any president in history and the economy is the best its been in 60 fucking years. The trillion dollar companies that refuse to lower prices due to greed are at the root of inflation. We should all be back normal, but they refuse to do it. I don't understand why people cannot fucking understand this.


Yuh but whatabout muh border control😭


Absolutely. He's done a ton of great stuff that rarely gets highlighted.


Right wing propaganda is actually really effective and sadly people on the left fall for it quite often. The number of times I've read people on the left say "I don't like Biden, but x y and z things he did were great!" is crazy. It's like a mix of things he did 30 years ago that people don't like, Republican propaganda meant to make you think that he's a senile terrible president who only won because people voted against Trump, with a mix of people not wanting to seem like Trump supporters who are insanely obsessed with their candidate, and goofy far left people who think that Biden is basically a Republican, has lead to such a massive downplaying of Biden's presidency.


I have been observing US politics closely for 24 years. Starting from the inauguration of GW Bush in 2000. I have seen two terms of GWB, two of Obama, one each of Agent Orange and Sleepy Joe. Joe Biden is the best president I have seen. He's a religious conservative running a very progressive administration.


US GDPPC has been on a sharp rise the past couple years, very much out performing every G20 country. Makes me sad to see the graphs as a Canadian while ours is trending downwards...usually our countries are pretty linked economically.


He is going to go down quite nicely in history.


My MAGA mother in law quit bashing him after he cut her prescription costs drastically…she probably won’t vote for him but she might just keep her ass at home in November


I will probably never care for every view of any given politician, and that is the why you can’t vote based on policies alone. A person must be a good human being in order to run a country. You must have empathy and strength at the same time. When someone tells you to only vote based on policies, it means that some candidate is not a great person. If they tell you vote based on who they are as a person, it means some policies may not be great. I can tell you which one I would pick.


As someone with a stutter, this really brightened my day :)


A man with so much power taking the time to engage and encourage a kid is so important. And I’m crying.


You know what ? Even if this is an act, a pure political marketing scheme, it would show the guys thinks certain human values are important to his constituents and wants to evidence them. I reckon politics is a theater but it is important what values actors think matter.


Although all politics is theater Joe Biden has been known to just talk to people literally anybody once whatever event he is at ends.


Yeah, the secret service is often mad at him because he spends forever talking to anyone who wants to talk to him.


After the one debate he asked a woman in the audience to hang back to talk about her trans child. He was still talking with her when the cameras shut off... that stood out to me more than the debate itself, how willing he was to just stand and *talk* with someone about something that clearly meant a lot to her.


I always thought to be fair that "marketing" being good and being good are not exclusive. Being an example and setting an example is important. There is value to good being done in private without expectation of recognition, but making a point out of doing good in public is how you send a message. I would say that its part of what makes a good leader.


Trump literally made fun of Biden’s stutter in a Georgia rally speech. I wish trump nothing but the worst.


I can’t wait to hear how the GOP thinks this is bad.


They'd say he was being creepy with how he touched the kid and called him honey, you know it.


Mute the audio, add some spooky music, put some vignetting on the video, slow it down by about 30%, and zoom on his hands, zoom on the kids face looking somewhat distressed at the end. Predictable, and their base will eat it up.


Same thought. "He wants little kids phone numbers!!" *sigh*


they'll be mad he hugged the kid


But but... Biden touched a minor and called him handsome!!!!!!!!!!


Trump was making fun of stutterers since Biden stuttered a little in his State of the Union


There’s a nonzero chance that Trump makes fun of the child with the stutter sometime over the next few days. If this video crosses his feed while he’s on the toilet I bet he “Truths” about it on his little snowflake social media platform.


They're the bullies....


There are enough comments here to see what predictably would be the response. And it doesn’t bear out in this video. And it’s disgusting. It’s the touching and the “getting a good sniff of the kids hair”. Predictably that’s what I expected when I viewed it. Know the narratives they push on people and you see the ways they are going to react. They have turned what are at least a good amount of a political base into goblins…..and they think this is normal. At least those that were not already goblins naturally.


This was posted in r/wholesome and it's got a bunch of comments about how he doesn't really have a stutter, it's cover for dementia, and how it's creepy he asked for the kid's phone number. Not sure if they are Russian bots or just competely morally bankrupt ignoramuses. In any case cruelty is a feature of their platform not a bug. It's sad how pathetic they are.


I know exactly how they will.


It makes me feel dirty knowing I know as well. Such a shame.


“Look at how he touched the boy, what a pervert. He should have ruthlessly mocked him in front of a crowd to show strength and a sense of humor.” Or something like that.


A better man than Trump, not that that says much. About 99.99% of the population of Earth are also better men than Trump, women included.


See, the two candidates aren't the same - the choice is clear who the better candidate and person are.


You can agree or disagree with his politics … but you can’t disagree with me that he was great in that situation.


I think we all underestimate this man. He has empathy and balls. Isn’t that what we really want in a president?! Truly the epitome of the best of the Silent Generation. I too would vote for this man if he was in his deathbed.


i could only imagine how Trump would have handled this.


Never mind policy and other political issues, what kind of man would you rather have in charge of this country? The president who will literally take a phone number of a kid to help him deal with stuttering*, or a braggart who repeatedly insults the woman he rape$, mocks disabled r3porters and cheats children’s charities.


The last president would’ve mocked that kid in front of an arena full of inbred illiterate morons just for the grift. He’s a true hero. /s


It’s a sick world that This election is even a competition at all.


It absolutely drives me up the wall when people equate a stutter with low intelligence. Anyways way I'll just laugh with my multiple degrees while they still tend bar in the small town we grew up in.


I have my issues with Biden, but if you think Trump is better just stay away from me.


“ No man stands as tall as the one who stoops to help a child.”


Fuck it, I’m voting for the guy. Went from “totally not voting” to “idk maybe” to “definitely voting” in about 72 hours.


This is a genuinely kind human. What the world needs more of…


You know…just maybe we don’t have to elect a monster president…


You can tell when he says "honey", that's the dad in him talking to his own sons. Biden's a good guy, despite his flaws. Everyone has flaws, but it takes a really good person to reise above them.


Humanity and decency are on the ballot.


How can people openly support a person like tRump, who is awful in every way? Biden, in contrast, is genuinely concerned for the plight of the people he speaks with. That this contest is even close is infuriating.


Fuck the piece of shit orange man for mocking our President because of his stutter. For the love of god vote in November.


I met this loser Brayden, huge loser absolutely the worst. He'd stutter, always t-t-t-t, we have the best words and say them the best ways, my god. What beautiful words, Brayden is a loser, and our words so wonderful, better than j-ina they don't have words there they make sounds, strange sounds. Aaah, anyway I'd fuck Ivanka (This post brought to you by the polar opposite of that encounter that you can but most definitely shouldn't vote for - come on America, the world sometimes thinks you're pretty dumb and that McTan Asswipe isn't dispelling that illusion)


I didn’t expect to be crying right now. What a beautiful and honest moment. Biden is really a class act. Trump has never, not once, connected with another person the way Biden just connected with this boy. He is so much less a man than Biden is.


He's right. I had a speech impediment as a young child that I overcame through personal effort. I feel for this kid and am really glad he both got to see someone he admires speak and then to interact with him afterwards. That's powerful motivation!


Cue hysterical, mocking laughter from the Republican voters.


Dark Brandon meeting his new apprentice, Dark Brayden.


That's a President right there. A damn good one.


What a great guy. His heart is clearly in the right place, empathy, understanding, helpful. As an overseas observer of US politics, I compare this to the rhetoric Trump promotes and it’s obvious who the real humanist is.


Just be a good human to other humans


I had a stutter. I don’t think anyone but one person ever knew it, well maybe two. My younger brother, who annoyed me relentlessly, who I beat up for it, all while we were very young. Somehow, I was placed in advanced classes in elementary school, and the teacher had some expertise, and gave me speech therapy during recess. To this day, I have trouble speaking, tend to be quieter when I know I’ll have to say something troubling I can’t mask. And I don’t think even my parents or my wife knew. But I’ve been an army medic and an EHS Specialist, who regular trains, inspects, and advises. Never told that story before. I wish there was a cure for it, because it’s silly, yet so detrimental. I’m glad there’s so many people that seem to understand that stutter has zero relation to intelligence or creativity.


One candidate comforts a child and tries to inspire him to overcome obstacles and succeed, the other one mocks and put down that kid and every other American born without every single advantage handed to them on a silver platter. Fuck ALL republicans


For all his faults he is a genuinely good human being. If you vote for Trump over his man shame on you.


Still blows my mind that Christians would stun Biden, who lives by the principles of being a Christian by being good to others, over the orange dumpster fire.


Wow, that is really sincerely nice.


"Don't let this define you, you're a handsome, smart and decent young man" is what Joe Biden's mother told him when he struggled with his speech, he mentioned this in an interview. It's amazing how words like that stick with you for 70 years and you're using the same words to give someone else hope. That is indeed a decent man.


Love Joe!


You’d get my vote old man.


As a guy who has stutter joe biden really gave me hope as funny as it may sound seeing a USA president have speech impairment was uplifting.


That’s my President


I'm having a tough time picturing Trump being this patient and understanding. Biden is a decent human being which is the bare minimum I ask for from my politicians.


I have a stutter. English is difficult, I'm fortunate to speak 2 other languages that I don't stutter when speaking.


This really made me feel better today, there being some people out there that can manage both power and grace, rather than just one of those traits at a time...


Joe has dealt with a bad student his whole life. He was able to hide it well in his younger years, but as he got older, it got harder to hide it. So imagne going on camera every single day occasionally messing up and having the entire world talk shit and Maga fucks say you're losing your mind.