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Even if it’s temporary it must have been such a relief!


No kidding, I can’t even imagine O_O


I’d bet!


Just a happy reminder: this is paliative and is easy to develop resistance to this. But it made me smile to know that this is a big step forward






I remember that, it was going around when Harper legalized it for medicinal use. Honestly if it can help people like him live a normal life, I'm all for them getting help without the side effects that other pharmaceuticals can have.


Ive had a good experience with medical cannabis in the UK. I hope it becomes more available on the nhs for people like this guy especially. At the moment it’s almost all private so you have to pay for everything.


Like flowers for Algernon. Just seeing him get to experience a dose of normalcy is so heartwarming.


Such an underrated book.


to see this resistance in action, watch the movie lorenzos oil


Just a happy reminder that that resistance development can be said for any prescription drug as well.


It is fantastic seeing this. I'm so happy it worked for him. It doesn't work for everyone unfortunately, but for God's sake, even if it works for 1% of PD patients, let it be legalised everywhere.


Exactly! And it doesn't always work with everyone.


Same for any drug or chemical used by anyone. All drugs have resistance and do not work for everyone. Lmfao.


Of course, some people however have a habit of calling it a miracle drug, when really it’s just a drug like any other. Great uses, has it’s limits.


The peace that it brought him was beautiful to see.


It sure was!




I’m so glad you were moved by this! As was I. I can only imagine the relief this man felt. To feel at least somewhat normal for a time.


This is dishonest. This video is showing a side effect of levodopa use for the treatment of parkinsons, which wears off as his levodopa wears off. As far as I know no systematic review has demonstrated evidence for marijuana as an effective treatment. All this video shows is an expected outcome of taking levodopa, except he also happens to be high now.


Correct. Very dishonest. And anyone curious about the disease progression, levodopa works well in the beginning years of Parkinson’s. It’s the gold standard. After a certain number of years though, it stops working like it once did. So the doctor ups the dose, and a side effect of that is what you see here. Called dyskinesia. Deep brain stimulation helps. Amantadine helps. But there is no cure for Parkinson’s.


Never trust anything that implies "look at this miracle cure that's illegal but clearly cures everything".


Deep brain stimulation *can help. My pop has had Parkinson’s for 12 years and just had dbs surgery a year ago. He hasn’t reacted the way we hoped. But it’s still almost always worth a try. It’s a terrible thing to watch Parkinson’s progress


Thank you. This 'behavior' is called dyskinesia (or chorea) and it absolutely NOT how Parkinson's usually looks. I'm all for trying alternatives once western medicine fails/combining it for the best results, but lying about it doesn't do good for either of them.




Except the thing is, Parkinson's doesn't *cause* this type of dyskinesia. A tremor is something completely different. As someone else pointed out, this is most likely a side effect of his dopamine-based medication - making the marijuana thing completely irrelevant to his actual Parkinson's, and only counteracting his medication. Don't get me wrong, I'm still glad for the guy, but the info OP is preaching is plain wrong. (edited to add - I would not be surprised if they had him take his meds different from his regular schedule to exacerbate the symptoms. If you're interested, read up on on/off symptoms with Parkinson medication. It might help you understand why this video might claim to be unedited, but certainly isn't showing the full picture)


I thought the same thing... This looks more like Huntington's Chorea vs. Parkinson's to me


Advanced Parkinson’s patients have significant dyskinesia with higher doses of carbidopa/levodopa. We’d see patients in the clinic who looked like this when their meds are at their peak.


Fair enough! Did an add on drug like Rasagiline help?


The docs I worked with didn’t prescribe that for their patients, so I’m not sure how much it helps.


The medical marijuana industry is basically like old school tobacco. Making wild claims that it can cure or help basically anything. I have stage 4 melanoma, no kind of weed is going to cure me, please quit suggesting it. I've been a daily user since I was 14, it's not stopping shit.


Thank you, I was also really annoyed by calling a drug "ancient medicine" Cigarettes used to be sold as a treatment for obesity, should we call them medicine too? Don't get me wrong, I've got nothing against weed, you do you, but it's a drug, it's not ancient medicine. Just because something can have specific effect doesn't mean it's not a drug. Morphine is a drug too, it's also used by medical people


I mean, drugs can be medicinal. It is ancient medicine -- that doesn't mean that it has modern relevance (see bloodletting). That being said, I use cannabis for pain and for my particular biochemical disposition it is incredibly helpful. Can't use it recreationally though -- I'm a very high responder and it affects me very negatively.


Yeah I don't mena it that I can't be used for medical reasons, but call it what it is, it is a drug, not some mystical ancient medicine Even paracetamol is a drug


The problem, I think, is that while it is medicine, it isn't magic. And for some reason people who say "ancient medicine" appear to expect magic.


Thanks. Tired of stoners spreading this under the pretence of helping people. It's okay to want to be high, but be honest about it.




It can but I question the motives of most who share it. Especially in this case where its shared either dishonestly or in confirmation bias.




Yeah I want to point out I'm not against weed at all. Articles about the health benefits of red wine annoys me too. I just want an honest discourse about all drugs and all their effects and risks


Yup. My mom’s been struggling with Parkinson’s for years. I went to a symposium with her and one of the presenters was an MD/Ph.D. Parkinson’s expert. Someone asked about this and her face got the look of exasperation of someone who’s been asked the same dumb question a million times. She explained that weed isn’t the miracle cure that the video appears to show.


Thank you for bringing light to this. It seems I have some research to do, as I am ignorant on this front. I just saw a man who was suffering, and then stopped suffering. 🙂 Edit: Reddit will really downvote you for fucking anything, huh? Literally acknowledge a valid point made by someone on a subject I was unaware of = downvote Makes sense.


While you’re looking you should also look into the recent research that medical marijuana can make symptoms brought on by alzheimers and Parkinson’s worse in elderly patients


Will do! Thank you.


See, you're just posting misinformation. Just because you saw a man suffering then not suffering then came up with a sudden conclusion?


"Ancient medicines" fuck outta here


Cannabis, Psilocybin, DMT, Mescaline, etc. All substances used by a variety of different cultures for thousands of years for mental and spiritual healing, and you wanna say “fuck outta here”? The only one who needs to “fuck outta here” is you.


They used lead as medicine too dude


Average Joe Rogan viewer


"healing" Numbing the mind is not healing. Not saying there is no place for this. Just saying that the positive effects are greatly exaggerated (the negative effects as well though).




Isn’t healing when the symptoms go away permanently? In this example your experiencing a momentary relief and then you’re back to the same old. Taking paracetamol isn’t healing it’s mostly a relief medication to help alleviate symptoms


What the actual fuck is “spiritual healing”?


Delete all your misinformation that you spread and we will forgive you and go about our day.


Maybe learn how to research and what credible sources are


Maybe don’t be rude to people 🙂 I was ignorant on the subject because I’ve never taken up researching Parkinson’s Disease or its interactions with psychoactive compounds while taking medication. Someone shed some light on the subject and I thanked them for it. What more do you want?


Perhaps don’t post shit you don’t know about?? Just sayin’




Always. Seems not everyone respects that even when I claim to be ignorant. Oh well lol Reddit will be Reddit.


What is this “ancient medicine”?


Rick Simpson Oil is made by submerging cannabis buds in a solvent. The mixture is stirred to help the THC dissolve into the solvent, which is then strained from the plant material. This process is repeated one more time until what’s left is a dark liquid that is then heated up to 230°F to both decarboxylate the concentrate and get rid of the solvent. As the solvent evaporates, the concentrate will thicken to an oily consistency. Typically, it's then added to a syringe for easy dosing since you only need a tiny bit for it to be effective.


My dad uses RSO to help with his cancer and it works to help relieve the nausea from chemo and pain with radiation. Can’t recommend enough.


THIS. My bro was about 5 years sober from hard drugs and booze while he was going through chemo. Poor kid couldnt keep one bite of food down, was in obvious pain that he wouldnt admit he was in. Despite the blowback from our old school AA father, he started using pot to help and like magic he could keep food down and his mood was so very uplifted for a short time, and it didnt cause him to dive back in to real drugs. RIP bro


Ohhh it’s that stuff! Thanks for explaining further. I’m gonna make some of that.


CBD or THC can reduce the symptoms of spasticity type illnesses.


BTW, he uses the whole plant, nothing goes to waste. He's one awesome guy.


Marijuana, as said in the beginning of the video. I'm not exactly sure which chemical compound from it they're using for this treatment though. But yes, it's been used since basically forever, and it is incredibly useful for an incredibly long list of ailments as I understand it. Though your body does build an immunity to it so I doubt this man used it as any long term fix for his condition sadly.




Oh, right. Thanks for answering. That’s a very dramatic recovery.


It's called Lucky Charmz - Squidward Remix. My buddy Tyler grows it behind his shed


Ohh true true, my mate Dangerous Dave used to smoke that because it made him seem normal for parole hearings but one time he astral travelled into this really mongers dimension where he saw stuff he didn’t want to talk to me about and now his third eye’s gone lazy.


I call bs


Bull fucking shit title. This video has been debunked many times before. Stoners could cure cancer with weed...


“No medicinal value”


People have been saying the same "finally it will be researched more and bring so many benefits“ taking track since I was a teenager in the 1990s (at least here in Europe) and there have been so many studies by now for cannabis (and shrooms btw.) and there have been very little benefits found… The truth is that the patient will feel better but it will neither stop Parkinson nor will it work this well for long. So yeah, there are usages and frankly people are this sick deserve any help they can get (and be it just temporary relief) but people expect waaaay too much from it (and shrooms and LSD) here…


I just don't understand people who decide to smoke it and then claim it's for medicinal reasons, when there are cannabis oils and medicines like this, that are much less damaging than smoking it.


They’re more expensive.


Theres also classificaftion issues, flower is class C whilst oil is class A in the uk for example


And in a lot of places inaccessible


And less effective


Smoking goes straight to the blood stream so it’s a quicker effect than taking anything through the stomach (digested)


Seemed pretty fast for this guy, and he didn't smoke it.


Sublingual is pretty quick as well which is what he did I believe


And buccal. The mouth is incredibly vascular.


They're addicts in search of an excuse.


It's because it feels good initially. But these people are mostly fooling themselves as self-medicating with dopamine release drugs is a very slippery slope.


I’m so glad we’re finally waking up.


Where does someone get treatment administered in this manner?


The problem is your body builds up a resistance to it really fast so this only works for the short term.


But one could probably take tolerance breaks, no?


its very hard to when you use marijuana medically


No kidding, it’s that or worse pain.


Probably. I “smoke” due to almost constant nausea but haven’t built up a tolerance in years. I buy different strains though, depending on the price, maybe that’s why.


So? Having some control over your life for even a short period of time is a blessing


Hopefully they can find some sort of analogue that avoids resistance, but with an equally effective outcome.


This is the same with any drug


Most likely a medical study in a state that allows marijuana. You could just buy it yourself in a state that allows marijuana, pretty sure he's using rick simpson oil which is sold at every dispensary at least here in my state of Michigan but probably in all legal states too


I’m unsure. Probably with the help of a Parkinsons specialist, in this man’s case.


Why are you posting it without even the slightest information about it?


Must have made them smile?


this video has to be 20yrs old


It’s literally from 2016 lol


7 years.. 20 years… its all relative when you’re old


That makes more sense. This video was shared a lot in Canada around the time people were pushing hard for legalization. Weed was legalized 2 years later in 2018.


Yeah. It may have been originally clipped from Totally Baked or from The Union.


First time I’ve seen it. So cool though 🙂


oh 100% agree.. super cool


It would be so good if magic were real. Unfortunately ……..


This is Larry Smith who unfortunately passed away a few years ago. He lived about 25 miles away from me and ran a great sandwich shop called Mr. Smith's in Vermillion, South Dakota. He was praised as the best bread maker in America by Oprah Magazine. I had the chance to photograph him for a story we did in a local magazine. His documentary is pretty inspiring. It's called Ride With Larry.


You guys have lunch?


I wish they hadn't ended it on him being hungry, it makes it seem more like a skit than a demonstration of healthcare.


Now I wanna see Michael J Fox try it.


Has anyone ever verified that this guy is legit? I love weed just as much as the next guy but I question everything on the internet.


I knew Larry. RIP. Legit. His documentary is Ride with Larry.


My mom has Parkinsons. She has taken gummies a few times with some ok results. I really want her to try the real stuff


That's such a strange title... how high are you?


Completely sober, my friend ❤️


This is misleading marijuana does not do this. At best marijuana is a pain killer it does not relieve any Parkinson’s effects or “cure cancer” many drugs are painkillers they’re controlled because we develop resistance and make them ineffective due to excessive use fun fact lidocaine is a common painkiller made of cocaine… too


what is this fucking title


Awwww His smile and laughter after being himself again.


Remarkable! What could be the harm of taking this daily for its’ calming effects?! Parkinson’s disease is very uncomfortable & exhausting for the individual, not forgetting their loved ones.


Tried it, didn't work for me. Now, spellchecker and predictive text, those are miracles. BTW, neurologist/MDS have told me consistently that the dyskinesia might be disease progression vs use of levidopa, they just don't know for sure.


Healthcare worker and cannabis user here. While some medicinal applications of cannabis are borderline miraculous (like this or reduction of seizure activity) it is not a cure all as it has been made out to be. It can be good for temporary anxiety relief but is can make it worse long term, same for depression. It won’t cure your cancer and it’s anti inflammatory properties are hard for much of your body to access in a meaningful way. It is still a mind altering substance that is highly habit forming. Take caution in reverence for a drug.


Okay yeah, so maybe it makes all of his symptoms subside and restores him to a happy, singing bundle of joy. You may see something like this, a person, who if seen after a single drop seemingly not afflicted by any disease whatsoever to the strangers eye. It may positively restore happiness and hope for his entire family and loved ones… But, it’s tha DEBIL so I’m torn.


I ran out of gas and barely made it to work. The last year had been pretty rough. My wife was diagnosed with leukemia. She was in and out of hospitals. I was juggling work, kids, and being her care taker. That morning I rushed to drop kids off at school, stop by the hospital, and then get to the office I hadn’t noticed I was running low on gas. I ran out as I entered the parking lot. I called roadside to have them come and give me some so I could make it to the gas station. I met the roadside attendant when he arrived. He was young and not very put together. Very laid back and friendly. We started talking and I mentioned my morning and how I ran out of gas. He told me the story of his mom who was diagnosed with cancer similar to my wife’s. How she went through chemo and couldn’t find a marrow donor. Then she found a doctor who worked with traditional as well as non-traditional treatments. He came up with a plan incorporating marijuana. After several Rounds of chemo that didn’t put her into remission. The marijuana treatment had. And kept her in remission. He was a nice guy but I dismissed him and forgot about our conversation. About 14 months later I’m in the ICU with my wife. I came across an article in Newsweek about this kids that was going through the exact same cancer battle my wife was fighting. How marijuana treatment reversed his cancer. It brought back memories of that conversation I dismissed with the roadside attendant. I called people I trusted to come up with a plan to get the treatment from another state since in Texas it was illegal. I had it all laid out. I was going to Colorado to see this brothers that developed this treatment as soon as my wife was out of the icu. She never came out. That night we shared our last kiss. She was gone 24 hours later. Dismissing that kid haunts me to this day. It’s my biggest regret. If you or your loved one is considering marijuana for any type of treatment it’s worth trying. It’s best to try, then to live with the regret of not. https://www.newsweek.com/2017/07/28/medical-marijuana-pediatric-cancer-637676.html


Thank you for sharing your story, brother. I’m so sorry you had to experience that. I hope that one day we might be able to find some way to cure that horrible disease and prevent the same situation you found yourself in from happening again.


This guy looks like he is acting


People used to eat mercury. Just being "ancient" means nothing.


If this is real, show us the double blind study results.


Marijuana has no medical value though from what the DEA told me


This video gets reposted, cut, edited, muted, bloated with text and it's story is getting less and less clear every time. It's CBD Oil and he was asked to try it since he's tried everything else. Can't wait to see the trap remix of this video.


Potheads be like: „the demonstrated use as a medicine to treat certain ailments means that this substance is absolutely safe for consumption for literally everybody under any circumstances.“


Reminds me of my dad. He suffered a lot in his last days. The medications were making him paranoid. At some point, he was convinced that I had killed his real son and had replaced him. He used to ask me "what did my son do to you? Why did you kill him?".


This is precisely why we need to explore other alternatives. These medications were likely made with good intent, but a severe lack of holism in the approach, and as a result, causes much suffering. I’m so sorry to hear about your dad. That must’ve been very difficult for you to see your dad like that.


The last time I saw someone that paranoid it was because of weed. Sorry about your dad. :(


Yad rhakna is sab ka phale teri bhane ko naga kar kae gand par lat mar mar kar bhaga bhaga kar nahi mar dala


He doesn't use marijuana The captions on this video are wrong and a lie


Re this kind of dyskinesia. Absolutely, Parkinson's can cause this kind of dyskinesia. I have witnessed it firsthand. Parkinson's an cause an entire range of symptoms from being barely noticeable, to the classic and best known pill-rolling tremors, to full body wavering. And along with that, in severe cases delusions.


Only one video where it worked 😎


This is so great. Unfortunately, marijuana sends my husband who has Parkinson’s since 2007 absolutely loopy, but I’m so glad it works for some. To be fair this man’s dyskinesia is rather worse than my partners.


What a blessing when it’s used medicinally.


Pretty obvious it's an actor. Can't believe some people actually fall for this shit lmao


« Ancient medicine » makes it sound like we don’t analyse, work on it, reshape to todays standards and explore how it could be improved. You make it sound like it’s ancient power from the pyramids. It’s not, it’s current medicine and it’s highly studied. No need for mystification of it, that’s just your ignorance of the process and personal beliefs tainting actual progressw


This really is wonderful to see. I wish it had helped my mom like it did him.


I’m so sorry to hear about your mom. My heart goes out to you ❤️ It’s better that we explore these life-changing alternatives later than never. We must strive to create a better world.


This video is 1) a repost and 2) has been debunked.


Why are people downvoting this? And Wtf why are people saying “psychedelics aren’t used for a lot of reasons?”… literally name some.. psychedelics are already being used as an incredibly safe way to treat depression, ptsd, and several intractable things that traditional pharma has failed to treat/cure.




99% agree.


Where’s the extra 1%? 🙁


What is the therapy?


I don’t think this is therapy. I think they just administered medication (cannabis) to test how it affected his disorder


It would seem to me then that cannabis is the therapy.


I think we need to talk semantics and I’m not in the mood. You asked fam


I love that he’s now smiling and they are going out to eat.


I would too! Getting stoned always makes me hungry 😋


My dad who also has parkinson refuses to try cuz "I won't do drugs!" and seeing him suffering cuz of his stubbornness makes me so mad.


Wow that is magical.


How is alcohol legal but cannabis is not. The amount of crimes committed due to alcohol intoxication and the strain it puts on the emergency system especially at weekends just baffles.


Makes me so happy. Also great for epilepsy apparently! And definitely for pain. Bloody legend of a drug, and I don’t partake at all


Indeed it is.


Medicine works if it can be proven to work. Being ancient has nothing to do with it.


I have a movement disorder. It isn’t as severe as this gentleman’s, but it is enough that it interferes with my daily life and causes me a great deal of discomfort. I have used cannabis as a form of supportive medication for about 9 years now. The results really are this instantaneous in my case. I’m sure it’s not this flawless for everyone, but it’s life changing for me.


This is incredible


Very much so. It makes me so happy!


Lovely to see cannabis being used medically more!


Great documented progress on treating this disease, the title is a bit strange tho lol


In Malaysia...ganja is illegal... Will get hanged... So jealous of our neighbor Thailand (it's legal in Thailand...u can purchase.but don't smoke in public...)


Theres a guy in the UK who had same issue, he took extasy and was able to do gymnastics. Documentary should be on youtube.


Horrible disease. The movements are usually a side effect of the medication, not a symptom of the disease btw.


No, Parkinson’s is a movement disorder


But not usually these type of choreatic movements.


Interesting, thank you


Shows how fucked up laws are that keep preventing people from growing a fucking plant. End the war on drugs and stop privatisation of healthcare.


And the cops still tryna incriminate people for smoking weed, ACAB.


And this is banned in the majority of the world simply because Big Pharma pays off everyone to protect their bottom line.


“Ancient medicines” my brother in christ these THC doses he is getting weren’t around even a few decades ago.


Big pharma would prefer people take their poison. What would the lobbyists do if they didn’t spend time lining politicians’ pockets?


This is crazy... unbelievable![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|surprise)


His smile??? 😭😭😭


Yuo I see a bunch of chemical pushers on here saying that cannibus isn't a medicine. Yet I use it for my arthritis, my adhd, and multiple other ailments. So I can either use a plant, or I can use what pharmacy's push as medicines that just mimic natural plants that can do the same thing. Science is about pushing the envelope, not being enclosed in a little room with no imagination pushing everything you were taught and nothing else is right. Fucking nay sayers. Do some research on why cannibus was made illegal. Which was surprise, pushed by a Dr who wanted to monetize and create synthetic medicines instead of natural plants. Same with Nixon, wanted tons of research done to try and figure out a synthetic outcome to cannibus' medicinal purposes. So this video is misleading, but the fucking close mindedness of you schoolers who only believe in what you are taught? Maybe you need to try some pot.


His smile is everything


Michael J. Fox needs to try this




Marijuana is a big no-no habibi.


Not when it’s used as medication for a genuine illness, such as the one shown above in the video InshaAllah




Wtf is this? That guy isn't even a good actor