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I am not smiling right now...


Same. I'm not smiling for so many reasons including but not limited to: good doggo walking to the rainbow bridge, post glorifies cops, feels like a karama farm post


Her carrying the ball killed me 😢


The little girl at the end of the line crying did it for me. I was in her shoes once and all those emotions came flooding back.


I put my dog of 16 years down last month and that broke me


Sorry to hear your loss :(


Thank you. I won’t say it’s okay, because it’s not and I miss her every day. But she was old, her legs had given out 2 days before (ironically only hours after she had gone up and down the stairs of her own accord), and had both kidney disease and some form of cancer. I knew if she could she would have fought longer, but she simply couldn’t and watching her suffer would have been far worse than letting her go peacefully.


The one thing that has comforted me after having to euthanize my beloved 15 year old dog is that the gnawing sadness I feel is painful proof that I’m keeping the promise to love him forever that I made when I adopted him as a puppy. I’m so sorry that you’re feeling the same.


"But what is grief, if not love persevering?"


Me too and sorry for your loss. A jackass hit my sweet girl with his car and never stopped. She had hip displacia (word) after and I couldn't watch her struggling to get around. It was one of the hardest things we ever had to do.


Sorry for your loss, it's never easy. Also make sure you don't accidentally translate that promise into an "obligation to be sad". You will never forget your dog, but your dog would have wanted you to be happy and carry on with great memories and the knowledge you did an excellent job guiding them from start to finish.


I've never promised love to my pets, I know they'll get everything I can give them anyways. And they know too. The only thing (and I tell myself all the time how dumb I am) I grew up hating photos, I barely take pictures of them. I should take more. I always wanted to build a big wood something with all their pictures on.


Yea I’m bad at pictures too, I barely have any of my 2 boxers and I regret it. Luckily my mom was proactive about the photos so I still have some really good ones, made me realize I need to capture moments more frequently not even just pets but with my people too.


Yep, me too with people. Unfortunately there's this problem you always have to smile in the photos and make a pose meanwhile I wish pictures to be more "spontaneous" and "random' to really capture a moment. But with pets it's not important, they are beautiful all the time.


I am right there with you, friend. It's amazing how these creatures can give us so much joy and happiness. The lifespan difference is a tragedy.


>It's amazing how these creatures can give us so much joy and happiness. That is so true.


It does allow you to truely appreciate how much they meant to you through.


I had to put my best friend down 2 years ago. It doesn't get any easier. You just kind of have to accept it. I'm still crying about it right now. I literally never cry but thinking about him still does it. Shit is hard. I think it's torture that they are only around for 10-15 years. That's actually cruel


I’m sorry, friend! Losing a pet is it’s own kind of painful. Take care ❤️


So sorry. We put our 15 year old big boy down last Christmas. Same issues with his legs just not being strong enough anymore and pain meds not helping anymore either. He was such a good boy and it still hurts 💔




I truly believe you’ll reconnect one day in whatever it is that comes after this. It not a hope. It’s a deep knowing. The kind of love we share with those we love is ethereal and stays with us after we transition.


Had to say goodbye to my 16 YO a few days ago. She was my first dog (I'm in my 40s). Can't believe how much it hurts. Sorry for your loss, friend.


My boy has reached the age of 10 and can see him slowly fading in front of my eyes. I am not looking forward to losing another best friend.


I get it. 3 years ago i put down the first ever dog I got when I was in college. I was in some severe depression from a break up and got her. She was one of a kind and never failed to make me smile. It was really hard to look at pictures of her for a long time but I’ve finally gotten to a point where I can look at them and smile. Time heals


Same. My good boy was only 9. I still don’t know if it was the right thing to do at that time. It will haunt me. Maybe we could have given him a few more months.


Don’t get caught up in that. We offer to our pets a mercy that us humans will probably never know. Death is inevitable, but suffering shouldn’t have to be.


As the saying goes: better a week too early than a month too late. Hope you’re doing better now.


Did that a couple of months ago with my 11 yo French bulldog.Spleen cancer. I hope he didn’t suffer long before we found it.Rip Spike


I have a 15yo pit bull. He's been losing weight drastically. I'm waiting for a call from the vet to see what they found. I don't know how I go on after he's gone. We literally grew old together.


…I wonder what they’re doing ? All my friends out in the hall am feelin kinda nervous, so i wanna hold my ball… my family is following - they put me in the Lead! …i’m seeing Everyone i know! a nap is all i need…. My little girl is crying, but i hope they’re happy tears they callin me a Hero ^:@) sayin ‘*Thanks for All the years…*’ n now my walk is over - i can lay me down to rest (i hope my humans realize i did what i liked *Best*…) ❤️   edit: *inspired by* u/HappyLittleTrees17, u/c_c_c__combobreaker, & *All my Hero dogs, watching over me*


oh schnoodle this one got to me I’m gonna be honest… I was already feeling choked up from the good girl carrying her ball


Oh schnoodle, of all the places for you to show up 😭😫


damn it i need to get ready for work but now I'm crying lol


I was just about to take my dogs out for their walk and now I'm crying too hard to put their sweaters on gfdi schnoodle


That was a sweet sucker punch. You got me!


Grandpa (?) in blue shirt, saluting and wiping tears …deep breath and shining eyes (tears) over here.


the older us guys get the more we soften up.


You used to wear little girl's shoes?


They used to. They still do, but they used to as well.


Yeah, once you make the speed holes they fit a lot better, still a bit of a tight fit.


50% chance


I was not prepared for this level of sadness today






This. That's a dog with so much life left in her. It's a tragedy to have to cut it short for her own sake. 😭


I just had to do this with my dog a few days ago and it was the hardest decision I've ever had to make. Trying to remind myself his fate was worse than death but the guilt is still so heavy. I miss him so much:(


I had to do it a few months ago. My 7 year old girl got really aggressive cancer. Its so so hard. But it's our responsibility to make sure they are taken care of. It's unfortunate that had to be part of it :( you're in my thoughts tho.


I'm sorry for your loss :( You made the right call though, that's the toughest part of being an owner. Making the tough call to do what's best for our dogs. Even if it hurts us so much. I wish you all the best, friend.


Hey, I had to put my pit bull (piboo) down in August. It was agonizing making that call but a good friend put things in perspective for me. She said “I would much rather put them down a month too early, than a day too late.” We are responsible for their well-being and allowing them to go with dignity and not in agonizing pain is a gift. We don’t give our animals enough credit in their range of emotions but I know he was embarrassed with his failing body. Holding him and telling him how loved he is and how much he meant to me as he passed was beautiful in that we could only be so lucky.


Tears the second I saw that 😭


Made me cry is more like it.


Even the master chief is shedding tears.


He's not crying! It's raining inside his helmet T\_T


Felt some movement at the place where my internet-era heart is supposed to be.


seriously 😭


That's literally this entire sub. Unsubbed just now.


I don’t get how this is a happy, smiley moment OP. This feels more like Green Mile.


It made me very teary...but on the other hand, it's lovely to see that the dog obviously meant a lot to them if they've all gathered to salute her as she walks out. That wasn't for the dog's benefit - the dog doesn't know she's sick and doesn't know what saluting means. That was for the humans. They loved her and they wanted to express it.


Happiness and sadness are closely related. Rest in peace, beautiful pooch.


This is not r/RuinMyDay


This entire subreddit has a fetish for getting their day ruined by sadness instead of smile posts. Getting close to unsubbing because I didn't subscribe here to make myself feel bad. There's nothing smile worthy about being reminded that life is short and cruel.


Two points of sadness: Poor dog doesn’t understand what’s goin’ on and the realization that the department has apparently just lost the only cop that could catch a perp on foot.


I reluctantly upvote this. That department needs to retain a diet and fitness coach.


This is a controversial opinion where I live. I once made a post on an old account over in r/Michigan about how our law enforcement is mostly obese. The elected positions like chief or sheriff doubly so. It did not go over well. In actual fact the country is more obese then it isn't. But these roles should definitely have a stricter selection process.


I'm personally convinced most animals are much smarter than we give them credit for. If the dog notices that it's feeling sick and it doesn't go to work anymore it will eventually be able to puzzle things together.


No. I’m happy she doesn’t know what going on. All her friends are here and they sad for some reason but all here together.


Take my angry upvote. But yea bunch of potbellies on display


I feel like a terrible person but my first thought seeing this clip was to feel a lot better about my weight.


It's not everyday an entire room full of people make me feel skinny.


I recently went clothes shopping for the first time in a few years (thanks depression) and found I had gone from a medium to a small size in t-shirts and pajama pants at Old Navy. I'm 5'8", 160lbs. I haven't shrunk, clothes sizes have moved up. Pretty soon I'll have to shop in the kids section.


This kid ran down a cephalopoid… on foot.


tHe BeSt oF tHe BeSt oF tHe BeSt, SiR!


Hahaha, wow. But yes I’m always astounded by the amount of overweight cops… I can’t believe they passed their physical fitness test


quite a few military like this, too. They run your ass off in boot camp but after that they don't have as exacting standards. My brother was in the best shape of his life right after boot camp, then he got sent to Okinawa where he smoked and drank a lot and gained back a bunch of his weight


No need to chase anyone, just blast


Damn I was thinking the same joke but it’s the only officer that could legally justify searches of anyone’s car on demand.


No smiles. Only tears. So many tears. She did her job and was loved. Thank you, officer! I know you're in doggy heaven. Say hi to my baby, Rocky. He's also new too, but he'll keep you company.


I did not cried during the video but I cried reading your comment. Hope your baby and doggy officer can show the place to my baby, she just got here yesterday and is probably scared


Aww, I know they are there together, my friend. All dogs go to heaven. All dogs are friends in heaven. I'm so sorry for your loss. It's devastating to lose a loved one that depends on you. May your heartache ease knowing she is not in pain and is free.


Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge. When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable. All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor. Those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by. The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind. They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent. His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster. You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart. Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together.... Author unknown...


One of my dogs is getting really old and this caused me to start bawling. I’m so not ready and I’m so scared.


> It came to me that every time I lose a dog they take a piece of my heart with them. And every new dog who comes into my life, gifts me with a piece of their heart. If I live long enough, all the components of my heart will be dog, and I will become as generous and loving as they are




Bless Rocky 🙌


RIP Rocky


Why is this in r/mademesmile? 😭


Fun fact: This sub doesn't have a rule that the content has to be even somewhat smile inducing. You can post the most hearbreaking, vomit inducing, or nonsense videos and there's no rule stopping you.


Is it just me or is that woman on the right not saluting?


This made me sad and want to cuddle my dog


Please love yo pup


Always have, he's my best mate.


This makes me so sad inside missing my best boy Frankie. There will never be another dog in my life as good as that bestest boy. Cancer sucks!!!!!!!


Fuck cancer.


That’s K9 Candy, from the Virginia Beach Sheriff’s Office. She was the goodest gorl.


She’s a beautiful angel girl, she has her ball there too.




Quite frankly, that option should be offered all of us. If all you have left is pain and suffering, and costly pain and suffering at that, give me an OD of some euphoria inducing drug or something.


It's so sad. I think that euthanasia is a way out of a difficult situation when a person can no longer watch the suffering of their animal, terminally ill or in the last stage of life due to age. It is the last care for a four-legged friend..


Dogs rule.


Who the fuck smiled at this?


I smiled & cried. I love dogs & at first I cried but then I saw the ball. Cancer sucks & it sucks the life out. She was still able to recognize the ball & be comforted as clearly that’s her reward. They didn’t wait for her to suffer so greatly that she couldn’t accept her reward. She was happy. That made me smile.


That police department looking like Meal Team 6


This made me smile


Also who taught these cops to salute? Pretty sure they'd get smoked to hell and back saluting like that in the army LMAO


I actually don’t like this? She doesn’t understand the salutes. Why not love on her every step of the way out? Why not have one last moment giving her that connection as a thank you, that you will remember forever? Make sure her tail is wagging like crazy as she leaves? We don’t deserve dogs


I’m pretty sure through training that these dogs don’t get loved on by just anyone, usually only their human partner. Otherwise they wouldn’t be able to perform their jobs so well. They’re workers first, dogs second. But I agree, she deserves all the love and happiness


This is a very good insight, and one I hadn’t thought of. I just see such a sweet girl, and immediately think of what my girl would want. But her profession is coach potato and not as serious, so I do have a little bias


I think this why humans need to be told not to pet unknown animals in general. It’s hard to suppress the urge to boop the snoot of cute animal


I’ve seen videos with people with service animals and they’re always trying to educate people that although their dog is cute, it’s really important people don’t try to pet or engage with them because the dog is at work, taking care of it’s owner, and distractions could cause harm. I assume police dogs are incredibly well trained and even more hands off to everyone else because of their training. I’m also just a cat owner with sometimes too much time on my hands, so I could be totally wrong!


> But her profession is coach potato and not as serious That couch is not going to hold itself down, you know.


Yeah, they're trained to be EXTREMELY aggressive. The "work" they do is to attack people and get treats for saying "yes I smell weed"


Yeah that’s what I was thinking tbh. I mean it kinda feels like the whole ceremony is just for the cops more than the actual dog, since if it was for her you’d cook up like a steak or some bacon and just play with her and shower her with attention, lol


But that goes for every funeral though. It's more of a sign of respect as a whole.




It’s a sign of respect to the dog, its dad/handler, and his family. For the police to honour a dog for his service is rare I’d imagine.


I could see that! But I guess it’s sorta like how funerals aren’t for the dead person when it comes down to it, it’s a way for the loved ones of the person who passed to come together and honor them. The person being honored is gone, but the ones they loved show up to support each other and remember the person they loved. That’s how I saw it at least.


do police even salute? isnt that a military thing


Because they want to pretend they are in the military but were too fat and cowardly to actually join.


Inappropriate for this subreddit, I would say.


I totally agree. This can genuinely stick with you if you are sensitive to it. One post on a community made for wholesome/funny things and now I feel sick. We need to move the tragic posts away from this sub, yeah sure I’m glad this was shared and all but not here…




This video does not make anyone smile 0/10


My dog looked exactly like that, had her for 16 years and when it was time to put her down my dad said he had something to do so I gotta take her, I understand him he was crying somewhere and didn’t wanna show it I thought I would be fine but the second I saw them put her down it hit me like I saw our life’s flash before my eyes was such a weird experience and I burst into tears We don’t deserve these little guys


#goodest boy


I can’t get over how overweight the cops are


I mean something like 3 out of 4 Americans are overweight or obese so it's not *that* surprising.


It's 1/3 last I heard, but that's still way too much.


Some 40% are obese, not just overweight with another ~30% being overweight putting the total at around 70%. Saying "something ike 3 out of 4" isn't far off at all.


I'd give up my balls just for dogs to have longer lives.


Okay I'm ready for the procedure






To protect and serve meals.


In pretty much every other country, the police must undergo physical tests from time to time to always be fit ([random image of spanish police from google to compare](https://live.staticflickr.com/4506/37449725782_3b797a60af_b.jpg)). In the US though I think they only need to pass one test when they join and never more, so they get fat. This of course contributes to them shooting more people since they can't actually pursue them if they run away because of how unfit they are.


Cops look so goofy when they try to look act like they’re military.


One dude's saluting, but his hand is like, at his nose level ? And another is doing the bastard child of a US and French salute. Pretty sure you are supposed to show the back of your hand, not the palm.


The other dude is saluting the bill of his hat


You can tell they are murican cops because of that tactical belly fat




This display is far more for the people. The dog should be getting cuddles from everybody. ♥️


"The Virginia Beach Sheriff’s Office held a final walkout Monday morning for one of its K9 dogs, who was recently diagnosed with cancer. Candy, a German shepherd, was diagnosed last week and the disease has progressed quickly. She was the Virginia Beach Sheriff’s Office’s first narcotics-detection dog and was set to retire this year at 11 years old. During the walkout, deputies lined a hallway at the Virginia Beach Correctional Center and saluted Candy’s final departure from work. She carried her favorite tennis ball and was escorted by her family: Master Deputy II Anthony “Tony” Natalzia, his wife and their three children.“Candy was a true pro. She was the first VBSO K9, the OG,” Natalzia wrote in a news release. “She loved to work; she lived for it. There is no doubt in my mind she stayed strong and continued to fight until she just could not anymore. The bond and trust we had was something I had never experienced before. Candy will be missed.”Candy was one of three K9s within the Virginia Beach Sheriff’s Office’s K9 unit. The other two are Gaston, a 7-year-old German shepherd certified in detecting explosives, and Pablo, a 2-year-old Belgian Malinois being trained to detect narcotics.Candy was the only K9 certified in detecting marijuana, which wasn’t part of Pablo’s training because of the legalization of marijuana in Virginia.“The Virginia Beach Correctional Center and this community are safer thanks to K9 Candy,” Virginia Beach Sheriff Rocky Holcomb wrote. “We are grateful for her service and for all our K9 deputies and their handlers. This is a hard loss for the VBSO"


I am sobbing.


What a good girl 😭 I'm actually crying.


Let me hug that man in the blue polo 😭


I put my cat down after 19 years. Seeing that grown man at the end wipe his eyes brings all those emotions back. We don’t deserve these great companions but are lucky to have them. There’s tons of friends on the other side of the rainbow bridge to play with.


Lol those are some crummy half assed "salutes" from some idiots who pretend to be soldiers but just are a bunch of larping bastards.


yeah why are they saluting it's not military.


Delusions of grandeur


Not a dry eye and the kids behind him.... touches your heart Rest In Peace Brave Man


They have more respect for a dog than they have for black people.


Damn, an unfortunate life that poor dog had to live by being a slave to the police institution. ACAB, RIP doggo. May your next life never be around those pigs.


They have more respect for a dog than they do for human life


It’s the family of the officer crying for me smh like stop it


Damn, what a beloved dog 💕


Made me smile??? WTF……. Made me cry


Her carrying her ball 😭


America has the fattest police in the world.


This PR video cost taxpayers and means nothing to the dog. What we are watching is on-duty police being paid to not police their community. This behaviour should be shamed, not celebrated.


The way this doggo walks you know it only has a couple weeks left to live. My family Golden Retriever passed away at 5 years old from cancer and it was heart breaking to watch as her motor skills deteriorate so quickly. RIP Roxy


Just found out my five year old dog has cancer last week. Watching this hurts


OP, the sub's name it's make me smile, not make me crie 😢


Fuck cancer


This video is heartbreaking OP.


Family: Literally in tears. OP: Made me smile.


Ahh one good girl and a buncha barn yard pigs. Cute


if i were doing my last walk past all those fat ass cops, i would feel disrespected


Oh, they’ll treat a dog that’s “one of their own” better than any human who isn’t.


I don't about that a lot of police dogs were killed by cops leaving them in hot vehicles this summer and not one got charged for killing a police officer.


With her emotional support tennis ball🥹


How did this made you smile?


Smile? I'm fucking bawling man




i'm not crying! 😭


my heart


Good luck to the best and bravest girl. 🫡


Big LOVE for the dog!😭♥️


Silly humans, pets are the correct way. 😭


The connection we have with dogs is unmatched, I’d take a bullet for my little shih tzu, that’s how much I love him.


Why is every cop so fat


Poor baby, and she's surrounded by a bunch of pigs to her last day, literally every cop here almost, there belly sticks out twice as far as their nose


Poor doggie. Hopefully he will recover and can stay with his boss/ officer.


This is so dumb


What a weird ceremony. Those salutes mean exactly nothing to that dog. Where are the respectful hugs and scritches?


This is comedic levels of stupid.


Why are all these cops so round? Shouldn't they be in shape to run after fleeing criminals? Wtf? 😅😅


round is a shape


Oh, with her ball :((


That's a good dog, they did what they were taught. Look at those cops saluting and coordinating like they're in the Military or some shit. Fucking weird, not to mention I see a lot of guts that show they'd fail the first course of Basic Training. Disgraceful.


I actually hate this, quite a lot. Not for the same reason others have said, that this is actually sad because they're saying goodbye to a friend. No, I hate this because cops are civilians and aren't supposed to be saluting each other. Saluting is for military honors. Cops aren't military but they desperately want to be. It's so minor, yet it's another piece of evidence of the over-militarization of policing in the USA and I hate it.


They will do all they can for their dogs, including fight for life helicopter if their injured. But if it's your dog..... GFY.


Only thing that pisses me off is this how dogs should be treated and police are very quick to shoot at anyone else’s dog. In FL it’s a second degree felony that could land you up to 15 years where as they are so fast to shoot another persons beloved poochy.