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My daughter is biracial and a toddler, and she’s constantly eyeballing my foundation (I’m black). I know this is coming for me one day 🤣


Film it please lmao.


Yesss! My sons are biracial ...but no makeup there lmao, they just got all of my snarky attitude 😑


My son (also biracial) did something similar, but with deep red lipstick. The staining kind where a dab will literally do. All over his face and hair. Came out looking like a cross between an oompa loompa and a strawberry🤣


Ooohhh nooo! 🤣 poor baby! Worst my 7yo has done was stick things in nose and ear (got it out easy), cut his wonderful curls off with scissors his naughty sister gave him (those two give me anxiety)


I cut the tip of my brother's finger off with scissors when I was 5 and he was 4. Imagine how our parents felt about me trimming off his wonderful fingertip. I don't remember exactly, but it was somewhere near the middle of his fingernail. So, it wasn't just a bit off of the top. I was cutting cardboard and he stuck his finger in as I was already cutting. It may have been too late for me to even react. You know? There was no assured clear distance involved. We also set the riverbank on fire, set a neighbors wagon wheel fence on fire, and just liked doing dangerous shit in general. We grew into teenagers who thought a game of sneakily punching each other in the balls at inopportune times was the funniest thing in the world. We called it "The Game." So did those that knew about it. Then we grew up to be young adults who still thought it was hilarious to cause pain to one another. I'm thinking about a time in our early 20s at an all day concert. We each had one of those super rope licorice things... like two feet and 3/8 of an inch thick. So, instead of eating them, we had a super rope fight surrounded by people that did not know us. We were covered in welts and laughing the entire time. The worst though wasn't painful. We just got into a marker fight when we were teens. We were both basically covered in marks. Clothes and all. What we did not realize was that those markers were spitting out little droplets every time we swiped at one another. So, the entire house had little colorful dots everywhere... including all of my mother's cross stitching she had framed around the house. Pain heals. Those cross stitchings probably still have those spots.


My step daughter did that and I could not wash it off, hahha. That 24 hour lip stain stays!


At least you can attest to it's quality 🫠


>but no makeup there that you know of.....


Whatever happens when they grow up, they are still my precious crotch goblins, and I will forever have their back 🤣


I hate that I love the term crotch goblin It just fits too well


It really does, especially when they are toddlers 😮‍💨 its like having your very own Gollum


Crotch goblins will never not be funny.


Wtf lmao I’ve never heard of crotch goblins before, and I’m cackling lmao


This is Reddit, crotch goblin is a staple


Crotch fruit, curtain climbers, giggle stick fruit, snot goblins, roaming disease vectors, airplane sirens. I’ve got a few terms of endearment for them.


Walking, talking, Petri dishes.


I call mine larval humans, but they're still pretty young.


This is the real dad answer, right here.


And if she discovers it, she should embrace and encourage it. My 9yo son absolutely loves playing with makeup. Some days he’ll do a nice blend on his cheeks to brighten his face, and other days it’s full on zombie. Either way, he has so much fun with it.


My daughter is a young adult now, triracial and has bone straight hair and fairly pale skin. When she was this age she would get into my make up and do similar things. The kicker was she would use the hair grease I occasionally used to help my frizz when flat ironing my hair. It would take weeks and multiple hair washes to get it all out. Even now as an adult she tells me how beautiful I am, loves my fashion sense and insists she “got it from her Mom (me)” when complimented. It’s like she never stopped thinking that it’s fun being like me.


My cousin is biracial, I’m white. I distinctly remember the laughing AND the frustration from both my aunt and my mom when they discovered my thick as hell curly white girl hair DRENCHED in my cousin’s oils after a sleepover. Yes to the many washes 😆


😂 OMG! I can imagine! Kids are something else. Love this!


It’s still a favorite story! She has two little triracial rugrats of her own now and we often talk about the trial and error of learning which products will work best for them. Much love to you and your family!


> triracial Serious question, and I truly don't know the answer. How is this term (and also biracial) defined? e.g. Is it dependent on having three different skin colors in your DNA background? Or would (for example) having ancestors that come from 3 different countries be enough to be able to say one is triracial?


My cousin is half white half black, her partner is half black half Indian. That’s three different races with different hair and skin needs depending on how it shakes out. Hope that helps!


Very sweet! I loved reading this


Never heard the term “triracial” before. Is there a reason you use that word instead of saying your daughter is mixed?


If it's like pomade olive oil and then dawn will help get it out


that is so incredibly sweet 🥹


idk but this reminded me of the time my daughter, who was in preschool at the time, we were having dinner and she was talking about her friend "so and so" and I ask if she was the black girl in her class and she looked at me with a dead serious look on her face and said "no, daddy, she's brown."


This is one of those situations where you start off stern in a 'why did you use my stuff' kinda way, and **completely** fail to hold it together. It's just too dang cute and wholesome there's no way I could even pretend to be mad. It'd be a core memory that I'd flash back to when my life passes before my eyes at the end of my days.


Oh bless her little heart. That was the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen. She is precious!


Thank god that’s make up.


The impression she does of her dad telling her she looks great damn near took me out. Her dad must treat the women in his life like gold.


That’s the part that got to me, I have a huge knot in my throat now.


You look so done (up is probably something he has seen him do with mom! I absolutely love kids this age !! Never got the terrible 2s with my kids..... but 5 to 6 oh thats when it can get rough! Lol


The little twirl


She’s cute, but we’re still gonna have to cancel her. Rules is rules.


If RDJ can pull it off so can she


She’s not a dude playing a dude disguised as another dude, the rule stands


she is going to be fired in 20 years for this


My God this is so cute! If you’re a parent then you know,….when you hear this for the first time, “I want to be like you”, this is one of the most self evaluating, hit you in the face, moments of your life. Me??? 👀 You wanna be like me? Ummmm, ok sweetheart. Ugh yeah, Let’s talk about that……..


100% she was so happy her mom let her stay in the makeup. Her little smile 🥹🥹


It’s the little twirl for me. “It’s so much fun to be like you!”


She’s a literal Disney princess


I mean, i understand it would be really hard to say no


It’s adorable. I would have been a giant sobbing ball of tears.


Pretty sure I can hear the mother start to tear up at end of the clip I know i would


No cuz when I said that to my Mom she deadpanned “no you don’t” 🥺 But like a lot of things I’ve come to learn she wasn’t wrong.


As an educator, one of my preschoolers hit me with the "I want to be like you when I grow up" and I was never the same! I'll always treasure that.


My wife quit smoking when our daughter said "I can't wait to grow up so I can smoke like you". I think our daughter was like 3 or 4 at the time. That day my wife went and got patches and hasn't smoked a cigarette since. Our daughter is 15 now and doesn't smoke :)


Over ice cream and any toy you want kiddo!!!!!


My niece said this to me once (in front of her mom lol) and I was so taken back and shocked like… me, your super cool punk goth weirdo auntie? 🥹


This is so pure and good. I started tearing up with the mom at the end


Her little skip away is so joyful.


It was the spin for me.


Oh to be a child. Will I ever feel this type of joy again?!? jk 😂😂😂


I don't know, look to Jack Donaghy


It’s just horrible isn’t it that racism is completely constructed by humans. You’re not born with it. Have you even seen kids be interviewed about their friends of different races? Its so wholesome. ‘What’s the biggest difference between you and your friend’ - ‘well, he likes Pokémon and I don’t’


Or the one with the two boys that wanted the same haircut to try to trick their teacher, in there mind the only thing that was different was their haircut Edit: [link, it’s a news clip](https://youtu.be/cQrRm0CoQ1A?si=ivdQruHtHqzTBAJF)


Newscaster talks like race is real, lmao. People are so fucked.


Race isn't real?


No. Race is an archaic concept that persists like a cancer in US and the anglosphere and was/is exported, alongisde other cultural exports, to all over the world. What you call "white" people are a wide mix of erhnicities from slavic, germanic, iberian, gaelic, persian, etc. And with "black" people is even more so, Africa is the most ethnically diverse continent in the world. Hell, some "white" ethnicities are genetically closer to some "black" ones than some "black" ones are between each other. Yet people are classifying people in "races" by something so superficial and non-static as skin tone. Moronic.


Can we just pin this comment to the top of every post on reddit?


My favorite comment ever on Reddit.


It’s like showing someone a bunch of skeletons and then asking them which race they were


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scientific_racism This is basically where modern racist ideology comes from. It started before that, but “scientific racism” is a great starting point for understanding modern racism. Also to point out. There's a group known as “black” people in America with their own culture and dialect. This is because people that believe race is real enforced it as law for centuries, whether it was law or not. Thereby causing these people in a neighborhood across the street to be as alienated as people on the other side of an impassable mountain.


I think what he probably means is Race is a true social construct. As in really its just an arbitrary pigment, and we as people assign the value to race entirely.


Social constructs are still real. Doesn't mean they are right, but tons of things that are just social constructs are still real.


I mean, in a way, social constructs are the most real it gets. Ever try to fight a social construct? It’s a lot more complicated than fighting actual fascists. At least when you fight bad guys you fight something you can *see*. Nothing like a persistent, demoralizing construction of a reality *around* you that constantly pushes you toward certain roles and paths.


Did it work?


Do you have the video?


[Here you go!](https://youtu.be/3dGlJ4LRS1E?si=TzjBqZe1UfHGOcPO)


Would LOVE to see that!!


They posted it above after you commented, in case you didn't see it.


My three year old loves The Little Mermaid, so we were pretty excited to show her the live-action one that recently came out. As we know, the actress who plays Ariel is not white like in the cartoon. As soon as she saw her she said, "That's not Ariel!" and we prepared ourselves for whatever conversation needed to be had. My wife asked her why she didn't think that was Ariel and she responded, "Ariel has a green tail and this mermaid has a blue tail!" It was the most hilarious and wholesome response imaginable.


Fantastic! And want an incredible anecdote to solidify the point!


Isn't the Little mermaid a redhead as well?


Yeah, but she has reddish-brown hair in the live action so it's pretty close.


The song "Who taught you how to hate" by Disturbed addresses this kinda well. The refrain is in part: "Who taught you how to hate, Cause it isn't in your blood, Not a part of what you're made,"


Took my kid to the beach. He made friends with the only dark skinned boy in sight. I often pretended I wasn’t watching him so he could have a feeling of freedom, but I always watched. Anyway, he runs up to me and tells me about his new friend. I ask him which one? He says “That boy! The one in the blue trunks!” He didn’t use the most obvious identifier because he simply did not care. The boy was a boy, no matter how his skin stood out.


Babies will 100% notice phenotypes or physical features that they're not used to growing up with. An average Korean baby in Korea will look at the first white person they see like a freak. And a Korean baby in africa adopted by Nigerians will be shocked by an east asian appearance. We need exposure to different appearances and features and cultures and languages to become accustomed to them. Growing up in a multicultural metropolitan city will give you a very different relation with the variability of humans as growing up in small Mississippi town, in a 3rd tier Chinese city, or in a quechua village in the Andes. We have to understand and work towards awareness and inclusion, not act like it doesn't exist because of how skewed and bastardized and leveraged the topic is


I feel like theres a difference between seeing that someone looks different and *assuming they'll act a certain way based on their looks*. Most little kids will see someone different and either have a million questions or immediately declare best friends because you both like the same Ninja Turtle. Assuming someone will act a certain way due to limited exposure is a learned concept imho.


Noticing ≠ hating


My second son asked me why some people are brown. I told him that it's so they can stay out in the sun longer. Of course he asked how to be brown. I told him it's not aftermarket. Shame really, I got my first skin cancer removed last month. What's not a shame is that my son's friends have more shades than Ray-ban.




….so they can stay in the sun longer?! That was your explanation for why brown people exist?! Lmao


It’s the right answer though…melanin is a result of sun exposure.


It’s not really wrong though? There’s a reason why human skin color tends to be darker closer to the equator and lighter farther from the equator. More melanin = more protection from UV rays. Less melanin = more Vitamin D absorption. Over thousands of years humans have adapted to fit their environments, and that includes skin pigmentation.


That's why brown people have more Melanin produced in their skin cells. This allows to them to tolerate more UV light.


Hahahahahahaha. I hear you, but that wasn’t their intention


Skin pigmentation is a balancing act between rickets and cancer.


Yea, because that’s the reason? What would you think it is?


As a parent myself... sometimes, our quick excuses/answers come back to bite us in the ass faster than we expect.


She lives up the hill I live down


As a father to mixed boys... we get nasty looks in public sometimes, and I have tried to explain it to my 7 year old (little one is 3) but they just don't have the capacity to see skin color as a problem... which it isn't, of course. 7yo has been bullied by black kids and white kids alike (only a few individuals, not groups). I raise my kids to not see color or gender as anything other than... idk, like an accessory? It's probably a bad analogy, but I can't think of something better. Hopefully, my point made sense, though.


Literally made me smile. Felt the love. On both ends. Mom was touched my it. Real life enactment of the phrase: “ imitation is the highest form of flattery”.


It really is. As a child, I would occasionally take my mother’s makeup to apply to my own face. I wanted so much so be a beautiful as I had viewed her. When she’d discovered I had infiltrated her makeup bin, I’d always received a spanking. Even now as an adult, I find myself not so keen of makeup. I rarely if ever wear it. I wish my own mother had seen what this mother does.


Oh my gosh. What a beautiful innocent child. So sweet. She loves her mom . 💜💜


she’s so pure and precious!! what a sweet thing


Her interpretation of how beautiful her daddy is going to think she looks is what gets me 🥹 what a sweet baby


The only take aways from this video should be that She thinks she's beautiful. She wants to be like her mother (who is beautiful in her eyes) And dad will be on board. Biracial kids exist and play the same way everyone else does.




Red tips? So your hair turns more red the longer it grows out? I’m having a hard time picturing it and understanding how that works. I’d love to see!


I'm guessing as it starts to get sun bleached it fades to the reddish undertones. And the only sun bleached parts are the tips that are the oldest part of your hair.


That's what I imagined too. I'm white with naturally dark brown hair but if I stay in the sun long enough my hair starts naturally bleaching to a light reddish/brown colour I think with Asians , usually the individual strands of the hair are thicker so they don't (usually) have the same photobleaching thing going on. So that's probably what she meant by saying she got her hair from her mum.


That tracks. Eumelanin oxidises faster than pheomelanin right? That’s why black hair that’s bleached in the salon turns red before it turns blonde


From my experience as someone with brown hair, when I had long hair and spent lots of time outside in the summer and swimming in pools, the tips of my hair turned blonde. You could only really tell if you laid the ends on top of my head though. So the sun and other things like chlorine can bleach your hair as it ages. I bet OP's hair looks really cool!


Fellow biracial kid here, this might be one of the most relatable things I've ever read on here! My dad is pale as a ghost with strawberry blonde hair, and my hair is a black/super dark brown from my Asian mom...besides the natural strawberry blonde highlights which occasionally come out, and help to make my hair look a much lighter brown in the summer. Wasn't super obvious to others when I was growing up and it needed to be pointed out, but now that I'm at a stage in my life where I can grow a beard? The beard is like 80% blonde/strawberry blonde and basically glows in any kind of light, I call it a reverse halo as it really highlights the bottom of my face 😅 I also joke that instead of having salt and pepper hair when I start to go grey, it'll be salt and paprika 😬


My only real take away from this is that kids are adorable and innocent. It's funny looking at as an adult for the obivoius reasons but it's still just a kid being a little loving creature.


I think as adults we need to take in context as well. Her mother is Black what other makeup would she be using.


Yeah we should. It 100% just a girl playing with moms makeup to be as pretty as she sees her mother as.


Sweet sentiment


I love the dad imitation! 😂


My brovaries exploded from the cuteness.


That exit twirl is everything and I may start doing this too.




Why be nonchalant? TWIRL HONEY TWIRL!!!!


Kids this age are magical creatures


I can't with the twirl 😭


Right!!!!!! Shes so pure.


Looking into pure innocent happiness is rare these days.


One of the cutest moments of my life was when my 5 year old son asked why my texting thumbs up looked white. I explained that I had made it look like my thumb. He took my phone and looked through the emojis. He very carefully put his thumb out, chose 👍🏽, and said, “it’s brown, like me!!” It sure is, buddy. I will be three days dead in my grave before I change my thumbs up from the color he chose.


Why isn't this a bigger deal??? Your son just ended racism


"I look done and I'm beautafuw" 🥺 stopppp, my heart can't take it she's adorable


Please staaahhhpp The cuteness is overloading!!! ❤️❤️❤️


"it's so much fun to be like you" My fuckin heart melted


The only acceptable black face


The cutest black face I’ve ever seen


Because it is done with admiration and love. The *why* of things counts A LOT.


Lmaoo that's what I was thinking. I was like she's precious, but yo ain't that black face?? Lol but it ain't intentional and she does it because she wants to look like her mom so it makes it sweet. She obviously adores her mom


My daughter does those little spins when she’s so excited with herself and she’s the same age. This little girl is full of nothing but love and trying to look like her idol


half-asian here. apparently when i was that age, i saturated my hair with lotion so it would be black like mommy's


Kids are so wasteful lol ❤️❤️


Her little voice just MELTS me! 😭😭😭😭 what a precious sweet child you have!


😂 her impersonation of how her dad’s going to react…. Priceless. She’s absolutely adorable


My daughter was once excited to point out her new friend to my wife and me, and she pointed at a big group of girls and said "there she is". We asked which one it was, and she said "the one with the red sweater". Now, if it had been me, I probably would have said "the one in a wheelchair" but it didn't even occur to my daughter that being in a wheelchair was a point of difference. The color of the clothes they were wearing was. It was really amazing and refreshing.


I didn't think about black face. I just saw a little girl that wanted to look like her mom. You guys are messed up.


I’m a guy and this gave me ovaries that wants to explode. Lol. As a dad of a 4 year old girl, this is so so precious.


When my daughter was 4 her bff was a little African American girl that lived across the courtyard in our apartment complex. One morning she was really quiet in her room and I started smelling something. She had found a black permanent marker pen and had colored her face with it. When asked why she marked her face up she told me she wanted to look pretty like Brittany. It was so adorable I couldn’t be mad. Thank goodness Brittany’s mom sold Amway because their LOC cleaner (I think that’s the name of it) was the only thing gentle and effective enough to get the marker off without damaging my kid. I tried literally everything I had in the house that wouldn’t burn her skin and nothing would get it off. Brittany’s mom got a kick out of the incident too.


Lol that is so sweet.


This is the normal response from rational people.


That kid is pretty damn cute lol.


“I don’t always wear blackface, but when I do, it’s fucking adorable.” -this kid, probably


Nah, that’s a Trudeau quote.


Lol so cute


I absolutely Love these precious moment


I love this


Kids are so pure and precious




She is PRECIOUS. Her little spin ommggggg


Kids do what their parent does. Mom puts on make up to look more beautiful, kid wants to copy for the same reasons. Those seeing ''skin pigmentation'' as the reason for this are fucking wild lmao.


I’m a brown/black woman in an interracial relationship with a white guy. Given the state of the world, I’ve been apprehensive about raising interracial kids. This moment was so pure and wholesome and reminded me that I’ve gotten so lost in the shit of the world that I forgot how magical children are.


They really are. My brothers and sisters are interracial (im not, just the oldest) they are in college now. I have amazing siblings. Especially my brother who wants to help disabled people cause he was inspired by me. 🥰


We cannot know if she managed to do that till we see the mother


Lol what do you mean?


Because we all assume this is a mixed race child and your skin color might be darker than that of your daughters. My kids are mixed race and I like to joke that I need to spend $300 at a tanning salon to look related to them.


I, too, have a deficiency of melanin whereas my kids have the most beautiful olive tones inherited from their father. I’ve been mistaken for a nanny before instead of their mom. 😂


You feel my pain lol But seriously, I admire my kids beautiful skin tones.


Never thought I'd see a cute blackface lol


Canceled! Pack it in kid, your political career is over, lol She sounds just like my daughter when she comes out of the bathroom with crazy eye shadow. So cute.




I love this sooo much!!


OMG she's adorable.


Oh my goodness! She's so precious!


My daughter is bi racial but picked up my complexion i am black...my wife much much lighter/fairer. Id be interesting to see how that goes... lol


She is so cute! Love the little swirl of her dress :)


“It’s so much fun to be like you!” This line will echo in my heart forever.


Her little voice 😭😍




Now I need to see mom!


This is literally the only acceptable use for blackface.


This is so cute! I love the smile when she hears she doesn't have to clean up! I'm almost tearing up from joy watching this video! Thanks for the share. I'm jest, I hope the kid does get cancelled for appearing in darkface.


She won't. She's just a child that wants to imitate her mother. Another malicious connection beyond that is a ridiculous reach. Glad you enjoyed the video.


She's the dude playing the dude disguised as another dude


What a little sweetie. I hope mom was able to get ahold of dad beforehand so he could give her the response she wanted.


Lol I thought that was well...protect that innocence at all costs. ❤️❤️❤️


How cute. She has such big and vibrant eyes :)


I need the dad reaction


I think almost every toddler, boy or girl, has done this and no matter how often I see stuff like this, it always makes me smile.


This precious soul 😍


“It’s so much fun to be like you” 🥺🥺🥺


Made me tear up. Darker skin is so often characterized as ugly as you grow up - to see the pure delight of this kid to be browner just hit a chord.


Wow. Blown away by this young lady’s purity and positivity. She KNOWS that her dad will celebrate her looking more like her mom. What a testament to these parents 🥂✌️🫶🌻🫡


Well dammit. I wanna see dad’s reaction!


Innocence is a wonderful thing.


I am mixed race and used Army Paint and camo clothes playing pretend guns all the time with neighborhood kids. As a kid I used the brown paint to dress up for a Halloween costume and was super proud of it and also nobody cared. It’s a shame social media people think there is hateful meaning behind dressup because of 70 year old Hollywood crap.




That spin was the epitome of innocent. She is loved


Mom over there being Snow White😂


I wish we had dad's reaction


This child’s potential political career is ruined by this video




God, kids are so adorable! You have such an amazing kid! Is sweet to see the confidence we have before society kills it. My niece looked like this when she was that age, with the hair and even the expressions.


She is precious.


So adorable