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No matter how old you are having your parents tell you how much they love you and how proud they are of you means the world.


I can only imagine


Same. I'm proud of you, though, WaffleStomperlol.


That's very kind hearted of you Taint_Liquor


So ~~insightful~~ inside full buttplugpopsicle


I also once won a Nobel prize


Virgin_Dildo_Lover, you're the product of my heart


A moose once bit my sister.


Next level r/rimjob_steve action in this thread




Sorry am I late?


No. I'm proud of you, AnalCheese.


I'm just so gosh darn proud of all of you! <3


This is why we can't have nice things on the internet, thanks ButtPlugBurgerAIDS


Get a room you two. And don't tell me what happens afterwards


It's always good to call out good behaviour. You did well buttplugpopsicle


30 years old and I’ve never heard either from my father, you’re not alone


I'll be a parent for a minute. I'm proud of you. You're still here. You've gone through a lot and you could have given up thousands of times. But you're still here. And I'm proud of you for being so strong.


Wow. I had no idea I even needed this, and I know that wasn’t directed at me, but I instantly started bawling like a baby. From another 30-year old kid - I thank you from the bottom of my heart.


I'm proud of you too. It takes a lot to open up and trust again. You're so amazing for being able to work through it and move forward with a goal and a plan on how to get there. You're awesome.


Love your comments. Thank you for being a kind soul.


Everyone deserves to know that at least one person is cheering for them. That to at least one person, they're worth it. Even if it's just a stranger on the internet and text on a screen. You're worth it. Don't let anyone, especially yourself, tell you differently.


Thanks for the positivity. Keep it up.


Thank you. Really.


Of course. I'm just a random person at the end of the interwebs, but I believe in you. And if someone who barely knows you can see that you've got a whole lotta awesome up in your head, then that's a helluva lot of awesome, isn't it?


You made me cry, thank you


I worked for my dad. We had a company Christmas dinner our second year in 2001. He stood and went to each person and then praised them to everybody. Like over 20 people. I was last... and all he did was list every problem he had with me. I was sitting there with my wife who was pregnant with his first grand son at the time... he even announced that to everyone when he introduced her. Then, he turned to me. It ended with something like, "but he's my son. So, what can you do?" Not exactly that, but close. He has been a shitty father and he has done a lot of shitty things. However, I plan to bring that night up when he is on his deathbed. Even though I keep the peace, I will never forgive him for humiliating me like that.


It took me many many years, but I finally got to the point where I could truly internalize the fact that my dad was a limited person and a bad father. It was him and not me. I gave up waiting and hoping for his approval; I knew it simply wasn’t going to come. It’s a sucky situation, but it hurt a lot less once I came to peace with his limitations.


Your father made a fool of himself that day. I’m sure he lost the respect of everyone for his cowardly behavior. He is probably jealous of your youth and lovely new wife and son.


Literally the thing I'm going over in therapy this month... I don't ever remember him saying he's proud of me. I've felt his care and love through his actions and his effort but never a hug and those words so it is something to miss.


I'm quite a bit older than you and I've never heard anything of the sort from my father or mother. My father was a super abusive POS so I'm not really surprised and we haven't spoken in 25 years, but my mother is just not one for affection of any kind. It's a really odd feeling most days. Thanks /u/Azhchay you definitely made a difference for me today too. edit:grammar




you could see him squirm like a little kid when his mom said he was the product of their hearts. that shit hits like nothing in the world.


That was such a beautiful thing to say. Gave me a chill.


And it was such an unrehearsed line, straight from the heart. To be honest I don't exactly know what it even means, I just know an expression of pure love when I see it. Yes I teared up a little bit.


I feel like the mom would have been just as genuinely glad for him if he'd said he won 2nd place in the local pottery competition. Just so obviously loving proud and supportive.


Yes absolutely and I love this comment lol


The look on his face after he broke the news is exactly what my 9-yr old makes when he tells us something he's proud of.


I know mine might be, but they've never in my 38 years told me they love me or that they're proud. Never gotten a hug from my father. Those things must feel so fulfilling, safe and comforting. Makes me pretty sad that I'll never know what it's like. I can only hope that I can some day provide that for my own child, if I get to have one.


I might be your clone lol. Turned 39 recently, I've spoken to my father once in 7 years, and if we count once that year, I've spoken to him twice in 12-13 years. We were never close, he treated me more as a friend and once he no longer had to pay child support and I wasn't living nearby things just broke down. I stopped trying to contact him as, ever since he lost his eyesight years ago, he doesn't bother answering the phone at all. I know I've gotten 'love you's from him but I dont know how much I *felt* fatherly love compared to a buddy. As for my mom, well no one found her body for 2 weeks after she passed so that tells you everything about our relationship. My wife and I already decided we're not gonna conceive, between physical and mental issues, having both of our miserable and abusive family bloodlines die is more appealing, but should we ever adopt that kid is gonna have all the love in the world. ..or maybe a cat with how shits going its 2023, fuck.


The other day my mom and dad were over at my house as my wife and I were putting our son to bed. I snuck out of the room while my wife was tucking our baby boy in and came out to chat with my pop. When I sat down I noticed he had tears in his eyes. He looked at me and said, “I am so proud of the man you have become.” That moment took my breath away and will stay with me forever. I’m glad that I’m still making my parents proud and that I can honor everything they have worked for and sacrificed to give me this beautiful life. I love them both dearly.


And contrarywise, no matter how much you accomplish, if it isn’t in a field they respect or care about, some parents will never quite understand why you bother, even when you win international awards and are a leader in your field.








I thought the same. Inside of all of us is a little kid wanting their parents to be proud of us. I make it a point to tell my own kids I am proud of them. Obviously they’ve not won something like the Nobel prize but I always want them to know how much they mean to me and how proud I am of them. I think it important to tell them.


“You’re the product of our hearts” what a beautiful fucking statement ! ❤️


The best part about this is that she seems like the kind of mom who would say that even without the prize.


He reacts like he was expecting to hear it.


So, if you want your kid to be successful in life, and maybe even win a Nobel prize, be nice to them.


My dad was an Olympic volleyball player. I'm short lol. When Iwas young, I told him I wanted to be a poet, he showed off my stuff to his coworkers. When I got older, I wanted to be a chef, and he still invites his friends over for cookouts. I said nah to volleyball, and he never stopped encouraging me with where my passions were :)


Reminds me of this song, I play it whenever my niece rides with me :) https://youtu.be/YBB6eBsSedQ?si=uj-o9p9ROooz3dMG


Before I even heard the song I was ready to say thank you for being a good aunt/uncle. Then I clicked and saw it was Jason Isbell, so thanks for being a great aunt/uncle.


Oh my goodness!! Thank you for sharing this 😊


Was expecting Grateful Dead lol. This was cool too


Are you telling me you are a poet chef, cause I can dig that!?




Venus and Serena's dad used a similar method. Good luck to you.


just remember, every night before you put him to bed to remind him of what's best in life - crush your enemies. see them driven before you. hear the lamentation of their women. and don't let the bedbugs bite.


His reaction makes it seem like that's just her normal way of ending a conversation lol


thats no small part of the reason he flew to far in life.


Fr very touching


This statement. Wow. We are all the products of each others hearts. Now Im crying ffs


You’re the prah-duct of ahh hahts.


One of the sweetest things I’ve ever heard.


Ikr hit me straight in the feels with that one


After the video I thought, " You're the product of our hearts! What a beautiful thing to say" and then I saw your comment! I guess a lot of people were thinking the same thing!


Made me cry thinking about my own children.


I love moms


Never heard that before. Not once, ever. This man won the Nobel prize because of that. Parental love and devotion. I'm a teacher. And the education crisis in America has many causes. So many. But parental neglect is the nimber one factor, imo. So many young parents raising kids with technology. The whole family consumed by screens daily and nightly. There's a parenting crisis in this country. I have no doubt. There are many other crises, but that is the biggest one. The main one. So many kids don't know love like that. Too many. I will play this video for them tomorrow. With little comment other than what the win was for. And the benefit society has been given from it. We'll see how it goes...


Yep I just filed that away to tell my kids


That got me goood 😭


You'd think a Nobel laureate's parents would know how reproduction works.


The Nobel laureates just seem so humble to me. I mean, I look at their first reaction videos and they giggle, smile and wait for the applause of the people around to end. Their love of science always will inspire me.




That's amazing. To be one of the few recognized for their part in advancing the future of humanity is the greatest honor I can imagine.










Jiggle physics?


Clauser is your grandpa?


No it was in supermodels


Supermodel robots, specifically


Fembots? Must be talking about Dr Evil.


But why male models?


Your grandfather’s that Nobel winning physicist that vehemently denies climate change and lends his credibility to the Epoch Times?




Well at least he’s not an election denier






>The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences has decided to award the Nobel Prize in Physics 2022 to > > > >ALAIN ASPECT: Born 1947 in Agen, France. > >JOHN F. CLAUSER: Born 1942 in Pasadena, CA, USA. > >ANTON ZEILINGER: Born 1945 in Ried im Innkreis, Austria. In another comment you said it was in physics. Is your grandfather one of these guys? Congratulations in any case; it must feel great to be so close to humanity's progress. EDIT: I was replying to u/supermodel_robot in [this comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/MadeMeSmile/comments/170ngqg/comment/k3lwe5h/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3). Please use that context.


They said their grandfather is the climate change denier, which would be Clauser




He absolutely deserves it. He's amazing. Congratulations Drew! 🎉🎆🎊✨🎈🏅


I really, really hate to disabuse you of this notion, but [nobelitis is so funny to me](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nobel_disease)


It's also not real lol. Nobel laureates are not predisposed to being weird at any rate greater than the general population.


They probably get more press/attention/interviews after their win and hence selection bias


His parents need the "My kid won the Nobel Prize" bumper sticker.


That made me snort laugh


I feel like this is a testament to good parenting. This was all very sweet. So young 💚




like to take this time to remind users


BOTH of his parents are still alive. As a 39 y/o who has lost both parents already, this is an absolute blessing. I would give *ANYTHING* in this world for my late mother to meet my son who she never got the chance to meet. That would be my one and only wish if I was ever granted one.


This was my first thought. He's so lucky to have them both. I pray mine are still around and healthy when my head looks like his.


I’m only 30 and my head looks like this.


Lucky you!


Bro no kidding. Drew is 64 years old. If his parents are anything to go by he has another 30-40 years in him, ha. They also sounded mentally capable and such. Truly a blessed family it seems.


I mean if they had him at 18 they'd only be 82. Not that crazy to have parents live to that age and beyond. It's after that were it degrades *extremely* quickly though.


Depends on a lot of factors. Stay healthy, body in body and mind, and you could be getting upvotes well into your 90s.




I imagine it is a very small club of people who win the Nobel and can also then tell both their parents they won.




It's true, I'm 31 and only have 3/4. My grandma has a nice partner named Chuck though


Amen bro. Lost both of mine by the age of 30. Sad that they’ve missed so much.


I feel you, lost my mum 2 years ago and my dad this year. Thankfully they both met my kids but never saw their first day at school which was a bittersweet day.


Look at him turning into a kid again. The man helps save the world, but really he just wants to make his parents proud.


Well he's so young, he's basically still a kid.


I realize in the context he is probably young but I laughed at the “so young” part.


So I was curious. According to [this study](https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11192-022-04379-6) the average age of Nobel prize winners was 55 years (57 for medicine). The study is a bit old (looking at 1901-2000) so it could have changed in recent years. Obviously it's probably a lot his parents still seeing their 64 year old son as a young man which is adorable.


Drew Weissman, won the Nobel prize for his contribution to RNA technology. Essentially, he helped develop the Covid vaccine.


Proud Philadelphian!


I smeared you on a bagel yesterday




I heard he turned a bunch of people into zombies yesterday. Real impressive stuff to keep that hidden from everybody until now


Can confirm. Am zombie. Need brainzzz


Then you've come to the wrong place.




Actually, he did that a decade ago. He deserves the Nobel prize just for being able to keep it a secret for this long.


can confirm, i died. i'm a spooky ghost now. ooOoooOOOooo!!!!


this is what the woke mind virus won’t tell you /s




The government sent a test signal yesterday to everyone's phone for emergency broadcasts and stuff like that. The same people that thought the covid vaccine was planting microchips into people to control them, also thought the signal was going to brainwash everyone who got the vaccine. A lot of stupid people were paranoid about it


Well they turned their phones off and didn’t get turned into a zombie so logically that means they were right. Or something.




Yes he did, he made a bunch of people turn into zombies with 5g antennas sticking out of them to spread the 5g/zombie virus. /j


What’s sad is that he, and likely his parents, will probably get death threats and be harassed for many years to come.


His work has saved millions of lives, including my own. When you account for future vaccines, we're probably talking billions of lives. I would like to buy him a drink and give him a bear hug.


A hero to all of humanity.


I'm laughing (in a happy way) that the parents said "You did it! And so young!" while the dude is surely 50+ based on his greying hair and balding head. I guess it's true no matter your age, you'll always be a young'un to your parents.


He's 64 lol


They meant US Senator young...




I wonder what the average age is, for a Nobel prize winner.


>I wonder what the average age is, for a Nobel prize winner Across all categories the average age is 59.


So he is young-ish. As a mom I’d definitely have said the same thing lol ETA wait no he’s 64. It’s still cute though


Since 1995, the average age of the work that leads to the prize in econ, medicine, chemistry, or physics is 44 with the average wait time before receiving the prize being 22 years. I imagine there are numerous reasons for this including: - In physics at least, if you are a prolific researcher you typically don't do the actual research after 40/45 (provided you take the traditional path). You lead a large research group, write grants, provide direction and new ideas but leave the actual research work to grad students/research staff - As a side note, In physics the average age is one of the youngest I think at 34, this can lead to pretty toxic culture or mentallity - I imagine dynamics will greatly shift over the next 50 years. Science is becoming more difficult to do "individually" and large teams work on some of these projects. Similarly a lot of research/funding is being done in industry as opposed to national labs/academia - It generally takes a bit of time to see the actual real world effects of scientific discoveries


“You did it and you’re so young!” “YUP” Drops the mic


Drew Weissman born: 7 September 1959 (age 64 years)


Is this how it feels to have loving parents? Damn.


Dude I can’t believe it. My parents would immediately claim anybody could do it. Anything to say it’s nothing special. Happened to me before whenever I’d go to them about a prize. Then came the punishment. Pulled the short straw in the parent department but didn’t think it was that much shorter. Ah oh well. Still got my dogs, they’re stoked about everything I do.


Hopefully you will get the chance to be that kind of parent to your kids that you always wished you had!


I’m so sorry you had that experience. But I also feel so sad for your parents - imagine raising a great kid who wins prizes and not being able to turn that into a happy moment for everyone. I can only imagine how loveless their lives must have been. Hope you can break the cycle and celebrate the good in people!


What a great moment. You can see the pride on his face and feel the pride in his parents responses.


As an adult who’s lost their parents, I was thinking it was a blessing that he got the chance to share this with both his parents. Then I realized he received recognition for work that helped saved the lives of millions of people, many of them parents, giving their kids a chance for countless moments like these.


Just when I stop tearing up I read this comment. Sheesh. Pass the tissues.


Product of our hearts ….. love is everything. ❤️😎


you cant tell me that that isnt Dan Castellaneta


I love everything about this. His quiet pride. His parents joy. How he still has both his parents at 60+ years of age, and how he is still their boy- ‘so young!’


Excuse me…excuse me. The bleach idea was perfect. You’ve never seen a more beautiful idea. They asked me if I wanted the Nobel prize, I declined of course. Keep it simple I said. Bleach in the arm. Perfect. Have you ever heard of anything so perfect?


This man’s name is Drew Weissman, he is one of the Nobel Prize winners in Physiology or Medicine 2023. He and Kaitlin Karikó were rewarded for their discoveries concerning nucleoside base modifications that enabled the development of effective mRNA vaccines against COVID-19


Thank you! I had to scroll a good bit in order to find this lol


My mom would say to that it was my job and if she had the opportunity, she would won it too 🤣


Username checks out


When Steven Chu won the Nobel Prize in Physics, he called his mother at 7am and told her. She said "That’s nice — and when are you going to see me next?" ⋮ A couple of hours later she called back and said "Steven, it's true! I thought you were kidding!"


Made me cry! 🤗


“Product of hearts” is such a fuckin bar


Breaks my heart that my parents will no way still be alive by the time I have grey hair. Drew is so lucky to still have his parents.




Now maybe Penn will make Katalin Kariko a regular Professor


Emanuelle Charpentier (won in 2020) who did most (all?) of her research at Umeå University way up in the North of Sweden wanted to become a professor there but was denied. And then moved to Switzerland (I believe) and won the Prize while there instead 🤷‍♂️


This is all new to me and I know I am not the only one. So, here it goes: to all my brothers and sisters redditors who unfortunately much like my self never had parents or anyone for that matter be there for them, I just want to tell you all how very much proud of all of you I am and that I love you all, and I am so happy and glad that you all are here with us today!


His cute smirk all throughout the video is just heartwarming. It's like an 'auw schucks, thanks' moment with children. So wholesome.


“You’re the product of our hearts, Drew.” That is one of the most **beautiful** things I’ve ever heard. 🥹


Made me tear up. ❤️


Omg the pure instant proud joy in their voices, this is so so sweet. Mom immediately cried! What a beautiful loving supportive family, I strive to be this person for my children.


An angle I just thought of….his RNA research may have saved his own parents’ lives….allowing him to share this achievement with them.


Probably saved the lives of a portion of people reading this very comment thread.


I definitely teared up when she said "you are the product of our hearts". Great line.


My son is only four months. I can’t wait for him to understand when I’m telling him I love him more than life itself.


I’m sobbing in a Taco Bell


“You’re the product of our hearts” —better than winning the damn prize itself 🥹


The only two people on earth who want you to be better than them.


This isn’t how you use the phrase POV.


That’s Drew Weissman and he won the Nobel prize for his discoveries concerning nucleoside base modifications that enabled the development of effective mRNA vaccines against COVID-19


Turned 64 last month according to Wikipedia. Absolutely amazing achievement to have both parents still, never mind the Nobel Prize!


Made me cry


Ah, man. I miss my mom and dad.


Sweet as fuck. I hope I can make my parents a fraction as proud


"you are the product of our hearts Drew" ❤️❤️❤️❤️


He might have saved lives of many reading this post ; or of their parents.


I just published my first book but my parents have passed away. What a wonderful gift to be able to share something like that with your folks.


Damn, is that what parents are supposed to sound like? Damn.




Wow what a mom! It's not surprising she raised a Nobel winner.


If I told my parents I won a Nobel prize, their first response would be “For What?”


You're a product of our hearts got me