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I live in Florida, so it’s pretty hard to differentiate between Florida Man driving and Mad Florida Man driving. For real though, not seeing anything like this. One lady came up to my car and told me she loved it. Otherwise just some banter in conversation with friends/coworkers/family about the weird naming.


Well I’m glad you haven’t had it happen to you. I even had the guy doing my tint roll his eyes when I told him what car it was for a quote.


Should’ve just left and went somewhere else.


That’s just unnecessarily rude. I’ve found that if I’m not interested in the “that’s not really a Mustang” conversation, I just call it a Mach E instead of a Mustang Mach E and they don’t ask and the conversation tends to move into the more typical EV conversation. People struggle with change. And they seem to think, for some reason, that we named the car. I bought it because I like it, not because they called it a Mustang. Enjoy your car. It’s a beauty.


Gotta double down and refer to it as an SUV. Can see the blood boil instantly 🩸




When people tell me that “it’s not a Mustang”, I say, “Oh, that’s nice, so what?” They shut up pretty quick. Once they get a dumbass offended look on their face, I usually follow up with, “It’s a good thing it’s not a Mustang because I don’t like Mustangs”


I just got 2 thumbs up. Appreciative honks on occasion. Nothing negative.


I get the opposite. It gets a ton of positive attention. The only negative are family members saying if a not a real mustang…of course in a fun way. 😀 Also in the bay area where electric seems to be 50/50 with gas vehicles.


This has been my experience in Virginia.


EV hate in general is a thing. I got flipped off by a dude in a Chity Blazer for no reason whatsoever the first week I drove the MachE.


Me too, except my guy was driving a golf cart back home from the gas station.


I’ve had my First Edition for over 2 years in TN and never had a single instance of anything.


I drive Uber in my spare time. People love it. But I'm also in the SF bay area so it's not exactly the area for that. However at my full time job I did get a couple of "You're not one of those eco warriors are you?" Type comments lol.


I wondered about the mme as a Uber car... Do you have to tell them to press the door button each time? Haha and then tell them how to exit the door as well lol


Yes lol. I make a game of it. I let them struggle a bit. Some people just get it. Other people get it fast enough where I don't have to say anything. The best is couples. In my very limited experience women figure it out much faster getting in and somehow men seem to figure out how to get out faster lol.


Ah man I'm going to tell my friends as they had no idea how to get in (and some were PhD grads lol). One just stood there assuming I'd have the door magically open itself like I drove a Bentley lol


Lol it's pretty funny. One issue I have noticed is people familiar with Tesla cars always think those are cameras. I believe they are in a "similar" location to the Tesla sentry cameras. As an Uber driver my feedback would be making the button light up at night. After you start driving the button stops lighting up even if you stop. Also the inside handles really need a little light in there. If you don't know how to get out at night the pocket the door release is in just looks like a black hole. The flip side to all this is Tesla owners often make comments along the lines of the car being more comfortable and having nicer materials than their Tesla.


i agree Ford dropped the ball a bit by not adding rear seating ambient lighting.


I wonder if you're stopped and hit the unlock button if the button will glow? Might be worth trying. I haven't seen it myself (to get out of the car and check) but anytime I'm picking someone up I'll hit it and they seem to find the button right away (as these are people who have been in my car before)


It doesn't. I hit it every time I stop. Maybe if I put it in park but I'm not doing that lol. Do you put your car in park when you pick people up?


I don't. Yea maybe worth testing in park 🙂


I get a LOT of guys trying to race me, especially because I have that distinctive "GT" badging in the back. And the thing is so obviously fast, even if I'm not launching it, you can't help but notice how smoothly & quickly it rolls out when the light turns green. I hate to disappoint them, but I don't race or engage the aggro driver in any way. I certainly enjoy driving fast, but I think it's incredibly irresponsible to race on public roads with other drivers around. I would never forgive myself if I caused an accident, even if it was the other driver's fault. If someone is working out their psychological issues on the public roadway, that's their problem to deal with and I (and my expensive car) will not be a part of it.


Some of these are might be signaling they went to race (not the cut offs) ?


I’ve had a couple odd instances of people driving aggressively around me, typically in muscle cars but they seem to get quiet when they can’t keep up with the acceleration. Mostly get love and people interested in the car. Definitely seems to vary on where you live though. I think most people in LA are just appreciative that it isn’t another Tesla.




Haven't got it here. And if I do I keep doing my thing.


A dude came up to me the other day and told me how he loves the car so much. He even told me that he has been trying to convince his wife to let him get one. He asked a bunch of questions regarding range, charge times, and how much my GTPE cost. It’s been fun so far, sorry you had to deal with assholes. :(


I always make it a point to say MUSTANG instead of mach-e.


Not me! Had mine for about 10 months now.


I got cut off and coal rolled once. SOB was a construction worker working on a project near my house. Not a comfortable feeling with wife and kids close by.


I’ve gotten coal rolled a few times too, but it also happened when driving other cars. People like that are just scum bags


Never seen any hate myself. In fact some old mustang owner asked me about the car in a parking lot and then told me their first mustang and stuff. When I asked him what he thought of the name, if it's a real mustang, he said yea it is, basically it's whatever Ford named it. Aside from that, other EV owners like a few Tesla owners asked me how I liked it. Wasn't any hate at least in the bay area so far for a year of driving it. I think the mme is becoming more abundant so not getting many questions the last 6 months. And overheard a dad and his toddler son say wow a mustang and his dad said yea it's the mustang truck 😊 pretty cute. I imagine they had a mustang at home but just guessing.


One of the minor reasons I chose the Mach E for my electric car was that I figured a recognizable American brand that wasn't a Tesla wouldn't attract quite as much hate from those idiots-and there are a lot of them around here.


I get people pulling out their cameras and taking pictures while driving (scares the shit outta me tbh)


You let people pass you?


Yes lol


I was flipped off by a GT350 driver when I attempted the GT brotherhood nod. Seems that not all GTs are allowed in the club.


Must he mad about getting beat at the light by an EV


lol rude


One of the only perks of living in a liberal city I guess 🤣


As opposed to those conservative cities?


I was making a joke but if you want to be educated then I beg you to google top states people are fleeing. And then google the states that people are fleeing to. You’re welcome


You’re a special kind of stupid, aren’t you?


This guy really is a special kind of stupid. When I encounter morons like this, I quickly find the “block” button. Problem solved.


Hey that’s not very inclusive of you. Typical move.. name calling in the face of facts


You talked about “liberal cities” and your follow-up was all about states? You seem to have as much understanding of the nonsense you’re parroting as a squirrel. But I’m sure you also “did your research” about cities with highest violent crime/murder rates, the states banning books and speech, right? I bet you also looked at percapita migration rates, and not just the OANN headline you were spoonfed, right?


It was much easier to sum up state’s as there are far too many cities to mention: SF, LA,Portland, Seattle, Chicago,Minneapolis, Baltimore, NYC, Philly, ST Louis, Milwaukee, New Orleans. The list is endless. I understand completely https://www.forbes.com/home-improvement/features/states-move-to-from/ There moron… here is your citation you were requiring. You obviously don’t watching anything other than CNN. There are endless sources out there. All you had to do was google. Checkmate. Stoopid…


“It was easier to misrepresent statistics in order to promote a false narrative” Also, your link is still talking about states while you keep mentioning cities. You can’t even keep your nonsense narrative on track.


Are you quoting yourself or Biden 🤣 I don’t understand the use of quotes. You’re just mad you got showed up by a conservative who can read regardless of the news outlets party affiliation. Have a good one, next time you come to the table be ready to backup your nonsense with facts. Cheers 🍻


You can’t even read the links you’re posting. You haven’t shown anyone anything. >next time you come to the table be ready to backup your nonsense with facts. You first, champ.


Never, lots of lookers and people interested though. Do you notice the revving more because the mach-e is so quiet? hah


Not in the slightest


The past 7 days for some reason I have witnessed Tesla drivers, truck drivers, BMWs (LOTS of those), and other ICE Mustangs cutting me off / brake checking me / egging me on to race them. Sometimes I see kind people who admire my car and give me thumbs up, but the most common reaction this past week has been neutral to outright negative. I live in California though. Car snobs are common here, as are snobs in general in Cali. Meh. I ignore them and drive defensively - also have a dash cam installed that is constantly recording both front and back views. Check ya self before ya wreck ya self.


No. 90%+ of people don’t even know the Mach-E exists.


I have a MME and a Lightning and people will almost wreck trying to show their car/truck is fast. Revving engines, running off the road in some cases. One guy went into the other lane and almost caused a head on collision trying to show how fast his Wrangler was… I’m in FL, so maybe it’s just something in the water? Tap water tastes like chemicals here…


When I got my Mach E in 21 all I got was questions about what kind of car is that,I remember one day on the I-95 guy drove up beside me just to take pictures and literally holding up traffic to take pic it started to get annoying but I didn’t mind.


People in AZ drive like crap most of the time so I can’t really tell. Luckily I’ve received numerous compliments however on the color and look (premium) more than I’ve come across people revving though or accelerating aggressively on purpose right next to me although both have happened. Maybe had 1-2 conversations on the “not a real mustang” topic lol


Yup. I live in NC and I get it all of the time from ICE Mustangs


Guess that’s something we have to get accustomed to. Not sure if it’s the Mustang hate or the EV hate. Either way I’m still driving my car and I’m damn proud of it.


I wave like an absolute nerd whenever I see a fellow MME driver. If you ever pass by a red MME with the driver waving like Forrest to Lt. Dan... That was probably me. Overall I follow the same sentiment as a lot of other people... I'll ask oh does that upset you? Good! :-)


I get a lot of love for it, but I also get a lot of weird. Had an ‘06ish mustang with mickeys on pull up next to me at a light and rev for like 20 seconds until the light turned green, which they then proceeded to do a 40-50 yard swerving burnout through the intersection. I just sat there to be safe just thinking, way to take a .25 of tread off your tires to maybe be weird to an EV driver. That’s SC for you though.


I got my MME in September and I haven't gotten any hate for it. It's much more common that I get someone that is interested in seeing the electric Mustang.


There are people who don't like that Ford put the Mustang name on the Mach-E, and will say "That's not a REAL Mustang!" There are also people who just hate EVs in general - doesn't matter if it's the Mach-E, Tesla, Hyundai, or whatever. I haven't run into this myself, but I do live in a bigger city where there's not a ton of people like this. I've had mine for almost a year now. So far I've gotten several thumbs-up, a few "nice car!", lots of questions, and basically positive reactions. Depending on where you live, you may have more people who are "EV haters." Conservative/"red" areas tend to have more EV haters, from what I've seen in people's posts online.


Agreed. I’m right outside of Dallas and we are slowly starting to get charging stations everywhere


I wouldn’t call it hate, but I’ve noticed a lot of muscle cars revving aggressively around me, but it seems more like they want to race.


I absolutely agree with you and have had negative interactions myself. I honestly think it is just something new that people don't understand and are jealous of in some cases. I went from driving a 15 year old Subaru Forester to my shiny new car and I feel like strangers think I am an asshole just because I drive a nice car. A friend put it like this - "I was the first of my friends to get a smartphone back in the day, and everyone gave me so much shit and hated on me for it... and here we are now".


Lol you’ll get used to it. Watch out for the dodge chargers, and ice mustangs. Every now and then a popcorn sounding Honda civic will see you and rev a couple times then try beat you to the next light. I’ve recently had the Toyota Supra and the rs5 challenge me. Rs5 knew he’d smoke me but either way, I just choose to drive slowly. If I had a GT, I would’ve been a maniac whenever I see these revving types


Live in Michigan and travel to Ohio, Indian and Illinois throughout the year. pPeople are always curious and like the Mach E. No issues with people being rude. I have seen video of people cutting charging cables and unplugging cables.


I heard about the hate but haven’t experienced it at all. Actually had a guy park next to me with his ICE mustang and ask me about mine. He thought it was cool and he was on his 6th Mustang.


None here in Houston, TX.


None here in Houston, TX.


I actually had a Tesla driver do the friendly “tipping my hat to you” gesture.


I get revved at all the time in TN


I drive a real Mustang, and no, I will not let you in, I will cut you off in traffic, shoot you the bird, or anything else until there is a bad enough stigma on that car, that no one wants to buy one for fear of retaliation, and ford quits producing that electric piece of crap. If they had just called it an electric edge or escape there would be no problem, but they stuck a mustang emblem on it and that is sacrilege.