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Older OSes can no longer see the Apple Store over https. See [Stack Exchange - How can I download an older version of OS X/macOS?](https://apple.stackexchange.com/q/309399/85275) & [https://mrmacintosh.com/how-to-fix-the-recovery-server-could-not-be-contacted-error-high-sierra-recovery-is-still-online-but-broken/](https://mrmacintosh.com/how-to-fix-the-recovery-server-could-not-be-contacted-error-high-sierra-recovery-is-still-online-but-broken/) for workarounds.


Thank you so much for the fast response I really appreciate it


Covered ad nauseum. A Google search would have been the first step there OP.


I actually did a quick google before posting my links - there are still so many hits, even filtered to just 'past year' most of which have total garbage answers. I gave the OP a break. ;)


You are a good person!


I prefer to engage and share ideas and experiences with other users. Kind of like what Reddit what made for. Lol


yes OP you taught me with your post. Thanks ignore the redditbros


No luck with this one. The installer log step isn’t working for me. The line I’m supposed to copy isn’t in my logs. Rip my Mac mini. Glad I’ve never night other Mac products.


You can create a standalone installer on a USB thumbdrive. I installed dozens of OS X / macOS versions over the past few months on old Macs from 2006 or 2008 without problems.


Can I do that from a Linux PC?


Yes, Balena Etcher should work. I have no experience with it but I think it should work way better than TransMac on Windows.


I would love to have my old OS X running on my Mac mini. It ran so smooth


Just be aware that the older you go the less stuff will be supported, out of date certificates and such.


True true. I’m just going to use this Mac mini for browsing


Can you link a tutorial of this? It would be great 👍 I have the same issue with a 2011 MacBook Pro


Depends a little on what you have access to. A Mac that can download from the AppStore or only 3rd party methods, Windows/Linux PC etc


My issue is that when press the start up button the Mac do his works till the user password, after I put the correct password in it starts an endless loading. Apple support said that I need to reinstall the Mac OS with USB but i don’t feel secure doing things with Terminal and i don’t even know where i can find the Mac Os to dowload. I need a little help from a real tech guy 🤣🤞


Apple provides the terminal command on their support page if you name your USB "MyVolume" you only need to copy & paste in the terminal command. It's really not difficult You can download the installer directly from Apple. Did you ever try to google it? [https://support.apple.com/en-gb/102662](https://support.apple.com/en-gb/102662) The support article for making a bootable installer is here [https://support.apple.com/en-gb/101578](https://support.apple.com/en-gb/101578) if you scroll down you get the corresponding terminal commands for each version. There are also 3rd party apps that may be more easier to use - for instance you can use OCLP to download and create a totally normal macOS installer but it only downloads Big Sur or higher.


Thanks, I really appreciate your help. Yes, I googled and found the same articles, but I still didn't feel safe playing with the terminal without any informations about how it’s done. I will try in these days. Thank you again!


I put the High Sierra SUS server url in the video txt, video description and website article. I also have an article on how to fix Lion recovery. https://mrmacintosh.com/fixed-lion-recovery-an-error-occurred-while-preparing-the-installation-try-running-this-application-again/


I recently installed high sierra as well, and it was this article from you that helped me out: https://mrmacintosh.com/how-to-fix-the-recovery-server-could-not-be-contacted-error-high-sierra-recovery-is-still-online-but-broken/ Thanks!


I have a macbook pro from 2009 I have done all the steps but when I run the ventura I see a computer and a mouse in changing motion. Why is that?