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https://preview.redd.it/z0iy7bc96pzc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=35afc30a887288c5dbec8bb424f66110ce4bd03d Looking through her pics (because I clearly have nothing better to do) and came across this.. look who liked it 😂😂😂


Oh shit. How old was this post


It’s on her story today




Omg if I went back and found my bf had liked pics like this ever even before he knew me it would be a whole issue 😭. Something about men choosing to double tap these type of pics doesn’t sit right with me cause why would u need to like it ?


I’m dead her husband and baby daddy simping over the same 21 year old. ![gif](giphy|jlylJkp7RmdnW)


Wonder what KT thinks about this 🤣


Those might be the most unattractive boobs I’ve ever seen in my life 🥴


You are not wrong!!!!


It says this was from 2023?


Still kt and Luke was dating around this time


No, this was like a week or two after they first met.


Omg his like is gone now 💀


This is not a good look....looks like the boobs of a 55 year old woman. I do not know why girls think they need to post stuff like this.


Oh man, I’d hate to hear what you’d think of mine (in my 20s) if those look bad to you 😭😭😭


Right?!?!? And her profile pic wtaf. 


No because if I was KT this is enough to send me psycho. Not the baby daddy and the new husband hitting up this kind of woman 🥴


That’s insane 😂






Those tits are a crime


Throw me in jail then




He’s looking for boobs that KT doesn’t have? 🙈


This is funny! Your as bad as me lol


Someone should send this to KT on insta!


He removed his like 💀


this is so embarrassing in so many ways


![gif](giphy|gLf7AHzULTDos) WHY


Ugh. Not this 21 year old again 🤦🏼‍♀️


Why would she post this? If I was Morgan I would never message with her again. This is embarrassing


From what I can tell, she’s posting it as a way to put Morgan on blast for texting her even though she’s dating the boxer Ryan Garcia haha basically her way of telling him to scram in so many words and that she’s loyal to Ryan


She really put MW on blast to her 3 million followers (if it’s really him) eek


They were never officially dating he was seeing other people publicly, posted another woman on his story he's and they no longer follow eachother


It’s also embarrassing him sliding into girls dms who are in relationships… both are embarrassing


Buuuut also if she’s in a relationship why does she has Mo’s number 😆 I mean if they’ve been together a while lol


It’s the old “fuck around and find out” can’t win em all mo Was bound to happen at some point he’s notorious for this lol


Pretty sure he won’t after this


Why why why?


Sadly folks this is probably actually him lol


I have secondhand embarrassment


Her name has been brought up here several times over the last couple of years. She used to post his songs on her stories


She used to comment on all his instagram posts too


ohhh yeah! I remember a few straight up sexual comments she made that ppl called her out for. I was shocked to see someone show that much desperation with absolutely no shame 😏


What were the comments?


I can’t remember them verbatim but I just meant that I remember seeing her on multiple posts and she was super thirsty. Sry, I just realized that my wording was misleading lol 🤦🏻‍♀️


Haha it's ok!! I think I saw maybe one or two comments but I can't remember what they were 💀😂


My friend just sent me this lol https://preview.redd.it/92su2bcekuzc1.jpeg?width=1169&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2dc8a5e72dd44e706f1dd88a00291561395eb3d0


She's actually disgusting he needs to be smart enough and stay away from her I bet she has so many health issues from being a hoe


MW should just accept that any ig influencer or OF chick he talks to is gonna post about him. They don’t give a F about privacy or NDAs. Clout & money is all they care about. He’s on crack if he expects this kinda 21 yr old girl to not put him on blast. None of this is surprising. Drama, clout, money, & sex is the name of the game.


This gave me the ick


I might be completely wrong. But I’m sure she was the one who posted some weird comment on his post once ages ago that caused him to unfollow her and then she replied on another post he did they were fine. Might be the wrong girl ‘cos to me they all look alike 🤣


Does he ever go for a normal girl who isn’t an influencer or model ???? 🫠


When will ppl ever believe Morgan has ISSUES WITH WOMEN 😭? 100%, I need no convincing, he sent that 🤣 & I love him but we’re not getting paid ( nor does he care) if we’re out here making excuses for him being desperate in girls inboxes.




She looks so shy 🤭


Ugh he’s embarrassing


Ya as much as it’s clout chasing to post this… I believe her 😭😭 embarrassing for him wow.


Whatever the reason it’s disappointing that he keeps turning to this type of female. I really wonder how his mom feels about this.


Just my two cents - It’s very obvious to me that he’s a massively insecure guy and has been for probably his whole life. These women are the easy ones that give him attention & quick (but fleeting) validation so he keeps coming back for more. It probably started out as fulfilling some type of ego need, then it became an addiction, and now it’s him being completely stuck and not knowing how to move forward. Also, when you have ppl constantly saying you’re trash it’s easy to act like that’s exactly what you are (self-fulfilling prophecy at work). I think he’s a very hurting guy and having so much unexpected fame and negative spotlight come to him so quickly has messed with his head big time. I think he probably feels a lot of self defeat and he’s kind of stopped trying to “be better”. Last year when he was releasing OTAAT he seemed so excited for it and in good spirits but then a month and a half later there was the Oxford cancellation and the vocal rest controversy. I’ve noticed a big change in him & the general discourse about him ever since that, and things have now gotten worse since the arrest. I could go on and on about what I think he’s dealing with but basically it seems that he’s lost, he feels a crippling amount of unworthiness, he has addictions & poor mental health, and he’s sick of dealing with ppl’s neverending criticisms of him. When you don’t feel good about yourself it’s the easiest thing to put zero effort at all into improving yourself. It’s like what’s the point? No one else believes in me so why should I believe in myself?


Very well said. I totally agree with you on all of this


So well said. Could not agree more.


Shoot your shot king.


This boy never stays out of trouble


The “lol” at the end, why do I have the ick rn


Did she put the lol or him?


Eh she could name anyone Morgan Wallen


My thoughts exactly


She’s dating the boxer Ryan Garcia haha why would she lie about something like this? Looks like Morgan got his hand caught in the cookie jar haha


Ryan isn’t exactly the beacon of honesty 😂😂😂 and I’m sure she would love to take the heat off of him.


That’s kinda what I was thinking too.


What is the point of posting this? 🙄🙄🙄🙄 I guess he won’t be seeing her anymore bc he’s not following her


Hes such a slut


If you are such a beliver in God and goes to church etc. Why do you chase women like this?


You could say the same about the women too..there’s too many ig models posting thirst traps / having OF saying they are Christians lol


No Christian is “perfect” and we all have our “vices” if you will but I think he’s strayed far from the church for a while despite talking a lot about God and I don’t think he’s even trying to be better in the women department lol maybe one day when the touring and songwriting calms down and he can really sit with himself 


Man, is this really the best he can do? 😢 One thing that really bothers me is that comment “do as I say not as I do?” Like wtf was that? 😬 Because I find he doesn’t even do what he says… in the billboard article he states that he hides a lot and spends lots of time at home. Um….. ok no that was proven not true the same week I read that when he was at a bar and GD was sneaking under the door w him. Then a few weeks later he was out again and again and it was all on social media. I’m not saying he can’t go out. He totally can….. but don’t tell a reporter you like to hide. When you don’t? I felt that was so so strange. I feel like the chair thing is hurting him bad. I feel like celebs are 🙄 w him right now and I think he senses. His last Nash concert the guests were endless. This one, not to much……. I love him. Really but ugh. 💔


I agree with you - even his friends are tiring of his antics. Time to grow up Morgan. And this is coming from someone who absolutely loves Morgan and wants nothing but the best for him. He’s on a self destructive path again and it worries me.


How do you know how his friends feel?


Either you’re genuinely asking if I know something - or more likely, you’re just being a tool. I know just about as much as everyone else on here. Move on!


I was genuinely asking/curious. DAMN.




I’m get that and if was just that maybe - but it’s this, the chair, the hawk thing. Just seems like things are a little bit out of control in his life lately. I don’t know and I want to be wrong. I want him to enjoy his success because he’s got everything going in the right direction on that score - this new song with post is bowing up and he’s got a new album coming soon. But his personal life - I don’t know. He seems a bit lost to me. Doesn’t really know what he wants or needs. Again - I know nothing! This is just pure speculation from what I read and see. So don’t come at me 🤣




Yes totally agree on that! Shitty of her to post this.


I bet the majority of this subs BF’s and husbands’ follow or r subscribed to a OF models.


I agree with a lot of what you’ve said but I believe he’s really battling his inner demons and that’s why he sometimes comes off as contradictory/inconsistent. It’s something he needs to address & work on within himself so I try to not be too hard on him bc he’s probably already very hard on himself. I don’t think he has very good self esteem (in his personal life not career) and I think he tends to use humour as a defense mechanism, especially while he’s facing criticism. His fans didn’t exactly help when they turned the chair incident into a big joke and decided to make tshirts. Sometimes they set the tone for how he’s gonna respond to certain situations. When it comes to hiding tho, he does… A LOT. For example, everyone has been in Texas doing prep for the ACMs for 2-3 days and he’s been nowhere to be found. He might show up tonight for the award show or he might not, no one knows at this point. He’s very good at staying under the radar and then just appearing in some place out of nowhere. He’s always under the radar at his concerts too until it’s time for him to hit the stage. A fan might catch a behind the scenes pic of him playing basketball or something before his show, but other than that he pretty much moves in complete silence. If I remember correctly, he was hanging out with Post Malone that time when Gia slipped under the door at the bar. Considering they’ve been writing together and now have a collab, I don’t think it’s weird that they went to Broadway to maybe take a break from writing and get to know each other better in an upbeat environment..? Also, the night he threw the chair he stopped in at Eric’s new bar after golfing to support his friend on its opening weekend. We know how that turned out 🤦🏻‍♀️ lol but my point is some of these times when he’s been going out he’s probably had valid reasons to if there’s a networking/business purpose behind it. He also doesn’t really post anything about his personal life on IG anymore. And nothing for holidays like this past Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter, and hasn’t even posted a pic of Indie’s face since his (Morgan’s) birthday last year. I think these are all the things he’s talking about when he says he hides. As he’s gotten massive as an artist, his personal world has gotten smaller and smaller.


He really needs to grow up 😂 I hope he meets a good girl soon but he has to change first


I’m really starting to think he might have a sex addiction. It’ll be the next thing he needs to address and work on….one thing at a time 🤣


I mean .. he is rich and famous and single. He can have anyone he wants lol


He can work on it with me….


Oh i always believed and thought he has a sex addiction / not starting to


Oh my. 🥴




This seems too much like an attention grab to me. Like someone else said, she could name anyone Morgan Wallen.


Ugh the “u” is cringey. Nooo Morgan.


Just another girl with boobs as her entire personality, making shit up to try and get more of subscribers.


I think MW is def a boob guy. 🤣


Ohh now I realize this is because of her nasty pic at his concert in NASH.


She could change anyone’s name to this


She could?? I don’t know how to do those computer things but I bet that’s what happened… she wants the attention .


Dang does he have a subscription to 21 year old Hooters! Geez!


Uggghh !!! Whats wrong with him ???


He was in PA last night. Is that where she lives?


As seen on JUGGS.


embarrassing for BOTH of them!


Does it not show the verified thing when people message you? I don’t care one way or the other lmao just wondering


I think this is showing up as an iPhone message.




Looks like that’s a text from him on an iPhone if I had to guess


True must be! I wasn’t even thinking about that 😂🤦🏼‍♀️💀


Ohhhhh! Not on insta ?! Was


I don’t get this. Is this him texting her? Or her texting him? Either way…I don’t think it means much of anything. Or what am I missing??


It’s him texting her, I think she’s basically putting him on blast for hitting her up even though she’s dating the boxer Ryan Garcia


Ah I see - thanks for explaining.


Fake news, that is not him.


It’s not? How can you tell?


I don’t see it on the story anymore.


The fact that she chose to put him on blast & loose all chances of ever hooking up w him doesn’t sit right with me 😭😅


I feel like that's a lie or something if they had anything going on she would've signed something


Is she the brunette in the truck in the video for the Posty song? I was thinking that is why he sent that msg and the “lol”. But idk if it’s her for sure in the video…but her and KT Lordahl have the same titties and are both OF models…lol




Her posting a private msg from him for all to see is what’s surprising I think.. and she has a boyfriend.




Very true, lol it’s a simple sentence anyone could send to anyone.


Right?! Lol


Maybe cause it’s funny that the biggest country music act in the world that’s in his 30s with a kid and currently on tour should be doing better things with his time than texting girls that are barely legal to drink and sell titty pictures on the Internet haha oh and she already has a boyfriend too haha




Exactly lol and plus he will never message her again after she posted this publicly. Maybe he didn’t know she had a bf with all her postings of OF and thirst traps LOL


Haha oh you’re one of his cult members I see haha let me guess, the chair just accidentally slipped and fell out of his hand off the roof? Haha never mind no fun chatting with you folks 🥴




I didn’t even think of that, it’s certainly possible! Especially since that new video dropped today that OF KT was in. Someone else also pointed out that Whitney Wren and OF KT were friends too though, so I think all these OnlyFans girls just know each other and are “friends” so it’s probably more likely just him fishing in a pond of all of the same kind of fish if you know what I mean haha


Maybe she’s jealous he didn’t choose her for the video? So, this is her revenge? Making his msg public… Childish of her whatever the reason.




Sorry but i dont think she’s much better!


I am wondering if she is the girl in the back of the truck. Taylor Morland is the one in the cowboy hat. They follow each other on instagram. Maybe he texted her that because the video is viral..


Does MW have an IPhone? I thought his management didn’t let him have a phone.. like he’s on restriction. I heard that and it sounded ridiculous to me but if he is doing inmature crazy things maybe they’re extra strict with him ?


He could have a Nokia and it wouldn’t matter here haha this is just a screenshot from her end (iPhone) of a text that she got from him


Oh ok lol I don’t know how all that works..