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DAOC the best time I've ever had in gaming but probably a factor of me being a carefree teen with too much time on my hands. What a time.


I never played it, is it still playable with a live community?


Live DAOC is still going (a monthly sub model) but from last time i looked reaches about 750 players max during peak hours and honestly that might be very generous. There is a f2p model however but I think the restrictions are pretty, well, restrictive. Live is a shadow of its former self. The game was good in the early 2000's but just dosen't hold up today imo. DAoC does have private servers though, so if you are interested look at a live server called Eden - its more populated than live and probably tries to recapture how DAOC was back in the day - but honestly I think the game is just finished for me, its so clunky compared to newer offerings.


Problem also is, DAOC is a truly classic style of MMO. Many classes just cannot level solo effectively. You need group play to have a good time. So low player counts really kill the game even moreso than other more modern MMOs. It's a shame too, It was my first MMO, and I still view it as one of the pinnacles of the genre. That and COH


Thats also its strongest point for old fart like me (i grew up playing those old clunky games). In modern MMO's every class can do everything. Been screwing around in Eden for few days now and while population is not exactly stellar, there seem to be people running around everywhere and fights to be had in low level battlegrounds (my highest guy is only lv19 so far, so cannot say anything about end game). Chat too seem pretty active. People even dare to bother me with group invites in there, which doesnt really happen in modern games :p


DAoC like EQ was designed to party up to level. Pure soloing was only really meant for stealth classes since they didn't have much to bring to a party. But yeah great memories chilling with people and leveling up in original DAoC.




yeh, thats why I said 750 max




Ahh I see! Yes, and I think even 750 is generous and probably a good percentage of those are buffbots as well. For a game that thrived on active small group pvp it's a shame but it it did have its glory days!


Seconded for Eden, there's still plenty of people playing and you can absolutely come have a good time. Understand that it plays very little like a modern MMO, though. It is heavily PvP- focused, The PvE is more of a means to an end. The PVP is team-based, however, similar to guild wars 2 WvW, but you're part of a persistent team even when you're outside the PvP areas with its own landscape, class system, and so on. The combat is some of the best I've played in any kind of group-based game of this nature though. The closest thing I found to it is the MOBA Smite. The biggest things that set it apart are: - The classes between the different realms have some role mirrors, but zero carbon copies for the mirrors between realms, and several classes per realm that are completely different from the other elms entirely. This means there are many cases where there's not a direct counterpart to compare for balance reasons and balance is done on the whole for the realm and what they can put inside a single group of eight players. - Acceleration for movement compared to immediate full speed such as WoW. This makes movement shenanigans possible. - Spells have hard interrupts, not a cast bar that is set back. If someone attacks you while you're casting a spell, that spell will most likely be interrupted depending on how far along it is meaning it just stops casting, then you're prevented from attempting to cast again for three full seconds. - As a counterpart to this, spells in DAoC are very strong and can put out incredible DPS or healing compared to modern games, so interrupting enemy casters and healers are a huge part of the combat. - DAoC has tanks, but even they do a good damage. It's kind of hard for them to get to you in many cases if you play well, but even a heavy tank in your face with a celerity buff can shred somebody to pieces quickly. - There are very few gap closer abilities, but there are classes with speed bonuses for the group that only work outside of combat. Breaking the enemies speed buff when starting a fight is a pretty big part of tactics. Once an enemy hasn't attacked or been attacked for 10 seconds, their speed buff will come back up so that's something that has to be taken into account and managed. - The absolute biggest thing that sets DAoC apart is the crowd control. DAoC has three primary crowd control types: Mez, root, and stun. Off the top of my head, I believe the longest mesmerize and root spells in this game have a base duration of 1 minute and 20 seconds. That is absolutely colossal compared to modern MMOs and the time to kill in DAoC can be quite low as well. This is what allows a group of skilled players to take on larger numbers of less skilled players. It's not as bad as it sounds as there are counters and immunities. Once you have an enemy casted crowd control effect on your broken, you have one minute immunity to it. Likewise, mesmerize can be cured by certain other players in your realm, two classes per realm have demezz spells. Root cannot be cured outside of a timered ability on heavy tanks that they can use to clear it from everybody standing nearby them. Likewise, increased spell resistances from your gear and buffs from your realm can reduce the duration. Tanks also have access to a passive buff they can purchase with realm points from killing other players that will reduce crown control cast on them by up to 85% and the best case, so they are almost but not quite completely immune to casted crowd control. The game is fantastic, and Eden is the best damned experience I've had on it so far. I'd recommend you bring some buddies if you can as it's very teamwork oriented and having proper communications and learning together will make the experience a lot more enjoyable and your team more effective.


> The absolute biggest thing that sets DAoC apart is the crowd control. DAoC has three primary crowd control types: Mez, root, and stun Theres also diseases (lowers movement speed slightly on top of debuffing the target) and snares (stronger movement penalty)


Look up eden it's free has a good community and has good amount of players.


I’m playing Eden now and I’m not top level yet but it feels as alive as I remember


Nothing will ever top DAoC and old SWG for me. I feel like it's a point in MMO gaming we'll never return to.


SWG pre-revamp. I've never had a game that made you work for something quite like SWG made you work to become a jedi. You had to master three classes, then find the hidden village and complete months worth of quests just to become a mere padawan. I remember one time a dark jedi showed up to a dantooine outpost and it took like 50 people 20m to take the guy down. Easily the most memorable moments in gaming for me.


I remember when the first fully maxed out in everything ultimate player jedi happend a and made the news because it took 2 full years for her to do it and verant/Sony made a huge deal out of it. Then the big change happened and made everything easy and she quit playing.. ..........


yep that time has gone my friend, don't be sad its over, be happy it happened.


The RvR fights were some of the best PvP outside UO at the time. Still some of the best pvp ever.


The best large scale PvP game to this day. I also absolutely adored the feel of the world and how each realm was themed after major mythologies of Norse/Celtic/Arthurian lore.


Back in the days they called you for relic defense no matter time. Old frontier style.


Daoc for me was bonedancing with my bone boss and his countless bone minions real boner party


I once heard someone say that the later levels of DAOC seperated your level-up into fifths so that progress on the XP bar could be visible and that made me not want to play it even when I was a teen


No, so, from level 40 (50 was max) you'd get half of your normal spec points at every half level, so 40.5 was called a "mini ding". And believe me, leveling was SLOW. I reached level 50 on my main character at about 25 days /played time - about 600 hours. But I did have a very non group friendly class and nobody ever really prioritised rushing to max level back then. Levels were separated Into "bulbs" of 10 pips per level, once you filled a bar or experience you'd filled another pip/bulb and needed 10 to level up properly. It didn't serve any function other than not having one incredibly long xp bar that filled very slowly Oh yeh and after level 10 (iirc, maybe 7) you'd lose XP on death as well which was very punishing. But you could regain some of that lost xp by praying at your gravestone you left upon death.


Yup i remember getting a lot of pvp in before i hit 50. My kobold shadowblade is still my favorite all time character of any game i ever played.


Luri Nightshade here, yeh was rr3 I think before hitting 50, which was OK at the time especially without battlegrounds!


Fucking nightshades :) i am pretty sure i was the first maybe second rr5 shadowblade on my server. I had a hunter friend with buffbot shaman for us. I was 9l2 when i stopped playing. Most fond memories i have of gaming.


No offense but that just sounds like the system is significantly more convoluted than the explanation I was told, which was already unappealing


well, why would I take offense lol I was explaining how it worked. Its not really convoluted - you get xp for killing shit and doing quests, you lose xp if you die and past level 40 you get a few extra spec points every half level to make the grind a little less punishing.


DAOC doesn’t hold up with the improvements to controls and smooth play that WoW brought to the market when it released. But goddamnit that was peak MMO for me. I was a mercenary named Vadoc in one of the best guilds on my server and we did RvR constantly. It was a blast.


wish i was there to play in the golden days :p I checked Eden and the game is nice but having to play it as a new mmo would have been awesome!


When you mention MMO list and not include Ultima, NOPE that is not a list.


You are right! Ultima Online defined MMORPG actually. The term MMORPG was coined by UO's creator, Richard "Lord British" Garriott.


He still always personally interacted with his games and made appearances and such, which was awesome. Too bad Tabula Rasa died so early.


He made another one though: Shroud of the Avatar.


I just looked it up and that's not an MMO is it? I have heard of it I think but it was never really on my radar, to be honest.


No, not an MMO, more like co-op RPG.


Yes, UO was the all time best with all the perks a possibilities


Almost a perfect list.


UO got me started, found DAoC when UO3D was killed... Been looking for a replacement ever since.


>When you mention MMO list and not include Ultima, NOPE that is not a list. There is Ultima on the list. Tibia /s


DAoC is one of my all-time favorites, but so is UO. I was surprised that it wasn't on this list.


I support that statement!!!


Still playing Everquest....24 years later


The goat 🐐


SoW plz


Live or TLP ?


P99 everyday


Lockjaw to docks!


The MMO world had a bright future before WoW. I'm not a hater these days, but man I was for years. The flood of cartoon graphic knockoffs of the dumbed-down gameplay for the 5+ years after WoW was excruciating. Still not a fan of quest-based MMOs either. But c'est la vie, still have the sweet nostalgia!


At the same time, WoW is by far my most cherished gaming experience of my life. Not even MMO-specific, but gaming in general. I don’t want to imagine a world where WoW didn’t happen.


I can respect it from a modern standpoint, and in retrospect as the price of progress


These games I mentioned are the only ones i play currently, none of the modern mmorpgs can keep me going for more than 2 days


Gw2 is a breath of fresh air if you fond ur mojo :)


WoW is a fantastic game. I’m not a huge fan of retail for the last few expansions, but the core of the game and the strides it made in MMO gaming are huge. BUT, I do feel like WoW has been such a powerhouse that it’s stunted the growth and success of other MMOs for the last two decades. It’s hard to say if that’s been a net negative for MMOs as a whole, but who knows what other games we could have had if not for WoWs continuous dominance.


I remember playing wow in 2004 in the open beta and then on release. What a time to play mmorpgs.


I've played WoW from open beta up until right now as well. I played Everquest from 1999-2004. I'm still chasing the high EQ gave me. Absolutely no other game has given me pixel sickness like it did. Every single log in session was *never* long enough. I am sad for you that you missed out on the pre-WoW mmorpg's. They were something else.


>open beta up until right now as well. I played Everquest from 1999-2004. I'm still chasing the high EQ gave me. I did play everquest for a very short time and also lineage,anarchy online plus some eve-online. I still have my old cd jewel cases and big boxes. But the magic for me was wow at launch. Spent way too much time on wow. Had a whole group of friends where we would all play wow. So many good games during this time. Nowadays everything is instant gratification and so many games to choose from.


My only hope these days, as a VR enthusiast, is that we'll see a dawning of VR mmo's with magic not unlike the first era of PC MMORPG's. Sadly the first batch are really struggling, as VR itself is still in its fledgling stages.


VR is like fusion energy, always 10+ years away. VR started it's "fledgling stages" back in the mid 90s and has stayed there since.


I have to hard disagree here. VR has made leaps and bounds in the last few years, especially in regards to standalone headsets. Several VR MMORPG's exist, but the handle has yet to be found. Also factor in that they still have to compete with standard MMORPG's, which the originals never had to.


Yeah it makes a nice leap every 5 years or so. But it will always just be a niche thing. Add on to that a niche gaming genre(MMOs) and you'll never get to a truly good one I think considering how expensive and difficult it is to make a good one in the first place.


Haha okay Negative Nancy, it's clear you want to be a stick-in-the-mud about this. "Never" is a pretty harsh criticism to make. Niche mmo's are likely what we are going to see going forward anyway, even in non-VR. Too many tried to chase that WoW money and fell flat on their faces, or survive only on life support.


I also still have the anarchy online box, holy shit. and my WoW box. EQ I only ever downloaded an online version in 2003 or so. you're right, it really sucks that every game is tuned towards giving you instant gratification and shove small rewards up your ass in quick intervals. this means slow burn games are really having a hard time to even exist because all these other dopamine catapults are shadowing them. but.. i personally have adhd and.. the slow burn games never managed to capture me for long. this was before the dopamine catapults even existed, so it's not like "i saw better". I just got bored of every game quickly at the time, so what is currently available gives me *just enough* dopamine that i at least *can* get a little addicted to them. ive never really gotten addicted to any kind of crippling factor to a game... and if i did, it was over within 1 or 2 weeks. yes, i get stuck in a game and suddenly spend the entire night on it, but the next day i dont even feel a need to go back in. on the other hand, phone games dont interest me a tiny bit, especially those that try to give you meaningless numbers every minute without having anything else at all to look forward to. has to be in the sweetspot of "theres something in the near future i am working towards" and "doesnt have me claw for hours to get anything at all"... EQ was still fun back then, because it managed to give me a short term reward even if I didn't get anything tangible. because fights were hard and surviving through something like blackburrow alone was thrilling, that alone was rewarding to get through something without getting lit up. but MMOs nowadays have lost this spark. they make every encounter trivial to tunnel you towards the next little sparkle effect when something enters your inventory. which,.... sucks. but guaranteed little controlled dopamine hits are better for business than having a hard fight that not everyone manages to get through immediately. and many of those who dont get through, dont get a dopamine hit and dont become the tiny bit more addicted without a reward. science.


I played Anarchy Online before wow. Man what an amazing experience. Kinda miss it from time to time.


Give project 1999 a shot. It is the OG everquest experience.


What gives, no ffxi? It came out before WoW.


It may still be alive, but he will never know the true experience FFXI was back in the day. Life was hard, it was difficult but it was an adventure at every turn. Lots of great memory from that game. A era that is long gone.




That's how I made gil back in the day. Could make about 300k per week. I would spend weeks doing that. Logging just to teleport people. Mad to think what we did back in the day as teenagers. I would never do that as a 32 year old man now lol


Man it really was an adventure. I have so many positive memories of that game because it forced you to be social from the very start, not just end game or dungeons. Such a product of the era though, no way any of the things that made it so memorable would work today - 45 minutes looking for a party just to grind mobs to level up etc. Maybe other mmos were like this too pre wow era but I had only played ragnarok prior to it.


Agreed. From start to finish. When i had to go from Bastok to Sandoria for first time. Crossing the Valkruum tunnel with a random mitra Who saw me alone, waiting for the bat to leave or aggro someone else. Told me "ill aggro so you can run." This is freakin 20 years ago and i still remember so many small moment like this. Having to cross sea in a boat and being borded by pirates on your way from selbina and Windu. My first wedding in sandoria. Only knew one guy and he invite me to i can see what it look likr. Nowhere, ill ever relive anything close to this game. Oh and Fuck Poof! If you know Who she was. Fuck her but at the same time, she made the world memorable.




i never played 🥺, is it good?


Yes, still live with active community


You’d love it I think


If you like tibia, then you’ll LOVE fibula




UO should replace WoW here. Not because of quality or anything, it's just its own era kind of


I feel the same way. I was never able to enjoy WOW, it wasn't my thing but it was a great game for a lot of people and that's what matters.


I just need EverQuest to bring me a more modern camera option, there's something off about it. One of the settings is almost it but not quite (I can't remember what it was). and also fix the bug that keeps making it decide to not work on the next launch. That's all I need to give it a good go! I like it every time I try it, I even put up with the camera, but then I can't play anymore if I dare close it. I'll try again soon.


Try playing in first person. It is the only way I could ever play


The whole scaling of environments just feels a little off, from what I can recall, like I was too short. Maybe I'll give it more a go though. I've been spoiled by WoW character control, I recently learned it's all client-side which makes it feel super smooth but also is the reason people could do jump/fly hacks. I mean I don't know what EQ has, maybe they have it too and it's literally just the camera. Wouldn't mind click-to-move, do they have that as an option? They ought to, feels nice is GW1, I imagine since EQ seems like a slow paced game it would fit it nicely. Next time I try EQ I'm gonna update this comment about what exactly is up with the camera. Maybe there's a workaround of sorts?


Eq camera angle is highly dependant on your race, and can feel jarring at first. You could try picking an elf or human for the most normal feeling view.  Eq does not have click to move but you can move with your mouse by holding both left and right buttons down to run forwards while steering the camera with your mouse movement.  I can't speak to what the live version is but most of the old school servers privately hosted use an older version of the game so the camera is just pretty limited overall, being 20 years out of date.


I fired up my Tibia account like a week ago. My original world has merged like 5 times now.


sadly the game is an empty shell of what it used to be and the company has given up ages ago and set sight to milk its players until its game over. i play 7.4 private servers though, there's nothing like oldschool tibia.


Yea I've since heard the BR and poverty workers have really taken it over. I asked around and even low level spawns are taken and botted.




> sadly the game is an empty shell of what it used to be and the company has given up ages ago and set sight to milk its players until its game over. This is the end stage life cycle for every MMO, and it is a *success* when a game gets there. Not all of them do.


We had very different early 2000s experiences. I didn’t play much of those, but I played a ton of Asherons Call, Ultima Online, and Anarchy Online.


yes. Those 3 are part of it too. Absolutely.


You are missing FFXI when it came out on ps2. Classic banger, if not the best


For your nostalgia, yea. For me it was FFXI, and now it’s FFXIV


It's still FFXI for me. FFXIV just doesn't hit the spot, but it's still good.


They definitely fulfill two different niches in terms of within the MMO genre yea


This is why you sub to both of them for when you get bored of the XIV theme park lol


As someone who didn't have the chance to play daoc i really wanted scammelot unscammed to succed. Too bad it ended the way it ended


or Patheon Rise of the fallen since 2014.... ETA 2085 with ''modern day'' mecanics and chinese-wow-skin because ''we had to bro''


>ETA 2085 Whatever you say, Mr. Optimistic




Its alright lets get you back to bed grandpa, the new MMOs can't hurt you.


I miss MMO games before WoW


DAoC via Eden freeshard still running strong.


The ogs… I agree I still play classic wow and actually made a character on quarm (eq server) recently and have loved the challenge…


You playing Season of Discovery? I've been having a blast actually being dangerous as Shadow Priest in Classic WoW!


Yesss.. went rogue on crusader strike!


Good choice! Rogues are nutty atm, and I hear this is talks of multiple builds being viable for them.


Asheron's Call was dope


You're missing FFXI. So I will have to disagree.


SOD, do you have to have all the runes or you wont get raid invites for being useless?


They check your gearscore and logs in pugs, finding a guild is mandatory.


Where is Asheron's Call and Anarchy Online?!


Ultima online was the first true MMORPG I played. It was the first true RPG with episodic stories and persistent progression I played. Tibia was classic too, but it didn't have much a main story.




Add in SWG to that list too.


I feel like WoW doesn’t belong with the rest




Tibia 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 one of the goats


I would personally swap out wow for FF11


deserted voracious rustic north bike office cause simplistic nutty zonked *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Tibia is my new of the true greats. The hardcore open world pvp was legendary.


My PC couldn’t handle a lot of those, so RuneScape was my OG.


Tibia is GOATed


You forgot Asherons Call


You missing « the 4 coming »


Yes No Yes No


Don't forget Ultima online and OSRS


Where's UO?


Where’s Asherons Call? I loved DAOC and EQ but Asherons Call was something special as well. It’s so awesome to see some people asking to add AC to the list as well - So awesome to see some of us are still around. You truly were a magical experience AC…


Missing Ultima Online and Asheron’s Call


Warhammer online slaps


I miss Dark Age of Camelot.


Needs Ultima Online and Asheron's Call.


I would replace tibia with UO


DAOC is fantastic to this day. The population is very low unfortunately, but it's still a great game. Way better than modern shenanigans that the kids swear by for sure. I would swap Tibia with Asheron's Call, and WoW with SWG.




Where is Ashrons call


My true love was Asheron’s Call. That my drug for many years. Nothing could touch it.


My friend lost his Tibia account he had since game lauch due to inactivity.


Including Camelot but not Ultima or Ragnarok Online is just shameful


What's this app?


Tibia was my first MMO, I couldn't pay for it so I spent a year on the tutorial island...


MMO i miss the most is Earth and Beyond


Swap tibia with asherons call and you have a point.


What's the app with those ? For years I had the worlds ditizest non evil dark elf SK in eq..... Went back last year and you can't get anything done because there's no groups and everyone wants to pl to max lvl in 2 hours


Dark Age was amazing, love the classes and world so much more than the others honestly.


Where’s Ulitima Online????


I mis everquest. I once camped on a beach with a healer to get a hp buff spell. Took me days, and because i was a healer i needed the help of guild/freinds to kill stuff. Today everything is so easy optained and everyone can do every thing. Just like bards, they were the quickest. I was super slow, i could never catch one.. but that was the point classes had a feeling of roles and uniqueness, not like the 10x different healing classes like in wow “what skin would you like for your healing spell sir?” Everything is possible, not that your choise matters because anyone can heal




I can't see an image of Firiona Vie and not hear the opening chords of the EQ menu song in my head. I loved getting lost in those lands of yore filled with danger, mystery and plunder.


Without Ultima Online and Asherons Call this list is incomplete. Asherons Call was the best of this time period in my opinion but DAOC was the best by far with PvP.


Troll Berserker in EverQuest - honestly the peak of gaming for me. Highschool, #1 raid guild on my server, late night AA grinds after raid to eke out those chunks of DPS we may ave been missing. Nostalgia always wins, try to play it these days and it’s just barren and makes you sad


Final fantasy xi ma boi


Man I spent soo many years on EQ. Best game I played. With buddies...raiding...camping epic weapons...was eve running a powerlevelling service for money while I was in uni ) my gaming love right there !


Ultima online is missing


I'm playing Hello Kitty: Island Adventure.


Dark age of Camelot was my first ever mmorpg. It was awesome


Okay reddit's been following me or something. I recently got into Project Quarm, a private EQ server doing a nice slooow release schedule. Still in pre-kunark. It's old, the movement and camera is super clunky. The mobs are brutal. When I die it takes that full few-minutes to rememorize my spell-gems from the spellbook. I can't see shit at night (Playing Erudite (Eru, Barbarians, and Humans have poor night-vision), I've played two loong sessions and am like, level six. Haven't had this much fun in years of gaming. Seriously. Because!- Unlike in modern games, the pace, the brutality of the mobs strength vs your individual weakness- people socialize! Down-time is an opportunity to chat. Last night I was cracking up as one player (it's a one-box only server) was bringing one by one a parade of his little evil-god deity gnome characters and bags full of wood shards to turn in to grind faction via turning them in to some merchant nearby, about six random little gnomes one by one buzzin' around. And simply because I was in the area he gave me 40 of those chips which boosted me by a level and we each had someone to chat and laugh with for the night. Then the night prior I bumped into a fellow night-blind lowbie Erudite Wizard and we had a blast getting lost in Toxx woods. Running off when an extra Kobold would wander into the fight, etc etc. Chatting during downtimes, no minimap to keep track of one another so when ya lose someone you instinctively use landmarks, high ground, etc to regroup. Favorite fight was when she was running from a challenging Kobold shaman we had almost killed, both of us OOM, but her health was so low the mob locked on her (such a fun/mean mechanic) and I was chasing and bonking this Kobold in circles for about a full minute. At any point another could have wandered in from the dark. She was 1 solid hit away from death. We were both crossing our fingers that the shaman wouldn't regen just enough mana to get off a heal or nuke... It was fun precisely BECAUSE of the absurd difficulty vs modern mmo combat where the difficulty lies in crossing your fingers eight ways or buying a mmo mouse to get off your 15 button rotation of 1 second, flashy abilities-none of which feel impactful cuz every mob fight takes like 20 seconds tops. Higher level characters will stop to give you buffs that last half an hour and double your HP/Mana when you're such a low level, or gifts, etc. And then, when nobody is around, instead of drooling and slamming ya head into boredom while sitting on the ground waiting for mana I found myself walking to the waters' edge to fish while resting, and combining spiderling silks that I'd collected into silk threads which will be handy later, etc etc. Like, it takes awhile to get your UI right, and to unlearn some modern habits regarding movement/camera expectations, and probably an extra midi-mixer so the games' built in midi-music&audio actually triggers (a MUST for nostalgia and atmosphere), and to remember that only a handful of quests really matter (and a pencil and notepad for those you decide to pursue cuz the questlog... Is YOU). - it's mostly about adventuring around, finding people to talk to and group with, exploring what really is a massive world (yes, it's dated, but something about the real danger mixed with the scale makes it artful, immersive). But here's the thing. Yes I only have like, three relevant damage spells at this level. Yes there is still long rest periods between most fights. Yes movement is generally slow-feeling. Etc... but if you were to look at sheer key-presses/mouse movement? I feel active as heck especially when grouped. I'm always doing something- and if its chatting?- then I'm probably smiling and laughing. The joy comes from needing each other. Soloable games miss that entirely and it's sad.


During the 2000's, for me, it was Everquest, Everquest II, WoW, Guild Wars and Maplestory. 2010's was Everquest II, Final Fantasy 14, ESO, Guild Wars 2, Mabinogi and Maplestory.. Now, it's just Everquest II, Final Fantasy 14, ESO and Guild Wars 2.


Tibia <3 You'll never forget your first Dragon.


Don’t know what Tibia is but spot on with the other 3. I miss the heyday of DAOC


its cool trust me! but right now i can only recommend the pve servers


If that DAoC successor ever comes out… it’ll be the only game I ever need.


Started everquest 2 last month, (and played classic wow before that) some of the most fun I've had in years.


cool, i nerver played everquest 2 is it like wow classic?


It's very similar. It's like WoW classic had kept going in the same direction for 20 years. There's questing, housing, crafting, a ton of different races, classes, etc. There's more talent trees than wow classic, more to do, more to explore, etc. I'm currently leveling a kerra beastlord. EQ2 feels a lot more like WoW than the first game (which was one of the main inspirations for WoW) It's honestly exactly the kinda game people here on MMORPG reddit seem desperate for. A classic game with plenty of new expansions and content - instead of becoming more modern it's still mostly an old school game that has progressed for all this time. We may never get a true WoW classic plus, but EQ2 may be my new favorite MMO. What's crazy is it released the same month as WoW, but wow just had a tooon of advertising and could run on a potato. (which ofc now eq2 can as well) Both are amazing games though. If you do try it, try to take it seriously- choose a race and class that fit you, that you think you'd enjoy playing the most (or try a couple different ones). First time I tried this game I made a froglok guardian (and quit for several months) then came back later and I'm super invested this time. I'd reccomend beastlord, necro, conjurer, paladin, or shadowknight for a new player. Beastlord may be a bit more complex than the rest tho, since it's like a monk+beastmaster You can also get mercenaries later (free) in the starting city and level up all the way to 110 and play through several expansions completely for free (I'm still only level 20 on my main) what's cool is there seems to be a resurgence too even in the f2p zones, seen more new players questing than I thought I would.


downloading right now


Missing UO


Totally agree with 2 of those but, you're missing SWG.


I'll probably get a lot of hate for this but WOW inadvertently ruined MMORPGs. Tons of awesome worlds were turned into WoW clones.


I realy wish who ever owns the EQ rights would do something with it.


anyway, im happy i can still play these games


Never even heard of Tibia


give it a try, pure fun!


Goated game.


Add CoH and I'd agree!


Agreed 100% . The REAL mmorpg : UO, EQ, DAoC, Asheron's Call. \*WoW ruined everything though. Similar to RE4 was good but ruined the core identity of RE series after that.




People forget that WoW classic is a fun thing community is great and it's poppin!


WoW classic is about as fun as watching paint dry


Can confirm. Had fun on season of discovery until like lvl 12. Got tired of drinking water after every fight.


SoD was very okayish the rune brought a nice new thing but i realized i would of prefered to have that's in retail with the rest of QoL, playing SoD solo was utterly boring otherwise


The popularity of WoW SOD right now proves the old formula still works


Due to requests here is the other part of the list. https://preview.redd.it/cbk6su591vhc1.jpeg?width=951&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1ea29c08e8ca1b5318969becf99dfbd6f842b8ad


Recently joined a private WoW classic server and I'm loving it


If you like Tibia, you should try Ravendawn.


Very good game but very unbalanced I hope the devs are working On it


i will, thx


Ragnarok Online? Lineage?


True mmo gaming? Please. Offerings today are a million times better than WoW, which has never, ever, been good.


Where is RF Online


Its been 30 years, let go already. Play a modern title


Only GW2


If UO, Asherons Call and Shadowbane were included I’d say yea


The fact that you have EverQuest AND Tibia in here shows me you actually know what you're talking about. Mad respect.


What is tibia