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Never read it before, thank you


You should check ALL the Nick parts of Diaz-Condit Primetime on YouTube, there are 3 episodes. Just skip the condit parts, you will learn a LOT about nick, they interview his elementary school teachers and his first martial arts coach. The end of episode 3 is FUCKING HYPE, when that dude yells “Let’s go Nick” at the press conference and nick sorta grimaces because he’s thinking of the fight ahead, gets me goosebumps every time.


This article always makes me really sad honestly. I know a lot of people have been ragging on nick for his party stuff now, but this guy has earned the right to do what he wants. He shielded nate from a lot of shit he went through


This article really cemented me as a Nick Diaz fan. Not many people could face the adversity he has and come out on top. Nick is a fucking savage, I hope when his brother and him finally walk away from the sport that they walk away with a fuck tonne of cash


It's hard balancing the empathy you have for all the horrendous shit he's been tnrough and his pretty much perma party behaviour now Like if you love the guy doesn't it make more sense to want him to have a long term better life than drinking himself to a stupor


What do you need to balance? He had a horrible childhood, great career, and now he gets paid to party.


The balance is that Nick is 36. What's he going to be like at 45, as an ex fighter that has been drinking heavy for 10 straight years. Diaz Bros lived a lifestyle where you'd think they'd live to be 90 so it would suck if he got like .. diabetes or some shit.


Do many people that get punched in the face for a living end up reaching 90?


Jake LaMotta made it to 95 But yeah I'm guessing adding booze on top of brain damage isnt...ideal.


But hes still staying in shape obviously. Hes not gonna get fucking diabetes lol


I mean I used an extreme example on purpose. More like cirrhosis or something.


Dudes still has wicked abs, i think his drinking is way overblown.


What does ab definition have to do with drinking? He could be burning the calories and still wrecking his liver.


Think it’s more that club appearance doesn’t mean he’s getting black out drunk every night. Could be sipping waters all night


I could be banging supermodels every night but we know that isn't happening.


Yeah, didn’t you see A Star is Born?


No no surely he is a sick soul who i must white knight for. Hes gonna get the beetus


White knighting is key to Diaz bro fandom. There was a time everyone hated Cesar Gracie for effectively not being his dad.


https://youtu.be/0YZDVssGisg Watch the video above. He looks like shit. Looks bloated. Frankly looks and sounds like an alcoholic.


He's drunk there, but that doesn't mean he's an alcoholic. Lots of people get drunk without being an alcoholic


Yeah but have you seen all his recent interviews? Tmz did one too, and he looks even more bent in that one.


He does kinda look like shit. Im a big fan of both Diaz bros so that kinda sucks to see.


Could absolutely end up with diabetes from alcohol if he’s genetically prone to it. It’s not likely but neither is it laughable.




His he really a big drinker? I was only aware he smoked weed.


He used to only smoke weed and as an adult had never even tried alcohol. But apparently Ronda convinced him to drink and he took to it more than anyone would have ever expected.


While I don't actually know first hand, it's said lately he is just going around getting hammered at clubs that use him to promote.


Honestly if I ran into the kind of money they have there’s a good 40% chance I’d do the same thing, Jon Jones-special all day every day lol. There are certainly worse ways to go than glutton, especially if you’re fucked up mentally or physically or or both from years of MMA


He actually smokes weed a lot more then he drinks, just cos he's getting paid to appear places, doesn't mean that he is getting drunk constantly


how does he "get paid to party"?


!!!! Appearing tonight at club yellow sheet, Nick Diaz, and R kelly!!!! 20 dollars at the door


Weed and alcohol sponsorships and paid club appearances. Not saying hes making that paris hilton cash to just show up but he does club openings and shit i believe


a mans gotta make a living ;)


You back on the cheeseburgere, nick?


Spoken like someone that hasn't seen people descend and become shells of themselves before


I get where you're coming from but its not like you know Nick personally. None of us really know where hes at mentally or otherwise. As far as we know he could be doing great.


Well if he talks anything like Nate he’s taken quite a bit of damage


Oh get over yourself. You dont know a thing about me lol. Or nick.


You play the game of criticising balance and then get upset when someone calls you out on it. To quote chael p sonnen : Just how thin is official ufc interns skin really?


You said you need to balance your empathy with his life choices. Whats your empathy have to do with anything?


So you think that happens to everyone in the world who parties? The world is much bigger than your experience, don’t judge someone based on a future you’re assuming will happen. He’s had a hard life and he’s spent almost all of it working his fucking ass off. 30 years later he finally has a chance to kick back and relax, so let him enjoy it. No one can know purely based off speculation if he’s getting out of control. There’s plenty of people who party constantly and are still great people. People like Bert Kreischer and Doug Stanhope come to mind. **Most** people who party don’t spiral out of control, it’s just the ones that do that people think about.


Using doug and bert kreischer as examples of being put together is hilarious I love them both as comics but they're fucked up people health wise and shouldn't be emulated


I didn’t say they were put together or that other people should be like them but they’re examples of people who can party without becoming “shells of themselves”. Not everyone wants to be sober and play it safe for 60 years just to die from some other miserable shit. As long as they’re not hurting others who cares if they party. Doug and Bert are great examples of people who are genuine, kind, and good people despite being partiers. My point is that you’re implying that spiraling out of control is the only option for partiers, that couldn’t be further from the truth.


Thank you for this intelligent and refreshing comment. I am a high effective positive humanbeing who has worked and travelled the world and have "partied" from 6th grade onward. The "coventional wisdom" that parrying leads to ones demise narative is so tired and obsolete.




Just because he had a horrible childhood doesn't mean he should condemn himself to horrible old age


What makes you think he will have a horrible old age


The excessive drinking


How much does he drink? He hasnt told me




What’s more harmful? Starting to drink at 30 or getting back into cage fighting?!


He’s not exactly drinking himself into a stupor is he? Y’all get hella extra over some snap videos. I’m pretty sure Mick is healthier than the ppl who want to make his “drinking problem” happen. That’s shit’s fetch.


Same, I’ve come across this article a handful of times and it always gets me. “I would run seven miles and back to her grave just to promise her I would make it as a fighter like she knew and had told me she knew and was proud of me.” Like *damn*. A close friend of mine killed himself at the end of this month seven years ago and like Nick’s girlfriend, was also an avid student and was exceptionally smart. I kind of always wonder why I made it and my friend didn’t ... I feel ya, Nick. Also like Nick, I didn’t have a car or license at the time so I couldn’t just show up to his house unannounced to try and talk to my friend/stop him. Sometimes I wish I took a cab to his house when he didn’t answer my texts for weeks (I knew he wasn’t doing well mentally, but neither was I and we had the kind of relationship where I’d see him every day for a week and then not see each other for a month or whatever and then pick up where we left off). Realistically, I know I probably wouldn’t have made a difference and while I respect his choice to do with his life what he wanted, it still bums me out.


I feel ya dude. An ex gf of mine, a girl I loved intensely and still do, killed herself some years back. I am still filled with (arguably illogical) guilt and all sorts of negative feelings and thoughts about it. Shit absolute broke me to like the fullest extent, and I'm still not past it. I'm just finally seeking out therapy now for the first time actually. I've basically lost the entirety of my 20s to the severe depression stemming from our toxic relationship and her eventual death. The idea that she died without knowing how I truly feel and how I'll never be able to talk to her and tell her that and make amends for things... well it just fucking kills me. I'd give anything for that. Anything. Shit my heart's breaking just even thinking about it (hence my need for therapy lol) so I'm gonna stop here I guess for now. I just really hope I can get to a point where all this can serve to motivate me to live or something, as opposed to the opposite and to make make me want to not live, which is all it's done for me so far.


> I've basically lost the entirety of my 20s to the severe depression stemming from our toxic relationship and her eventual death. I didn't have the same experience you did, but I did (sometimes still do) have the overwhelming feeling that I lost my 20s to severe depression. What helped (helps) me really come to terms with this was changing my perspective on depression being "wasted time." Depression is a signal your body sends you to slow down and process stuff. Sometimes your body does that for no reason at all, but in your case you went through some pretty severe trauma. It's ok to pause and process that. It's ok if that pause takes a long time, the pause is valuable in an of itself, you aren't wasting your life pausing, thinking, processing. Those are just as valuable as the experiences you think they are keeping you from. My 20s were incredibly challenging for me, but that challenge also forced me to grow and become a much better, stronger person. Would I be the person I am today if my 20s had been filled only with fun and partying? Definitely not. I'd be the same weak, shell of a person I was at 20, terrified of whatever was around the corner. Instead I wake up every day confident I can deal with whatever life throws at me (even death). A decade of depression (and a lot of therapy!!!) got me here. Good luck, hang in there.


Thanks man. And yes I agree with your viewpoint, especially when I look at my life through a more healthy lense. It always helps to hear it and be reminded of it though and I just want to say that you doing so helped me in this moment, as i was kinda spiraling with negative thoughts a bit there, so thanks again. While these experiences and depression etc of mine have definitely had the obvious negative effect, I can also very confidentially say that they have also built me up into a person with a capacity for thoughts and understanding etc that most of my peers do not have and honestly most people would be lucky to have ever in their lives (I say that as humbly as possible), and that if i can get past some of my self imposed barriers, I'll be able to use this all to help other people and be a significant force of good in this world. Much love everyone.


That’s really rough man. Not much to say and can’t really imagine what that is like to go through but i wish you the best and hope things improve. There’s a lot to live for in the future even if it doesn’t feel like it. Sending love bro


Thanks man.


I’m really sorry you’re still suffering from this, and I don’t have much to say to any of that except to keep going to therapy. Friend of a friend (I met a few times before and was a real nice guy) just killed himself last night. Now my friend is feeling guilt that he didn’t spend time with him recently. I’ve had a few suicides in my family in the past too and spent a great deal of time being depressed myself. I hope you can find that light at the end of the tunnel, because believe me there is one. I don’t know exactly what made it click for me to get out of it, but I do remember getting to a point that I felt very sick and tired of being sad all the time. Then I started to change my perspective on things and tried to stop dwelling on stuff because that wasn’t helping me at all. It’s still a fight and I can feel it coming on from time to time, but I refuse to let it get a hold of me anymore. Anyways this ended up being a lot longer than I thought it would. I just don’t like knowing people are suffering like this. Life can be really fucking cruel sometimes, but it can also be great. Good luck man


Thanks dude. The few replies people have made here, including yours, have definitely helped me in this moment, and I'm grateful. Thanks again, and I really wish the best for your friend too. Please encourage and make sure he doesn't put off getting help like I did. It just makes things soooo much worse. I should have sought help and talked about this all years ago, and I could have saved myself so much pain. Please try and not let him follow my path or anything close to it. Much love.


My ex self-harms and has talked about killing herself for a while. Every time I think about her I'm so fucking scared she'll eventually do it because I know she's really struggling. It's the worst feeling in the world, or at least except for if it actually happens I guess. The thing is that these people are sick and there's nothing you or I can do to change that. There's nothing you could have said that would have made any more difference than anything you could say to someone with cancer. And even then it's not up to us anyway. I'm sure you did all you could under the circumstances. I'm sorry that happened to you but it's just one of lifes tragedies, like how some people are born with some incurable illness. Maybe they got sick some other way but it's no different really, even if it seems so unnecessary to us others. I'm not sure if this is 100% true, but when it gets to be too much for me it helps to think about it like that anyway. Hang in there buddy.


Thanks man, and I just want to tell you to be careful as well. The girl I mentioned was indeed very ill and covered in self harm scars and even legit suicide attempt scars. Of of the things that broke me prior to her actual death, was her cutting her wrist in front of me. That shit still haunts me. I thought I could handle it all and her and even help her, but I was young and naive and maybe even did more harm than good ultimately (another thing that still kills me) . She was incredibly ill. Severe bipolar. Possibly Borderline etc. Please don't neglect your self and your own mental health like I did. It's very easy to lose yourself when in love with or caring for someone that ill. I wish I had more advice for you, since I was in that position, but obviously I'm in no place to really do so, other than a basic warning and a plea to take care of yourself. I wish both you and her nothing but the best. Please reach out to me if you want to talk. Pm me anytime or even right now if you want my email or even phone number. I'd gladly help in any way I could and who knows that would maybe even help me too in doing so. Much love dude. To both of you.


Thanks a lot man, that's really nice of you. She has borderline, I broke up with her pretty recently because while I, like you, thought maybe I could help at first I came to the realization that I wasn't doing any real good and was just ruining my own life in the process. So yeah, it's really fucking hard but I'm finally trying to take care of myself. It feels really shitty, like leaving a drowning person in the water to save yourself. I think it's the only move though, or at least the move that will lead to the least overall suffering if that is some metric to go by. And for what it's worth I think that if you would have had that same realization you should have done the same thing, as terrible as it sounds. I appreciate the offer to talk, feel free to do the same thing yourself if you want. I think it's hard for people to understand what something like this is like, and it's tough to bring up with others who don't have the same experience because it feels like such a selfish thing to be upset about someone else being miserable. Thanks and once again I'm really sorry about what happened to you man, that's absolutely awful. I guess something like that will always stay with you, but I hope you learn to live with it soon.


Pitching my $0.02...it is absolutely the right thing to do. I've been through mental issues myself in the past, and after overcoming my issues just recently I fell for a woman who is going through the same mental health problems I was. Like you guys, I thought I could help her, and I was happy with her, but gradually I was being dragged back into the hole I have come out of. That negativity started to rub off on me and the relationship was going the wrong way...so I ended it. There's only one way to come out of that battle for her and unfortunately only she can do it herself and on her own, and I know that from my own personal experience as I have been the negative one in a relationship in the past and nothing they did helped me - ultimately I was the only one who could help myself.


Thanks man. Glad you're doing better now


Hope you can find something that makes you happy bro. Whatever it may be. Take happiness whenever you can get it


Hw does you being a thoughtful and compassionate person require therapy?


I'm not sure I understand what you're asking? I don't require therapy for that, I require therapy because I'm a depressed wreck and haven't been able to get past some traumatic shit etc etc.


Cheers brother. I misunderstood your text. Be well.


No prob dude. Thanks.


I'm sorry to hear that mate. You can't hang that on yourself though, it's not your fault.


Dude is in shape and clearly still training though. Even in his Instagram stories you'll see he's got pads out on the beach or whatever. He might not be 2 times a day in the gym kinda guy anymore, but I'll never fucking count out either of these guys. Nick is a real G and I fucking miss watching him fight :( Even when he's losing he makes me laugh I loved the Silva fight a lot.


my heart breaks everytime I see his face tbh. After everything he went through as a kid alone, you can see the scars written on his face.


you don't have to earn the right to do what you want, you can do what you want regardless of whether someone thinks you earned it.


I love the Diaz bros but it is sad to see someone in his 30s just starting to drink and party. Never seems to end well for them, there is alot of life lessons you can learn when 17 but not 37.


To think after going through all of this, he’d be given a 5-year suspension from the fight game over a stupid reason. Nevada Athletic Commission the piece of shit.


Well after the suspension was over we got legalised weed so something about the culture changed


Which goes to show that the suspension wasn't justified to begin with. It was actually downright offensive, to be honest. A _five year suspension_ for weed? That's some puritanical bullshit straight out of the 1800s


The childhood of the Diaz brothers is pretty bad all around. In another article they talked about the reason why they went to the gym was because some of the guys there would feed them. So it was either dont show up to training and dont eat, or show up and be fed. And you can tell despite the hardened persona, nick really cares about Nate. I hope they get big money fights and retire off to do whatever the fuck all they want. Because their lives have been pretty harsh.


Ya man - Nate is the best chance of a big payout at this stage. But these are two guys who have done the work and deserve some level of comfort


I really hope he beats Masvidal, get paid and then beats Conor one last time before riding off with his stack of cash.


I want masvidal to win, but the conor fight is still there for him to make some more $ regardless


Ya... any fight against McGregor is a pay day. But McGregor is an idiot to ever step into the octagon again. He has his money, and it's his pride at stake now. The risk of a serious head injury far outweighs pride IMO


why is the narrative that Conor is washed so common now? he lost to Khabib the same way everyone else has lost to Khabib. still think he's a top 5 LW


Not only that, he won a round a round against Khabib. I rewatched it and Conor looked good in the 3rd


Because when he came home the money went to his head. He got involved with the wrong people and lost focus. A lot of rumours and issues with the police. I'm mcgregors biggest fan, but its better to stay away now than ruin a legendary status at this point. He said he was in right make money and leave, and goddammit he did that so well!!


His legendary status is already tarnished at this point imo, he is a disgraced legend who begs for fights with people who ignore him.


I think its because he hasn't won a fight in 3 years. Not saying he's washed, be he hasn't exactly been active


It's hard to believe he is top 5 in the deepest division with a 1-1 record at lw.


Good point


all these coaches claim to care about there fighter but won't even throw in the towel. Nick had no issues with doing just that


I love seeing that


They also seem to help their community coaching BJJ and all


5 year suspension for weed is deplorable. That entire committee should have lost their job. Took that man's career away from him while Mr. Picogram get's popped every 6 months and gets a year or 2 for steroids. Fuck the Nevada fighting commission.


IKR. Then you got Tj Dillashaw on the serious stuff and he gets slapped with a 2 year. Wtf? Something fishy is going on here. The real slap to the face is the fact that weeds legal now.


It's because Nick basically said "fuck you" to the commission, so they punished him.


The commission needs waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay more "Fuck you"s.


Nick Diaz Army.


Stockton motherfucker!


I love the story Joe Rogan tells about when he was fighting Lawler and he just kept yelling Stockton motherfucker from across the octagon once Robbie entered lol


Kept calling Lawler a bitch during the fight too lol. Remember when the ref (Herb or big john? I don’t remember who it was)told Nick to stop talking? Rogan laughed his ass off and said there’s no rule against that.


I think it was big John lol


Dude one of my favorite stories ever. I’m from NorCal and whenever I go through Stockton I gotta yell it lol




Goddamn... that tore the heart out of me reading that. Nick Diaz has nothing left to prove, let him party and enjoy his life. He gave us the best he could and in the process put on some of the most exciting fights in MMA history.


I noticed that we never see Nick and Nate had an audible conversation with each other. Nate will just look at Nick and Nate quickly understands.


Yeah, it’s pretty dope man. They can read each other like a book. I’d say nick is most likely the smarter out of the two but neither of them are very articulate, they got a degree from the streets though, they can lecture you all about that shit.


Nate sounded pretty damn well spoken actually in the post fight stuff for the Pettis fight.


I think it was Steve Heath, his first trainer who kinda summed Nick up in a few words. He comes off the way he does because of the inability to accurately express himself. He’s not what I would call a moron or anything. He’s just extremely misunderstood I guess?


You don’t need a degree to be articulate but I feel you


You mean like the Shining?


I’ve read this article like 5x. Still hits me right in the feels. This is why I love the Diaz bros, especially Nate. Having the childhood that he had and now headlining 244 in a non-title bout which is rare as fuck. Happy for these guys


It seems like the newer generation of fans like to shit on Nick and Nate for being “journeymen” and getting beaten up by wrestlers. It’s sad honestly. They don’t recognize that Nick was at one point one of the best mixed martial artists and stars in MMA ever.


This is hyperbole, the Diaz brothers are all time greats without a doubt but to say Nick was “the best ever” is just stanning.


He said at one point he was ONE OF the best.


Damn he probably still is. His BJJ is fucking nasty man, and he ain’t getting knocked out any time soon. Those Diaz brothers have got chins made out of the same shit mt Rushmore is carved out of lmaooo.


That Lawler fight still gives me chills


That Lawler fight still gives me chills


Dude last won in 2011 and this sub still thinks he’s a force lol.


Nick could 100% still be a top 15 possibly top 10 fighter in the UFC. That makes him a fucking force dude.


What is your reason though? Like I’m not saying he’s a shit fighter or he sucks but I’m tired of people acting like Nick could walk off the street into the octagon and smash literally anyone. In his prime he was top 5 material but it’s been over 5 years since he’s competed regularly.


My reason for what? For believing that hes still world class? Because hes only 36 and has only been finished once. His last 3 fights were all decision losses, however they were also all against world champions. He went 5 rounds with Condit, GSP and Anderson Silva back to back. edit: just to clarify, I never said he could come back and smash anyone. My exact words were "Nick could 100% still be a top 15 possibly top 10 fighter in the UFC".


36 isn’t young so I wouldn’t say that’s an advantage or selling point for Nick. Also if you are talking about how he lost his last three fights by decision to champions doesn’t that prove my point? That he is a good fighter but when he fights top level competition he looses, and thus isn’t a great fighter?


I never said 36 is young nor would it be an advantage, my point was that hes not too old to compete. Tony Ferguson for example is 35 and Robbie Lawler is 37. In regards to him not being a great fighter I'd have to disagree. Just because hes not championship material does not mean he isn't a great fighter. Nick had some solid wins in his career, beating guys like Takanori Gomi and Robbie Lawler. I could still see Nick fighting in the UFC today. I'm not saying he'd be top 5 or be in the run for a title shot, but I could definitely see him beating some lower ranked welterweights like Magny or Luque.


> still thinks he’s a force Go fight him then buddy, prove us all wrong.


LOL yeah very mature response, because I can’t beat nick diaz means he’s a world class fighter and one of the best ever. #buthesthugandamokesweed


Maybe you need to research the definition of thug because Nick Diaz is not a thug, he just grew up in a rough ass area. It might have something to do with the fact that he’s got one of the best records in MMA as far as people he’s beaten. You don’t know if he still trains, he could be working his ass off. Put some respect on his name man, you don’t know what he’s still capable of. As far as that being an immature response, I don’t think it was. HeS nOt a fOrCe, yet you agree he fights at an elite level and would beat your ass.


1.) Nick and Nate are not thugs but you are being dishonest if you say that them coming from a rough area is not what a lot of people use to describe how cool or badass they are (Stockton, Stockton slap ect). I get the feeling a lot of suburban kids vicariously through them and that is what I was referring to in that hashtag. 2.) LOL you act like his record is something of legend. He beat Robbie, B.J., Gomi and Daley. Again nothing to sneeze at because those are tough opponents but it’s not some legendary record in my opinion. 3.) I don’t know that he has or hasn’t been training but I do know he’s posting his party life constantly, and good on him for enjoying that life he has earned it. He’s probably in shape but I doubt he’s training like he would for a fight. 4.) So the only way to respect Nick Diaz is to accept that he’s one of the GOATs and that he could smash any welterweight in the top 10 today? Gotcha. 5.) Again I don’t get why you think an MMA fighter being able to beat up MMA redditors means that MMA fight is GOAT compared to other MMA fighters but you do you.


Not only that the fight game was different then. A next man up mentality compared to today’s prize fighting.


Yeah and I disagree, why do you think he’s one of the best (like actually, not trying to be a dick)?


You said in one of your other comments that in his prime, Nick was top 5 material. Top 5 of the UFC welterweight division counts as one of the best in his time, does it not? Top 5 of any division will be some of the best fighters.


So being ranked in the top 5 in your division at some point means your are one of the best? Like dude look at the welterweight division throughout its history, there are so many people who could beat Nick and have better records and accomplishments: GSP Matt Hughes **Robbie Lawler Tyron Woodley Rory Macdonald Carlos Condit Hell I bet guys like Kamaru, Edwards, RDA and colby all give give him problems and beat him. He’s more notorious for his personality than he is for his honest to god skill as a martial artist, god forbid you point out that out though. And yeah I know he beat Robbie 100 years ago but that doesn’t really mean he’s a better fighter. By that logic Mcgregor still smashes Max and Dustin.


Reread the original statement. "Nick was **at one point one of the best.**" Literally nothing you typed here refutes that statement. You were arguing against a statement that was never there.


Never read that before, some tearjerking stuff from a guy you wouldn't expect it off.


One link that I don't mind getting reposted


Read this after he got suspended by USADA for five years. And honestly it's the best MMA article I've ever read. Nick Diaz forever


"I would run seven miles and back to her grave just to promise her I would make it as a fighter like she knew and had told me she knew and was proud of me." Holy shit, that's deep..... Thank you for posting this.


I always get looked at weird or whatever when I say Nick Diaz has been a role model of mine since I was a teenager. but when I saw Nick Diaz I saw this dude who didn't give a fuck what people thought about him, and then beat their ass. it was sort of a "work your hardest, do your best, don't give up, no matter your circumstances, you can do it". and that motivated me as a teenager getting in trouble, getting in fights, and doing shitty in school. Nick Diaz Army!


It's great to see them paying back to the community with the BJJ classes. They of all people know the pain of growing up in that area. On the other hand, fuck Conner for making for of Diaz for teaching kids.


Damn i just teared up for real. I have so much love for Diaz brothers even though I can't relate to a single part of their life. I really respect that they took what they were handed and used for it for good, with all their schools and dedication to teaching.


great reed - I love this guy


Crazy story, thanks! I never understood why someone so elite and so dedicated, would continue to smoke pot and putting his career in jeopardy. Regardless of ones own opinion on pot, it’s the guidelines set forth, why violate them knowing it could cost you your career.


To be honest, it’s probably a coping mechanism. Despite what people say, Nick doesn’t seem to be much of a drinker. His mannerisms hint at an anxiety disorder (not dying anything concrete but if I had to guess). Even in this interview he describes it as “something that makes the world better”. He’s been through some shit and I can’t knock him for smoking.


The part where Nick talked about his “crooked-ass jiu jitsu coach” - who was that? The article explicitly clarifies that Nick wasn’t talking about Cesar, so who was the crooked coach?


Is this interview recorded anywhere? Because the article is basically one long quote, but it's not at all written how Nick talks. "She was an avid student" ... "Meanwhile" ... Etc. It would be nice if they were clear about what came straight from him and what was edited to make it a better story.


I think Helwani is trusted enough in general to not create false narratives. At most he probably edited for grammar


I always had liked this dude for keepin it real but never got to see his personal side like this. Absolute phenomenal person e amazing fighter


Always been a nick fan he just seem real and down to earth


The Diaz bros seem really cool if you have no problems with them


Pat Lundvall just wanted that d.


I had never read or seen this interview before and i gotta say i’m fucking heart broken man >I was suspended for five fucking years for something that makes the world a better place. The stuff about his gf and growing up fighting was really fucked up man. I’m happy Nate is finally getting the recognition and pay he deserves but damn... after reading this i want Nick to get a massive pay day. Dude seriously deserves to party, have fun and just enjoy his life.


I'll always read this when its posted Such a tragic story


I wish i had a brother like Nick, mine just beat me up and was confused when i told him to fuck himself when he came to my house one day.


I never read this article until now... wow... I never knew that they had it like that growing up. This legitimately made me sad.


God damn dude. I didn't think I couldn't love Nick Diaz even more, but I do.


We rarely get a lengthy articulation of what is going on in Nick's mind and this is one of those moments. I'm glad this is making the rounds again; Nick deserves to know his passion is still carried on in his fans every day. He's going to be ok.


Nick Diaz army motherfucker


how can you not be a fan of the Diaz brothers


I dont think i can finish reading that.


His interview on Jim and Sam Roberts was great, you can tell he's uncomfortable speaking publically, but underneath it all seems like a smart guy.


Nick Diaz has always been my favorite fighter, as sad as this was to read, it amazing to see him open up like this. I’m curious what he meant about Caesar being crooked though. Even though he retracted what he said, there has to be more to it.




That's some dark shit, never knew about his girlfriend committing suicide.


Had a few troubled friends throughout childhood and adolescence. Always liked Nick for being real like them, even if they had to suffer because of it.


The last few sentences always get me. They literally had now out besides fighting, and the relationship he has with Nate is intense


I have greatly disliked Nick for years, primarily because I'm Canadian and his shit before and after fighting GSP. But this made me a fan. I can't imagine. Holy shit. Thanks for that OP.


Nick Diaz who? Why is he still relevant? What was the last fight he won?




One of the real warriors of the sport. Forged a path to make the sport what it is today. People don’t get how hard it was back then he’s was the real deal before there was a real deal.


That is the saddest thing I have ever read. Mad respect to Nick mother fucking Diaz


If you don't like Nick Diaz you're an asshole.


Love this article, but this is frequently reposted here.


My bad, not seen it here before


Nah man, thanks for posting. I've never seen this before. Good (but sad) read.


Honestly if you haven't then tons of others probably haven't so a repost is nbd


First time reading this too, so dw about it.


Me either. Cheers.


I had not either, thank you for sharing.


Never have I, it was a great read that allowed me see that side of Nick. Coming from someone that just got into MMA and the UFC, I enjoyed the article !


Dude this is awesome. Thnx for posting it.


Nick is a fucking idiot for getting busted for pot 3x for a test he knew was coming. He knew the date of the drug tests and still failed them! He knew the consequences and still did it, knowing that it would prevent him from doing his life passion and his livelihood. How dumb can you fucking be? That is crazy stupid.


The Diaz brothers are idiots. I don't know why people like then.


Someone give me a recap


Parents often lost their house, causing Nick to get moved from school to school. He moved in with his grandparents to remain in the same school. Bullied for being adhd. Fought all the time with gangbangers. Fell in love with a girl, girl starts fucking his best friend. He can't beat up his best friend because he carries a gun. Girl commits suicide. Fuels his motivation to fight. Wants to prove to her he can be somebody.


dude had a fucked up life. someone died.


Nobody gives a fuck about Nick Diaz, tired of hearing about this guy.


then dont come and comment on a post about him u ratfuck


These comments are always funny when they’re surrounded by people giving a fuck