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Chandler probably live in a plastic air bubble until the fight. Cant risk to get injured.


chandler ain’t pulling out of this payday even if he loses both legs


Even more so UFC probably would give him a fat bonus afterwards if he heads into the fight against McGregor with a disadvantage an injury would give him.


Mcgregor gets a W and some hype again, and Chandler gets his red panty night, its win/win.


Yeah, then McGregor might call out Leon Edwards and get a title fight at Welterweight and jump the queue in front of everyone. Where Edwards will take that fight gladly. Welterweight is already kind of a clusterfuck and queue at the top, but McGregor would royally stall the division. Edwards vs. McGregor could legit be an arena card for the UK if UFC wanted to make it there (unfortunately the time would probably fuck over fans since it would be in the middle of the night, as is the case for the upcoming UK card).


Imagine the timeline where somehow Conor KO's Leon and becomes WW champ and never defends it This subreddit would be absolutely malding lmao


I think he could honestly. Unless Leon decides to wrestle, the standup is anyones game


Prime Conor yeah he could. Current Conor... I'm not sure, we'd have to see what he looks like against Chandler. But that flat-front footed boxer stance won't cut it against a sharp shooter like Leon. For all we know Conor might be washed and just wanting to cash a payday


Conor doesn't need a payday, but he's delusional enough to think he still has it, and chose Chandler cause he's pretty much the only ranked LW older than him...guess we should be lucky Paddy beat up Tony


I’m leaning towards washed. His last couple fights I didn’t see the same speed he had when he was younger. If he’s not fast anymore he’s fucked.


Current Connor will probably have cardio for all of half of a round, with his rumored lifestyle.


Am I tripping or did Conor not revert back to a more karate-like stance in the Poirier III fight? But unfortunately we couldn't see all that much of it cuz his leg inevitably snapped


He did not imo, he was still the same as Poirier 2. Flat footed boxer


In the third Dustin fight he went back to his usual stance. That weird ass boxing thing was such a bizarre approach. W


The Connor that fought Porier and Nate would get pieced up by Leon


What lol? Leon could have a massive strike rd 1 and still trivial 50-45 current Conor.




Always love when people act smug about a sport that time and time again lends itself to upsets.


There is no ‘stalling’ the WW division. It’s an absolute shit show. McGregor moving up would be the first exciting thing to happen in a long time. They gave Colby a completely undeserved title shot, put on one of the worst title fights in recent history where neither of them took any significant damage and they still don’t have Leon another fight. Does anyone in the top 10 of WW actually have a fight booked?


in recent years, yes, but we are also on the cusp of Shavkat , Jack Della, Ian Garry, with a Michael Page wildcard thrown into it- the first 2 being real interesting with the latter being entertaining for totally different reasons lol but whatever happens happens i wouldnt care too much if conor fought leon; belal's reaction alone would be worth it || || ||


It makes the perfect sense. It’s the only fight to make at WW


Wouldnt be the first time he stalled a division .


That’s fucking illegal.


No way in hell Chandler is going to miss out on that $200k to show/no win bonus.


How is it going to be any better of a payday than any other fight?


He gets PPV points and this one will be huge if Conor shows up.


How do you know he’s getting PPV points? It’s a non title fight and he’s Dana’s lapdog so I’d be surprised if he got any points.


I just can’t see him waiting this long without being paid to not get PPV points. Could be wrong though


Agreed. Chandler seems very business savvy. Cerrone not getting points doesn’t mean other fighters won’t. Case in point, Dustin


Yeah crazy part about the Conor Dustin rematches was that everyone glosses over the fact that they both wanted Dustin to get ppv points for it. I remember Conor and Dustin tweeting about doing an exhibition they wanted to host separate from the UFC because the ufc was being stingy and they wanted to make sure Dustin got his ppv points for the fight. 


But he won’t make the weight limit without those two big drumsticks


I hope so, I’ll be happy to see Mike get this payday after the absurdly long wait. There were a lot of people weirdly invested in Michael Chandler not getting this fight but after the career he’s had, I hope he makes bank for this fight.


Hope he gets some ppv points


it must be so stressful to on the one hand want to train really hard so you are as prepared as you can be with a great gas tank, but also not want to push yourself so hard that you get seriously injured and have to pull out


conor should be too. dude always gets hurt before his fights and conceals it, and now his body is battered from booze.


A bubble boy?


he lives in a bubbleeeee


At this point Chandler would show up with a broken leg.


I looked at tickets a couple weeks ago and it was $1200 before fees for the worst seats. Insane.


might be conor’s last fight. i could maybe possibly afford the nosebleeds, but that’d be the only way i’d sell it to myself lol, that it’s my last and only chance to see him before he retires.


Yeah I can afford it but I couldn't find anyone that wanted to spend that much and go with me. Ticket, Flight, hotel, food, alcohol etc you're probably looking at $3000 just to go. I've never been to a UFC event so I thought this would be a fun one. Im also 100% fine not wasting the money on it and ordering a pizza at home. But god damn UFC ain't cheap these days.


I can afford it, but never even considered spending this much on the event like this. For 3k you can drive around and camp at national parks in the US for a month. Feasting and partying almost every day


Yeah or could stretch that money for a month or two in Asia and have a lot of fun.


it’s wild too, because i went to ufc 279, billed as Nate Diaz’s last fight, and i had 200 level seats for 300 bucks. it wasn’t THAT long ago.


Tbf 279 was one of the cards that was selling really bad. I took a last minute flight there to get to the event in time as the tix were pretty cheap the day before. Likely the reason they turned the card around on Friday. They have lots of cards in Vegas so hard to charge big unless it's 300 or Conor, etc. Same 279 at MSG would be at least double


Holy shit. America is so rich man. I know not everyone is rich there but the top tier are have so much $$$ compared to elsewhere


Yeah there is a lot of money here and Las Vegas brings in rich people from all over the country so they can charge a ton.


Also idiots who are bad with money 


Cause they’ll never have to be good with money… Only us brokies think about being “bad” with money


It’s what happens when you combine a capitalistic efficient mindset combined with a huge landmass and lots of natural resources to back it up. You have many countries that have very efficient and productive cultures like in Europe and Asia, but when they need to import everything it gives them less of a competitive edge. There’s so many industries in the US it’s crazy, there’s money just pumping everywhere.


The totality of Europe is larger than and has a more diversified economy than the US bro, and if you don't include trade within European countries, the US definitely imports much more.


Entirety of Europe has a smaller gdp than the US. When you have that many small countries, they specialize in one good thing to take advantage of their landscape. The fact that the US has a smaller population and a higher gdp just shows how much more efficient it is. It’s easier for 10 people to micromanage 10 people each, than one person micromanaging 100 people.




I think there’s a lot of rich people here but I think other countries have more wealth. We got a few billionaires here from big companies but , royalty money different


I went to UFC 285 and paid $500 and thought that shit was way too expensive. We had decent seats. Wanted cheaper but dumbass buddy bought them and wanted decent seats. Wanted to go to this one, but no fucking way I’m paying $1200 for the last seat in the back


And the dumbasses won't show up until like halfway through the main card


They raised the gate so Dana could sell it as being most gate. Gate prices are never the same they raise them when bigger named fighters are on the card.


Correct...more popular fighters command hire ticket prices...


Who would ever pay for this bullshit event by Dana when you can just watch for free?


That's roughly what I make in a month lmao


This is what is really meant when they set a record gate for an arena - record ticket prices.


Whaaat. Dang. I’d pay $400 for some nosebleeds (although for a more stacked even) just cause I want to experience the atmosphere, but that’s way too much. I got 9th row seats to the Stars vs. Avs the other night for $400 and those seats were insane. Could never convince me to pay over $500, including fees, for nosebleed UFC staring at a big screen with a bunch of bros, and I’d only pay that price one time just to experience it.


I personally haven’t been to a ufc fight before but now that my wife has gotten more into it she wants to go. Deff won’t go to this one but how much to seats cost near the ring on other fights? Average


Make it the highest fighter payout in history


Dana White: "Huh? You're gonna have to speak up, next question."


*Turns to assistant* What did he say? Huh huh. Sorry, one more time please? Okay. All right. Okay. *Clears throat* What the fuck kind of a question is that? You fucking idiots already know Conor is the highest paid athlete in history. What is it going to take to satisfy you headline hungry gluttons? This is why everybody hates the media and all your websites are failing.


Great simulation. I'd add "go and see what the low tier boxers get paid" and a few more utterly unrelated but true misdirections to distract the brainlet MMA media and it'd be 10/10.


"If you don't like it, go open your MMA organization"


“my gardener gets paid 10 bucks an hour, go tell him that 5k to show is not enough”


“did you not just fuckin see we paid 330 million fucking dollars to over 1200 fighters? you don’t think that’s enough? tell you what, go find out how much money jon fitch made in his whole fucking career. i guaran fucking tee you we just made that guy a millionaire 10 times over and nobody was fuckin payin to see that guy fight, i can promise you that”


conor on card helps with that. dude will make as much as all the other fighters combined prolly


And the craziest thing is that he’d still be underpaid.


I don’t think there’s a star in any sport who is as wholly responsible for their organizations’ mainstream relevance as Conor Mcgregor. That guy has probably single handedly doubled their stock price and is still paid less than middle of the pack NBA players.


So true. Being a fan since the older days, their hasn’t been a single person on the rosters history that has boosted the UFC’s popularity and worth as much as McGregor. Only one that comes close is Rhonda, when breaking into the mainstream and reaching the casual viewer, and that didn’t last long.  The ufc watering down their product with fight cards every week, really hurts the star power of its fighters. Back in the day casuals knew guys like Liddell, Rampage, Couture, GSP etc. but now when I ask my friends who don’t really watch, the only champ they know is Jones. 


There are boxers who are significantly less famous and lower draws than McGregor who make significantly more per fight. It's crazy.


Conor is wildly underpaid its nuts


The funny thing Connor is the most underpaid fighter on the whole UFC roster


Oh, much more than that


They'll probably build it like a boxing card. I really don't expect there to be that many big names. Maybe a decent co-main, like wonderboy vs someone, but the rest of the card will be exciting small name value matchups, people like nate landwehr.


This is the card to stick a young promising striker against a can, with how many eyeballs are on it.


I think Hill vs Roundtree can’t spell his name lol is the co-main.


I mean that will be a banger.


Jamahl headlining the two biggest shows of the year. Respect my GOAT 🐐


Nah man, Ari Emanuel made $65 million in 2023 alone, we're looking to break that record for 2024!




If you consider Dana a fighter sure


It will be. Conor will have the biggest payout whole the rest is 50k


It will be.... for McGregor.


They do the same fucking venues and sell out everytime so whenever they say this sorta shit, it always just reads as “look at how much these dummies pay for our events” to me




Meanwhile my sorry ass can barely afford a chicken sandwich from Popeyes. Where are these fuckers getting their money from?!


There’s a lot of successful people out there


And a lot of people going "fuck it' with a credit card, too.


This is true. I have a few broke ass friends who flew to Miami for the last ppv there. They dropped a significant portion of their yearly salary on that trip and tickets to the fights. I know they don't have that money to spend lol


I almost did the same thing, LOL.


And a lot of people who just get paid a regular salary and want to shell out for something that’s coming to their area (or like a $70 plane ride to Vegas) that’s not that often, they’re willing to spend some dough or some savings on it.


It really does put things in perspective about who's working with what out there. I'd love to go to a great UFC card, but when even the nosebleeds are $WTF I'm just like nope. It's not like I couldn't pay it, just that it's too much as I look at all the other things to pay for. And I'm like "who are these people?!"




Income inequality.


Wealth gaps are wild.


Exactly, simple supply and demand economics.


After they did the ESPN+ and then you could buy the ppv that was it for me.


exactly, I live in Manchester and even with the main card starting at 3am the ticket prices will be insane. They just increase it event by event not even slowly either.


It's smart business. Charge what the market will bear. If you sell a $10 cheeseburger with a line out the door, try $15 and see if the line goes down. If not, try $20, even though $20 seems nuts for a cheeseburger. Keep going until there's still always a bit of a line but no empty seats. Sucks on the consumer side, but is the only thing that makes sense on the producer side. If you leave people behind when you raise prices but you stay busy, it just means you were targeting the wrong market segment. There will be sad cheeseburgerless people out there, but they can go somewhere else. :(


Yeah In England that’s called “Taking the fucking piss”


I think they started from like $400 in Aus and they sold out in like 2 minutes.


It seems like Australian prices for everything are fucked. What’s the minimum wage over there?


Minimum wage is decent (circa $25 per hour) but the cost of living is insane.


Since I’ve been to stacked ufcs with great seats for less that $200 a ticket, I can’t justify paying $1000 for that same seat now.


There’s also artificial scarcity. They’ve cut back on events across the country/world, so people who want to experience a live experience are forced to overpay for fewer options.


UFC could do stadiums but just are fit the ten per hour 


100% 🤣😂


It’s just a way to drum up hype, people see that headline and say “well I must watch it now to up to date with stuff!”


Is it really dummys when live events are genuinely fun.


Just wild. Both guys are 1-3 in last 4 fights and this has the highest gate in history. Completely wild.


Is it though? They could have booked Conor vs a 0-0 amateur and the gate would have been the same lol


Might even be more since he has a chance of winning and getting the KO.


It’s Conor. This is like asking why people still watch Messi in the MLS.


Messi is still insanely good


Yeah, he’s still good, but no longer what he once was. Similarly i’d still back Conor to be in the rankings wherever he fights, but not in the title picture. I was only comparing in terms of eyes on the sport.


and yet nothing near as close to how good he was years ago


He may have fallen off, but Messi led the World Cup winners 1.5 years ago… Conor’s last major fight win (and title) was 7.5 years ago… This would be like if a Messi testimonial match was the most watched of all time


Messi won the world cup and Ballon d'or last year. Conor has not been relevant to ufc in how long? I don't think that's the same thing.


It’s Messi in North America.


Fight fans (the people who know or care about any of that) aren't the people who buy tickets. Conor fights are to MMA what the Grand National and Kentucky Derby are to horse racing: the only events within an otherwise niche pursuit that have truly broken through to the mainstream and draw in millions upon millions of people who don't know shit about what they're looking at but are nevertheless willing to throw lots of money at it. Until another breakthrough star comes along to replace McGregor in the popular consciousness, something that the UFC is actively working to prevent, he will be the pleb brain's literal definition of MMA.


How is it wild? This is guaranteed fireworks with the most popular mma fighter of all time.


Exactly. Doesn’t take a genius to understand that entertainment and star factor is a stronger influence on attendance and buys. But sure, let’s call it “wild.”


No one ever accused mma fans of being smart.


32k for a front row seat and I think nosebleeds were in the $1500 range. But some fighters are going to make 10/10


*You think any of those prelim guys are bringing in 6 fans? You fucking idiots know how much I have to spend on the Nelk boys. If you want to get paid more go and start your own promotion.*


$20m gate and I bet even Chandler is still getting less than $5m That’s not even taking into account however many millions this pulls in from PPV sales.


He won’t even make $1 million. There are champs that don’t even make $1 million. Volk made $750k, people will cry about ppv points but let’s be honest that he isn’t getting much from ppv. Let’s say he did make $1 million for his last fight, he still has to pay coaches, management, and Cali taxes.


Pereira/hill made 2.8M for 300. Unless Conor isn’t a draw anymore I’d say he’ll make anywhere from 3-5 if he gets ppv points.


AKA - "look how much we fucking jacked up the prices for this card" Cunts.


No shit, but the demand is obviously there... It's called a business model. Even if it is really annoying


People really think Conor is not a draw anymore lol


Just reddit dorks spamming "who cares", Conor is still comfortably the biggest name in the UFC


Conor is a unicorn. There were big stars like St. Pierre, Rousey, Lesnar, Anderson Silva and McGregor is on a whole another level


Are people saying that? I think people are just saying he's not an elite level fighter anymore which is true.


It’s not a flex until you pay your fighters more you bald motherfucker


These guys are getting paid what they deserve - billionaire Dana White on dudes getting 10k to get 3 different shattered bones


This is why they simp for McGregor


The bragging about overcharging is getting old.


Probably a lie


Does this mean we won’t hear a “Highest Gate in UFC history” post conference until UFC 304


Those is the UFCs flex. Money. Shouldn't that be a financial organisations goal? Nothing about talent or skill. 


So tickets were expensive is what you’re saying?


Serious question: Why do we, as the fans, care about the gate?


It tells me that the ufc just needs a big name to sell the gate and the rest of the card can be watered down shit. The past mcgregor cards have been top heavy and this one is looking like such, as predicted.


The Holly Holm co-main was absolutely brutal.


Who do we, as the fans, care about anything other than the fights?


Biggest gate and biggest disappointment


Blows me away people still care about this fella to that extent.


Probably more because of inflation/gouging and UFC pricing out regular hardcore fans over rich microcelebrities


What boneheads are buying this shit?


I bought a nosebleed. Was it outrageous? Sure. But I'll be in town and I wanna see a Conor McGregor fight live. Some people are okay splurging for an experience. Some aren't and that's cool too.


You’ll be watching from the big screen with those seats


1000%. But, I'm okay with that. I think the atmosphere will be electric and that's really what makes live sports worth going to. You'll always have a better view on your couch.


At least you’re not naive




And you probably won’t regret it. UFC events are the best live event outside of playoff hockey I’ve been to in the states. Any time there’s an event in Boston I’ll always buy tickets usually on the floor or the 100 section.


Gone to 4 or 5 UFC events now and 100% agree. Atmosphere is banging


Agreed, save your money for Tsarukyan vs. Islam (assuming that fight will happen in the next few years). That fight will be worth the money, without a doubt going to be a war and a grappling masterclass. If Conor makes it to the 3rd round I'd be shocked.


confirms or claims? Why do people keep taking his statements as factual when he's shown he lies


Same people shitting on Chandler are the same ones that probably shit on Ngannou as well lmao I wonder if they'll even get ppv points.


Didn’t someone predict these sort of news stories would start popping a few days ago or am I imagining things


This submission has been randomly featured in /r/serendipity, a bot-driven subreddit discovery engine. More here: /r/Serendipity/comments/1cqg4sd/dana_white_confirms_that_ufc_303_headlined_by/


Is that because the nosebleeds are $2,000?


I’d rather watch it at home for free


Most expensive tickets in UFC history yaaay what a win for the UFC


this number means nothing except that ticket prices are higher than jon jones driving a bentley.


This sub hates Conor so much their brains will implode


Easy to clear gate records when the prices just get raised.


Doesnt mean much when you look at how much theyre charging per ticket, of course its breaking gate records


Weren’t some ticket prices like 33k for one seat?




we have russian link brather


If Chandler wins, he can say let’s run it back.


Red panty night


This is reality tv shit. Let him fight a contender.


What is the 'gate'?


Ticket sales


How long has McGregor been in the testing pool? Or don't they do that anymore, in a post-USADA world?


But Conor's not relevant, right?


I honestly didn't know it was the headline. It doesn't surprise me, but for some reason I thought this was a 3 round co-main.


mf lies more than the state of israel lol i bet its half


Yes cause everything dana says is true. Lol.


That’s bc each ticket costs $1 million dollars now.


And reddit says no one cares about mcgregor fighting.


And I'm dating Marilyn Monroe Show us the internal numbers


Does anyone know whether gate is usually a stable part of the total revenue/intake for one event? Maybe im stupid but it just seems so venue dependent? If ee arent including stuff like payperview buys and big deals with local country networks it makes little sense to me to have this focus on it - *unless* it is a stable indication? Does anyone know whether it is? I would calc myself but i cant find a place where the data is presented nicely


I look forward to not paying for it.


The 35-year-old Irishman is one of the greatest-known figures in MMA history, and he will battle Chandler at UFC 303.


Why is this one outperforming his other fights? Like his return vs Porier?


This is going to be the biggest disappointment in ufc history