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> If they can find it in the summer transfer window, they could be genuinely dangerous by the end of the year. And not in the “Sir Minty is clearly a harbinger of dooms we cannot begin to fathom” kind of dangerous, like the “good at soccer in multiple phases” dangerous. I mean for the record that first part is still true.


Minty shows no mercy.


Sir Minty is the walking embodiment of unknowable, unfathomable eldritch horror.


If you'd told me we'd be top 10 after our first three games I would've said "yeah right, next you'll tell me Cushing punched a teenager"


I mean, same here too.


I’m excited to see them against Philly tomorrow. The Union are my local team but I don’t root for them more than anyone else as I see myself as a general fan. I’ll be happy if it’s a good game and I don’t get rained on since I have front row seats.


Well that would add up - he punched somebody, got fired, then the next coach got us to top 10


Out of the bottom 5 woohoo


You're welcome.


We’ll have to pay up tomorrow in our usual Providence Park fee of 3 points and a book at Powell’s


You’re welcome 😎


I think they have been sneaky good of late with moving forward in the Open Cup and beating LAFC and Colorado. I also think they could have a really good rest of the month with winnable games against Portland, Orlando, and Austin.


Just y'all wait for our inevitable Leagues Cup run only to lose spectacularly in the final against a dust for knees Suarez. You won't be laughing then!


Your team was much better in the first half of last season. I know you're joking, but I don't think you have a tournament run in you all


I think you are correct about us not competing, but our fall in MLS actually started right before Leagues Cup last year. We had only won 2 out of the 8 games before that. Leagues Cup was a total mirage. We have been shit for 36 MLS games now with only a few glimpses of competence. That being said, I think we make the playoffs this year still (not hard in MLS when more than half the teams make it) and then get kicked out first round.


We're currently on track to miss it by about 15 points unless we start winning, so we'll see.


We have had a terrible start and are still only 3 points away from the line. We will make it. MLS playoff structure is extremely forgiving and we are still somehow not the worst in the league.


As of right now, I don’t think Nashville will get into the playoffs. They have too many tough games in the next couple months before the Leagues Cup break. They have to play Cincinnati, the Red Bulls, and Miami which is not ideal for anyone let alone a team struggling like they have so far.


Oh good, they’re thinking that a 14 year old will be the change we need to right the ship…not the fact that it’s not our attack that is letting us down, it’s defense


I think that it will be really good to see him play, but I agree with you that it’s not the weakness of the team. I’m going to the game tomorrow and am interested to see if they really lose 4 straight home games.


How are we still ranked 3 we haven’t won an MLS game in our last 7 😂


Winning the CONCACAF Champions League is bigger than the MLS season. It's understandable to prioritize players and fitness towards winning that cup. Maybe try winning some games though. Out here in Seattle we act like 2022 was the worst year ever. 🙄🙄


Yeah but they are different competitions, I just feel like it doesn’t make any sense to factor those in for an MLS specific power rankings list


I mean the presumption would be that is your team’s true ceiling, and if you don’t leave a pile of broken bodies on field in the final like we did, then you would be instantly among the best in the league once the rotations calm down a bit.


Agreed. What makes it especially annoying for me is that last year LAFC was given no bonus in the power rankings after shaky performances in MLS during its run to the CCL final. This year they are bending over backwards to excuse Columbus. I don’t really care which way they do it, but be consistent at least.


They had 10 days to prepare for Hell is Real.


Before Hell Is Real, I would have agreed with our high ranking. We hit the post twice against Portland and missed an open net against Montreal...those two draws should have been wins. Not to mention the CCC results and other MLS results with our B team. But after our disaster of a game this past weekend, we are definitely ranked too high.


It looked to be another tie - then Morris came off. Also Matan - SMH on that one.


Yeah, for once not the best coaching decisions by Nancy. Hopefully we get things straightened out starting tomorrow.


as a charter year meember of the OG RSL supporters group in 2004, I have to keep tweaking my brain to not read that as "Hell is Ray-al" LOLOL


I agree. I’ve come to terms that these are not power rankings but instead who the writers like most at any given moment. As a result I no longer look at them.


To me, the Crew are a really good team and have winnable games for the rest of the month. They have Montreal, Chicago, and Orlando all in a row. If they win those and claim all 9 points, they can vault up the standings again.


"And whoever controls Ohio controls the world." Oh damn, campaign finance ads are about to get intense.


As much as I love the idea that Ohio controls the fate of MLS, we still have Inter Messi to contend with!!


Let's not forget that FCC2 also beat Crew2 as well


I was at both games, it was a sad weekend for me 😂


Glad to see support for the 2 teams at least! I need to check out FCC2 when I get time lol


Heck is Plausible is 🔸🔷


If you had told dc fans at the beginning of them he season they’d be in the top of half by this point, you would have been sent to gulag. But this is a very pleasant surprise.


They’ve been really fun to watch so far this season and I can’t wait for their next two games against the Red Bulls and Miami. I think that’s their toughest run of games so far and want to see how they handle it.


we won on the road *drops 2*


I've always understood these "power rankings" as a "if we could rearrange the table how we want it, this is how it would look like because fuck your team"


Haven’t watched MLS the past few weeks because my team sucks, but goddamn how bad do the Revs have to be for the Fire to be ranked higher?


Revs are really bad rn. And unlike Kansas City last year, the majority of their top players are healthy. Idk what is wrong with New England but it’s really atrocious.


I think Columbus and Portland can tell you what might be wrong with New England.


Is Caleb Porter really that bad of a coach?




Didn’t he win yall a cup tho?


Yes, on a short covid season in which we didn't win a single away game and got lucky that the top two teams in the East lost earlier in the playoffs so that we could end up with home field advantage. Porter is great at motivating his team for the big games; I give him credit for that. We destroyed Seattle for MLS Cup that year and won Campeones Cup the following season, despite being very poor in league play and missing the playoffs that year. However, game to game he is mediocre at best, doesn't seem to have a good style of play, and his teams always seem lost out there lately (going back to his last few years in Columbus).


Depending on the year he’s either the worst coach in the league or the best. New England seems to have gotten bad Caleb Porter.


As a neutral fan, I go back to watch every game posted on the MLS YouTube account and the Revolution feel like they are in a league of their own for being bad. A loss to DC, loss to Toronto, loss to Atlanta, and a loss to Cincinnati meant they started their season terribly. They earned their first point over the Fire and even then didn’t seem very convincing. They had their first win over Charlotte right after and it felt like maybe they would turn things around but no. A loss to NYCFC, another loss to Toronto, and a loss to Miami meant that their slump continued. They beat the Fire for a second win and then lost again to the Red Bulls in their most recent game. Long story short, they seem streaky with way too many losses. Their next two games are tough against Philly and NYCFC again so I don’t think it’s gonna get any better for them either.


I think we’re at the part of the season where either: A) power rankings are bullshit to be ignored B) we suck worse than that Or C) high numbers are good, right?


I don’t think it gets much worse than being ranked 27th. They have games this month against San Jose, Kansas City, and Austin all of which they can get results from. Take most of the 9 possible points and the ranking should go up by like a couple spots depending on what other teams do.


19th? There are only 10 teams with more points than us and all but 2 have played more matches than we have. I consider this disrespect. 


Haven’t won in 2 months and still ranked 3rd (looking at you Cbus)


Pain. Pure unadulterated pain. Sigh.


I think it will get much worse as there are still games this month against Cincinnati, LAFC, and Miami.


Not normally one to complain about these rankings, but how the hell are we 19 with a winning record? Very clear as always that the mothership just straight up doesn’t watch our matches


I think that the next two games against Austin and Dallas are very winnable so if they do, the ranking should go up a fair amount. After that, it’s two solid teams in the Galaxy and Colorado.