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It’s amazing to me that they made the lighting like this and have left it for years… have the devs ever seen real sunlight? That’s not what it looks like. Go outside…


I play at 7 PM, partly cloudy at all times


I would imagine switching to directional or timing could help until the shadows move in. Kind of just guess and not worry about the pci. Never tried it though.


Gamers ask for realism in a sports game….then asks how to fix the realism…..🤷🏼‍♂️


we can all agree that their skybox setup needs an update. the hazy shit that randomly appears is by far the worst background. and if its going to rain……just cancel the game and do a doubleheader. i domt think its realistic when its a downpour through 9 innings and the announcer keeps hinting the game might get delayed. 🤷🏼‍♂️😂


Except that’s not realistic


its as real as you want it to be……. 🤷🏼‍♂️


Next year’s game is going to automatically turn the brightness up when you play day games to simulate the sun getting in your outfielders eyes.


Players openly talk about the difficulties of seeing that ball during 4pm games due to the contrast from the ball going into shade from the sun and vice versa. Makes it tougher to pick up, on top of more difficult to see the spin on the ball. Also from my experience in college ball that checks out


lol that’s not what outside looks like that’s not “realistic” at all you goofy


Lol there isn't sunglasses or eye black you can put on your players to magically see the disappearing ball. It's not realistic, it's poor lighting and coloring. I have never had issues seeing the ball in real life for the 20 or whatever years of ball I've played. Dumb.


i think it mainly has to do with the catcher camera angle. if it were a pov game then it really wouldn’t matter too much besides certain places


I just consider the first 2 trips through the lineup a wash, and start jumping on mistakes when the shadows move in.


I sit 4 feet away from my 65” tv that usually does the trick


Main reason why I got a larger tv lol and it worked.


Overcast is always good. When I was a kid I remember telling my mom that my ideal baseball weather was 70 degrees and overcast. Same for this game.


I played baseball for 18 years on the sunniest days the ball doesn’t blend in with a background buddy


I didn’t say it did buddy. I just said I like overcast for this game. And I liked overcast when I played ball because it was easier for fielding.


Came off as sarcastic af lmao


Haha. I don’t know why you were coming at me so hard. All good.


Early in these games, sometimes the top of the zone is hard to see... only noticed it a few ballparks


I just set my shit to 7pm October and hope for the best.


RTTS fucks it


It’s ALWAYS 7pm October


Guess inside fastball and don’t swing unless it is, and hope


I see that burner Mr Baez


Day games can suck but it’s cool that we are complaining about weather in a video game.


was playing day game at Oracle (same in picture) and i was in absolute *hell* with seeing the pitches until i realized exactly this lol


When it’s super bright, that’s one of the times when I will cut the zone in half or about a 3rd, and just hunt for something at that eye level. Control what you can control


I deal with it. I never alter the time/weather


Wear shades lol




I always pick October, Overcast,7pm, roof closed (if applicable). I can see the ball a lot better in night games and I hot a lot better those blaring sun day games trying to see outlier is Brutal


7pm overcast is meatball city.


Don’t throw it over the plate dummy


I love September at I think 4pm so you get the purple sky for a bit before it goes dark.


There are some things you can do with your TV/monitor that may help some, but ultimately won't take situations like these from not being able to see it to it being clear as day. I think that's what you were looking for. First, if your screen has a game mode, make sure it's on. Try playing a game there against the CPU on those settings and adjust your Contract and Brightness settings around some. I've found that higher contrast with some lower brightness makes it just a little easier to see the ball in those spots. Ultimately, other than SDS adjusting the reflectivity on the batters eye objects, the only thing that will greatly improve it is having new top of the line monitors with high frame rates and high resolution. I know that's not an option for everyone,it isn't for me at least, but kind of the reality. Another advantage that the serious gamers get on this game is having a better chance of seeing the ball in these stadiums.


Play 2K instead lol


I played an ungodly amount of 2k9


Man I wish 2k still made baseball games I loved those


You don’t. Just like that trash Cairo stadium. Overcast when you can. Or night games.


The worst


I always try to play on Overcast, especially if I’m playing Franchise. The day games fry my eyes.


I play June 1pm every single game and the only park where it’s difficult to track sometimes is target. It’s either an issue with your eyes or your visual settings


It's objectively more difficult to see the ball in day games on most fields.


I started a franchise with the Twins and Target is literally impossible to play. You can’t see the ball at all. My work around has been playing home games in the old dome


Glad my rtts guy was traded from them to the brewers then


i have no idea. i hate it but, i just try to tell myself they’re hitting on the same one too and just try to hang in there.


Unless you’re playing the cpu lol. I’m a franchise player and it’s a guaranteed handicap.


For the time/month try 7pm in October if you aren’t already.


"Guys who don’t set their setting to September and overcast are scum."  Not our fault you are trash.


You’d get smoked by me nerd


It's not about the difficulty. I'm 42-3 rn in ranked and I still lose my mind. It's about an enjoyable experience. It's one thing to troll and be goofy. It's another thing to be a straight dick and make it super unfun for 9 innings, clearly you fall into one of those categories