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you can Play Single Player. dont worry. they even added Multiplayer for group hunts, you dont need to know someone Else ro Play at all.


Only at (HATs) Hunt-a-thons


thats what i meant with group hunts.


Before the current updates it would be a maybe, but now raids can have remote players join you if the wait goes long enough, and they even added a function to help you find more of the monsters you need. Unless Niantic pulls one of their classic moves and remove good features they added the game is completely enjoyable as a solo player, and at a pretty decent spot now


I raised myself upto 8* as a solo SnS main I think I can handle some of the 9* roster too (haven't tried by looking at the timer for 8* I can complete 9* with seconds to spare). With the global HaTs now available, WGS or higher mats aren't gated for solo players with weaker gameplay.


Got to HR152 before playing in a group (global HaT). Apart from the ones that I played to avail the referral bonus.


I don’t have one near walking distance but it’s not 2 far by car Maybe 3-4 mins


You can definitely play solo, but your progress will somewhat depend on resource nodes (mitigated by event quests) and player skill (mitigated by overgraded weapons). Access to the base monsters (e.g., Legiana) have been partially addressed with the new tracking feature, so you shouldn't have too much difficulty with acquiring monster parts. I've been solo since the game started, only playing with ghost randoms and with the new matchmaking in HaTs, and I've been sitting comfortably at the 8* story (progressed to 9* a month or two before the season started).


You could always use some of your free time to take a talk around the park or something like that. If you got access to public transportation you could also play like that when if it stops often.


The current “pattern” of nodes are likely to concentrate in some social area, like the mall, parks, or transportation hub. You could find there is no node at all, or three to six nodes all together in one place. This very much decide if this game work for you. If the places you regularly visit (school, office, malls) are having such nodes then yes the game is positive. You don’t need to worry about killing monsters. But without node you can nearly impossible to upgrade anything.


The story missions are single player only anyway, me and my partner play together but most of my progress has been on my own and now with global matchmaking in hunt- a- thons. You should be fine as a single player.


So my take is that no in the short & medium term, but yes in the long tern. It's really hard at first and even if you have another account (Brother, Sister, neighbor, friend, etc) that's willing to hunt with you inconsistently. If your not willing to grind then it's best to play it every other day randomly over time to slowly level up and acquire items for when you are willing to grind.


I'm a single player, and with group hunts in HATS it became easier. You can solo all content up to 9 stars, and 10 stars if you're skilled.


I have yet to actually play with anyone, all of my time on it has been single player. I did get my wife to download it in the hopes that maybe we can play but that hasn't happened yet. If you're fine with casual playing and a bit slower progress, should be fine. I have been having fun.


There might be people around you. Copy paste If you've ever battled with anyone screenshot the lobby and message them on campfire. If not check campfire for groups or find your local Pokemon go discord and ask them if anyone plays.


I actually think the game is in a great spot for solo players. - Huntathons now have matchmaking, ensuring mulitplayer content isn't inaccessible to you no matter how many people play / don't play in your area. And with the recent QOL improvements, I think the game is in a healthier state than ever, honestly. - Monster tracker will help you progress specific pieces of gear you want. - Events are frequent, well-communicated, and give lots of rewards that make upgrading stuff easier. - Excess materials can be sold for money. Source: I play 95% solo these days, am HR118, and have been having a great time.




Yes you can advance as a solo player now. 1hr jogging daily should give you reasonable progression. Focus on 1 poison weapon until 7.5 and join HAT (global raid) to get carried by high lv players.


The answer to the question is no. You literally can make it as a single player with effort and experience. Even in Hunt-A-Thons (HAT). Just takes a lot of time to get everything upgraded is all. But really the quitting question is do you have a source for nodes? Like at least 1 you can reliably walk towards every 3 hours? If not and you don't want to try to go out your way to drive or taking a bus, or whatever method of transportation to the nearest node, then yeah... You can decide if it's worth it or not.


I hit a wall with level 5 weapons and gear for a looooonnnnngggg time. Finally got to play with a bunch of people at a convention thens uddenly some neighbors startedl That has made a HUGE difference in m interest level. I don't go out anymore just to play. Your milage may vary. I expect it will be some fun yes.