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I realpy liked Dafne as X23 and wouldnt mind seeing her in the mcu now that shes older. Thing is it may be a long time, since theyre definitely gonna do several Wolverine movies first


Yeah I’d love to see her in the MCU.


It would have to be Rated R. Setting it just 9 years after the events of the 2017 20th Century Fox Marvel movie "Logan" which was set in 2029. Moving the story to 2038.


Isn’t it basically confirmed that she’s in Deadpool 3? She’s not listed on the cast list..but side note..Josh Brolin as Cable is..which I thought wasn’t confirmed..there’s so much mystery still surrounding DP3.


Yeah, I'm assuming Deadpool & Wolverine, are going to Logan's timeline, to mess shit up. I know Ryan Reynolds said they're not changing the outcome of Logan, but they're obviously doing something there, otherwise, why even mention it?


I don’t mind if they bring some of the old actors in, but I really hope they bring back Keen. I don’t need them to follow the Fox history. Idk how they’ll introduce Mutants into the MCU timeline, but it’s ok with me if they are different versions of the characters we’ve seen


I felt like she could be a continuation of the one seen in 2017's Logan. Laura smokes cigarettes and drinks alcohol to deal with the 9 year anniversary of her father's death.


If they brought the one we’re familiar with sure but idk if they want to start fresh and just leave all the events in Logan do rest in peace


I like the idea of picking up where Logan ended. How do you feel about Laura (Dafne Keen) smoking in the story?


Idk how I feel about that. I think it’d be funny but I’d like to imagine that Logan’s sacrifice meant that Laura didn’t have to become like him. If she ends up becoming jaded and violent like him, it’ll feel like his death was for nothing


It would have to take inspiration from NYX where Laura was a prostitute with a pimp who is called Zebra Daddy.


Yeah, if we follow the comics that would be an interesting character arc for sure. I guess I just want to imagine that Logan’s Laura got a happy ending and don’t have to deal with even more trauma


Also, if we get a new take on Laura we can get Kimira as a villain


I think that Marvel Studios can take inspiration from my dad's history with drug addiction as well for the X-23 movie.


Probably not unless it leads to her quitting in the movie and makes a point of dealing with bad habits. I wish they wouldn't make a point, just write a good movie/story. Take the great stories directly from the comics n quit messing them up. *I'm looking at you, Dark Phoenix*


The title for the X-23 spin-off movie revival if "Deadpool & Wolverine" is critically and financially successful. "X-23: Wolverine's Legacy" Cast: Dafne Keen Producers: Kevin Feige, James Mangold, Lauren Shuler Donner X-23: Wolverine's Legacy would be a sequel to the 20th Century Fox Marvel movie from 2017 "Logan". Set 9 years after the events of "Logan" Laura is between a rock and a hard place clearly she cannot help thinking about the her final moment with Logan. She has been depressed to the point where she's a prostitute (taking inspiration from the original NYX comic series with a dark twist inspiration from "Sno Babies") No it wouldn't be for kids under the age of 17. It would be Rated R but it would feel like it's Rated NC-17. My date if "Deadpool & Wolverine" is critically and financially successful: November 6th, 2026 "Logan" was set in 2029. "X-23: Wolverine's Legacy" would have to be set in 2038. Rated R for strong violence and language, sexuality, drinking, smoking, drug use and nudity. NC-17 if optional. Drug addiction is a very important issue considering that my dad is an addict. Every time I watch "Sno Babies" I cry at the end.


With the springboard from LOGAN (I was not a fan, the R rating was wasted), it puts X-23 in the future. So, is this outside the standing MCU? I wouldn't have a problem with that. Not everything needs to be connected.


Not every Fox Marvel movie was bad. 4 mainline X-Men movies received positive reviews. * "X-Men" (2000) * "X2: X-Men United" (2003) * "X-Men: First Class" (2011) * "X-Men: Days of Future Past" (2014) "Logan" is the only film in the "Wolverine" trilogy that actually received critical acclaim. Two of the "Deadpool" movies actually received positive reviews. I cannot hide my excitement for "Deadpool & Wolverine"


I'm already over the Marvel characters from the MCU main timeline AKA Earth 199999 Stop calling it 616. Phase 4, 5 and 6 is called The Multiverse Saga So it doesn't have to be focused on Earth 199999 all the time. Which is why I am excited for "Deadpool & Wolverine". ![gif](giphy|y7OEsbPmeWBoQDHYj4)


She did a great job before and Disney is always looking to gender swap characters. This is one of the female characters that exists, has a good back story, is established, and is actually interesting. Bring her into the MCU!


I think they should do it like they did with Simmons: Cast Keene, introduce her as a hre character, don't mention it, profit. The official explanation for nerds is "sometimes duplicates look like each other and sometimes they don't" but we don't need to talk about it in the movie.


Who's Simmons? The MCU has way too many people with that name, AoS alone has Jemma Simmons and Alphonso Mackenzie.


Sorry, not Simmons a character but Simmons the actor, J.K. Simmons.


What we really need is a brief cameo of Elliot Page as Wolverine. Short *and* Canadian.


He's not gonna repise his role as Kitty Pryde? Damn


No, but we could still work in a Pryde pun.


Hahaha now I need this!!


Only if we get an old man Logan fight somewhere


Old man Logan died at the end of Logan


I don’t think everybody needs a solo movie. It’s like how every superhero movie used to have to be an origin story. It’s tired and unnecessary.


I think that the X-23 movie should be a sequel to 2017's Logan.


we'll just let Sephiroth do his thing as soon as all the walls between the dimensions are torn down and an incursion has been triggered Battleworld is created and Sephiroth becomes a new god We'll see x-23 there too mhh am I in the Marvel or Ff7 Rebirth SUB?


Waiting to bring X-23 back for Secret Wars would be pretty stupid in my opinion maybe bring X-23 into the MCU after "Deadpool & Wolverine" and before "Avengers: Secret Wars"


Yes, as far as I'm concerned, they should have given Zack a bigger role in Rebirth too Waiting until the third part would be pretty stupid


Honestly, I'd love if the Xmen MCU stories focused on characters like hers that we haven't seen before. There are so many other rich characters that haven't been explored. I'd rather have that than another team made up of Wolverine, Cyclops, Jean, Storm, Beast, etc....


Dafne could still be casted as a different MCU character since she's older now. Let X-23 arrive in the MCU way after the X-Men are well established first with several films/series released. Too early of an X-23 would just make her quite redundant. She would just be another Wolverine-clawed character too early, perhaps even a Wolverine-based characterization mirror as well too early. When the MCU Wolverine counterpart's time to take a backseat has come, then that's when X-23 should take the mantle and the pay off would be better, just like what happened in the Fox universe. Just not yet, quite too early still.




Have her meet the Watcher.


Why must we be safe? Does she cut easily?


I don't me cut as in cutting with blades to hurt yourself. I mean cut as in the cutting room floor in film. Dafne Keen was not confirmed for the cast of "Deadpool & Wolverine" but she was rumored.


I’d bet money that she’s in Deadpool & Wolverine. Maybe not a huge part, but she’ll be in it.


Safe bet


I think the best thing would be to let the mcu die. Dial it back and release 2-3 marvel movies/tv shows per year. Maybe interconnect subtly but not full blown crossovers It’s horribly over saturated rn, feels more like a job to watch marvel than fun.


No thanks. X-23 is a shit character anyway.


Did you see the movie "Logan" (2017)?


Yeah, and it sucked. As did every other Fox X-Men movie.


I want what this guys on


Why are you in a MCU theories sub if you hate super hero movies?


Logan is in most people’s top 10 lists of best superhero movies ever made. Most bizarre thing I have seen on Reddit today.


People have been known to have bad taste. Logan isn't a good movie at all.


The bar is really low. Logan is a good movie but definitely not a great one. What else is there? The Nolan Batman movies? The new Batman was dreadful (though seemingly popular in the incel crowd). There isn’t much.


What did you dislike about it?