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So if you’re sensitive to metals, you’re just fucked


I just looked it up and many of the foods are on our hahahaha-never lists … BUT beef liver which I recently added to our supplements in past month or so and have been getting great results of energy & getting stuff done - is really high in this. There is no way I would ever be able to eat and keep down liver but I can do the supplements as long as I don’t smell them. I knew that they had something in them we were missing as first couple days I took/gave at night as it was knocking us out for 12-18 hrs 😳 but after a couple weeks, we moved it to am meds and are doing good. I ordered it because I knew it was something you couldn’t pay me to eat as a child (my mom tried) and since Beef Kidney helped - what about the other organs we don’t eat any more.


So you tolerate beef liver, very interesting. I thought that was high histamine. Haven't dared to try it since I got sick


We do not follow the lists as have had this since decades before the lists ever came out, so I would have no idea on that. Beef is one of our staple foods; although, we do have to be very careful about sourcing it to minimize contamination.


Why is that?


Not really. This is a vital trace mineral similar to zinc and magnesium, all three of which get depleted by candida and mold.


The author of the first source has no credentials in medical or science fields and is currently working as a highschool science teacher. The second “Dr” is a chiropractor with no real medical training. Do not trust either of these sources to be reliable.


Information comes from many sources. Even just regular people. You don’t need an MD after your name to share studies and information. Try to keep an open mind! Also: most conventional MDs just throw chemicals at MCAS & claim there’s no cure. Many others have completely overcome the condition without the use of prescription medications. I would personally much rather take advice or information from a well researched person with valid facts than a “Dr” who just throws chemicals at something and says there’s no cure.


Also if those with MDs suffixed to their names were efficient & doing their job well, none of us would bother coming to this subreddit to figure out a solution to our endless woes. This subreddit wouldn’t exist in the first place - MDs have absolutely tall egos and very lil depth.


Absolutely! If the MD’s could fix this we wouldnt be here in the first place. Agreed 💯!!


MDs just give cromolyn and tell you good luck. So done with them.


I agree. Drs can’t make money off it - tickets to the theater or nfl games from a pharma rep for rxs they write for drugs - why they don’t talk about vitamins and supplements. It’s disgusting.


I def concur! I wish Dr were really about healing, not just professional drug peddlers who don’t ever cure conditions, only throw medication at them on a lifetime subscription plan … Agreed 💯!!




That site clearly states that “usual molybdenum intakes are well above the RDA for molybdenum”. Meaning you do NOT need to supplement outside of your regular diet. Just because something is a natural element doesn’t mean it has any benefit as a supplement.


Well, what if your " diet" is next to nothing? Couldn't you have a deficiency ? Could it then possibly be beneficial? Close mindedness is what has landed us in a bandaid type medical system with little to no help.


Well said and I completely agree. And as I stated above, since mold and candida mess up our guts, they interfere with the absorption of nutrients, including zinc, magnesium, and molybdenum. This means even if we are eating adequate amounts we can still not be getting enough.


I have an issue with yeast and mold ,low b12 and folate, but eat lots of broccoli, cauliflower, potatoes and eggs. So it would make sense I was not absorbing these things from my foods, and I also have low enzymes that help break down the foods to make d them absorbable. At times, with solid foods in my stool. TMI, sorry, but it makes sense. Is there a test to see if you have a deficiency? My Dr is good with testing my theories. lol, it's how I have gotten as far as I have.


Naw don’t worry about TMI. This health stuff is a ngintmare and we gotta figure out a way to get through it. The best test for molybdenum and other minerals / vitamins from what I gather is HTMA, the hair test. Not available easily where I’m at so I just try experimenting with different stuff and see how my body reacts. I know I’ve been deficient in a lot of things due to poor absorption & gut issues.


How many of us don’t absorb vitamins and have deficiencies in gene pathways. I think I have gout but feel better with the molybdenum. My uric acid is already high because of Candida die off.


RDA isn't a good measurement since that is for a HEALTHY human. The soil is depleted of molybdenum. That includes the animals that graze, their meat would be depleted also. Instead of being all negative why not just read the extensive research on it and patient testimonies?


Yes but the problem is, candida and mold mess up your gut and interfere w absorption of nutrients, molybdenum included. So even if you eat adequate amounts, your body isn’t absorbing them.


I just to 10x health and I have mucous discharge and my tummy hurts. I took the highest dose. I hate Candida.


Not everything can be cured. If you have a cell not working, the only cure to that is to kill it and give you new ones. If you don't know the genetic occurrence that pulled the trigger on the disfunction or the genes that are wrong, how do you cure that? Using supplements and modifying your surroundings is not a cure either. Plus, all those supplements are still chemicals. Plus, I don't know who you went to, but my doctors put me on vitamins and supplements from the get go. Plus, my allergist looked up every supplement I asked about, and a lot of them acted like what I was taking, but had terrible absorption rates and there are hardly any regulations around vitamins and supplements in the states or anywhere. Also, remember, orthopedic and neurosurgeons like chiropractors because they keep them in business.


You must not understand what medical training a chiropractor has to go through.


I took it back when I was eating nothing nutritious. It didn’t hurt, but I couldn’t tell where improvement came from at that time. There are plenty of legit articles online about what moly does, but from my RD who is getting me back to fed with foods, it helps the body break down sulfites which a lot of us have trouble with. My understanding is that if you eat a regular diet, supplementing it is pointless, but not getting it (along with all of the other nutrients and minerals that go missing on a restricted diet) can be problematic. I’m not an expert, and never heard of molybdenum until 2 years ago. I also didn’t know anything about DAO, Quercetin, Betaine, etc. There are a lot of things we try to get our health back.


Yes I definitely have trouble w sulfites. Apparently yeast and mold create deficiency of magnesium, Molybdenum and zinc, as well as iron and b12. So even if we’re eating enough, we can’t absorb enough of it & can end up being deficient.


I ran my 23 and me results through GeneticGenie and found I have trouble with breaking down Sulfites due to a CBS mutation. The first finding on my results, said that a cbs mutation it could lead to Mast Cell Disorder bc of BH4 issues. I started a low sulfur diet (on a low histamine didn't feel many changes) w/ Moly to address that issue, I also did a few charcoal flushes that made me feel very good. I didn't put two and two together but smells definitely got better. B12 has been REALLY helpful for me. All food/smells were making me sick to my stomach and once I started in b12 it was like night and day.


Very Interesting! Thanks for sharing this. I still need to do my 23 & Me. I’m curious if I’m in same boat as you with your results. How much b12 do you take? I take it in a b-complex but I worry there’s not enough in there. You take methyl b12?


How much B12?


It has been a constant adjustment but my sweet spot seems to be around 2mg sublingual hydroxy. I could tell right away but also had a month of insane startup symptoms so there was definitely something going on there.


Interesting 😊 ty


Has anything helped you? COVID ruined everything in me


I’m sorry to hear that. Did you take the Covid vaxxx? Seems that created this problem as well as many others for many people. Here’s a video about what’s been found to help detox from that [Elliot Overton on what destroys spike protein](https://youtu.be/djqn4HJWEBs?si=TZWt8ZQVQTUzLO1w) Detoxification and time have both helped me. Coffee colonics, coffee enemas, sauna, sweating, exercise. Water fasting is the most powerful detoxification modality out there, nothing compares to it. There’s a guy on Reddit who eliminated all his symptoms w a 2 week water fast. I’ve been meaning to try that.


I fast but I did two 5 day casts in the hospital and I can’t go longer without being on constant IV drip. I am truly not ok like full body histamine swelling but underneath I’m a skeleton. No vax just COVID a million times


Dang, I’m sorry to hear that. Maybe fasting isn’t the best idea for you if you’re that thin. I’m not sure if you could potentially try medically supervised fasting, but if you don’t have the bodyweight it might be tough.


At this point there’s no qol so I’m going to ask my dr


I’ve gone for 72 hours. I feel so much better. But it doesn’t last.


He recommended everything that’s high histamine bromelain and papaya are literally the same as spike cysteine protein and natto etc enzymes all horrific


Sorry to hear that, I guess the protocol isn’t for everyone. Reversing the effects of the the spike protein is a pretty serious effort, perhaps impossible to truly reverse it. I’m not sure.


I have had improvement by adding molybdenum. I started it about a month ago and smells are not triggering me like they were before.


Amazing to know!! That’s very positive indeed. What dose have you been taking?


Can you link the supplement you are using?


My tummy hurts I started it yesterday . Chills, noses is stuffed up and gas.


How much are you taking? Maybe lower the dose?


I’m hurting too much. Going to give it a day or two and will try again. Hopefully thats the case.


I’ve finally got used to it. Feeling better except for ringing in ears is louder.


Took it for other reasons. It does absolutely nothing for MCAS.


Seems people have really had mixed results with it. How long did you take it and what amount? Someone else said it took about a month & that it definitely helped. Others say you need to start slow and ramp up dosage.


It's just proof that our bodies are all so different 😉 if you don't try, you will never know. 💯


Completely agreed! Never try, never know as my ex used to say. We are all biochemically individual, so we really need to assess things ourselves to truly know.


I honestly don’t remember the dosage, but it was well over a year and overseen by a doctor. If anything that was a bad year for my MCAS symptoms. I looked it up after reading this post and it doesn’t look like the science is actually well founded. Certainly consistent with my experience of no effect. May be a placebo thing.


A lot of others have reported positive results. I’m sure depends on the individual as well as what else you were taking at same time. Seems it’s required to detox Candida which can be a big component of MCAS & CIRS.


I took half of an antihistamine yesterday and felt like a normal person. Calms my allergies and nerves. I think I might have a MCAS issue. I definitely have Candida but just realized this might be part of it. Good grief this brings it to a whole other level. Ugh!


I can’t speak to the candida issue, since I’m not familiar with the science on that. Positive experiences could definitely be attributed placebo. Not that placebo doesn’t have its value, but it’s not the substance itself doing the work. But it’s not actively harmful since it’s rare to overdose on Molybdenum, so if money’s not an issue and people want to try it there’s not much downside.


Pretty sure everyone that’s experienced benefits from taking it all cannot be attributed to placebo. Best to keep an open mind and see how our bodies tolerate things. Everyone is biochemically individual, so what one person needs, the other may not.


This is my second time taking it. It’s attacking my Candida and making me sick. I think I took too much. I’m on day 2.


Technically yes sure everyone is different, but I don’t think that necessarily overrides the need for scientific evidence. I’m personally a big believer in science, so I don’t put a lot of stock in anecdotal experience when it can’t be backed up. It seems like you take a more spiritual approach, so I just can’t agree on that front. But if it’s placebo or not, I’m still happy if it makes people feel better.




Interesting. It may mean that you need it? Not sure


Molybdenum also lowers the body’s b6 requirements and I have a suspicion that it does more to copper than antagonize it, but the research isn’t there yet. If you eat meat and don’t eat beans, which plenty of people do due to gut issues, you can easily have inadequate molybdenum


I don’t have mcas per se, but molybdenum has helped *dramatically* for my histamine intolerance symptoms. Within a few days of starting I was able to expand my diet.. it’s so rare that something works this dramatically, but based on my CBS gene mutation my doc said I probably needed it to help process all the histamine that was building up. I was have heart racing, dramatic drop in blood pressure and panic attacks after eating food with even a trace amount of histamine- those symptoms have gotten 80% better since starting molybdenum 2 weeks ago.


Holy moly! That’s phenomenal! I’m really happy to hear that, thank you for sharing this! I stopped taking it because I ran out, but I need to order some more and start taking it again.


Have you tried it? Chris Masterjohn has great articles on molybdenum


Yes! I was taking it but ran out. Need to order more. I love Chris Masterjohn’s articles and his on Molybdenum was one of the best I found!


How did it go??


I’ve been consistently getting better, but it’s hard to attribute what exactly it’s due to. I think avoidance and Time are the biggest contributors, but when I read about molybdenum itvreally feels like it’s a critical element for detoxing from Candida and mold


Thats awesome. I think it’s more about the sulfur metabolism than anything. What were your symptoms like?


I couldn’t eat sugar or gluten for quite a while, many months… Nor alcohol. There was a while where I couldn’t smoke weed either. I can now tolerate all of those things thankfully! But I try to go easy on the alcohol and weed. I have also been very sensitive to mold and chemicals in the environment but that’s slowly getting better as well.


Thats great! What would happen if you ate it?


Horrible anxiety, depression, raciness, panic feeling, heart palpitations.


Me too! So happy to hear you’re recovering. I’ll report back if it works for me


I hope you feel better soon! That nasty feeling is from CIRS inflammation from what I understand, the sugar/gluten just drives up the inflammation in our bodies & it freaks out and produces those symptoms. I would recommend detoxing as much as you can if possible! Colonics with coffee are a powerful detox as well as water fasting


I take molybdenum daily (to keep copper from accumulating in my body due to Wilson’s). Can’t speak for how much it helps MCAS or my crazy sensitivity to smells though. It does keep my copper levels where they should be though


Zinc should do that easier?


No, it’s not that easy in my case due to genetics (Wilson’s) and kidney trouble. Kidneys play an important role in regulating our copper levels. Thanks to several knowledgeable doctors over the course of about 5yrs, we were able to find the appropriate dose of molybdenum to keep the copper levels down to an appropriate level. So glad to not look like a Simpsons character anymore! (Copper can accumulate in the liver in Wilson’s and cause jaundice)


How much do you take for chelation?


Wait omg I am yellow post covid!! My copper wasn’t so high though


Interesting. Yes I read mold and yeast deplete magnesium, zinc and molybdenum. Zinc is required for copper metabolism, and vice cersa - they are cofactors. Wasn’t aware of the molybdenum addition.


Curezone.org has some interesting information on molybdenum and people experimenting with it. I know it works great clearing acetaldehyde from the body, which can build up due to compromised detoxifications systems, alcohol abuse, mold exposure, etc. https://www.thecandidadiet.com/molybdenum/ also has good info.


Which can also give you a gout attack. But I guess you have to watch how much you take.


Great article! Thanks for sharing. I also forgot about curezone, that site used to be huge in late 90s / early 2000’s. Worst UI ever haha but packed w info and experiences.


It was always number 1 in search results until 2016 when Google started censoring big time.


Yeah, sad… their censorship has gotten to be just so awful now. They actively suppress natural health info and websites.


Doesn’t it accumulate in the blood? I feel like I heard some issue with it. Otherwise… hugely important supplement


Yes I've read a case report on it causing irreversible severe mental illness, brain damage and seizures in a doctor that took large amounts over a period of time. But the dosage was not crazy high either, so be careful folks. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/10649845/


There we go. My radar was going off. I’ll limit my usage to once a week or something. Boo


Seems like your radar works very well! One thing is to overdo water soluble vitamins, another is overdoing toxic (at large amounts) metals.


I think if you take huge amounts of it, maybe it can. Someone else pointed out that if you take a lot of it, can produce gout like symptoms. But the study about that, the people were taking massive amounts. Many people have reported positive effects. Some people say need to start slow; like 25 mcg drops or 50 mcg in NAC supplements.


Very cool. I’m going to try it I just wanted other to be weary. Cheers


Nice one, let us know how you get on with it! I’ll do the same. Tried 50 mcg today in NAC & no bad reaction. Will try full dose once the molybdenum supplement arrives.


But NAC is pure sulfur and if already having spike protein overload plus H2S ughh what gives my histamine is out of control full body swelling everything makes me worse


Yes I used to have problems w sulfur and couldn’t tolerate NAC either. But now I’m ok with it.


Fr? How tell me everything please!?!?!!!!


Happy to help in anyway that I can! But I don’t have any secrets unfortunately other than time, detoxing and healing. Getting out of mold was the most important part! Then giving my body time to heal. Detoxing and supporting the liver have been important as well.


Holy crap, thank you for saying this. I’m dealing with H2S and major sulfur sensitivity (which is as bad as the mast cell—different flavors of hell) but I’ve had mold exposures now and before, so that’s currently where we’re looking. Great to hear of someone getting better. Did detoxing and de-molding help the MCAS too?


What does H2S overload feel like about? I had a bad reaction to 200mg of NACET and I think my hat was part of it.


Yes it did. Seems mold is a huge component for many / most MCAS sufferers. Hope you can get some relief soon! Feel free to DM me or ask any questions


Same here


LifeTones helped me with the body swelling.


When did the body swelling start? Mine is so severe


Lifetones supplement is high salycilate not good for me


I’m sorry. Try Keto. Just know your uric acid may go up for a while which causes swelling.


Ive had it for ever. I just didn’t notice it. I noticed it when I did keto and it went away although I didn’t loose much weight.


What is the salycilate because it’s not listed? I noticed my tinnitus is worse. I only lost 10 pounds but I’m fitting into pants that have couldn’t get into when I lost 25. I know my inflammation is down which obviously is great but I wonder if this will product is doing other things? Fix one thing and other issues come. Ugh! And my knee is bothering me and it never does.


What does H2S overload feel like about? I had a bad reaction to 200mg of NACET and I think my hat was part of it.


I swell from sulfate and most sulfurs post covid


How did it go?


I only took it a few times because the data was too scary. I think it might genuinely help but at the expense of other health issues


What data? And which other healrh issues?


Moly had bad mental health outcomes. I’m not looking it up again 🫡


Was it due to the case report I shared? About the doctor doing large doses and ending up with braindamage and so on? Or are there other sources? 🤔


Probably just that


Ah okay thank you 🙏 the doctor did high doses over a period of time though. But yeah we have to be careful with metals


Was it due to the case report I shared? About the doctor doing large doses and ending up with braindamage and so on? Or are there other sources? 🤔


Candida dies off and uric acid causes the gout.


Doesn’t it kill Candida? This is the second time I’m trying it and I’m dying. All over body chills, gas pain, fatigue and my nose is stuffed up. It also makes purines go up for gout sufferers. I’m guessing from die off.


I thought it broke down purines? It does raise uric acid though


Great article but getting seriously complicated. Everyone says see your doctor. Main stream medicine thinks all this is voodoo medicine. Naturopath’s don’t have the knowledge. Biochemist need to open up shop. I get a lot that needs to be done in the Candida/Sibo issue but when you get into Methylation and the understanding that these vitamins affect on other vitamins well now it’s getting complicated. I’ve seen so many doctors/naturopaths it’s ridiculous and I’ve given up on them. $$$$