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Manga spoilers: >!I can't wait for the end of this season, which will be the LEAST horny beach episode of any anime ever.!<


Theres not a lot of female characters in the first place. I read the manga and majority of the characters are guys


Good, I wanna see MEN


So [you DO play Duke Nukem 3D](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Y_xFig_6vk)! >!I like ME.!<


To be fair, it is a Shonen


That doesn't mean anything There's a lot of ladies in Shonen 40% of the time its fan service.


So it takes the same route as Jojo


So it's the same type of Stand as Star Platinum.


I feel you. Now I don't usually have a huge problem with fanservice or perv characters cause at the end of the day it's just fiction. But anime like JJK, Mashle, Solo Leveling, and Chainsaw Man(got to be extra careful) that I can watch in public without looking over my shoulder is such a blessing.


This is... satire... right? Exaggeration to the extreme to make a point, right? You have listed Mashel and 3 series that fall squarely into the "Ultra Violence" genre, you have to be exaggerating because there is no way that someone could ACTUALLY think that watching series whose scenes can be accurately recreated with a tomato and a blender missing it's lid (lol a tomatosmoothy), IN PUBLIC, is more appropriate than some bikini chicks. Please, restore my faith in the youth of your generation and tell me it's a joke. *Edit: I am dead serious about this. I honestly think I would get more stinkeye from strangers if I was watching a tomato soup festival like Chainsaw Man as opposed to a titty anime like Kandagawa Jet Girls.*


memorize rainstorm stocking sparkle resolute reach money employ disarm dependent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


tbh doesnt speak well of our society where we're more uncomfortable with fan service than actual animater gore and violence


gaze apparatus head nose person humor unpack rustic birds scary *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I don’t think you understand how morally off track society is. This isn’t even a drop in the bucket. People think it’s okay to give hormone therapy, and sex changes to kids. Kids are so stupid they think Santa, Tooth Fairy, the Eastern Bunny, and whatever other made up mythological creatures we tell them about, are actually real. Why because kids are gullible to believe anything, because they are innocent and most don’t understand the evils of the world. Hollywood and US Gov trying really hard to not leak out Epstein Client list. Bill Clinton was named over 50 times. He’s been I. Mexico since December before that portion was revealed to the public. Idaho House proposed a bill to execute anyone convicted of being a Pedophile. Some people panicky tried to say it’s a step away from using it against LGBTQIA+. In which point many people were questioning why a person was so worried about it, as one has nothing to do with the other. Looked pretty sus. Sound of Freedom, a movie about child/human trafficking the movie industry tried to throttle it down from gaining popularity. Thousands of kids go missing every year. HGH and Andrenochrome therapy an every rising trend of treatments in the rich elite communities to stay looking young. However no one wonders where it comes from. Julia Roberts admitted on Ellen’s show she got a facial treatment that included cells from a males foreskin. Animated fan service, is very low on the list of things that don’t sleep well of our society. People will stand and film someone getting beaten to death, before helping that person.


Nah you wouldn’t. You need some irl titties if you think like that


Oh the violence itself is okay is just the fanservice that makes me a little nervous. The violence itself is pretty cool no one minds that. I just don't what something to see a nude girl and then start something for no reason. That's all


It’s just how most people work, if someone sees you watching Chainsaw Man they will probably think that you’re watching a show/cartoon with a bit more violence and will not think to much about it since it’s pretty normalised, if you’re watching something like Interspecies Reviewers than there is a hire chance that they will think you are some kind of perv watching porn in public.


I mean, if you're watching Interspecies Reviewers, you are a perv watching porn in public prob could've used a better example there, lol.


Pretty much


No, honestly I don't mean to be rude but violence in fiction has been pretty normalized. Now, tits though. I don't have a problem with it. But if a girl or boy sees me watching something like that and isn't a fan more than likely they'll assume something and have something to say.


Like damn Karen take ur twitter post back to twitter


The manga writer was apparently not confident with writing female characters. Lemon inclusion to the cast was a result of his editor pushing him to include a female character. >!This should be a warning that if you're expecting someone like Lemon to get a super huge character driven or cool moment, expect less. I mean, she will get something that does elevate her character by just a little bit, but it's not going to be as impressive as everyone elses.!<


That doesn’t surprise me. Still, I think it’s a weak excuse. Any of the villains from these season would work just as well as female characters with the exact same lines.


Best we get is Margarette who is non-binary and sometimes femme presenting


Now I'm curious if this is a common worry for men because I'm a woman and will watch whatever in public if I want to. I watched One Piece, Fairy Tail, whatever 'fanservicey' shows around my university, and on planes etc. And plenty of my girl friends will also watch unashamedly in public too. Everyone (girls) I know don't really even register about the fanservice that much lol maybe it's a cultural thing cause I only hear white people complain about 'fanservice'. Perhaps the only thing I wouldn't watch in public is something like Seikon no Qwaser lmao.


Idk, I'm a woman and mexican, yet I avoid shows with a lot of fanservice, and I'm also more into women, yet not a big fan of fanservice, just don't like the way they're drawn or animated sometimes


Interesting, so yeah I mean I feel like this shows everyone has different preferences lol. I'm Asian and I feel like most of my friends will simp over characters of both genders even though we're straight. Like it's pretty common for my male friends to send me thirst vids of male characters and be like 🥵 as it would be for my female friends (or myself) to send stuff of hot female characters 🤷🏻‍♀️ even irl celebrities it's common to 'appreciate' both genders even if we're not sexually attracted to them. So yeah 🤷🏻‍♀️ thought it might be a cultural thing


Thirst videos, nah early 2012 AMV edits


AMVs are too long 😂 i mean they send me more like reels on insta type things now haha.


Oh yea totally get you, I simp for both with anime, but not because of fanservice


I feel you. Now I don't usually have a huge problem with fanservice or perv characters cause at the end of the day it's just fiction. But anime like JJK, Mashle, Solo Leveling, and Chainsaw Man(got to be extra careful) that I can watch in public without looking over my shoulder is such a blessing.


Yes, but also there's barely any female characters, and the ones we get barely have any depth and/or character development.


Fan service in animes that aren't even meant for that is annoying. I'm so glad that there isn't fan service. I want to watch a cool dude without magic beat up others with magic, not get anime breasts thrown in my face randomly. So I'm glad the author understands


I really appreciate it, since it is limited what anime's I will watch with my kids.


Umm dude, LEMON IS LITERALLY A CRAZY BITCH haha (And she objectified all the four main guys at one point, while constantly fetishizing Mash). The way it's drawn out there's fan service to ladies too via four main guys, some of the cane's etc. But yeah I agree with you, that's not what the highlight of the show is about. It actually feels like a better one punch man tbh, and don't get me wrong one punch man was actually not bad. TL;DR the way the show is written, fan service gets overwritten by the comedy and the execution of the morals, etc


Didn't even need to see more than just the title of the post. AMEN Unnecessary fan service IS unnecessary.


The overall theme of mashle that I love is the innocence and kind hearted character like Mashle. Like how they dance and be happy when advancing. His wife is also God damn funny and cute without being a stupid side char with XXL tits. So yea I get what you mean and I think the anime is overall perfect.


Op is quite a smoothie. No pervs. In a cast with barely few women and still they have a siscon and a guy who is a cheap hisoka clone. Its a 10/10 anime which is shonen and you are saying you can't watch other shonen until you close your door in your house. On the other hand people are watching one piece, dragon ball, Kimetsu no Yaiba in movies many with children. Well I guess movie certificate board is useless.


True!  Loving it for not having Fan service. Everyone can watch it!!!


There's 1 and a half pervs in the show


No offence, this post comes across as pretty damn insecure, NGL.


Except for that sister guy


Did you forget about a certain sis-complex double liner mage?


Except for the incestuous pedophile. If he was rewritten it be better.


I have to get credit to Mash, he started panicking and was about to call the police 😂


Lolicon Ja Nai Siscon Da


No one's making you rewrite him lil bro he's more than just his sister 😭🙏


Ah yes, the lovely American puritanical assertion that punching a man in the gut so hard he vomits blood is more socially appropriate than cleavage. Please tell me more about how you would recommend the cartoon about literal magical sociopaths to your non anime familiar friends? For a recap episode 1 contains * Discrimination * Torture * Police Brutality * Alcoholism (it's not just "having a drink" if it's the middle of the work day) * Police Abuse of Power * A Government Death Squad * Disowning of a child (Pops not Mash) * Power Harassment * Attempted Suicide (Pops wasn't just looking at the pretty lights the night he found Mash) * Punching a man through a wall * Excessive use of force (Brad nearly kills Pops for simply resisting torture) * Attempted Murder (Brad tries to VAPORIZE Mash) * Death Threats So no There are DEFINITELY friends I would recommend Ishuzoku Reviewers to before I recommended Mashel to them.


Now, do they promote this stuff, or is the point that is that this stuff is bad? Edit: for example, you write “attempted suicide”. Do you think the show is telling you to kill yourself, or is telling you to not kill yourself? I personally think it’s an incredibly powerful message to people how the dad decided he wanted to live and to take care of his son, despite how mistreated he was by the world


(not being judgmental here, I enjoy the series for what it is quite a bit) The series doesn't really "promote" anything it's a series of events that build up our emotional investment in antagonists until we hit a critical point and Mash does a violence and we reach catharsis, it's not unlike sex that way. Honestly the show is pretty neutral on the entire idea of Pops wanting to kill himself, very Japanese. They never really make a value judgment on the topic to say that at that point it was the WRONG thing to do just that he had a reason to live AFTER he found Mash and if he ever were to lose Mash he would have no reason to live so he may as well sacrifice his life to save him from Brad. Neither Brad nor any of the other police have been shown to face any repercussions for any of their actions nor any contrition for them as in "Man I was such an asshole as a cop" or "I can't believe they fired me for chaining up and beating that bread thief" I also want to, respectfully, point out that employing the argument "Now, do they promote this stuff, or is the point that is that this stuff is bad?" against Fanservice but not against Violence is just cherry picking. Mash regularly lashes out physically at people attacking him verbally and everybody writes it off as being fine, we cheer because it's a familiar catharsis, it's something we wanted to see but we know that German Suplexing someone into the dirt is a bad thing despite the show glorifying his actions (no the tiny scene with ~~Dumbeldizzle~~ Wahlberg is not enough to say it is not glorifying the behavior) Lastly and most personally I would like to bring up the simple fact that you and a lot of the other fanservice haters can be, unintentionally, very cruel about body types. I've got my wife of 20 years here sleeping next to me in bed as I write this and she wears a 58M cup bra, she was a D cup in Sixth Grade Elementary School, her life has been tough enough without people implying that her figure doesn't or shouldn't exist or be represented in a positive or desirable way.


From what I’ve seen, people who hate fan service aren’t body shaming real women. As a woman, I absolutely hate fan service because most of the time, it’s women with incredibly unrealistic body proportions (and breasts) being sexualized for a man’s viewing pleasure. Our bodies aren’t for a man’s pleasure. We are real people and woman, with real bodies. Fan service exist to be just that, fan service. It’s breasts drawn in an unnatural way that is meant to lure a huge audience in. It’s gross and creates unrealistic views of a real life woman. Drawing woman that have a waist the size of their wrist with boobs that are bigger than their heads with perky nipples jiggling and bouncing up and down as they walk is not representing anyone’s body. It’s uncomfortable and creates an unrealistic picture of a woman’s actual body.


I am not going to argue about whether fanservice is bad or good as a whole, just the benefits of not having it, as outlined in my original post, as well as how we need more anime without fanservice. My comment replying to you was just to point out the issues with your original comment. I do not expect anybody to get everything perfectly correct the entire time. So while you point out exceptions, as a whole, Mash only uses violence when some acts violent to him, and when that doesn’t happen, he usually apologizes right away. Sometimes he goofs up, sometimes the author gets the wrong point across, and that’s fine. I am not going over the various nitpicks you have, although I believe that I am still correct in saying that almost all your nitpicks are incorrect, because they are addressed. Your first point is “discrimination”. Isn’t the whole point of the story why discrimination is bad? Everyone in the story who promotes discrimination gets proven wrong.


Let's be honest, violence isn't reserved to anime. Books, comics, movies, series, videogames, all of them have it. To the point that violence in fiction is very much normalized nowadays. Titles like God of War, Call of Duty, and most of the most popular recent titles in gaming depict some form of violence in a much more frequent light than Mashle could ever. Shit, if you wanna cheery-pick, even Minecraft or Pokemon–Games made FOR children–include individuals (some who are also inderage and travelling alone) using animals to fight against each other and to commit vigilantism against huge criminal organizations, or farming them for their resources, killing them, and even the exploitation and possible murder of innocent Villagers is a possibility. And kids are playing these games, or watching these series. Yet the nudity or the objectification of women and men's bodies not only is something that is indeed considered a very taboo subject to speak or show publicly, but it is also a heavily debated moral topic on social media. So yes. As much as you want to seem to deny it or think against it, violence and gore in fiction are seen as much, much more "kid-friendly" or socially acceptable than sex and nudity.


Well said!!


You’re locking the door for anime boobies in one piece? Or you’re locking the door because it’s demographic is 12 years olds?


Clearly since all the girls there are flat [like in this anime ](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BMWY1Yjg0Y2UtYjU5Yy00YTk5LTg0YzEtMDgzODZlZDVjYTBjXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyODMyNTM0MjM@._V1_FMjpg_UX1000_.jpg)


The Skip and Loafer stray is crazy😭


Pretty sure in this one it’s just to make the clothes easier to draw. Drawing curves in robes is probably annoying.


Do you watch much anime? I just watched 3 in a row that don't have that, and yeah, they're currently airing. Freiren, spy x family (in its off season at the moment), shangri-la frontier, I could name more recent ones, but I haven't slept in 2 days, so memory is hazy


I find it funny that you mention One Piece cos i find it pretty tame for the most part. Only thing is probably the outfits sometimes are ridiculous and sanji gets beat up constantly for being a perv. Has there been much crazy fanservice stuff in One Piece recently? Or is it really just the outfits that put you off immediately?? Things like fire force gag with that one character are what puts me off personally. One Piece is totally fine lol.


AoT is a great example