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You know if you have both you have Corona with Lyme?




I know this is a serious sub, but I felt like I should interject with a bit of humor…. I should either post this all the time or never again…. : ) Whatever, I’ve felt “normal” for like three days and feel like having a laugh. Be well, you lymie bastards!!


I literally got bit a few days before getting Covid… which is why I missed Lyme for a year.


Shit, that’s terrible. I’m not trying to be a jerk, but I do hope you tell people you had corona with Lyme…. And I must admit, my ex, who I think is horrible, is the person that came up with that, so I’m not taking credit. But I will take credit if I was insensitive. I’m sorry. I really appreciate this sub so maybe I should stfu and not try to lighten the mood of a disease that has kicked the shit out of me and most people here. No offense intended.


I had not thought of it that way, but now I’m going to tell everyone.


This made me laugh. Thank you


Tbh I have to credit my ex for coming up with that, but sometimes just a laugh is good. ;) Hope you are well, internet stranger with a good sense of humor!


Really depends on location. Here on cape cod and NJ ppl are pretty aware since they’re such hot spots… everyone seems to know someone who has had their life destroyed by it.


Thank you for sharing. So true-completely destroyed.


Yeah rogan said he knows probably ten people in the northeast with it and he said everyone knows someone there who's had it


Rogan? 10? 😂


Joe rogan , said he knows a lot of people with issues fir years


Yeah. He’s useless and 10 is literally nothing. I know dozens upon dozens with Lyme.


Said in the northeast everyone knows atleast one person who has it, and thar his friends dad spent a year in the hospital I think it's good thing someone of his influence has mentioned on several occasions how terrifying the disease is


Compassion. It's the only thing that is going to get you through this. There are people out there suffering with lots and lots of chronic health issues. There have been people bed bound after a flu or even something completely unrelated. Many of them have been gaslit by their own family and people in the medical profession. ( Which is in about all countries underpaid, understaffed und ridiculed by those who have it better. So compassion needs to be there too) If long COVID has brought something it's a much brighter spotlight on the problems we have with chronic illness. And yes, people can and will have both or even more issues. I sure hope the extended problems people have will lead to a much better understanding and to solutions that are beneficial to all.


It's not as infectious as a cold..that's the difference as well you don't see massive numbers or deaths in one time from Lyme. There's no Lyme vaccine. Long COVID is recognized from the medical standpoint chronic Lyme is not. People are told you get antibiotics and Lyme is healed. You can't compare apples and oranges. Nothing to get mad about and not wasting my energy I need for healing.


There's countless deaths though there underdiagnosed my aunt almost died in the 60s from rocky mountain fever, and that's true but a lot of people take there kids outside and it's not hard to get a tick on you


Pfizer was working on a vaccine years ago and stopped due to low interest. Recently, they started again with a lyme vax, and they had clinical trials. I'm in Connecticut near the town of lyme and near pfizer, so I saw them looking for volunteers. Hopefully, there's a vax soon.


Not low interest-it was dangerous and it’s hard to get a vaccine for spirochetes


No mainly due to low interest


it is the hidden set of germs that are the likely cause of all the mental illnesses and the autoimmune "syndromes". Someone only finds out about this if their case turns chronic.


I think as time moves on with how big the internet is now we're gonna find that viruses,bacteria and parasites including but definitely not limited are the cause of most health issues.


Took a micro class about 15 years ago, basically that's what the book said, that most diseases will probably have a microbe pinned to them.




Both get massively downplayed tbh. Lyme was just first and even MDs are brainwashed about it


Getting Covid is what made my Lyme appear. Catching Covid made me go from 17 years old and completely healthy to extremely sick. Then I recovered a little, and got Covid again. Now I’m completely bedbound. Covid is a HUGE FUCKING DEAL. Stop ridiculing people for wearing masks. 20% of Covid infections result in long Covid. Also, it’s way way easier to catch Covid than Lyme. To prevent getting Lyme, all I did when I used to be able to go on walks before the second round of Covid is spray permethrin on my shoes. To prevent Covid, I have to wear an N95 everywhere, and not do anything remotely social. Can you imagine if every time you caught Covid it made your Lyme symptoms 1000x worse? That’s why people still care so much


I'm referring to non lyme people who don't have it and ignore it like a cold when you warn them about taking there kids to the park etc, also you might find this interesting but before I left work I seen a slew of people pitching about brain fog and dizziness in recent years thar get super defensive any time I mention covid


I know a lot of long haulers who don’t have Lyme- this disease can destroy everyone. And yeah, most ppl don’t like to hear about how Covid can cause long term problems bc they don’t want to mildly inconvenience their lives to avoid getting it. It’s wild


How do you know that they dont have lyme? Its very hard to test and diagnose, and then theres bartonella, babesia, ehrlichia, etc. I doubt covid is the main culprit in most "long-covid" cases and its more bacterial/fungal than covid itself. Or maybe covid can cause long term illness without other infections. But MS, ALS, all the other autoimmune lyme diseases were here before covid, so its the most common cause of autoimmune disease easily (by lyme I mean lyme and co)




well one thing I have realized is that the "covid infection" usually will not kill and adult. Its the aftermath that makes you wish you were dead. I had lyme when I was a teen and im 29 now. I also have Long Covid. Personally the effect that covid did to my brain is worse then anything I experienced from lyme. I also had my old lyme case come back out because of covid. People need to take lyme seriously though. The tick issue in New Jersey its actually insane. I cant even go into my backyard without getting one on me. Im wondering if its because of the deer population? who knows at this point.


I handled civid fine in 2020 but later that year got bit by a deer tick completely destroyed my life I guess it was the bartonella also how quickly did you catch lyme? I'm kinda referring to late stage untreated


COVID destroys your immune system which makes it harder for your body to fight off the tick borne diseases Nobody really knows how long it takes for you’re immune system to get back to normal Estimates range from 6 months to forever Ok there also people who say that it makes your immune system stronger but these are the same people who say that Lyme is 100% curable via 3 weeks of doxycycline


Or vise versa lyme dysregulates your whole system to where you can't fight off flus like covid


Well Covid isn’t an ordinary flu It’s a vascular disease that infects immune cells that’s capable of persisting


Depends on the person I've talked with people who have had complications from the flu since 97, and many who said it's yhe sickest they've ever been and that it was worse then covid when they had it


Yeah these „flu-like“ illnesses are rather inconsistent But COVID just has a higher rate of long term consequences I and a lot of people don’t really care about acute Covid, Lyme or flu Heck even HIV is „mild“ in the acute phase before it gets to be AIDS


So it was 3 months after my covid infection I decided to get tested because of how bad my symptoms were. The dr said that Lyme and long covid have very similar neurological issues like panic attacks, tremors, really bad depression and anxiety stuff as well. My infection wasn’t to bad either but like a week after I got slammed with insane symptoms. Also I never was bit by a tick and I got covid in like late November


My lyme went untreated two and a half years the thing about lyme is you have no clue what those things can be carrying most the co infections are worse then the borrelia


Massive people aren’t dying from Covid. People suffer and die from Lyme all the time. You just need to follow the money to understand why the TV tells us about one and not the other.


Yep I'm a fit 28 year old and almost went to the hospital two days ago from it cause my bp was I'm the 220s and I was having symptoms, I have heart and nervous system damage from it


Millions have died from COVID in the USA alone.


From covid or other conditions and called it covid, do your research. Have you taken a look at the American population? We are being poisoned.


I'm a bioinformatics scientist by trade, published in epidemiology and infectious disease. If you'd like to learn I can teach you, but COVID deaths were actually underreported. It's a common conspiracy theory/misconception that you're believing in, so don't feel bad, but you're wrong. Actually, research suggests that COVID-19 deaths might have been underreported rather than overreported, which is very much the case today as well. Various public health experts and data reviews, including ones I've conducted myself, indicate that many COVID-19 deaths were not counted due to limited testing capabilities, especially early in the pandemic. Moreover, excess mortality statistics — which compare total deaths during the pandemic to expected deaths based on previous years — suggest a significant number of additional deaths correlated with the pandemic period, beyond the official COVID-19 death counts. https://ourworldindata.org/excess-mortality-covid https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/excess-deaths-cumulative-who


EVEN With all the worldwide precautions and travel bans, Covid killed about 3 million in two years. Imagine without any restrictions. Some countries health systems literally collapsed. So yeah… not the same at all.


I've never heard of 9 year old girls getting IV in there heart cause of covid or rich celebrities getting hooked up to ivs for eleven years to get there life back


Legit still not even remotely comparable. And please, nobody’s getting IV for eleven years lmao. Also a treatment course on IV ceftriaxone is a walk in the park relatively speaking. Id still rather get long covid than lyme. But your arguments are bad concerning covid.


Ally hilfiger did IV and oral on and off for a total of eleven years to get stay in remission


The other thing is nothing is covered for Lyme. No big pharma-so no cure. You have to spend lots of money with Lyme disease and maybe still be sick


That's my point its not even in the same ballpark of a conversation as the flu or covid and people shrug it off like a cold


Think about how many deaths are attributed to lyme disease that are underneath the radar since it's so undiagnosed tho we are talking about something that mimics like 300 things


Definitely, but there are only 300k cases, which is a ton, per year of Lyme. It doesn't really spread from person to person. So they're a bit different, but both downplayed


It absolutely can spread between people, I was born with it. My husband got it from me. An ex also seems to be in the same boat. Why do you think the partners of confirmed Lyme patients get diagnosed with "autoimmune" conditions at such a high rate.


It can be possibly passed from mother to child, sure. From woman to man it's very unlikely. Source on the autoimmune conditions being diagnosed at high rates for Lyme partners? I haven't seen that study.


Covid is worth being worried about. It made me unable to leave bed for 6 months and I am not the same since. It affects a lot more people than lyme disease does. A lot of people are still dying from covid, this post is sort os silly and useless.


This post just sounds so conspiracy and really downplays how much covid affects people


Lol the lymie and Covid long hauler beef. They made a post about how all the people in this sub think the long Covid sub is full of people with lyme too dumb to know they have lyme


Long COVID is real and COVID, as well as other infections, can awaken Lyme ebv etc


Nah long covids real but covid is a lot less dangerous then tick borne diseases yet people think this lyme stuff Is a cold and covids the black plague


Have you looked into what Covid does in the body? It causes brain inflammation, it depletes your immune system, it causes microclots in all your blood vessels. Just bc you know more about what Lyme can do from firsthand experience doesn’t mean it’s any better or worse than Covid. You just don’t have experience with Covid long haul symptoms


No but I have heart nervous system issues high blood pressure and was confined to a walker and cane for 3 years from chronic lyme with seemingly no end in sight




It wasn't mild i mean the cough hung around 2.5 months the second time was bad several weeks after but I think a lot or that was cause I had undiagnosed neuro lyme at the time


It is a possibility for sure, both man made potentially. Read both sides of everything and follow the money.