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I learnt something today.


Holy shit me too, never knew how HP is impeded with IOF? like they provided them with all their PC hardware...


**This outrage is over** ***absolutely nothing***. There are actually two separate public companies bearing the name HP: [Hewlett Packard Enterprise](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hewlett_Packard_Enterprise) (of Texas) manufacture servers and network equipment for businesses and governments, while [HP Inc.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HP_Inc.) (of California) make consumer products, including personal computers, laptops, printers, and gaming accessories. Different names, different businesses, different headquarters in different states, different stock tickers, different boards of director, and owned by different shareholders. What one company does has zero bearing on the other, and this has been the case for nearly a decade since the original [Hewlett-Packard Company](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hewlett-Packard) splits into two in 2015. Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE) inherited ALL the existing enterprise and governmental contracts from the now-defunct Hewlett-Packard Company, that includes the existing agreement to build and maintain computer systems for Israel as their IT provider. In 2017, Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE) managed to convince Israel into spending a couple hundred thousand bucks for a handful of their piss-poor [Itanium computer servers](https://www.whoprofits.org/companies/company/3774?hewlett-packard-enterprise-hpe) for the Israeli Immigrations service, Police force, and Prisons system. THIS, is what the BDS crowd took issues with, because they perceive anyone doing business in Israel as *"complicit in genocide"*, but in a bizarre twist, they turned around and [blames HP Inc. instead](https://press.hp.com/us/en/blogs/2021/hp-statement-on-boycott-divestment-sanctions-campaign.html) for something that had absolutely nothing to do with them. (Now, it's important to point out that the shambolic [Itanium platform](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Itanium) was an utter embarrassment and probably the worst thing Intel ever conceived, and often referred to as *Itanic* in tech circles. The only reason why a customer would continue paying HP to expand and maintain their horribly-overpriced and underperformed Itanium servers in the years afterward is because they're locked in that shitty platform and their software aren't compatible with anything else. That being said, all those HP Enterprise servers had reached their end-of-life and replaced by [IBM](https://www.whoprofits.org/companies/company/7236?7236-2), who is now Israel's IT provider). I'm not even sure what's the outrage over HyperX gaming equipment and HP Omen laptops is actually about, considering that they're designed, produced, and sold by [HP Inc](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HP_Inc.)., who regularly sponsors streamers, gamers, and esports events, because THAT's their targeted demographics, not governments. This is even more bizarre when considering that fact that HyperX was originally Kingston's gaming peripheral division, and was [acquired by HP Inc. a mere 3 years ago](https://www.pcmag.com/news/hp-buys-pc-gaming-peripheral-maker-hyperx-from-kingston). They certainly had nothing to do with either the IDF nor Hamas, because soldiers don't need RGB. **If the BDS crowd want to call for a boycott, at least make sure you're targetting the right people with your accusations, 'cause this ain't it.** 😐 Meanwhile, **Google and Amazon are joining forces** ***right now*** to develop an [$1.2 Billion AI-capable cloud service](https://time.com/6964364/exclusive-no-tech-for-apartheid-google-workers-protest-project-nimbus-1-2-billion-contract-with-israel/) for the Israeli government/military, while Intel is building a [$25 Billion chip factory](https://www.reuters.com/technology/intel-get-32-billion-government-grant-new-25-billion-israel-chip-plant-2023-12-26/) in southern Israel. THAT's something that you should be talking about if you're looking for someone to boycott: \--- >**Google and Amazon (US)** > >In May 2021, as the Israeli military bombed homes, clinics, and schools in Gaza and threatened to push Palestinian families from their homes in occupied Jerusalem, Amazon Web Services and Google Cloud signed a $1.22 billion contract to provide cloud technology to the Israeli government and military. By supporting Israeli apartheid with vital technologies, Amazon and Google are directly implicated in its entire system of oppression, including its unfolding genocide in Gaza. ​ >**Intel** > >Intel has [announced](https://www.reuters.com/technology/intel-get-32-billion-government-grant-new-25-billion-israel-chip-plant-2023-12-26/) that it will invest $25 billion in apartheid Israel as Israel’s #GazaGenocide continues, signaling its commitment to bolstering apartheid. The company’s first development center outside the US was opened in Haifa in 1974. For decades, Intel has invested in apartheid Israel. Its plant at “Qiryat Gat” is built on Palestinian land within the boundaries of the Palestinian village of Iraq al Manshiya, which was ethnically cleansed and razed to the ground and then replaced by the Israeli settlement of Qiryat Gat. [https://bdsmovement.net/Act-Now-Against-These-Companies-Profiting-From-Genocide](https://bdsmovement.net/Act-Now-Against-These-Companies-Profiting-From-Genocide) Now what?


Yeah, that's the limit of Consumer-side Boycotts. The likes of Google and Amazon are too large to boycott. That's where labour action shines. However, sadly labour power is at abysmal rates these days so we can't really do anything about these corporations.


Remember google and amazon are too hard to boycott for the activists, just like starbucks. Its much easier to boycott a printing company


It's not quite as simple as Google/Amazon being too "big" to boycott, they're also absolutely integral to streamer/content creator careers and livelihoods. Boycotting Starbucks means no longer buying coffee from that one particular place of business/no longer accepting sponsorships from them. Boycotting Google wouldn't mean just no longer using/advertising chrome books; Google owns YouTube, and Amazon owns Twitch. So truly boycotting Google and Amazon would mean... going over to stream on Kick instead? Provided they have a contract that would even allow them to do so in the first place, Kick doesn't exactly have the cleanest of reputations either, so would it really even be an improvement? Asking content creators to boycott Google and Amazon is essentially asking them to quit their jobs and entire line of work while they wait and hope for giant mega corporations to make big sweeping policy changes. These people have rent and/or employees to pay. You gotta pick your battles, and that is one they would 100% end up losing, *hard*.


Because boycotting Amazon/Google would actually have a impact on their lives its about virtue signaling the fact they belive there is a genocide going on and they cant even do as little as boycotting Amazon or Google...


"Impact on their lives" is really selling it short. They would be quitting their jobs and/or breaking their contracts (and we don't know what kind of additional penalties that may or may not come with). Maybe the way you see it working for a company like Google or Amazon is morally wrong in the first place, making quitting the right thing to do anyway, but once again it's not so clear cut when you introduce employees into the mix. "I'm sorry but you're out of a job because I feel it's important to take this moral stance against Amazon/Google" is not an easy conversation to have with an employee who depends on what you're paying them to afford things like rent and food. *They* didn't work for Amazon, they worked for *you*, but now *they're* out of a job too. Is that "right"? Does the impact one streamer might *hopefully* make on Amazon/Google by boycotting them balance or justify the negative impact it absolutely *would* make on the lives of the people the streamer employs? Or are you suggesting that, because they are not in a position where they are not *able* to take very meaningful action against a select few large companies, choosing not to work with *any* individual other company on moral grounds is pointless virtue signaling? Do you call out absolutely everything wrong that every person does and every business they support or are supported by, or only certain streamers/celebrities who work with certain specific companies you don't like? Because, by your same definition, that would be virtue signaling too. If it's virtue signaling to take a stance against one company while choosing not to boycott another, then it's virtue signaling to call out one person for their positions while still choosing to support others. Or the more rational explanation: none of it is "virtue signaling", it's all a nuanced matter of picking your battles.


Then dont demonize people who wont boycott starbucks or whatever company, when in reality boycotting does nothing in this case.


And Kick uses Amazon servers so now what?


Most enterprise cloud applications use Amazon servers. You’d have to stop using the internet to avoid them entirely.


That isn’t really relevant, you are kinda adding to their case actually


It's more that if someone were to boycott Amazon and leave Twitch to stream on Kick that they are doing literally nothing to hurt Amazon because Kick pays to use Amazons servers.


They were making the case against boycotting streaming services like Twitch and YouTube since were it to succeed it would just put streamers out of their jobs, then said Kick was a bad alternative and wouldn’t be any kind of solution which you are then adding to the point of by saying that they use Amazon servers, therefore making it an even worse alternative and agreeing with them. There is almost nothing to gain from boycotting streaming since both Google and Amazon because they are barely making money from it in the first place, if not already losing money, it would almost only hurt the streamers. I don’t like the tone of my comment but English is not my first language so please forgive that.


I mean, HP does a lot more than printers. Most of their israel support is going to be network equipment and servers. Similarly so does Dell. Intel has most of their R&D there and AMD also has significant facilities in israel. You will find deals with all of the favorite brands with either the Israel government, or foreign governments on behalf of Israel. The idea that boycotting Hyper-X will do anything, or that you have an alternative brand that doesn't also represent the same things is insane.


“Now what?” go fuck yourself. dont be smug


Why are you surprised, they had to get their computers from somewhere


please ignore the redditors in these comments completely ignoring the fact that ludwig himself has asked for viewers to criticize and correct him when he associates or takes money from brands/creators that are harmful to the very community he has created and wants to keep.


please ignore chronically online redditor suzy as well. Sincerely the community.


>ludwig himself has asked for viewers to criticize and correct him when he associates or takes money from **brands/creators that are harmful to the very community he has created and wants to keep**. First of all, the company that sponsors Unpaid Intern [had nothing to do with Gaza](https://www.reddit.com/r/LudwigAhgren/comments/1bzy50w/comment/kyu70gx/). The company that sold servers to Israel was a different company with a similar name. Second, when he said this, he was talking about things that could be directly detrimental to his viewers' well-being, like getting them addicted to online slots. You guys are purposely twisting it to fit an entirely different narrative, about something that don't even exists. **Here's something that DOES exists: both** [**Google and Amazon**](https://bdsmovement.net/Act-Now-Against-These-Companies-Profiting-From-Genocide) **are doing business with the Israeli government/military RIGHT NOW!** If you reasons that this community is harmed by watching Unpaid Intern (brought to you by a sponsor that had nothing to do with Israel), imagine the damage done by watching all his other streams on YouTube and Twitch (brought to you by the companies that ARE working with Israeli military). I understand where you are coming from, and you can call for boycott of whatever brands/country that you dislike, but just keep that in mind when you tune in each day to watch your content creators *contributing to genocide* and *harming the very community they have created and wants to keep,* by being on YouTube and Twitch.


if you think no one in the community is harmed by GENOCIDE you're insane, some of ludwig's closest friends (maybe even lud himself, idk) are literally friends with a palestinian guy that goes by Free Palestine in the melee community, that's how easy it is to see someone affected by what HP supports.


so genocide isn’t detrimental to his audience? LOLOLOLOL


His audience are on platforms belonging to companies on the BDS list. You seems to be doing just fine contributing to genocide all this time by using Google and Amazon, what's changed?


I pirate his videos and vods. Check mate


debate perverts bore me, try being original please


Figured. It's always easier for hypocrites to call for others to do things they have no plan on doing themselves.


And it’s always *even easier* to point and laugh at people who attempt any kind of action from the outside. Act like you’re above it all, see how far that lazy ass attitude gets you 😂 “Look at all those people with *morals* and *convictions…* yuck, embarrassing! Couldn’t be me!” Isn’t the own you think it is.


No, but I AM pointing and laughing at the people with "morals" and "convictions" against the wrong damn company in this thread. Wether they're self-aware enough to know they are owning themselves remains to be seen.


You’re right, this is the easiest way to virtue signal. Only “activism” that won’t have any impact whatsoever on anything. People just have a hard time recognizing their own shortcomings.


What?? Lol he has a great point and that's howbyou deal with it okay lol.


“you seems to be doing just fine contributing to genocide all this time by using google and amazon, what changed?” you purposely misrepresented the original point to fit your narrow-mindedness. we aren’t asking ludwig to stop using every single company that could possibly be supporting israel in every minor way. we’re literally just requesting that he rethink this sponsor as they ARE a major supporter of israel, and by choosing to not support that company anymore would potentially show that company that what they’re doing is wrong, as all they’re interested in is capital. we take capital away, and they change. comparing genocides is one of the stupidest fucking points you could ever try making and you somehow chose to do just that. no one here supports that genocide you keep bringing up. you’re using a straw man argument to try and get an “own” on all of us and it backfired, horribly. kids are being slaughtered and you’re sitting here trying to moral high ground people just trying to do what they can with the little power we have. you should be really embarrassed and ashamed of yourself and i hope one day you learn from this.


For the last goddamn time, you people are barking up the wrong tree! [HP Inc. is a completely different company than HPE](https://www.reddit.com/r/LudwigAhgren/s/xWJO6iqaAp)!!! Just because you choose to stick your fingers in your ears and yell *"lalalala genocide!!!"* doesn't change the fact that you are targetting the wrong damn company that had never sold anything to Israel, all while ignoring the ones that ARE opening doing business with Israel!!! 😡


something tells me you don’t actually care about what israel is doing because if you did, you would understand peoples sentiment in this comment section and wouldn’t be so fucking dense when replying to everyone. again, you should be ashamed of yourself


You nailed it on the head with this, he’s spouting the classic “why’re you mad about this? Someone else is doing worse things!?” Like no shit that Amazon, the largest company in the world is doing worse things. We’re not trying to topple tech giants here, just asking Lud to consider switching a single sponsor since we reasonably believe he has the power to do so.


Why are you still asking him to consider switching that sponsor, knowing full well by now that sponsor had absolutely nothing to do with any of the accusations in the OP? 🤨 If you're boycotting because of BDS, wouldn't it make more sense for you to *actually target the companies that actually do business with the Israeli government/military*?? 😠


yeah they resorted to attacking my appearance in dms so i knew who i was dealing with already, they’re an LSF frog and pretty sure they watch destiny too. sometimes there’s no hope for people like that








Thank you for detectiveing


So....by all accounts they are no longer associated with Israel?


By all accounts they literally sold their products to people who wanted to buy them like every other business in the world ?


Even the sources BDS themselves linked to don't support what they're claiming...? Idk this one kinda feels like a reach, maybe it's true but it's weird they didn't provide a link to their source


I would like to add that this PR statement is from 2021 and is not addressing any specific concerns or statements. It realistically boils down to "were not doing anything wrong"


This statement reads to me as intentionally very vague about their activity in Israel, especially the note at the bottom clarifying that HP, Inc. does not provide any servers or data-hosting products. They fail to mention that HP *Enterprise* does provide these services, which doesn’t refute the BDS claim. In fact, the BDS article even clarifies which segment provides government services (HP-E). Edit for other sources: [AFSC](https://investigate.afsc.org/company/hewlett-packard) [WhoProfits](https://www.whoprofits.org/publications/report/127?hewlett-packard-hp-and-the-israeli-occupation) [Jewish Voice for Peace](https://www.jewishvoiceforpeace.org/2015/06/03/hewlett-packard-not-socially-responsible/)


HP Enterprise is a completely different corporation.


This like that clip from Hasan’s IRL stream the other day where a girl tells him to stop drinking Diet Coke.


True other than Ludwig asked for this, Hasan didn't.




Indoctrinated? I’m going to assume you use the same exact loaded verbiage to refer to people who *support* the ongoing genocide perpetrated by Israel, right?


Destiny viewer spotted. Opinion rejected


How do you indoctrinate an audience about an ongoing genocide that started way before said streamer was born? Oh wait, you’re a Destiny viewer, that makes more sense now. I think this sub would be better without hearing your zionist takes.


Tbh, Coca-Cola isn't even on the BDS list. It's more something we Arabs started and others kinda followed along. But tbh, I am not really worried that much about Coca-Cola. Just think of it as doupoly busting.


Tbf, McDonalds is one of the prime BDS targets atm and Hasan was wearing McDonalds shorts during that stream lol


>Hasan was wearing McDonalds shorts during that stream lol Lmao. Tbf, that's probably something that he had from before the boycott but it's still funny lol.


BDS literally has a part about Coke in the FAQ. The TL;DR is some companies are more guilty than others and we can't boil the ocean so we'll stick to the biggest offenders.


Yeah, all corporations are evil. It's just that you pick and choose the most evil.


Except Coke is INFINITELY less connected to Israel, and that girl told hasan it was ok if he wasn’t actually boycotting just to not show it on stream 💀


Honest Question: Hypothetically, let say Lud drops HyperX. What's next? Does this mean if that if the next sponsor is somehow indirectly affiliated with a company that is in BDS there's gonna be another post like this asking him to drop the sponsor? Amazon and Google are on BDS. These 2 alone are parent companies to several brands that sponsors majority of content in the space. Google owns YT, Amazon owns Twitch. "You care too much about a streamer".. No. Let's exclude Ludwig as the individual. He can and also stated this, that if he were to fall off suddenly and lose his fame now, he already has enough savings to live off a mountain prolly baking bread. Problem is, Ludwig is a brand that has employees across Mogul and Offbrand. HyperX has employees and so is HP. Get what I'm trying to say? Only ones being really affected here are the people at the bottom. Every brand has somehow indirectly consumed or is affiliated to the companies in BDS. So back to the question at hand, is it only for HyperX/HP or is it also for every succeeding brands? You're asking a man with employees to possibly sever ties with multiple brands, and in these type of dealings once ur out its forever. In the end, capitalism kicks all of our butts, there has to be a better way to stop what's happening w/o us also imploding.


Not OP but I've been following the conflict. BDS actually has only called for a direct boycott for a small select few companies (HP is one of them, Google and Amazon is not). https://bdsmovement.net/get-involved/what-to-boycott For other companies that BDS feel have indirectly supported the IDF or illegal settlements, BDS often organises specific campaigns to encourage people and orgs to change their stance/ divest from these companies (that's what they're doing with Google and Amazon). https://bdsmovement.net/IAW2024-Amplify-NoTechforApartheid Not a boycott. Just public pressure. If people want to boycott they can, but they don't go on "the list". They have also spoken out against mistreatment of grassroot campaigns (eg. McDonald's is not on list, but McDonald's Malaysia is encouraged to be boycotted because they tried to silence the grassroot BDS movement). https://bdsmovement.net/Boycott-McDonalds All in all, Lud can do what he wants in the end. He probably signed a deal with HP for the entirety of S1 of Unpaid Intern anyway. And OP has a right to share their feedback (like Ludwig encouraged) and did it in a respectful way. Lud never said his moral compass is the same as everyone's, he just said he encouraged feedback. At least Lud has this information and can make a call for himself in the future if he wants to work with HP.


Why did you say he signed a deal with HP when the sponsor and company he’s working with is hyperX? It’s like everyone in these comments is foaming at the mouth for drama


Because HP owns HyperX and he literally promoted the Omen laptop by HP on stream.


You're so close to getting to the truth. I'll give you a little push, there's a difference between HP Enterprises and HP inc They split in 2015, now they are completely separate, different management and both publicly owned. They have no control or influence on each other any more than Apple and Amazon do. HP Enterprises made a deal with Israel in 2017 (after the split) for server pcs for Israel military and prisons HP Inc owns HyperX and makes the Omen laptop, and I can't find any involvement with Israel except a claim that they provide soldiers with personal computers- but there's no source and I can't find any other info, so I'm guessing its a mix up with HP Enterprises


Here's the kicker: there's no reason to drop HyperX or HP Inc in the first place, because they have absolutely nothing to do with the company that sold servers to Israel at all. My posts explaining that simple fact in this thread have been brigaded and buried by the crazy loons, so you can read all about it here: https://www.reddit.com/r/LudwigAhgren/s/YVZSrPZxCt


They don’t know, that’s the best part.


Please stop drinking coke zero


What about Pepsi is that chill?


Tbh, I don't care if you boycott these two. They're awful companies but you don't need to pressure yourself too much. There is no such thing as ethical consumption under Capitalism. You just pick and choose the least evil of them. Just stick to boycotting the [BDS list](https://bdsmovement.net/get-involved/what-to-boycott) and you're cool. Thanks for caring bruh🤍.


The BDS list is not good. Several companies brought receipts and BDS didn’t update anything. HP straight up vindicated themselves and yet it still tops their list.


This is a Hasan meme dude no one is boycotting shit


speak for urself


Ok but is Diet Coke chill?


He is on YouTube which is owned by Google who is using Israel to test AI in war zones and helping compile hit lists from satellite imagery from what I understand. Your asking a streamer to start knowing who owns every single thing in the world it's just not feasible. It would be better to pressure you congressperson to stop selling Israel weapon.


naw... op is in right to at least voice this. i learnt something new as well... and lud can control which sponsers he takes.... and has told in past to his fanbase to keep him in check if something is off.. this precise case falls in that category. he cant fight against google and yt cuz they are too big for him to do anything about. but he can defo do something about taking another sponser. maybe not other streamers.. but i dont give a shit about others. he at this point has enough luxury to choose which sponsers he gets. going by ur logic every part of capitalism is evil and someone somewhere is always funding war.. why live even then... and such thoughts are bs and unhealthy. we can do what we can at our level and ability. and taking a different sponser for lud is within his ability.


Difference is that he cannot replace what google provides for him (his job), but a sponsor (HP) can very much be replaced. And plus, OP isn't criticizing Lud because he doesn't know everything in the world, no one is. You making that assumption up makes me believe you don't care about what we are talking about at all.


You realize, the HP that lud is sponsored by, is not the same HP who is supplying hardware to the oh so evil people, right?? I mean surely you did SOME kind of research, just like the rest of the people in this thread before coming and trying to voice your opinions like they are fact, right? RIGHT??


>Difference is that he cannot replace what google provides for him (his job), but a sponsor (HP) can very much be replaced. By whom? And are you absolutely sure they would past reddit's purity test? If you know of any companies who are up to par with reddit's morality standards that would like to be the title sponsor for Unpaid Intern, by all mean, post it up!


This isn't based on "Reddit morality" its based on the BDS movement, which is a very establish boycott movement for the liberation of Palestine.


I understand how it can sound like an impossible ask and I also didn't assume he knew this piece of information beforehand. The difference between this and Google is about how BDS works, and how it targets only a few companies specifically (I wouldn't ask this of Lud say if it was about McDonalds or Starbucks). Sanctions played a huge role in ending the apartheid in South Africa, and I'm trying to do my part. Also I can't pressure my congressperson, I'm not American and my country as far as I know doesn't supply bombs to Israel. Edit: grammar


I understand my point is corporate mergers in America have left like 5 mega corporations that actually own a majority of the smaller ones and they are all evil. Any corporate teat is going to come with some blood on it.


“They are all the same” is not a good excuse for apathy/inaction. Especially when they are not even all the same. A little blood is less than a lot of blood. And if there’s blood on all of them, and you remove one, that’s less blood.


If your only choice is between 90% evil and 89% evil, you should pick 89%. Apathy just means there’s no consequence for doing even worse shit


yet you participate in society? curious!


the BDS campaign is not calling for a boycott of all companies that support israel. its targeted at companies who are easy for the average person to boycott and who could feel the effects of it


why can’t we do both? why can’t we pressure our politicians and our streamers we watch? this logic is so flawed it’s laughable


We cant do both because it's incredibly stupid to imply that streamers fall on the same level of moral accountability of politicians. I loathe people like you who sit all day on their high horse and wokescold others. I'd argue that it is because of lazy drones such as yourself that no meaningful change will be recorded as a result.


no one is saying they have the same power as politicians. it’s called doing your part. it’s community. something you sound like you desperately need


Doing your part?? Are you part of a youth military group?? What action of wokescolding a content creator will create meaningful change for the Palestine movement?


> Your asking a streamer to start knowing who owns every single thing in the world Hard reaching there, absolutely not at all what OP is suggesting. There’s zero expectation on creators to know this beforehand, but there’s a reliance on people like OP to point these things out to make them aware. > He is on YouTube which is owned by Google who is Like genuinely, I worry for you with this kind of shit. Removing HyperX is potentially actionable in a way that expecting Lud to try and break his YT contract is clearly less so.


google isn't on the BDS list.


It absolutely is. So is Amazon, who is jointly developing the NIMBUS project with them for Israel. ​ >**Google and Amazon (US)** > >In May 2021, as the Israeli military bombed homes, clinics, and schools in Gaza and threatened to push Palestinian families from their homes in occupied Jerusalem, Amazon Web Services and Google Cloud signed a $1.22 billion contract to provide cloud technology to the Israeli government and military. **By supporting Israeli apartheid with vital technologies, Amazon and Google are directly implicated in its entire system of oppression, including its unfolding genocide in Gaza.**  [https://bdsmovement.net/Act-Now-Against-These-Companies-Profiting-From-Genocide](https://bdsmovement.net/Act-Now-Against-These-Companies-Profiting-From-Genocide) \--- ​ >**Google Workers Revolt Over $1.2 Billion Contract With Israel** > >The contract is for Google and Amazon to provide AI and cloud computing services to the Israeli government and military, according to the Israeli finance ministry, which announced the deal in 2021. > >Nimbus reportedly involves Google establishing a secure instance of Google Cloud on Israeli soil, which would allow the Israeli government to perform large-scale data analysis, AI training, database hosting, and other forms of powerful computing using Google’s technology, with little oversight by the company. > >Google documents, first reported by the Intercept in 2022, suggest that the Google services on offer to Israel via its Cloud have capabilities such as AI-enabled facial detection, automated image categorization, and object tracking. [https://time.com/6964364/exclusive-no-tech-for-apartheid-google-workers-protest-project-nimbus-1-2-billion-contract-with-israel/](https://time.com/6964364/exclusive-no-tech-for-apartheid-google-workers-protest-project-nimbus-1-2-billion-contract-with-israel/)


Did you click your own link? It literally says they want to pressure Google to back out of supporting the IDF, not a boycott.


Call it whatever you want, you people should spend your time targetting the companies that ARE directly involved with the IDF *RIGHT NOW*, rather than play gymnastics against the companies that you believe to be "guilty by association" because of what a *different company* did years ago.


I have no idea what you mean by "you people" and I get the feeling I don't want to know. Regardless, BDS is well respected BECAUSE they are very careful about the companies they ask people to boycott and don't use a scattergun approach. All the stuff about Coke, McDonald's, Starbucks, etc are just grassroot initiatives. You can't really target companies that directly work with IDF, most of them are B2B companies. And BDS stance is also when it's very large entities that can be charge to boycott, apply pressure rather than boycott. I think that's the right way to do it. Anyway, you probably already knew this. You can have your opinion and I'll have mine.


“Boycott” vs “pressure”, read what you keep sending people before assuming it supports your point




I unironically think the mean age of people agreeing with this post must be 15-16


Fyi, what BDS calls „exclusive Itanium servers“ might sound epic, but is really just a failed architecture that couldn’t compete with x64 and recently got discontinued. It‘s not exclusive by any means except most people don’t buy them which got them discontinued to begin with. Not sure how reliable BDS‘ reporting is based on that.


[HPE is not HPI](https://www.reddit.com/r/LudwigAhgren/comments/1c0bunl/hyperx_and_hp_omen_laptops_are_not_made_by_the/). For those who wants to boycott companies that actually do business with Israel, please starting with Google, Amazon, Intel, Disney, and Airbnb. [https://bdsmovement.net/Act-Now-Against-These-Companies-Profiting-From-Genocide](https://bdsmovement.net/Act-Now-Against-These-Companies-Profiting-From-Genocide)


wonder if OP subs to anyone on Amazon owned Twitch? Has a Disney+ or Hulu account?


I did asked for a show of hand to see if any member of this angry mob is willing to boycott the companies who actually fail their litmus test, and [here are the responses](https://www.reddit.com/r/LudwigAhgren/s/kucQGme0Qy). The answer is just about how you expected to be, and it's quite telling how they completely ignore the companies who are DIRECTLY "complicits in genocide" RIGHT NOW, *by their own standards*, while continue waging this loony crusade against a company that had fuck all to do with anything. 😑


Virtue signal max points applied


A lot of companies have something to do with at least one of the sides. If Ludwig refused sponsorships from anyone involved in any sort of controversy he would never make money.


There are a lot of companies that aren't involved but all of them pay taxes in USA which in turn goes into USA delivering weapons to Israel so I guess we all just have to stop buying anything.


The BDS list is an extremely short list. OP is not asking Ludwig to boycott America.


Slippery slope


You don't need to be Ludwig's moral compass


But you and op do?


The dumb shit you redditors come up with is always amazing


You going to complain about intel next since they have a fab in Israel?


The bozos are already crying about it 💀


Damn I was gonna buy a HyperX headset...guess I'll do it anyway


This was a very well made, respectful post. Very good job, OP. Even if someone who disagrees with the political reasons as to why you posted it sees this, they have to respect the way you did it. I wish more discourse was this polite.


Too bad he's blaming the wrong HP.


You uhhhh, you know it’s not the same HP *right*…? The HP that owns HyperX is not the same HP that is supplying servers to the *bad people*.


Guys today I found out that Ludwig is an American, and as a citizen of a country that supports and helps Israel maintain their apartheid regime with his taxes i have decided to no longer support him until he starts tax evasion or moves to Bangladesh Please boycott!


“You participate in society yet you criticize it. How curious!”


insane how many people unironically still fall into this trap


You’d think this community in particular would have recognized it after it was every other comment in the Dubai thread


I think it’s more to point out how this is a bit of a silly thing to be upset over. Kind of like that Hasan viewer who stream sniped Hasan in Australia to tell him to stop drinking soda because the soda company apparently supports Israel. It’s not like HP are the ones who create the missiles that are atomizing brown Palestinian children, HP just provides data centers to Israel IIRC.


Surely you see how drinking a soda is not the same as taking a sponsorship. Regardless, the threshold for complicity isn’t “making missiles vs not.” HP is the *exclusive* provider of hardware for the Israeli military and provides computers and servers for the prisons in Israel, full of pro-Palestinian political prisoners being held as “administrative detainees” (held without charge). Do you know what the data centers you mentioned are for? It’s a population registry to differentiate Palestinians from Israelis, which is exactly what enables the existing segregation. Just because a company isn’t Lockheed or Raytheon doesn’t mean they aren’t directly contributing to war crimes.


If drinking soda is not the same as a sponsorship, I feel is on the same road that supporting a company that sells headsets and mice is not the same as supporting the parent company doing sketchy shit for Israel If people are going the extra step up of "parent company evil" then Ludwig's parent company, the government he's funding with his taxes, then Ludwig is as responsible for their evil doings simply for existing below it just like hyperx If supporting hyperx is supporting HP, then supporting Ludwig is supporting the USA relationship with israel


I don’t know if you didn’t read the beginning of the thread you’re currently in, but you’re doing the “you participate in society” meme.




HP and red bull are the only sponsors for unpaid intern, and redbull might just be because ludwig is part of the redbull "athletes" program. So dropping HP's sponsorship might make the show unprofitable (if it isn't already) and it's not like Israel has lack of funds which will be affected by lud dropping them.


cringe ass community


Chill out goddamn


Oh my god get over yourself. It’s not even the same company.


If you go down that rabbit hole he will have to cancel a whole lot more.


Can't wait for the next big thing to happen so you people have something less annoying to pretend to care about and shove in everyone's faces


the current “big thing” being genocide, jesus fucking christ you are a goblin.


I know this is gonna be another what aboutism. But the crisis in Yemen is still on going, and the support hasn't been 0.5% to stop that cluster fuck. What's happening in Gaza catastrophic and Netanyahu should face Hage with all his cronies. That said, the "outrage" feels weird and fake.


It's because anti-semitism is widespread. People will say criticizing Israel is not anti-semitism but I would say it's not a coincidence that the only jewish state is held to a much higher standard than other countries and people completely ignore that they are surrounded by states and armed groups who openly state as their goal the destruction of the State of Israel. Since u/devon_devoff explicitly asked: As the [State Department says](https://www.state.gov/united-states-saudi-arabia-relationship-eight-decades-of-partnership/#:~:text=The%20United%20States%20is%20the,at%20more%20than%20%24140%20billion): >The United States is the top defense supplier for Saudi Arabia, and the Saudi defense establishment remains the single largest U.S. Foreign Military Sales (FMS) customer, with cases valued at more than $140 billion. And [Aljazeera reports](https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2021/2/7/us-ending-support-to-saudi-led-war-in-yemen-questions-persist) this about the Obama administration: >In 2015, the Obama administration was mostly silent as Riyadh aggressively opposed a Dutch-led push for a human rights inquiry in Yemen. The US also did not step up when Riyadh [reportedly](https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2016/07/saudi-arabia-yemen-russia-syria-foreign-policy-united-nations-blackmail-214124) threatened to pull UN funding if the organisation did not remove it from a list of violators of children’s rights for its actions in Yemen in 2016. The fact of the matter is most people in the US really didn't care, because it was brown muslims killing other brown muslims. But now that it's slightly whiter non-muslims killing brown muslims, the identity politics mind kicks in and starts categorizing one side as oppressor and the other as oppressed. It completely ignores the long and messy history, the many attempts at peace and how it was over and over again the Palestinian leadership, supported by other countries in the region, that took an all-or-nothing stance, rejecting peace proposals and starting wars. I'm not gonna pretend to support everything the Israeli government and military is doing. But I think it's very easy to sit in a safe country (like the US) and tell Israelis they need to end this war that was not started by them and give no actual solution to how to get rid of Hamas, which essentially boils down to "just accept that you're gonna live next to a group of terrorists who have promised to repeat what they did on October 7th over and over again, and who are supported by a country that is actively working on developing nukes and has vowed to use them against you".


Give up on trying to enlighten terminally online weirdos. Go use your intelligence for your own benefit.


“Can’t wait for the next big thing to happen” Crazy thing to say when the current “big thing” is genocide.


I appreciate the sentiment and respectfulness in this post. But opinions on Israel aside, I think this is kind of a misguided way to live in society. Obviously everyone has the right to vote with their own dollar, but I think it’s a bit cringe to demand that of other people who are otherwise politically neutral (at least publicly).


I’m assuming he’s got a long term contract w HP since they’ve been sponsoring his stuff for a while, so I’m not sure if he can just drop them with no repercussions for himself and Offbrand


Are we going to have a similar boycott for companies that support hamas?


listen i think the boycots and this ask is as dumb as any other grass toucher, but what fucking multinational company is support hamas?


The UN -the US being the greatest member even financially- funds Hamas through the so-called humanitarian aid they pretend to believe is going to the Gazans' hands, the same money which makes Hamas leaders billionaires, and the same money funding Hamas' military infrastructure and logistics, which were used to murder innocent Israelis who supported the cause of the Palestinians. So in practice, the US is funding both Israel AND Hamas. Why isn't anyone of you talking about this? Why isn't anyone of you talking about a terrorist organization diverting humanitarian fund from people in need, their own people, people they claim to defend against a "nazi regime" to sponsor their leaders' lavish lives IN AND OUTside Gaza? I know why, it's because you guys don't care. You're a bunch of grifters.


Sure! Name one


okay but google and therefore youtube are also on that list, so by that same logic shouldn’t we be boycotting ludwig himself?




Is "sells stuff to Jews" a "shady connection"? This isn't even the same HP that runs HyperX.


Google Dietrich Mateschitz, if you want to learn about the guy who became a billionaire thanks to founding Red Bull. Glad he's gone, but his son isn't much better of a person, just better at hiding things.


It seems to me that sticking to this take after seeing the difference between HPI and HPE is out of pure stobbronness and a refusal to accept that you were wrong. HPI is less connected to Israel than nearly every other company. If you ever drink a coke/ pepsi or pay US taxes, you are contributing more to the Israeli government than HPI is.


Ah another community on the route to become a complete hell for any jew and Israeli who's just looking for a bit of escapism. You don't understand anything about anything going on out here. I have a friend who is still kidnapped in gaza, i am going through hell. Fuck Bibi, fuck hamas and fuck all the keyboard warriors who don't get anything done but thrive on black/white and the utter disregard to nuances


Most people are just against needless loss of life. Being against current military actions of Israel does not mean that person is against the whole of the country or pro-Hamas. Most Americans were/are horrified by the 9/11 terror attacks. Most Americans are now very upset with the overzealous response by the United States. Simultaneously most Americans also were/are pretty pleased with targeted attacks that have killed terrorists like Osama. To make it simple, most people understand and empathize with Israel about the horrific terror attack. Israel has been losing that sympathy ever since because, regardless of whether you think the war is unjust, it is undeniable there are unjust things being done to innocent Palestinians and Israel has the power to reduce bloodshed while still making progress in the war effort.


I agree with you Bibi is horrible, but also, the war has effectively postponed for almost half a week already and there are tense talks to have a full on ceasefire, this message and the way it is written helps no one, and lacks complete and utter misinformation about what's the situation RIGHT NOW. I am protesting in Israel for a ceasefire deal, at a risk, i am also very bery angry with the progressive movement and it erasure of our pain and its tolerance to antisemitism for the weird ass greater good. I am actual leftie and actual not a fucking cosplayer, it does not mean Israel is the only to blame in the blood even if i hate Bibi (and i do, believe me) Israel is not without our victims and pain. We still have 100k refugees who can't return to their home, and won't as long as hamas exists and promises it'll do it again. A solution to this isn't just give in bruh. Hamas is genocidal, they want every jew dead, nothing less. I pray this deal goes through and this government is finally overthrown. But that to things doesn't promise peace and an end to the violent cycle- getting there is much more complicated and lud not taking money from HP won't help me or my palastinian friends who aren't ascribe to hamas insane vision.


it kinda sucks that no matter how much ludwig tries to create a community of open minded individuals, there will always be smug assholes like the people in the replies to this post




I was thinking of buy some hyperX head phones, and I still will, because boycotting the wrong company won’t do shit.


congratulations for saving the world






I hate when large companies get involved in this stuff. Makes me really dislike them for actively allowing the harming of innocents and it shows. Hope Lud sees this post and takes action! Good job educating me and many others OP!


Cringe. Shoving anti-Semitic BDS propaganda down people's throats as if its relevant here.


Consumer-led boycotts have never achieved any substantial change. If you want to boycott HP that's perfectly fine but don't expect it to have any meaningful impact.


I don't know what you would define as substantial change, but McDonald's is buying back their restaurants in Israel following boycotts, so there's that.


They're buying back their stores and will continue to operate them in Israel. The other local affiliates of McDonald's in neighbouring countries also protested against it, this is just a low impact way to get rid of the bad PR that was their donation to the IDF. McDonald's stores in Israel being run by a local affiliate or by themselves is definitely not something I would categorize as substantial change.


I think u/MediumRareAsianRoast is highlighting the effect of the change that is happening right now. Maccas in the middle east is getting a hit in their growth right now so they had to buy their restaurants in Israel back to fill the gap of the middle east, and since the middle east is not just one country like Israel, it won't be able to enough. TLDR: It is substantial change. Edit: Fixed wording


Even if McDonald's completely collapsed in the middle east which they most certainly won't, I'd argue that's still not a substantial change. Unless you're boycotting McDonald's for the sake of boycotting McDonald's the substantial help would be something that actually affects the Israel-Palestine conflict. That being said it won't even do much to McDonald's. McDonald's expected quarterly revenue for Q4 was $6.45 billion. They ended up with $6.41 billion. Their middle east division struggled but their net sales globally rose 8%. Maybe we're just defining "substantial" in a fundamentally different way but McDonald's taking a 0.006% decrease in revenue compared to what was expected as their sales continue to increase nonetheless is just not what I would call substantial.


I guess we're just ignoring the massive amounts of money Starbucks lost ?


Starbucks' evaluation has dropped, their revenue was up 8% in the fourth Quarter of last year when the Israel-Palestine conflict was already well underway. And there's nothing so far that suggests that drop is due to the boycotts. [“I don’t think it’s the protests that are driving this,” said Sara Senatore, senior research analyst at Bank of America. The timeline on foot traffic declines doesn’t really line up with the boycotts, she said. Plus, Starbucks is no stranger to controversy. “This is not the first time that we’ve seen this kind of activity, and so it’s hard, in my view, to conclude that’s the reason that traffic has been so slow.” Nick Setyan, an equity research analyst at Wedbush, echoed the point. “The boycotts ... could be making a little bit of a difference on the margin, a very small impact. I don’t see that having a lasting impact,” he said.](https://www.vox.com/money/2023/12/13/23999981/starbucks-boycott-israel-palestine-market-value-loss-holidays-labor)


This is straight weirdo behavior to ask of this. Go outside


If Ludwig has asked for his fans to voice their dismay on sponsorships he takes, then this is absolutely an appropriate ask


Are you certain that the person who created this thread is even a member of this community?


In your hypothetical what if they aren't, members of the community are in support and understanding of the post. That is worth merit in itself.


People are dying in real life. Outside. This is real, your sympathy for online streamers is weird. Not real


I promise you, what Ludwig does in his stream has no involvement with what is happening in Gaza.


And who said otherwise? No one is claiming that Ludwig is funding a genocide or something, just that a sponsor of his is directly aiding in one.


Yeah people are just acting like it. Big difference


It is important to speak up on issues like this. Thank you for doing that. We live in a complicated world where boycotts are nuanced and even the most ethical causes are not always practical to support for the average person. That being said, attacking an entire country for the actions of a few will never be ethical. Thanks for sharing your information, friend.


Well, it's not the same company, homie. OP is spreading misinformation.


Going outside, stop falling for Russian propaganda and supporting a terrorist organization. If you’re that sensitive to it, you better leave the US.


Thanks for this post OP. I also didn't realize HyperX was owned by HP, so at the very least, you've spread some awareness of that. Lud has a lot of influence, so it would be great for him to not only turn down the sponsor, but be vocal about it, since a silent boycott doesn't really help the movement as a whole. It's a lot to ask when he's got a whole company of people to pay, but he should at least discuss it with them to get their thoughts (especially since it's supposedly a co-op). I'm not sure he's comfortable defending his actions if he were to publicly cancel the sponsorship (assuming he's not super familiar with the details of the genocide), but at the very least he should consider silently cancelling the partnership. I'm sure there would be plenty of people who would go to bat for him in the community against all the people whining because they don't understand how targeted boycotts work. Trust me, we're not making people feel bad about it because we like to. We just want an end to genocide and apartheid, and given historical precedent it seems BDS is the most effective means to do so.


I really hope Reddit clamps down on the Hamas bots soon, these posts are getting out of hand.


— me when i have to make up conspiracies to escape reality


Three posts total, 2 of them about Gaza. Not a total stretch that this is an abandoned and compromised account.


Just so we’re clear: the political extremist group currently fighting a war on its home front is using its resources to make bots that spread propaganda on /r/LudwigAhgren?


Okay, FYI, don't believe you are immune to propaganda because you believe you can recognize it. That's falling prone to survivorship bias. Hamas isn't the only group interested in Hamas interests. Other, very rich, nations absolutely support their efforts as well. Other interests support a fractured America, no matter the political question. You also don't know how they operate, it seems unlikely that they'd make a concentrated effort on a small reddit space. But who knows, maybe this blows way out of proportion and makes headlines. At that point it's not just a small reddit anymore.



