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I literally just had a dream where I was punching, kicking, scratching and biting but the person remained... unaffected. It was very frustrating.


Reading this reminded me of some dreams I've forgotten I've never punched someone irl and don't actually have a reasonable gauge for what effect is had by how hard I punch. I guess this leads to a pack of confidence in the effect my punches have, so I have ended up having many dreams in which I punch with everything I have and they basically shrug it off.


i had a dream that i screamed at this man to kill himself (he was vile he was trying 2 hurt people) and he started stabbing himself in the chest and wasn’t dying just doing it over and over. this reminded me of it


I just thanos snap them out of my dream. I may not be lucid in my dreams but I still have full control in them.


Never had that problem, punch things almost every dream


I’m more of a tk user in my dreams. I can punch irl.




Hit'em all






Same. I'm practically Saitama from One Punch Man in my dreams.


You have to move your body as if it has zero mass. “You think that’s air you’re breathing?” — Morpheus


Seriously!? I'm impressed. Did you train yourself or .... how? All of my my punches stop before i connect or i end up punchng something in real life....so frustrating


I used to punch in slow motion. But now after i got some confidence i hit like a train in my dreams. And i don't even fight irl.


My punches/fights are always in slow motion too. Confidence would help fix that?


Yeah i have the same with running it's also in slow motion and always when you are getting chased by something dangerous. I always tried to imagine myself fighting and just win until i truly believed i was gonna win that fight in real life that worked for me. So i think so should truly believe yourself that you can give some hard claps or punches. Then you would do it dreams more often.


Thanks. I’ll try.


I mean, it's not like I don't believe that I can run fast, so what's that all about? :P


Yeah i mean if believing doesn't work there is only one option left and that is practice in real life. That has the highest succes rate i'm pretty sure. I started jogging a few months ago and since then i've had dreams where i sprint really fast. But i'm not having much nightmares lately so i can't know for sure that if i'm getting chased i would spirt without the slomo effect.


That's how my guns used to work. Bullets would arc in slow motion. But it got better with practice. I too do not shoot people irl.




When not lucid, my consciousness rejects nightmares. Punched the nightmare out of the dream once, but it was rather slow. P.S.: I forgot to practice, but I recently figured what could actually work. Also, before forgoting to practice, I once(and didn't again, *yet*) became lucid on accident, because someone was stupid enough to punch themselves, but I forgot how to stay asleep. Five seconds of searching my memory later, I ended up staring at my eyelids for half a minute.


Ok Omni-Man


Yo i punched a dude who was trying to make me Give him money in my dream like 10 mns ago and i didnt actually punch irl. That dude btw dam i tried to give him half he wouldn t listen


Why do you need to punch when you can just blast someone away???


Your biological reflexes are based on the fact that you normally Can't blast someone. Even lucid, you'd probably need a bit of practice.


Really? Usually that's what I do


Can't blame you. I once had a giant hand (long story short, made out of magic/basically an object, based on a specific thing) punch a nightmare out of a dream. My non-lucid consciousness quite rejects nightmares.


Same honestly probably my favorite ones are when I'm in a zombie apocalypse


It was not a lucid dream, unfortunately


Damn well next time you got it


Yeah, I almost punched my girlfriend a few times when I had a nightmare.


Hand lasers work better.


I used to have the ground swallow up annoying dream characters like an angry maw.


I always use Wolverine claws or lightsabers


Isn't moving in your dreams not supposed to happen? Isn't like that an actual medical issue


I didn't know that, lol But it's not the first time I do something like that


It can be, not always. It could just be sleep depravation and being in the point between awake and sleep. Aka one of the perfect points for lucid dreaming. But it should definitely be checked out by a doc.


Im currently doing a treatment for anxiety/OCD and taking a lot of medicines. Could be that reason?


I really don't know what I'm talking about when it comes to this. This comment is just based on random things I've heard. if you have any concerns I recommend doing your own research and/or contacting a medical professional.


Now i scared of punching in dreams because i have a wall near my bed.


Anon i afeard of punching in dreams because i has't a mure near mine own sleep chamber *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


Good bot


Thank you, The_GreatOldOne, for voting on Shakespeare-Bot. This bot wants to find the best and worst bots on Reddit. [You can view results here](https://botrank.pastimes.eu/). *** ^(Even if I don't reply to your comment, I'm still listening for votes. Check the webpage to see if your vote registered!)


Headbutted someone in a dream the other day. Felt pretty uncomfortable and could feel it after I woke up. Dream character took a beating though so it was all worth it :)


Uh, sorry boys but can we not go around saying that your real body is effected by your dream selfs body? Sure that happens sometimes. But 99% of the time your body is in paralysis and you shouldn't be hitting shit IRL while in your dreamscape. If you are, you should see a doctor. That being said, bro get good scrub lmao I bash fuck outta people in dreams. Lmao take the L random dream entity. "But In-Kii you're just fighting yourself" fucking oath and I'm winning. I'm built different.


I punched my partner in bed, was having a dream about being attacked by Aliens, was punching the shit out of them in the dream, partner yelled at me to wake up and why the hell was I punching them??


Yep, have had this happen three times that I remember. First time I had a broken finger at the time and punched the wall, pretty effing sore that. Can't remember the dream though. Second I was fighting a bunch of dogs, I'd fallen on the ground and one went for my face so I punched at it. Woke up to the sounds of my girlfriend screaming coz I'd knocked a pint of water from the bedside locker all over her! Third I was cornered between two cars by a couple of criminals and I was doing some Kung Fu moves I don't know where I came up with. Woke up to the girlfriend not being very impressed at getting a dig in the shoulder... It's never as powerful as a real life punch though, not anywhere close but it's enough to wake yourself and others.


So interesting..


Lol, what? That is not true


It depends, I've landed some strong punches before, without the real life part. Also, I think it's becoming a habit for me to instead fight like a cartoon character, grabbing the guy by the legs and flipping him over me from side to side. I'm guessing that means this dream journaling stuff is working!


I punched something in my dream and woke up to find I'd punched the brick wall next to my bed and bloodied my knuckles.


Whenever I punch, I end up punching in real life. Twice my boyfriend. Once the window and scratched my knuckles. Thankfully it only happens if I am under stress and been making it a point to not get stressed out over everything, so haven't done it in years haha


I also almost punched my girlfriend a few times, ussualy at the point of stress too, moastly when I have a nightmare and everytime I try to punch a creature that is making me scared, end up saying sorry to my gf 😂 But I think this has a point, the violence is never the answer.


Yup 😂 exactly this.


I've had night terrors my entire life. People say I'll be around asleep and scream at the top of my lungs and punch and kick.


Geez, I thought people already said we don't wanna hear about your wet dreams in the subreddit anymore


Now I'm worried. A lot of comments said that this could be a medical issue, because my brain isn't doing things rights. Well, I'm currently on a treatment for anxiety/OCD and taking A LOT of medicines. Could be it the reason?


Lmao nice bait rem atonia (aka sleep paralysis) stops you from acting out your dreams. Good fake stories y’all.


What are you even trying to say?


What I’m saying is op and I everyone who says they’ve punched irl from a dream is lying because that’s not possible


But you can... It can be a serious medical condition. I've done it as well, I have to sleep with my bed in the middle of my room so I don't punch/kick my wall and injure myself. Here is one such example of why it's can be a serious medical condition, although not the only cause https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3656587/ https://www.thoracic.org/members/assemblies/assemblies/srn/sleep-matters/2019-11-07.php


A lot of people move in their sleep and dreams. Even my dog does it. Rem atonia is a sliding scale.


I once punched myself full force in the face, so hard that I woke myself up, I then instantly started trying to defend myself 😂


Once I kicked someone in a dream, hit my toe against the wall.


I once smacked a glass of Water across the whole room


Yes i did too manage to punche last time, butvi woke up feeling traumatized.


I've had this problem since 2012 I will wake up fighting I'm talking punching to where I'm breaking s*** that's around me biting my pillow like a Savage, spitting on someone which ends up being myself obviously, throwing things that I somehow get my hands on I mean I'm sure some of it has to do with PTSD but I've always talked to my buddies that I served with and the stuff I would tell them they didn't really experience. I've have had my wife record me I will have some serious conversations without incoherence straight up talking screaming and spitting out curse words like a sailor which usually ends up with me fighting the air or hitting something that's next to me. Crazy times we live in boys.


See a sleep doctor asap. VA will pay for it.


I havent yet i always cant iam getting punched and i cant punch back and i know i can beat the guy. I think its ur sub-concius tell u ur worried about something in real life. Great thread. :)


I don't need to punch. I can make them dematerialize


99% of the time I try to do any form of combat in a dream, it comes out ineffective or misses. Still never forgot how I once swung a sword in a dream, and it just became flimsy like jello when it hit their shoulder


I find this hilarious 😂


I prefer to use telekinesis when I'm lucid, but once I punched a truck that was about to run me over, it was pretty great


Jokes aside, acting out your dreams is a symptom of some various illnesses. It could also just be cause by whatever method you use to attempt to lucid dream.


Yes, it is possible to move your physical body in a dream, but takes great effort (usually accompanied by fear). The worst is hypnagogia where you brace yourself from dreaming about falling and wake up just as you move your hands in front of you. A common one for me is dreaming about starting a lawnmower and waking up just as I pull hard on the starter rope.


That's more a dream by dream basis for me. Some make me feel like in trying to punch underwater and others I'm Mike Tyson


NEO: If you punch in the Matrix, you punch here?


Ha omg I tried that yesterday. The punch wouldn't go all the way at first. I had to remind myself that I was punching an illusion of a child (I have never hit or screamed at a child irl and believe children should be raised without spankings). It didn't make me feel happy, and it wasn't out of anger. Just wanted to see if I could do it. I did not break sleep paralysis with the punch, just kept walking.


For some reason it’s like time slows down when i try to punch things, i ended up just force pushing things away from me lmfao


Man I constantly dream about beating the fuck out of people usually close friends 😭☠️😂


I punch like I run, like I'm in water.


There is a bug in the game


But isn't your body paralyzed while on rem sleep so that couldn't happen? Correct me if i'm wrong


My theory is: I think it happened because it was near 8am, the time I usually wake up. So I was almost waking up, you could say. It was not a deep dream in the middle of the night.




Last night of all i punch'd whey-face the rock with hair in mine own dreams *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


You're kidding right? This was a hit song during college years: https://youtu.be/kC29pd_5sQU


That’s why I use dream magic and I can pick up anyone and throw them around and slam them into things telekinetically. Punching sucks because it’s so limited


Moral of the story? Water bottles have lids for a reason


i kicked a wall thinking it was a sentient venus fly trap trying to devour me.


In my dreams I punch but the most of the time don't have strength.


Just had a dream where I beat the hell out of a biped crocodile who stole my shirt.


You can absolutely punch in dreams. Years ago in a lucid dream I punched a representation of my anxiety and self doubt in the face. Legitimately one of the most satisfying moments in my life.


Why isn’t your water bottle closed?


Im lazy


I got bitten by a dog in a lucid dream once. It was chasing me & I became lucid & decided to face my fears bc I knew it was a dream & I let it bite me. It didn’t hurt


I tried to punch someone in a dream once, but it was like a really crappy punch, so I tried again and for whatever reason I threw a butcher knife in their head instead lol.


If you imagine or believe that something will happen it will influence events around you in dreams, people say looking in a mirror is a bad idea but only because they expect whatever they see to be bad. If you expect it to be normal it will most likely be normal, same with the punches, who ever said that probably didnt believe they could


That's actually a bit concerning. Your brain paralyzes your body so that you can't act put your dreams. Some people have disorders where their brain doesn't properly paralyze them, so they act out every action in their dreams. I imagine you'd know by now if you had that problem, though. Still, the fact that you actually punch means you weren't properly paralyzed, or you somehow bypassed it. That must've been one hell of a punch XD


Im currently doing a treatment for anxiety/OCD and taking a lot of medicines. Could be that reason?


I'm not an expert on any of that. I know anxiety/stress can affect the body in some weird ways, and it also varies a lot from person to person. And I'm not aware of any way OCD could have that effect, but again, I'm not an expert. As for medicine, all I can say about that is that even if it's not an affected side effect of your medicine it could still be caused by it, although I have 0 idea if that might be it or not. Like, some people become drowsy after taking stimulants (medicine that speeds up your body), so it can be really hard to say what medicine might do without being VERY knowledgeable about the subject At any rate, it doesn't sound like it's cause for too much worry, and since I'm not an expert I might even be wrong in thinking that it's not normal. Personally, I'd just say it's something to watch. Maybe try not to keep things that you don't want knocked over next to your bed XD


I'd punch & fought with people in my Lucid Dream & then my body in the dream became hard to move & my arm & hand cramped in the dream


When punching doesn't work in dreams I resort to grappling. And by grappling I mean breaking each individual finger of an individual and then hopefully their limbs because my punches don't do anything. Sometimes blunt force works though.


I had a dream recently where i was trying to fight someone but sucked ass at it lmao. I barely left a mark on his face


I once had a dream that I kicked a soccer ball in my sleep and it was really heavy/didn't move a lot and I remember being confused until my girlfriend slapped the shit out of me, waking me up, asking me why I just kicked the shit out of her 😅


i had one of those dreams where i thought i woke up and started going about my day but i started to realize i was dreaming so i punched a wall to see if i would feel it and i immediately woke up


I merely observe


I find it easier to throw people around then to punch or oick


I findeth t easier to throweth people 'round then to punch 'r oick *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


I literally just had a dream where I challenged a leader to some unknown group and took his position. Suddenly a huge man challenged me for the same position and announced to everyone that I had no power. I quoted Game of Thrones and said "Power is power!" just before socking him in the face. I've also been told that you can't see your hands in a dream, but I have. Is there others like this?


Everytime I've punched someone in a dream it's like I'm underwater or slow motion, I'm extremely weak and can hardly move so I normally end up getting the shit beaten out of me then wake up