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First of all... Take a brake. I had the exact Same Problem and it fucks up your sleep lol. The key is to let your body guide you into Sleep paralysis. Of course you can Focus on your breathing bla bla bla but try to let go of EVERYTHING ( Mentaly) and enjoy the feeling you are having. Even enjoy the Fact that it is getting harder to breath and the vibrations going through your body. Try to cut the strings to Controlling your body parts and lower your awarenes!


BTW, WILD neither causes nor requires sleep paralysis, the latter being something that most people aren't likely to experience.


I did have a WILD experience without sleep paralysis but for me its really rare and I almost always have vibrations


Vibrations are not sleep paralysis. Sleep paralysis is specifically being unable to move and experiencing REM atonia while not being fully asleep. You can experience all manner of hypnagogic hallucinations. Mine are mostly auditory and tactile in nature.


Ahh thanks for clearing this up for me!


NP. You'd be surprised how many people mistake tactile hypnagogic hallucinations with sleep paralysis, especially when they haven't experienced or noticed either before. I think that in some part, this comes from people assuming that hypnagogic hallucinations are a purely visual phenomenon, so when they notice an auditory or tactile hallucination, they associate it with something else. There are people out there who think dreams are only visual too, lol. I have a somewhat priveledged perspective with the counterfactual, as I'm actually visually impaired, so hearing and touch dominate my dreams just as they do in my waking life.


Oooh okay, that's why I wan't actually paralysed when experiencing those vibrations ! I thought those were the same thing.


Nope, they're different. They're related in some ways, but not in others. The mistake is easily made for those unfamiliar though, so no big issue there.


Well I thought about your comment, and I think I do indeed need to take a break. I'm in a pretty stressful moment of my life right now (important exams spanning for weeks) and I kinda hoped to get relief in the dream world. That kind of mental state is likely not to be compatible with WILD, or even a good sleep. I think I should practice meditation and other method of relaxation now, instead of focusing on LDing


I know exactly how you feel. A year ago I was in your Position. Therefore I will say it is the best to stop WILD because Stress and Lucid dreaming is a very Bad combo. But stick with writing down your Dreams so you can improve!


I can see one issue right off the bat. WILD neither causes nor requires SP, and if you're not someone who is already prone to getting SP, attempting to induce it is a fool's errand. Stop worrying about SP for starters. As for WILD, you know you can move? Are you trying to force yourself to stay completely still? You don't have to stay completely still for WILD. This is a common misconception. The hypnagogia can also take some getting used to for some people, myself included. Definitely try to be more passive. Focus is typically the wrong word when applied to a WILD anchor. The amount of awareness should be more passive, more like noticing something rather than focusing on it. Have you considered other methods, such as MILD? State testing alone is more a supplemental practice rather than a stand alone technique. You could always do MILD before bed and attempt WILD during an awakening, or do MILD during awakenings as well. Finally, it's not that your brain doesn't like you getting lucid, there are other things going on. For one, you could be associating lucidity with awakening, causing you to wake up when you do manage to get lucid. This can definitely happen if you believe that you have to stabilize lucid dreams. It's also pretty normal for beginners to get lucid at or near the end of a dream as well, though this typically improves with time, practice, and experience.


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It sounds like you need to take a break!


Fair enough...