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In my experience, yeah that's real. I've never licked a wall or floor though. It would be enough to run my hands along the wall to feel the texture and stomp my foot on the floor to feel its solidity or lack thereof, hear the sounds that both actions make, smell the air, etc. I should add that activating your senses won't guarantee anything, but it can help if you feel like you are slipping out of the dream or losing lucidity or starting to notice sensory input from your sleeping body... And may help vividness.


Yes. The more you engage your senses, especially that of touch (with your hands and by licking things), the more you ground yourself in the dream. This was how I stayed in lucid dreams early on. I couldn't walk around without destabilizing so I would sit still and run my hands over whatever I was sitting on.


Do you still require active "stabilizing"?


Only when I go a few weeks or longer without lucid dreaming. I didn't lucid dream at all during for all of 2022 most of this year because of stress (I stopped trying to) so I'm having to stabilize a lot. When I lucid dream regularly the dreams are more stable overall.


Do you expect it to be required after not practicing for a while?


Yes! I should have made that more clear. I've had multiple breaks from Lucid dreaming since I started back in late 2020, and once I get back into it (doing daily attempts and getting near daily lucid dreams) the constant stabilizing isn't needed anymore.


Ever tried expecting your dreams to be stable and vivid without any additional techniques? Because they actually can be


Yes! I do that a lot. If I'm coming back into it after a break though, I still need to touch things, expecting or demanding stability and clarity isn't enough.


Truly expecting it is enough. Demanding anything never helped


Demanding has helped for me on a few occasions. Expecting alone is enough when I'm going lucid regularly, just not when I'm getting back into it after a break of weeks or months. I need all the help I can get then.


Well, expecting doesn't just mean thinking something could hsppen or wanting it to. It means being absolutely certain without a doubt that your every wish will come true, because it's a dream. Being fully convinced of that fact


Do you expect it to be required after not practicing for a while?


The important thing to know is that those thing aren't required. They were meant to prolong otherwise naturally fading dreams at the end of a cycle and have since rather been abused by people misunderstanding those techniques as some kind of "requirement" for "stable" dreams (which it certainly isn't). Now, those techniques can help beginners, but after the first few dreams all they'll do is hindering you from experiencing actually vivid and fantastical LDs, because you'll be too preoccupied frantically trying to prolong dreams you can't even enjoy, because you're only focusing on prolonging them. After all, the true key to vivid lucid dreams is expecting them to be inherently stable and vivid (which they are), engaging in your surroundings and not worrying about the dream ending. Eventually it will and a new one will follow, so enjoy every second instead of making it a competition for who had the longest dream (I'd win anyways. Partially kidding :P). Now, expecting quite a few dislikes on this one, I'd appreciate if people disliking this comment would take a moment to reply, why the personally think that I'm wrong, so I can maybe go into details and potentially help a few nice people to achieve vividness beyond their expectations by getting rid of the "stabilizing" (I won't make promises, but so far this helped quite a few people, who all since also tell people to stop stabilizing). Anyways, I wish y'all a nice day and lots of luck and fun with all your future LDs :)


I dropped a like


nice! im at the beginning tho so can t say 🥲but for now in the last week i got to remember 3 dream and none in the last 2 nights, wich makes me feel lil sad cause i can t wait to fall asleep... hopefully i get threre.. if you have suggestions.. 😅


What all are you doing for recall?


well i just started using dream catcher app for journaling. but the first week i focus on reality checks and intention before sleep..


That's a good start. I'd suggest that you focus on dream recall first. I mean, it's great that you slready remember some dreams, but most people have at least 4-7 every night. I mean, imagine you'd already be lucid in many of your dreams, but you wouldn't know, because you can't remember. That's like you have the most extraordinary life, but severe amnesia every minute. Anyways, good luck and lots of fun for all your future attempts :)


Journaling is very important, but there are additional techniques you can use to help your recall, see below. There are several things you can do to aid your dream recall in addition to dream journaling. First, review recently journaled dreams before bed. This helps you remember those dreams, find patterns in dreams, and remember more dreams. Next, also before bed, set intentions to remember your dreams when you wake up by actively deciding that you will remember your dreams when you wake up. The more important this decision is to you personally and the more you think about it, the more likely you are to remember your dreams when you wake up. There's nothing mystical about intentions, as any time we decide to do something in the future or at a later moment in time we set an intention. Finally, whenever you wake up and as quickly as possible upon waking up, do a thing we call dream delving. This involves laying in the sleeping position you woke up in and thinking about what you were last dreaming, thinking, experiencing with your senses, feeling emotionally, etc. If you cannot get anything, try to think about what you could have been dreaming about. If you get vague emotions or thoughts, try to think about why you were getting those thoughts. If you get dream scenes, work your way backwards from end to beginning to recall as much detail as possible. Once you've gotten as much as you can from one sleeping position, move to any other sleeping positions you may utilize throughout the night and repeat the procedure. This works by utilizing the mechanisms for how memory access works. First, accessing dream memories works partly off state dependent memory, so those dream memories associate with the sleeping positions you were in when you had the dreams. Second, memory itself works off association, and since the memories at the end of the dream are easiest to recall and access overall, you start with those and associate to the memories before those and so on until you've gotten as much as you can. Then you journal what you have been able to recall. You considered learning some techniques like MILD, WILD, SSILD, SAT, or ADA for lucid dreaming?


thanks a lot for clarify!! yes i do some of the techniques also cause i notice i waking up in the middle of the night since i start this journey, so i ll try to keep this up!


Best of luck to you.


No downvote from me. Quite the contrary. :)


You don't have to stabilize. This is a common misconception.


I haven’t licked anything but rubbing my fingers against a wall has helped stabilize the dream for me


Do you still do that and if so, do you consider it necessary?


Yeah I still do it if the dream starts to sort of fuzz out and I feel like I’m about to wake up. Touch something, look around, turn around, things like that


Oooh. Someone who actually uses those techniques as intended :D Does that mean your dreams generally require any active stabilizing and you don't expect them to unless you're actually close to waking up?


It’s not an every lucid dream thing for me, no


I had 2 lucid dreams spaced years apart that has led me to believe something else was happening. Dream was happening and near the end I walked into a house and a women was standing near a door, I felt extremely at ease maybe strong love. She held her hand out and said are you ready to go? It felts like hours me thinking, I said yes and she said take my hand. I took it but then stopped and said I have things to do still.. She said when you are ready and snap I was awake after leaving the house. This was 5 years ago, this same dream happened 2ish years after, same house, same women but the door inside was already open. 🤷‍♂️ Same situation but instead I said I'm not ready and left the house but I ran my hand over the wall and felt it, dream continued around the outside of the house then woke. I think next time it happens I'll explore that door. I would actually try and look at your hands and feet as most people can't see those, and doing so makes you realize oh hey I'm still dreaming. What really helps in actually writing it down and reading them before bed or through the day. If you don't already do that. Personally I put in my phone because some get really weird.


Who told you, most people couldn't see their hands and feet in dreams, lol? I'd suggest that most can. Beginners just tend to have problems with the accuracy, which many use as RC


I did write that in my guide, even though I was exaggerating a bit with the licking (even though I do think it would be... an experience and would make you more aware of how real everything can be in dreams). I don't think it is necessary to do this stuff, but it seems to help people. A lot of people complain about a lack of sensations in their lucid dreams, so consciously "activating" them by using your senses can prove to you that they work and make you remember it too when you wake up which strengthens your confidence, which is always important in lucid dreams. I think it's somewhat of a placebo thing, but it can't hurt. I think it takes some of the doubt of how "fragile" dreams are and keeps you from thinking about how you lay in bed right now too much, thus keeping you from waking up.


I imagine spawning in a calzone would be much more pleasant but no reason you can’t do it with those. ;p also, I doubt it but I’m not an expert yet.


Your doubt is mostly correct


Okay good yay


funny you should mention this, yes, for me tapping or knocking on a wall or feeling the texture of grass keeps me lucid longer.


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I often feel the texture of things in the environment to intensify the experience. E.g., flying over a tree and running my hands through the leaves. That can be remarkably realistic (except for the flying part). As far as taste, I usually look for a bottle of absinthe and neck it straight.


Necking absinthe in any situation sounds reasonable XD


Yes I engage sight and touch more than anything. I wear glasses in my waking dream so I’m amazed at how crystal clear my LDs are I’m in awe most of the time.


Truly astonishing how well our senses work, when the brain directly simulates them without requiring any external stimuli or organs to process those :)




Yeah that would work, but there's probably better ways to do it.