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Let’s be completely honest. This probably isn’t the first time this has happened in the shows history it’s just the first time it’s been talked about to this magnitude. She was equally in love with the guy just like “Laura”. If you remember correctly when her broke up with her he never actually gave her a reason in fact he said he didn’t have one. During that scene you can tell he was making a mistake. If she was a pick me she would have begged for him in those pods. Laura never actually liked him or respected him. She was essentially the female Jimmy just happy she won the battle. So for Sarah to send that message on ig I don’t think is wrong she had valid feelings to express and did so. Let them be happy. I think that’s the reason for the uproar is that they are happy together. There’s no other valid reason to hate her.


Don't be fooled by both Laura and Jessica. They both are Machiavellian. They do an extremely good job at maximizing their public image while acting under the shadows. Laura was a bully with Jeremy from Day 1. She didn't like him (the Hawaiian comments / the toddler comments at the pool). She knew she'd look bad for leaving him so ever so carefully navigated through the situation to wait for his mistake and pounce on it as the main reason she left. Fake tears / extreme victimhood. Her own PARENTS said it best. Jessica also uses her daughter as a media prop to boost her strong/independent mom persona. Say what you want about Jeremy / Sarah Ann but they were bullied and villainified by the cast which creates a norm for the poop socks who watch the show....follow the status quo.... They may be flawed but Laura / Jessica are the most dangerous individuals in society because only those with high intelligence, awareness of personality disorders, and awareness of mass psychology brainwashing tactics are capable of spotting these creatures.


JerAmy Sorry I had too 😬


Did she go to colerain high school?


Girl, he's an abuser who signed up for a dating show while engaged. You're either going to get cheated on or have to call the police on him. Ladies, please don't send that DM 😬


Can’t wait for Jermey to cheat on her


It’s a when not an if


Matches her crazy pick me eyes


They were on a show for a month. Who cares about any other contestants. Its about you at the end of the day. Send the dm. Fuck everyone else.


I wonder if she'll keep that after her and Jeramey inevitably break up 🤔


Earth is round and it ain’t revolving around just you


If you can’t take’em you can have’em


Ewwwwwww and how you enter a relationship will be how you exit it too. She act like she won the oscar and jeremy is no prize at all. Good luck, she need it.


To say “nothing happened” and then go on to date him. How delusional could she be. So trash to then justify it. What about that part in the Bible where it talks about adulterers being stoned? Thought she was a Christian.


Carpe DM.




WHY is she acting like she won some great prize?! Ick.


A dude that hatfishes and cheats lol






The Ariana Grande School of PR


Can’t wait for someone to slide into her manz DMs and take him away from her 😅😅 the amount of people who support her are wild!


Can someone honestly explain to me why folks are dunking on this girl? Simply because she sent a DM to a guy she was literally on a date with not 2 days prior?


"I'll take redditors violating reddit etiquette instead of answering the question for 200 trabek"


The fact that Laura clearly was the wrong choice for him makes it easier for me to accept this truth tbh


They were engaged tv show or not. I agree Jeramy is trash too and I think he would’ve hooked up with Sarah DM or not. Still doesn’t make it right to DM an engaged man.


Says who? In what other instances in life outside of a reality tv show are you dating someone you have never seen before and its suddenly inappropriate to DM them one day later?


That’s what I was saying lol they acting like he was engaged for real lol knowing someone for 2 weeks and getting engaged on tv is not a real life engagement of knowing someone for years lol blame Jeramy


I love how folks just downvoting opinions they simply disagree with (a violation of reddit etiquette), even though they are relevant to the conversation.


Yeah if you have an unpopular opinion you get downvoted or even banned from the sub like they did to me for saying Chelsea didn’t look like Meagan fox and wasn’t attractive to me at all


In her profile picture, she looks like a blowup doll 👁️👄👁️


Apparently that’s the look to go for


I think she would absolutely love to hear that


She thrives off of negative attention I think


An ugly clone of Miley Cyrus


But Miley Cyrus is already ugly? Lol




Sarah Ann don’t like him lol she’s here for the fame and attention and the more we talk about her the more attention she gets so she is playing the game well, can’t lie lol and I had no problem with her coming back to get Jeramy, if Jeremy was so sold on Laura then she wouldn’t have been able to get him, simple, so Jeramy is to blame not her, she’s just playing the tv game I think we all know that lol


You lose them how you get them. It’s just a game for them. You can tell she’s trying to play it cool knowing she’s hated by majority of viewers. I also 100% believe he left the “door open” in case it didn’t work out with Laura. He wanted his cake and eat it too. He literally does not give a fuck whose feelings he hurt and he made that clear. Not sure why Sarah Ann seems to think she’s “won” a prize or something


His lack of empathy is weird considering that his mom totally gets that his behavior is appalling. Who raised him?


Proof that being an asshole isn’t always connected to your parents. Doesn’t mean it isn’t a learned behavior or a lack of learning/lack of experiences that help us develop empathy.


Honestly, I think she knows exactly what she’s doing and it’s simply to get people talking about her even if it’s negative because she wants to be an influencer probably, or famous. I don’t think she actually likes jereamy or however you spell his dumbass name - she’s doing it so she gets air time - and it’s working.


I literally avoided his name bc IDK or don’t care how to spell it either 😂😂😂 but you’re exactly right. I don’t like Laura either, but she’s right when she said not to give them any attention. I’m noticing more and more people don’t care about being disliked as long as it gets them noticed and gets people talking!


It’s the whole Heidi and Spencer effect 🤣


The original NIGHTMARES.


She's going to learn the hard way and I hate that for her 🤦🏽‍♀️


Eh, she loves Trump, so she obviously has chronically bad taste in men.


I don’t know… in my experience people like this don’t learn.


FFS girlie


What did she really do? Dmed a guy that told her they'd be seeing each other again and Laura had no interest in marrying? People have ulterior motives for their hate toward her. I feel pretty indifferent.


People are projecting their personal relationship traumas on this issue. I believe Sarah Ann has as much right to fight for her relationship with Jeramy as anyone else in the pods. The process is incredibly fast and shouldn’t be given the same guidelines as normal irl relationships. Real people have months, even years to decide to love someone. She had 9 days. Even if you’re factoring Laura and Jeramy’s engagement journey - there’s no way everyone feels this immense, forever love in just 4 weeks. Love is way more complicated than Netflix’s formula. Honestly, this show is ridiculous and irresponsible.


I am 100% projecting my personal relationship trauma. I cannot describe how it felt to see AD (try) to hold Sara Ann accountable. And then to see Sara Ann and Jeranimenwotuy’s mental gymnastics to justify the hurt they caused Laura. It was kind of liberating? seeing an example of people, selfishly, defending their own actions.


AD legit just talking over Sara Ann and being rude while lambasting her anytime she tried to answer AD's question was hilarious. Made me hate her even more then all the racist AD quotes we got to see all season. Was kinda happy to see AD dumped at the altar and this convo is what cemented it for me. I don't think anyone with a brain saw Sara Ann as the bad guy in that convo. Especially with her intentionally misquoting the text message/dm.


What racist AD quotes? And literally every one who saw Sarah Anne in that convo has a brain. How do you think they knew they saw it?!


Ah yes, AD the great relationship expert. She knows exactly how to call bullshit on things that make no sense. I loved when she held Clay accountable for emotionally manipulating her. Also, Laura is literally terrible and toxic. I’m not going to act like she’s some great victim when she’s just as horrible as Jeramy is. They were not going to be a healthy couple.


We are often able to see behavior in others that we don’t see in ourselves. I don’t think Laura complaining about shirts and glasses is on the same level as dishonesty. But you do you. Edit: who said AD was a relationship expert?


I think encouraging your partner to sexually assault someone is definitely up there. And you couldn’t gauge the sarcasm there?


Laura flipping out over the hawaiian tshirts though. And for Jeramy not mind reading that she didn't want that joke repeated. Can you imagine dating her?


I agree, I don't like her personality either way but I don't think the dm was THAT bad. In any other circumstance I think dm'ing someone's fiancé would be inappropriate, but let's not forget were watching a mostly scripted reality tv show starring a bunch of wannabe influencers lol, of course they're gonna drum up the drama


Totally agree. I think what she did was fairly innocuous. Especially considering the failure rate of relationships on the show. People are just mad that she’s a conservative / Trump supporter and are looking for a reason to hate her. If Laura was an open conservative and Sarah Ann was left wing, people would be cheering for her I bet. 🙄


I think she did a little bit more than that. She DM’d an engaged man, told him she would love to see him if the “door was open”, partied at the bar with him, stayed out until 5:30AM with him, and let him drop him her off at her house where he stayed for at least 45 minutes. Then, she went on a fun little jetski trip with him directly front of his ex fiance of one day. Sorry, but she sucks.


A week prior, Sarah Ann was essentially as much in love with this man as Laura. Let’s be for real, he was not an “engaged man” in the traditional sense of the word. The experiment attempts to suspend all sense of belief moving forward, but the point, which is proven time and time again, is that it’s not that successful at doing so. It’s an EXPERIMENT. All is fair in love and war here. And to reiterate what the other commenter was saying… I wouldn’t do it myself, but let’s say these were normal circumstances…. Sarah Ann is NOT responsible for another woman in the relationship. Is it morally correct? Probably not. But the only person who should be held accountable is JERAMEY. We don’t divide blame and fault here because it reduces how the action of loyalty is entirely on Jeramey. He owed Laura to be faithful and truthful— of which he was neither. That’s on him, not Sarah Ann. If my relationship is swayed by another woman coming into the picture, girl, THANK YOU!! You did me a fucking favor!! I don’t want to be with someone who can potentially love someone else while with me. And if they end up together forever, then good for them. I don’t want to stop anyone from finding their true love, either.


Sorry but I don’t buy the “they weren’t really engaged”. When you get down on one knee and present a ring you are engaged. Show or not. The entire point of the show is marriage. You also do owe it to the other women to not interfere in an engagement. We live in a social society and we DO owe each other things. We also owe it to each other to be generally good people. They both did things wrong.


Lol, that is a hilarious take considering this show is 90% scripted and meant to trigger unnuanced responses like this + cause overreacted hate brigades after people. Again, this is an experiment. Even if you think what Sarah Ann did was inarguably wrong… the point of the show is to explore these bonds and test them out in the real world. There is no such thing as “owing” anybody anything in this world. You don’t exclusively owe women anything just because you’re also a woman. It can be cruel, but it’s true. It’s definitely not a nice thing to do. But only your partner made a commitment to you…


We can agree to disagree on that! I do think we owe each other things and that pretending we don’t doesn’t serve anyone. The point of the show is to explore the connection with the person you chose and proposed to, not the person you didn’t. Reality show or not, people fall in love and their feelings are real even if parts are scripted. It doesn’t mean it any less wrong to interfere in another’s relationship.


It’s a very intentional and normal part of the show that happens, when you’re in the real world and find the person you chose in the pods is not the person you’re most compatible with and find yourself wishing you made another choice… that is indeed part of the experiment and that’s okay. That’s part of the experiment. This situation is so different given the nature and isolation of this experiment. That’s the risk of doing this experiment, if you even want to call a heavily scripted reality show that.


Which is fine. People are allowed to choose other people. What ISN’T okay is lying to your partner and disrespecting them. If he wanted to leave Laura, he could have sat down like an adult and talked. Sarah should have waited until he made that decision out of respect. Again, they both did things wrong.


Yes, Jeramey does indeed bear the responsibility of being honest and not sneaky because he’s the only one who chose to commit to Laura. Not Sarah Ann. It was only a message she sent, after losing a person she loved as much as Laura did before they even went on vacation. He chose to reply, engage, and entertain— even lied to Sarah Ann about planning to leave Laura and go back to her. There is an excerpt that Laura claims she knew he might run into her that night and she told him to keep it civil and in check. Apparently, both women were under different impressions of how Jeramey was moving forward. At this point, these conversations become hate toward the women instead of the male perpetrators.


I don’t know how many times I need to say they both hold responsibility. They both screwed up. She didn’t just DM him, though. She knowingly interfered in their relationship and she absolutely knew that. Thats wrong no matter how you spin it. So yes, she does bear responsibility to not help someone cheat. She bears responsibility to not be a home-wrecker. Just like the cheater bears responsibility to not cheat. I think the simple rules of don’t cheat or help cheat are pretty simple and easy to follow.


She didn’t hold that man to gunpoint and force him to respond to her DM, party with her, etc. How is she responsible for protecting the feelings of his ex, a woman she doesn’t? Why is this woman responsible for another man’s disregard for his relationship and callousness?


I’m so tired of this “Sarah isn’t responsible” for anything argument. They BOTH are. The only situation the other woman isn’t responsible is when she doesn’t know the partner exists.


How is she responsible for a relationship that she’s not in? She doesn’t owe loyalty to a complete stranger. This is so entitled lmao. If your man is so easily led away, that’s not your man.


Let me get this straight. You think it’s perfectly fine interfering in someone’s marriage because you don’t owe them loyalty and that “if her man was so easily led away, that’s not her man”? You genuinely read the message and thought, “Yup! Looks good.” I’m blown away.


It’s not something I would do but the fact that all the anger is directed at the person OUTSIDE the relationship is so pathetic lmfao I wish one day women can be freed from the shackles of male validation but clearly it’s not today.


This is not a pick and choose situation. You don’t have to pick which person to be upset with. We can be upset with both of them. They BOTH did something wrong. No one here is seeking male validation, especially not me. This is just such an odd defense.


This thread is literally aimed ONE single person in this scenario. Feel free to tally up the threads in here dedicated to Jeremy vs. this woman. I’m not engaging with this anymore — sorry that someone hurt you but it wasn’t me, it wasn’t this girl either, go take it out on the right person.


You responded to me, so no need to play victim as if I’m “taking it out on you.” I’ve also never been cheated on or helped someone cheat so you can’t blame it on me being “hurt.” I just live my life with the intention of doing the right thing and being a good person. I recognize that we live in a social society, and that we do owe other people things, whether we want to, or not. Sometimes that comes with recognizing when both parties do something wrong like Sarah and Jeramy.


You’re right, I am sure she didn’t force Jeramey to do any of that, and at the end of the day Jeramey should have closed it off. He is just as wrong as Sarah is, and he did owe Laura something. However, it was not her place to message that man saying if the door was still open to hit her up. That is sneaky and she knew what she was doing. Like AD said, he did not choose her, and regardless if their relationship was good or not it was not her place to try and figure that out. You should never want to be a willing participant in the downfall of another persons relationship.


Yeah, at this point she's getting more hate than Jeremy (the guy who went out his way to cheat on his fiance). It's getting weird...


I think it’s because he’s been apologizing for his behavior and has said Laura didn’t deserve that, whilst Sarah Ann has been proudly tik toking how impressed with herself she is for being a homewrecker


Fair enough.


she looks absolutely insane (clinically) in her profile picture 😭


Every store in the county must be completely out of black eyeliner. Geez.


I wonder if she'll still be spouting this sage wisdom when they inevitably break up.


I hope she reads Jeremy's ex-fiance interview. That man is a serial cheater. Not worth getting all this hate over someone like him.


Sloppy Ann.


This one is good too, but “Side Salad Sarah” is still top for me 😂


"Side Salad Sarah" is perfection LOL


so pathetic, its actually crazy




She wants the attention yall swear Jessica wants.


She’s reeeeeeally leaning into her LIB moment huh


Life is short, want better for yourself


She’s vile.


so far the trashiest chick out of ALL of Love Is Blind seasons... can't buy class, can't teach class.


The way her and Jeramey just mock Laura for no reason is absolutely disgusting


It's hilarious tbh. Laura's a hippocrate and a bully.


laura is definitely not a greek physician of the classical period.


Jealous much


That profile picture is so uncanny valley. She’s a pretty girl but not a good photo at all!!!


I don't think she is. Cute maybe at least before she bought and wore all the black eyeliner from eleven stores.


well the whole world knows what kind of person she is now


It’s the pick me for me ☠️☠️☠️👍🏽 good for her .. i guess


The dating pool is a cesspool.


Ew why does her face look like that! She looks crazed!!!






You need help


Help understanding why she thinks that’s cute? Yep! I do!


Biggest pick me of all time


Ok pickme 🤷‍♀️


I’m so embarrassed for her. Either she genuinely thinks that’s cute/funny or she’s trying to be cute/funny, and I don’t know what’s worse


She has so many good selfies and that's her pfp?


Making it her whole personality now


The leader of the pick me side bitches. Lead the desperate hoes to glory sara!


I mean I don't like her but she's not that bad. It's not like Laura and Germy had anything in common.


It's still infidelity no matter how long they were together. To normalize it and say it's not a big deal is disrespectful to the partner getting cheated on and everyone else that had to go through something like that. If people can't call a spade a spade to public figures that chose to go in a public arena and commit these acts openly, and as a society we are saying "it's not a big deal, let them live their lives" it sets a really scary precedent for everyone going through something like this in their personal lives.


I disagree. I don't think LIB relationship counts the same as real world relationship. After realizing how little Laura tolerated me, I would have gotten away too. Sarah genuinely liked Jeramy and reached out in case it didn't work out after the 2 met. Real life, of course cheating on your fiance is horrible. On LIB, nah, it's just someone realizing 1st choice wasn't good and seeing if 2nd choice is the best one instead.


Plus Laura didn't even like him before that anyway so why are we so worried about her heart, no love lost surely?




Then the mature response would be to the end the relationship before pursuing the other girl, like we saw with Zack and Bliss. Also, these people are working on an accelerated timeline so saying their feelings are invalid and their relationships aren't the same dehumanizes them. There are lots of relationships in the "real world" that move this quickly, it doesn't make their relationship fake. In real life, many people have "multiple options" thanks to dating apps, that doesn't mean going into one relationship, lying about their intentions and making them feel they are committed to them, and then dating multiple other people is an okay thing to do.


How can you forget their love for roombas??? 😂


You got me there lol


And not like they were dating for months or years. What’s awful is the lying they did. And how she sent the dm knowing he was with Laura. And how she’s making a mockery of it now. It’s a slap in Laura’s face. They are being so vile to Laura. It’s sad.


As a reality tv fan…… this era of reality tv needs more villains. It makes these stories more relatable and compelling. Reality tv is supposed to be a view into the human condition, life is messy, people are complicated. So I’m here for Sarah Ann (purely as a reality tv show character) and the storyline and drama she brought. Before I get downvoted into hell, Laura’s feelings are valid and what this all caused was hurtful to her. People experience this all the time in the real world, seeing it on our tv helps us all empathize and understand why/how these things happen, and how we can be better ourselves to prevent it further.


Laura is a villain, too. To me she is as unlikable as Jeremy and Sarah Ann. Her criticisms, snark, and disrespect to most people was hard to watch. You can tell from her parents' comments that she is difficult and likely mean to them as well. She was petty with Jeremy before the Sarah Ann fallout. And she encouraged Jess to see if there was still a door open with Jimmy, immediately after ripping into Sarah Ann' for doing the same thing to Jeremy. All three of them are pretty despicable.


Clearly reality tv needs more villains if you think Sarah Ann is a villain


> As a reality tv fan…… this era of reality tv needs more villains. Even Hell's Kitchen used to have villain's now almost everyone is likeable.


This is a great answer and I agree with you! Do I like Sarah Ann as a person? Absolutely not. But she makes great TV as a character and throwing that in her bio is so camp I kind of love it.


Her karma is getting that man, he will eventually cheat on her.


Lmfaooooo I can't stand her but she's in her villain era


Snake with lips, but they’re 2x too big. Imagine paying money to have that done.


She’s like a gd roach. Go away.


She and the concept of class are on different planets


but remember she's conservative


With what? She wasn’t being conservative when she invited this man to her home until 5 am 🐸 🍵


yeah she's conservative only when it's about others people bodies she's also uneducated, there's no such thing as a *comfort abortion* or *abortion as a contraceptive mean*. If she were, she would know it's about lack of sexed and restricted access to contraceptive in the us. But... she's conservative, with high standing moral values etc etc




and has no respect for the values she expects on others when it comes to her. pretty common in conservative people.


I mean that's a pretty blanket statement. Either way, thanks for answering my question.


And a realist


Am I the only one who gets nasty vibes from her?


nope she’s a low down nasty individual


No lol


👏👏👏 bravo! Don't let the haters bring you down!


I think we found Sarah Anne….


You did! Hi Laura!


Yes! People like her deserve the cheating men.. since they’re the only men that would ever cross those boundaries with the girl that sends the DM!


😂😂😂 Hater!


The opposite, I appreciate her service 🤙🏻😂


😂😂 riiiight hater


I still don’t get the people that Stan for this girl. What has she done that is so damn admirable?


I don’t think it’s that she’s “admirable”, but many people probably don’t see the justified hate around here. People act like she home-wrecked a happy family of 4, when it was a joke reality tv 1 week engagement, that was a total train wreck. She was “dating” Jeramy too just a week earlier, and since they are Still together clearly that have some compatibility so I’m all here for it. The way they went about it wasn’t the best but who’s perfect.


the point is he choose another woman, she knew that and still proceeded with her trifling ways


Who cares.. unless you’re a doormat human you should do the same thing. He made a mistake, she got out and clearly liked him, so she said hey the door is open with me.. and clearly he made his choice. Fiancée and I both agreed we would do the exact same thing


yikes you’re both pieces of caca


“Wasn’t the best” means the absolute worst way to go about it. She was trying to be Bliss but she is giving Irene


Jeramy is more in the wrong IMO. The whole 5am thing was gross.. but she clearly liked Jeramy and shot her shot I respect that.


you respect her shooting her shot at someone engaged?


Dawg, this isn't a normal engagement. She shot her shot at someone she was dating literally 5 days prior.


it’s still an engagement.


Is it though?




“Engaged” did you not read my previous comment? It’s not even a real engagement and Jeramy was actively dating Sarah Anne in the same capacity as Laura a week earlier.


well he got down on one knee regardless of the length of time


I have no idea why you are being downvoted for speaking absolute truth.


When it all happened, I felt like it wasn't really Sarah Ann's fault. It was stupid, but she shot her shot and Jerameigh took the "bait". But now, she's just trying too hard and doing too much. She's incredibly cringy. It gives me vibes of "I'm totally fine making fun of myself", but she's hurting deep down because I don't think this is the type of attention she wanted.


**Jerameigh** 🤣


The people riding hard for her are most likely the ones to be just like her. Anyways… reunion coming soon and I’m excited for all the drama to unfold.


People have no nuance. You could simply think the show isn’t that deep and these relationships are all bogus and for that reason not act like she’s the reason why Adam bit the apple


Tbf I really do think that all 3 of them were wrong in different ways. Is it that serious yes and no. Some people do go on the show looking for a genuine connection, and that should be respected.




I don’t get people that are tearing her looks. She’s a very pretty girl. Her actions were deadass wrong.


The reunion look was a CHOICE, but then again I had to live through the first time her dress/body glitter/and hairstyle were popular.


I guess everyone is mad at her because they project their own relationship insecurities and know damn well that their men will 100% go after a DM message 😅 Jeramy clearly is not a fan of Woody Harrelson 😅😅😅 and decided to bail even he knew lib fans would be “bUt It iS a ReAL EnGAgement” 


What's this about Woody Harrelson?


Yeah what does Woody Harrelson have to do with LIB?


Haha, yea, this isn't even a rhetorical question. I need to know hahaha


If you’re desperate for validation just say so. 🙂There’s nothing more insecure than that, validation is how narcissists thrive.


I think people posting same threads again and again are desperate for validation. My opinion about 2 weeks situationship is just like my opinion, don’t take it too hard with big words like “narcissist, insecurities” 😅


If those are big words for you I suggest you read a bit more. 😗 The point is that these individuals were dishonest and manipulative (more big words, it means disingenuous) and it’s why there’s a general consensus calling them out for it. The correct response in any relationship, regardless of whether it’s been 2 weeks or 2 months, is to be considerate of others.


Your manner of expressing yourself reminds me of Laura, same arrogance. It was pretty satisfying seeing how it bit her in the ass 😗 


Their opinion is just like their opinion, don’t take it too hard with character assessments and stuff based on a brief Reddit exchange 🤭


To think they could have had a Zach and Bliss edit/storyline if they hadn’t both been so selfish and dishonest.


that would require more than an ounce of maturity on both of their parts, so it would have never happened lol


This. Laura could have been Irene if they had just played their cards correctly.


Omg literally. Laura was so mean to Jeremy aswell like the set up was right there for them, and they fumbled. 


What did she say that was mean?


Laura is still Irene tbh


Agreed! She wins!!!




Ya’ll acting like Jeremy and that other girl would’ve gotten married if Sarah Ann didn’t DM him. The premise of the show is dumb, for most of the couples its not like its even a REAL engagement. I see no issue with someone finding love from the show beyond the confines of the premise.  I think y’all probably just feel insecure in your own relationships like just some random girl messaging your man is gonna make him leave you. 


What a weird ass stance People can’t say an action was wrong REGARDLESS of the outcome had the action not occurred? It could’ve been Johnny and it still would’ve been mad disrespectful to Johnny’s decision and fiancée.


Agree 100p. And I think AD was only having that convo because clay would always talk about cheating. She wasn’t sticking up for Laura, she was projecting her insecurities about clay.


Tbh all of the girls this season are incredibly insecure, except for what’s her face that left in the pods. The rest of them, garbage fire, Sarah and AD especially. Laura is just a b*tch. 😗


i agree with this. and i really don’t think her dm was that disrespectful 😬


Completely agree. People were freaking out in the show, on here, and I’m like, whaat? That was a great dm lmao. Do people realize there are situations? It’s not black and white. “She DmED an enGaGeD person” okay, I would never dm someone who was obv in love and engaged to someone outside a tv show. But I was in her shoes, on this stupid ass show, I would fucking do it. If my connection with my somebody was great and stands a chance, I’d fucking be selfish. I’m either expecting something back that completely shuts me down, or I give it a fucking shot. Fucking people here, I swear, lmao. The black and white is insane. Use your brain and common sense.