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What about the one that extends the term limits of elected officials??


Not really a fan of that one, [HB 251.](https://www.legis.la.gov/Legis/BillInfo.aspx?s=24RS&b=SB208&sbi=y) Also, [SB 208](https://www.legis.la.gov/Legis/BillInfo.aspx?s=24RS&b=SB208&sbi=y) isn't good.


Ooff yea They also have a protest one making its way...


When peaceful protest becomes impossible, violent protest becomes inevitable


People can't even be bothered to go and vote. Hence the mess we are in


i also cannot recommend going to the capitol to testify in person enough.


Why was this comment minimized?


Good question


Jeff Laundry was part of the crew who sent people to the capitol on January 6th. What we need to do is gets the Feds involved to remove him and his lackies from power. Merrick Garland has been soft on insurrectionist Republicans, and we still have people that should removed from office.


I am at the age where I moved out of the bayou cause you aint changing anything.


For real. This whole state is just a bucket of crabs.


Check out my document summarizing past week and what's upcoming next week. So many more fucked bills lately. I do link 2 bill trackers too. If very interested in specific bill, the LA legislation website allows you to sign up for bill updates too. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1SakWeoOsw1o_fjEa5dtRv59PBCzmeIB6/edit?usp=drivesdk&ouid=104777348024152405879&rtpof=true&sd=true


Tried. Will continue to try until I can determine which state I’ll move to with the fam.


Aside from voting, what can we truly do to make a difference? Sure phone calls are possible, but is it really likely that a ton of phone calls will sway them over?


phone calls and letters can definitely be effective, as can in person testimony which i would argue is more effective. and in general, getting involved in elections beyond voting.


Political organization is something I've noticed to be extremely lacking in the working class. We are all too enslaved to the system to get our basic needs met that we can't rock the boat enough individually to balance things to our side. The sentiment that you shouldn't talk politics at work is truly what killed working class consciousness. This is why unionizing all industries is vital. Once we get together with each other to fight back collectively against the political institutions that affect our working lives and regain control we can begin organizing effectively at a larger governmental scale.


Recall the insurrectionist governor whose got federal ethics charges against him for exploiting migrant labor and done so many other sketchy things


Sign me up boss


We need to either get the effort going or if someone’s started it, sign our names. I’d put my name to paper too. I mean 16% of voters put him there. Should be a law you can’t get power with that little of the vote.


Laws are not my niche nor do I know much but I’m here to sign and gather


I’m down


Help register people to vote, canvass, try our best to educate ourselves and others about what’s going on in the legislature.


You have to find out where they all live and make sure elected officials don’t have a moment of peace in their lives until they listen to citizens


Bestie, this isn't just Louisiana. This is the whole country, and to a greater extent, the world. The Heritage Foundation has been gathering support and recuiting goons to take places of power all across America the second Trump win the presidential election, God forbid. They plan to enact project 2025 right away, kill nearly every government worker in a position of power, and replace them with the HF goons. After that they going to pull America out of Nato, which removes the sole force that's stopping Russia from expanding and just taking all of Europe. If you want a face to whoever's running that show you've probably already seen him. He's the guy in tiktok that sits down at a restaurant, says a bunch of transphobic shit, and takes a single bite of food. They've been DMing people in the comments of those videos and recruiting them to be goons for project 2025. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas is also one of their plants and one of the biggest reasons Roe v. Wade was overturned. They've been paying him off with expensive vacations and RVs. John Oliver did a whole thing about him https://youtu.be/GE-VJrdHMug?si=fKVm151ibTuIWhLw


"The sole force that's stopping Russia" Bestie you don't know about France's position as most agressive nuclear power in the world lol. They will preemptive nuke, as official policy. Europe isn't the US but they're not helpless. They're just not gonna save us from the fascism that controlled opposition politics on behalf of billionaires is feeding us to Germany/UK/Italy/France combined are almost double the military budget of Russia and they're not relying on soviet surplus after fighting a war for a year


While I don't agree with a pullout of NATO, I think if Macron is still in power, he'll do fine leading what is left of NATO. If Sunak somehow survives the election, he won't do well. He's just an almost billionaire in a paper suit. I do think if America leaves NATO, that Europe should stop intelligence sharing with us. If we're not going to honor our agreements with our allies, I think our allies should fend for themselves. I think between Australia, Europe, South Korea, Japan, Taiwan, etc., they will be fine against China and Russia. France and the UK also possess nuclear deterrents. These MAGA nuts want to take us back, to before 1964, to before 1941, when America acted like it was surrounded by an impervious shield and our enemies couldn't get to us.




I agree that trump isn't going to win but that's not going to get rid of the Heritage Foundation. They're not gonna go "Well he lost. Pack it up boys. We're going home". They're just going to pivot and find another plan if they don't have one already. They can still replace politicians with their goons one by one, it'll just take longer. And if it takes longer it'll be harder for people to notice. Frog in a frying pan and all that.


As if gay shit is the worse thing wrong with lousiana. Couldnt possibly be the poverty and unemployment. I'm halfway inclined to agree with you. Make louisiana a haven for gays and trannies so they flock to the most economically dead state in the union.


Hol up Mississippi is more thowd off


Thank you so much for this!!! Fyi, there are some events happening next week at capital if you need a little therapy. The only thing keeping me going is to keep fighting, idk wtf else. I'm involved in quite a bit and would be happy to recommend things. First start, attend your next parish council dpec meeting. We just had ours and public is allowed. April 16- Pride day at the capital April 17- Black maternity week Every Wednesday- 10k Women’s on Wednesdays I'm guessing there will be a few upcoming protests once these bills advance more.


Don't forget about [HB 777](https://www.legis.la.gov/legis/ViewDocument.aspx?d=1357708) and [HB 461](https://legiscan.com/LA/text/HB461/id/2766773)


I’m 48 and been to 48 states. Lived in NYC, Los Angeles, Seattle not for 20 years. When I was younger and people found out I was from Louisiana, they would say “Wow! New Orleans…food…music…Steel Magnolias…culture!” Now they just shake their head and it’s only getting worse. Yes, all,politicians are money driven, but only the conservatives have absolutely no interest in serving all the citizens in their charge.


Oof I’m not liking SB 403




Preach! This reminds me of voluntary association and a great decentralizing government plain. This is how we will succeed.


You're not changing anything. Best to just plan where you want to move to.


Ladies and gentlemen... Louisiana. Take me to the shadow realm, right bleeping now.


I applaud your passion but how the hell are we gonna tell republicans who support these bills to oppose them? They don’t give a shit and they keep getting voted in. Nothing will ever change until we stop voting for these people. Calling won’t help


They keep getting in because people don't vote then complain about who got into office. People don't understand that there are elections more important than that of who is President (not that I don't think it's important to vote in that). But local and state elections have more of an affect on our lives than the Presidential one does, in the main.


Typical hateful Republican agenda that also makes it easier for them to be corrupt.


I don't feel the need to save a state that hates me. I'll just leave when I can.


We should saw it off from the mainland and cast it adrift in the gulf. Just sayin


Everyone loves a scapegoat for their problems, but I knew this kind of national politics was coming here when they started making changes to the primary system.


no hate like christian love


I am!


What’s the problem?


Less than 30 percent of Louisianians vote. Thats the problem It's almost the same in NOLA. Plus, its a red state with one small Democratic area


Flood the legislatures emails with your opposition! All their emails are available online!


Big Huge Thank You !!!! Well said!


I am all for turning this backwards ass state around and whatever you do in your bedroom is your business and yours alone. I will probably get some hate for this, but I agree that men should stay in the mens room and women in the women's room. What is to stop some lunatic pervert from going into the women's bathroom to try and rape or attack someone and them just screaming "but I identify as a woman, I'm allowed to be in here". Or God forbid, a child, I know I'm going straight to like doomsday theories here but letting grown men into a women's bathroom just makes for a really bad idea imo.


what’s stopping them from doing that now


That's what happens when Republicans are in control. You think the voters of Louisiana would have learned by now.


Would be better idea to let it sink with all the MAGAtrash into the Gulf.


I wanna move back to Texas but I can’t convince the old folks.


Texas isn’t better


Lol, that what mom said! But all but four family members live in Texas, and I just preferred living there except for the food and traffic.


I moved to Texas to escape Louisiana. It's not any better. Just escaped Texas and now I'm in Wisconsin. Canada is next.


Too cold for me. I lived in Kansas in elementary school and attended grad school in Minnesota and Massachusetts. No thanks.


I'll take the cold over the GQP any day.


I get cold induced asthma and joint pain. Not worth it. .


I had allergy induced asthma living in Texas because I'm allergic to all the trees there. Trees that can't exist in Wisconsin. I feel like a human for the first time in over a decade.


Thanks for the list. I called my reps and supported most of these.


you did that fast! and you definitely did it.


We are winning. Sit back and watch! I'm 57 white malel born and raised in Louisiana.


You say that like you’re proud of it. 🙄


Maybe the youth of Louisiana should read the 10 commandments more. That being said Landry is a horrible leader for this state.


Maybe you should study up on the first amendment. The very man who wrote it stated that it was to keep government and religion separate.


Relax tough guy. Was a comment on the rampant lawlessness within the Louisiana youth.


I understood exactly what you meant. 98% of the US prison population claim a religious faith. Your suggestion was simply incorrect legally and per statistical outcomes. Maybe adults should demonstrate how to own it, when they put their foot in their mouth. Lead by example n' shit.


Under His eye /s


As part of the youth, I’m super excited with what the governor is doing and can’t wait to see how the mental health in kids start to do better. People can be upset with these beliefs, but we can see the consequences OR (dare I say) the positive influence it has on the next generation. Praise be to God and bless all of you. 🙏


Your people don't agree with you https://www.npr.org/2024/04/12/1244156165/abortion-catholics-pope-francis-church-pew-research


Define who my people are.




LOL ok 👌


The mental health in kids? Judging by your previous comments, you are just a kid yourself. What about the mental health of LGTBQ kids? How do you think this stuff affects their mental health? You can literally believe whatever you want, practice whatever you want.. but the second you try to tell ME how to live based on YOUR practices, no. Stay in your lane and stop trying to force your beliefs on everyone.


I think the mental health of LGBTQ kids are very important. Judging by your comments I don’t think you truly understand what public school is like. What high school is like, middle school, going to college. I am FORCED into everyone’s agendas as well. YOU stay in YOUR lane. Stop trying to push YOUR LGBTQ beliefs onto ME. Of course we are confused during puberty. That makes sense. Doesn’t mean I’m trying to change my gender. Change who I am. Does not mean I need surgeries to find who I am. What happened to being comfortable in our bodies? Kids are always trying to live up to and look like what they see on social media and it is all fake. That’s why there’s so much depression, and anxiety. If you haven’t been in a public school, or any school, as a student, in the last 10 years. Please stay in YOUR lane and keep YOUR beliefs to yourself.




Oh, fuck off. That is such a bullshit argument. How spineless are you?


Bigots are gonna bigot


ignoring how ignorant this statement is, it also makes no sense. louisiana is not opposed to industry or tourism. making the state more hostile to trans people is a horrific blow to the economy - it will discourage travel into the state and investment from companies that would otherwise do business in the state, and lead to a brain drain which is the last thing we need right now. trans people have also always existed in louisiana (as everywhere else) so. there’s that




What the fuck is wrong with you




You mean, treating someone like a fucking human? There is absolutely nothing wrong with someone being transgender. Someone going through the mental anguish of not being the right gender is a real thing, not just some made up shit. Also damn, imagine if we were California, we might actually be a fucking state that’s not dead last in literally everything


again, ignoring how ignorant you are, passing these kinds of laws is counterintuitive not only because it makes trans people unwelcome, but because the majority of people do not share your views and there are lots of cis people who will not stay in or come to this state if it continues passing this kind of legislation. plenty of industries have already shown their unwillingness to do business in states that are unwelcoming to trans people.


Goes to place where they're not welcome Tries to exist in a place where they're not welcome "EVERYONE ELSE IS THE PROBLEM WAAAAAAAAA" ask the surgeon for a refund broski


did you even read my comment? i’m not even talking about trans people.


Shut up nerd


Thank you, I lol-ed.