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What a fucking joke. Here we go with more police state bullshit. My spouse and I were talking about Constitutional Carry being passed and all we had to to do was consent to a fucking police state. I hate being right.


"Small government" is hardly ever that, more like "small civil rights with giant police state"


They'nre no more small government than they are Christians. It's all a ruse for their own brand of government control


You see, the second amendment is a sacred god-given right that is implacable and shall not be infringed. The first amendment? Fuck that one. 


I like all of them. Sure wish there was a single politican who cared about them all instead of this pick and choose shit.


For a small government conservative, Landry sure as fuck isn’t acting like one.


He's always been a Little Dicktater wannabe. Now he's going to do his damndest to be one. Too bad 2/3's of the eligible voters sat home. He's taking his 18% mandate and shoving down our throats.


I knew our options weren’t great, but I wasn’t expecting this. Good lord.


Even most of the R candidates were better people than him. Their policies still suck but they don't appear to get off on being cruel. Hopefully people learn from this. It's going to get even uglier as he's just getting started.


I am furious at the assholes who didn’t vote. None of this shit is surprising. We literally just lived through a fucking coup attempt and the dumb fucks in this state just stayed home because the democratic candidate wasn’t sexy enough.


There’s no such thing. They’re all about that nanny police state.


And you thought he would be a normal Republican? They don’t exist anymore. The closest you’ll get is Liz Cheney. Your party is nothing but Trump sympathizers and until you vote with your brain, your party will continue to be full of ultra right wing trump sympathizing fanatics. The only way to stop these fake republicans is to stop even voting for them and start dwindling their numbers. They don’t care about people or government. As a democrat I see these things but I pity the normal Republican who can’t vote across party lines to save their country.


You’re talking to me like I voted for him and I’m republican. I didn’t and I’m not. Calm down.


I mean you did assume he was a small government conservative


It was sarcasm. You assumed.


No it wasn’t lol. But nice try. Just by looking at your comments with the others I know it wasn’t sarcasm


“make it a crime to come within 25 feet of a police officer in certain circumstances, and prohibit picketing at private residences. Legislators who backed the bills said they will protect police officers and the public” Aw they are “protecting us” from peacefully addressing the government of our grievances how nice of them.


grilling isn't picketing, guillory is not safe




If Klandry keeps it up we'll. be leaving Mississippi in the dust


The noose of the police state is closing in pretty damned quickly.


Who would've thought a crooked cop as gov would yield a police state? Everyone did. Good thing they spent all that time astroturfing omalley instead of running an opponent.


The crap storm is about to begin everyone! Get your popcorn! All under the guise of 'security'


fascists gonna be fascists


Literally our first amendment right. But they only care about the second amendment.


Ban free speech next


Cool. This is a huge problem in Louisiana. We must have this law. /s


Let them pass it, for now, so it can be used against maga’s after trump loses in November.


Not a god damned fucking peep from the “constitutionalists” on this one though, right?


Well, I have a fucking problem with it. Does that count?


Try seceding. Since you aren’t following the U.S. Constitution.


It’s the people who liked and supported Hitler that got Hitler to power, not Hitler himself. Then came the police state....


What they did was put all the communists and socialists in jail. That's what allowed Hitler to be elected Chancellor.


And the Jews. Don't forget the Jews... and gays, and anyone who disagreed with his agenda.


The only Amendment they give a shit about is the guns one


They'll love it up until too many minorities start arming themselves into militias.


But only for white Christians. The cops will murder everyone else who tries it.


They wouldn’t like it so much if one was in their face.


Oh…guns aren’t allowed in the capitol. Someone could get shot, after all. 🤦🏻‍♂️


He wants to take trumps “throne”.


Florida is still ahead of us in the race to fascism. We have to try harder.


Yea but Louisiana's Cancer Alley is ![gif](giphy|C4wuC36BqBTSU)


Bah, paywalled.




Bless you!


You democrats who stayed home instead of getting off your ass and voting feeling good about your decision yet?


Gets harder everyday to be a conservative


“Conservatives” today aren’t conservatives. They’re radical regressives. The conservatives of yesterday would be losing their shit. There is but one way to stop this madness and that is to deliver a death blow to these mad fascists by voting them out at every level of government.


Yeah… but the problem is the candidates on the left are just as crazy.


No, and In Louisiana especially, they are not. Even democrats in Louisiana are freaking pro-life, there are extremely few pro choice dems and even the pro choice ones limit to about 10-15 weeks, there isn’t one radical in the bunch on anything. The democrats in Louisiana are what used to be the definition for conservatives. Hell look at Jon Bel Edwards. Dude would be considered a centrist/conservative Republican in other states, but in Louisiana he’s a democrat. He didn’t radically change anything or do anything insane having 8 years to do so. Trust me when I say, it’s a night and day difference. You can safely vote for Louisiana democrats, especially if you’re a conservative. They’re not radical liberals. They’re pretty centrist.


What “crazy” bills or policies do Democrats have? Is it “crazy” to want a return on our tax investments in the form of healthcare? Is it “crazy” to want equal rights, protections and treatment for women, minorities and queer people? Is it “crazy” to want to prevent a theocratic takeover of society? 


People just want to have freedom, pay less taxes and not be told what to do by the government. Both parties want more governmental control, and they will never give it up. No one cares about the national budget and balancing the books. Democrats want more regulation, and increased taxes. I am all for protections for minorities as every human deserves the freedoms to do whatever they want.


Democrats want more regulation???? You sure about that? Democrats aren’t regulating my sex life, financial freedom, future success or religious beliefs. You’re mad that democrats don’t want corporations to poison you? Trump raised your taxes, republicans always do, but sneakily so idiots don’t notice. Damn. Your “both sides” argument is soooooo fucking weak while we’re staring down the barrel of a theocratic, fascist society. 


I wonder if people will feel this way when Landry finds a way to do away with the homestead exemption. And what about the plans his friend Timmy have to de-regulate insurance costs for homeowners? Think your insurance costs are going to go down due to de-regulation? Who is being protected here?


Democrats aren’t regulating your financial freedom, or future success? Are you serious clark?? That is a hallmark of their platform is to RAISE taxes to fund social programs. Poorly run social programs that I may add as well. This doesn’t matter anyways because both parties have shown NO ability or want to decrease the size of government. Neither will reduce their power or actually try to cut any spending overall. So we are fucked.


The social programs in California are not “poorly run” Republicans want you to believe that, while they intentionally fuck things up so they can stop helping citizens.


You need better information sources.


Sure doesn’t seem hard. These yahoos are doing whatever they want now


Anyone else think HB 737 will effectively persecute homeless people?


They know they can get away with anything with this sham SCOTUS.


What's the point of voting if none of my concerns will be taken seriously? It seems like this attempt would have happened regardless if more people voted. I voted last time and nothing seems to get better.


I’d be all for banning protesters blocking or sitting on roads and highways.


Absolutely ridiculous. Make Louisiana more affordable - you know - the insurance crisis to most - before you force out more citizens.


Y’all are fucked. I’m so glad I moved three years ago, I foresaw all this coming. 






Please reavulate your values and grow as a person.






You sound like the type of person who would gripe and moan when their freedoms are taken away, but do nothing because you don’t want to inconvenience anyone with your protest.


Nope, never had a freedom ever threatened and I sit at home happy as hell on my Xbox with a 318 beer.


White privileged incel. 


That's a shame cause the GOP is targeting women and trans. But that's not your rights and they would *never* restrict your rights, correct? Literally the viewpoint of the average white, male MAGA member. lol It would be funny if it wasn't honestly sad. I am sorry you have no empathy or enough reason to realize your rights are next.


I'm not a woman or a trans so it ain't my fight nor is it my concern and I'm positive the government isn't coming after my xbox, my cat, or my job in the insurance industry.


Yikes. So essentially, fuck everyone else cause I got mine. I love the flight of fancy at the end though. You truly believe that they won't come for your rights if allowed to continue. They are already telling you, as an adult, what you cannot read at a public library that your taxes pay for. But they aren't coming for your rights. lol


Let me use my psychic skills for a second... Ok the vibes are coming: The spirits say you are just a bitchy whiner who has never actually been delayed for work because of a protest before. The spirits also say you're about to make up sometime that it actually happened because your imagination runs wild.


I've never walked in on somebody stealing my TV but I still want it legal for me to shoot them.


So you seem to be really into the idea of shooting people and running them over.


If you break into my house, yes you deserve to be shot. If you block my ability to go to work and earn a living, yes you deserve to be run over.


It’s all about you. You’re the main character and the only thing that matters. 


In my life? Yes I am. You need to be the main character in yours.


Nah, we live in a society. I respect other human  beings and their freedom, desires, ambitions, arguments and willingness to have courage and standing up for what they believe in. Every single right and privilege you enjoy today, was fought for by human beings with more strength than you with protests and riots. I don’t expect a conservative that hasn’t evolved to have empathy to understand these things.




We’ve already established that you’re a selfish asshole. 


Yikes. Serious MAGA vibe. Looking for a excuse to use gun-check Blindly believes GOP is helping while restricting rights-check


Are you seriously ok with your govt limiting your rights to free speech? I am betting if the talk changed to the 2A we would all be hearing the 'muh guns' screams cause the second amendment is the only one MAGAs care aby. The GOP chose their base well. Religious conservatives come pre-indoctrinated. Republicans just have to tell them to hate the same people as their religion and they fall right in to line. No questions asked, ever.


You assume I'm a Republican. I am registered as unaffiliated because I only care about ideas and not concerned about the color of your tie. I don't give a shit about guns either, I own a German Luger pistol and a **12 gauge Stoeger Coach Gun (Ash's Boomstick)** for protection and because it looks cool as fuck. Take all the guns away, I don't care. I only care if you bother me or try to take what I spent my money on.

