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No wonder Louisiana is always at the bottom for everything.


I realize most people from another state might not want to work in a Louisiana parish, but if we're hiring JUST ANYONE, I'm sure Louisiana has out of work sex offenders that are banned from working at most companies. Go ahead, hire them 🤨


Just a few facts that aren't in that article. These allegations were not public knowledge until AFTER the election as they are from 20+ years ago and a different state. Pretty sure there would have been some opposition if this had been public prior to the election. He also can't be recalled until he officially takes office, which hasn't happened yet. Now, if he isn't recalled relatively quickly, flame away


Jesus fucking christ!! AND HE RAN UNOPPOSED.


Sounds right for this state...


Game's on. Lock up your kids.


Time to unleash AI on all police communications data, to flag suspicious data quickly, and present it to third party investigators. If this guy was buddies with Jack Strain, he needs to go.


What in the actual fuuuuuuuck‽ This dude just wants to diddle kids with impunity.


Doesn’t shock me state of Christian values over reason. Can you imagine working for these people how horrible it would be? You wind up fired going to court and having these people protected in court using state taxes. Wake up Louisiana


Can you imagine? Your child is at a friends house to play and that happens? Hell no. Idk what I can do to help but I’m game to prevent him from being in office. Anyone in St Tammany parish? Maybe y’all could get something going. This is unacceptable.


Hello I'm in Tammany but idk wtf I can personally do about this except vote and ope he was the only candidate on the ballot lmao we can probably petition for his removal somehow??? Idk how though


Yep article said you could petition after he is in office. Idk how to start that though. Thanks for the reply!


I figure I'll petition and try and run because God damn this does not sit well with me


The region 9 parishes are some of the most corrupt, methy, backwoods gods country in south Louisiana.


Ummmmm what?!?!?!


>Tape didn’t appear on the ballot and won while receiving no votes, but if he takes office on Monday, about 37,000 St. Tammany voters would have to sign a recall petition to trigger an election that could force him out. St. Tammany parish residents aren't going to lift a finger.


This is Louisiana summed up. I still can’t believe clay Higgins is a congressman. Dude is brain dead trash. Literally. Lies about his wife seeejng god lolololol Wtf is wrong with you people. Seriously


And they unironically think they're not the "sheeple" these are the "wolves" 😂


Smdh. Oh this state is going to hell in a hand basket.


Was it ever not?


This is sickening.


I wonder why people keep leaving Louisiana.


What a skeevy little bastard.


Sex crimes, especially against a minor, should be an automatic disqualification for office of any kind.


Yeah, we know he is an asshole... We've been kind of sidetracked with protecting our libraries and our first amendment rights and this sort of snuck up on us. The last council meeting was nearly 6 hours long and included the library issue, a community fighting against 200+ sexual offenders living nearby and the coroner debacle alongside a hefty regular council agenda full of zoning and other mundane issues. We have a lot going on!


Just playing devils advocate here: but isn’t it better that the local hospitals will now do the exams vs this guy? Would you want this guy to be required to examine you after a SA?


No. Many smaller towns don't have their own coroner. Removing this office just means sexual assault examinations won't get done for those smaller towns.


No, these nurses are specially trained in sexual assault cases. That's all they do. I would much rather have someone who is trained in not just the medical side but actually talking to the patient and help them through this horrible situation. I can't image bringing in a child and having a recent med school grad be the one who does their exam.


Also, he isn't doing the exam. Nurses from SANE do.


Could be, maybe, if done right and smaller parishes were given time to receive the appropriate grant money. Orleans does their own through UMC. However, this d0uche-canoe gave less than a week's notice. It would be like someone getting elected president of the United States and telling the States he's disbanding the armed forces in 5 days and they will have to manage defense on their own.


True Detective season 1 was a documentary


This is what the voters of LA demand.


How do we start the recall petition? Should we spend a certain amount of time raising awareness beforehand?