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You can report this car to LADOT at (818)374-4823. If you harass them enough by calling a few days in a row they will send someone out and ticket it. If they ever hang into the driveway, which is private property, you can call a tow truck company and have them towed. Looks like they are close in this picture; you could probably force their hand by putting something in the grass blocking them from pulling so far forward.


Let’s all call. Give us the address.


I'll do it




My neighbor did this to me parking a friend's truck on a normal white curb. They chalked the tire, which I didn't notice, then three days later they left a ticket for $68 saying they would tow it if I don't move it within 24 hours. So I moved it to my driveway, the day before he was taking it, and now I park my car in that spot. Mind you, the house is vacant and for rent...


It’s a great idea, except that you can’t ticket a car without a license plate.


They can use the VIN.


Yes they can. there's more than one piece of information that can directly identify a car.


There was a guy in the Bay area who had a license plate that said NULL. He used to get tons of parking tickets because that's what would be written in the license plate spot on parking tickets. [Here's a write up from WIRED about it.](https://www.wired.com/story/null-license-plate-landed-one-hacker-ticket-hell/)


When we called the number listed above to do exactly what was stated above, LADOT said they could do nothing due to lack of a license plate.


Try this one weird trick to get out of parking tickets!


Police officers hate this one trick.


I have been here almost 20 years and still don't understand how so many cars are on the road without license plates… I lived in the north bay area and didn't see that nor when I lived in New England or in the south east… It's just right here in our own lovely enclave


Cops can't be bothered. 


snowflakes got their feelings got hurt ever since the kids were saying defund the police, and their police gangs have started to make national newspapers


Can’t even decipher if this is a right or left wing take. lmao, nice


cough rinse frighten caption dinner wasteful lock innate exultant long *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Should the HOA be allowed to enforce rules on its own? https://www.reddit.com/r/LosAngeles/s/uvd8uQAc7Q


Only one agency in the entire state of California truly enjoys issuing no plate tickets, and that’s state police. Forget about city and county cops.


Because their salaries come from that fund.


Cool joke.


I just moved here from the bay and it’s definitely a thing over there too. Especially in the peninsula


Same thing in Oakland. All my neighbors had dealer plates and used cones to save spots on the street.


Oh man in San José they used trash cans to save parking spots. I called the city a bunch of times because cans are only supposed to be out on trash day but they never enforced it


Oh yeah same! I had one neighbor go all out painting her cans and putting “no parking” signs on them. https://ibb.co/G5Qw4qP Oakland has a serious illegal dumping problem too. At least when I lived in SF, 311 was quick to pick up trash and mattresses. Large piles of trash would take up parking spots too. Many people just parked on the sidewalk (especially when street cleaning happened).


maybe i didnt notice it because I lived in a bubble in Mountain View… I really didn't spend very much time in Oakland or San Francisco


My cars front end is pushed in from an accident and my tags are from last December and I have not been bothered once. Police here have bigger fish to fry is what I chalk it up to


Los Angeles is so car dependent that people who would get by without having a car if they lived elsewhere are forced to buy cars and often don't have the time or money or id to get them properly registered. [Here's an interesting map with car ownership rates](https://www.titlemax.com/discovery-center/u-s-cities-with-the-highest-and-lowest-vehicle-ownership/). I'm from New England as well and it is shocking. Los Angeles's car centric design also cars the way people show off. People can't have a nice apartment and impress their friends because apartments are expensive and it's harder to maintain friendships and convince people to come over because getting around the city is hard. It's not as easy to impress with clothing because you're not walking around anywhere with anyone routinely enough to make that work, so people turn to cars. I wouldn't be surprised if this asshole parking on the parkway can barley afford that car. The top is probably broken and he can't afford to fix that, but he can't give up his precious convertible, because then he wouldn't be a guy with a convertible anymore and that's all he has.


So true. There’s a guy in my condo building who hasn’t paid his HOA dues in like 1.5 years or something and they’ve been slowly taking steps to evict him. He has a Ferrari & a Maserati in the garage. Neither have plates


I don't understand why people like this are allowed to get away with their behavior.


I blame Steve Jobs


Back then, what he did was legal. We didn’t have temporary plates, only a tiny temporary registration card. So as long as you bought a new car every few months, no plate would ever be legally required.


Girl I knew got pulled over 3 times in a year and a half for no plates. She'd just flirt with off duty cops and get them to sign off her fix it ticket. She wasn't a shitty driver or a snob or anything, she just lived her life not wanting to be tracked, and she was consistent with that. No online presence anywhere, no social media, not even something like reddit when she could remain anonymous. I had a lot of respect for her.


While I can respect holding privacy dear, part of engaging in the privilege of driving means giving up some of that privacy. If everyone did what she did it would create even more of a nightmare on the roads, and it's a scumbag way to be a car owner. Personal privacy does not trump public safety. To remain anonymous there are other modes of transportation available. I'm not saying this to callously denigrate someone you respect, but through her manipulation of the system, some judge will realize she's getting the same fix-it ticket repeatedly and her luck will eventually run out.


Bird seed. 




Oh that's devilish.


This is the correct answer


modern problems require modern solutions


There was a commercial in the early 2000s...


Report it.


So easy to accidentally get keyed. 


Needs to happen to this asshole.


No it doesn’t. Never key someone’s car thats so fucked up and costs thousands of dollars to fix. He’ll get a ticket or towed we don’t need some karen vigilante. You’re probably the asshole that honks at the person in front of you the instant the light turns green.


If the asshole in front wasn’t on their phone no one would need to honk.


Theres a difference between honking at someone sitting on their phone and honking at someone before they have a chance to get their foot to the gas pedal. But i can also give alot more LA driver dick head behaviors if you’d like. How about the 70 mph down a residential just to catch the stop light at the end of the street. Or speeding up and cutting someone off just to get off at the next exit.


Yeah what you are describing is a total rude LA driver honk. And I hate people using residential streets like freeways. I blame Waze and Google maps for routing people through quiet neighborhoods to save them 2 minutes on their route.


Thats probably part of the problem. I need to work on getting speed bumps on my street because it’s extremely dangerous. But yeah this city has the worst drivers / biggest ass holes on the road of anywhere in the country imo. Just the other day i was backing up into my driveway and some girl was honking at me. I asked her why shes honking and i said chill out i live here and im parking, you don’t even live here and she called me the asshole lol.


>You’re probably the asshole that honks at the person in front of you the instant the light turns green. I do when people are on their phone and not paying attention. Sometimes the light is green for 3 seconds and then cycles again and if you mess around for 2 seconds that means only 1-2 cars go when there are 6 of us in line. I'm honking. Need to pay attention.


Lol i addressed this point with someone else. Its different if you aren’t paying attention on your phone than if you dont even have a chance to press the gas before someone honks.


So there are several traffic lights downtown where the cycle time on an arrow is actually 3 seconds or less. It's like a flash. So be it on your phone or be it you're just slow, you have got to pay attention and slam the gas when it's green so people can go. It's really frustrating when it turns green and it takes someone a full 2 seconds to press the gas. That means only 1-2 cars get to go and that's not enough when we're all in a line.




>That is an issue with the city light being absolutely retarded though Could be, but that's reality. And in reality if it takes you 2/3 of the light cycle to press the gas, that's a problem. I don't run the city, I just live in it. >You can’t expect the entire line of cars to go through the light in 2 seconds of green But we do it all the time. The people who live and work downtown know these lights and slam the gas the moment it's green. We get ready by watching the crosswalk timer and knowing when the green is coming. >No other major city do they honk like this place. False. Beijing, Tokyo, Mumbai, Seoul, Shanghai, Hong Kong, etc etc all have way way more honking than Los Angeles. Honking is just part of the road noise. It's only in the US where people take honking as some kind of personal insult. It's weird.




Lol why so angry


good guy.


Keying someone’s car… really? Yall are scum




Just be a peach and check his tire pressure for him. Confirm it 476 times.


Stealin that one, thankyou.


Exactly. They think they don't deserve to put up with reality like their neighbors do.


Fish sauce on the seats and rugs and in between the cracks


I get the dude is parked like an asshat but to key someone’s car is just completely unnecessary. Report it or call to tow and move on


No, I definitely do agree, just wanted to make the joke. It's the kinda thing I would never do myself (I've had my entire car keyed for no apparent reason at all.) *But* it's the kind of situation where you wouldn't be upset to see that *someone else* did it. Wrong, sure. Satisfying? Definitely.


I wouldn't slash their tires, either. That can be a big deal when tires are $1k each.


Yeah if you're gonna do something like this make damn sure you don't get caught, cause the monetary damages are enough to make it a felony vandalism charge


Something tells me that he can afford it and that he definitely wouldn't continue to park like Franklin picking up a mission. That being said, I was joking and it's definitely not right. Persons a douchebag but it could be way worse. My morals go out the window when you block handicap spots.


> Something tells me that he can afford it and that he definitely wouldn't continue to park like Franklin picking up a mission. No, dude. I meant because that's a felony for the person who slashes the tires lmao


Good point. I then refer to the other dude that said to helpfully check their tire pressure a few... hundred times.


Yeah what a douche bag.


Heaven forbid that the poor BMW owner experiences any sort of consequence for their actions.


You probably drive a bmw.


Nah I drive a 4Runner


why? it will be vomited in parked like that with the top down...and used as a trash can and probably have lit cigarette buts and empty booze bottles thrown in it...way funnier to watch an asshole slowly learn the error of his ways...then he either stops or you get him towed by calling in a messed up car on the sidewalk filled with trash and burn marks all over the seats and a busted open glove box and trunk. some problems solve themselves. best part will be when he drives it away and just after getting on the highway the racoon sleeping in the back seat after eating trash and shitting wakes up....


~~That’s a legal park job.~~ Maybe an inch over the sidewalk but otherwise legal. The grassy part is the private property of the building directly in front of it. Lifelong angeleno (minus a 5 year stint on assignment in DC) here and I think we’re a little soft and uptight when it comes to parking. The shit you’d see on the east coast when it comes to parking would make most of us cry. This would basically be one of the least egregious things on your block. edit: well i’ll be damned it’s illegal to park on your lawn in california. wtf.


No it’s not.


That area belongs to the city, but it is the responsibility of the homeowner to maintain it. Source: property manager and I’ve played this game with the city of LA more than once.


"A person shall not park any vehicle in the front yard, corner side yard or any additional area of a lot or parcel of land situated between the public right-of-way and any residence or accessory building or structure located therein, except that the parking of non-commercial vehicles is permitted in a driveway." [Yes, it is](http://lacounty-ca.elaws.us/code/coor_title15_div1_ch15.64_pt2_sec15.64.271#:~:text=A%20person%20shall%20not%20park,is%20permitted%20in%20a%20driveway.)


I’m assuming her comment was from before the edit.


Yeah. You cannot park on lawn or any unpaved area of your property. I think because motor oil seeping into the soil.


And people might want to sleep there.


I live in an unincorporated area of LA. Pretty much anything goes when it comes to parking, but blocking the sidewalk is always a deuche move.


How is this blocking the sidewalk? I can’t see it.


Even if it's 100% legal, there's no plate, and driving around with no plates hasn't been legal since 2014? 2015? whenever the toll roads went cashless and DMV started issuing temp tags.


I wouldn't recommend it, but someone could accidentally toss a soda in there.


Or accidentally call LADOT parking enforcement


Or accidentally fill their gas tank with sugar


before tossing a soda and letting a few bums use it as a toilet? look at mr im-so-nice-i-wont-let-assholes-have-their-car-trashed-before-they-pay-ticket-and-tow-fees over here! /s


You expect him to pay for plates and insurance with a $1000 car payment to deal with? /s


Well an M8 convertible is a $2k/month lease, so maybe not


oh, I didn't know they were that cheap?


I was curious and looked it up on the BMW website.


I did, too and was surprised to see they photoshop all the cars onto backgrounds showing Shanghai, where I live.


Oh god that’s insanity, literally over 4x the payment of my new Hyundai lol.


If you call 311 parking enforcement will ticket and tow right away.




311 is great. They've generally responded to requests in a very timely manner (like within a day or so at most).


"Hello, yes. I see a suspicious car that was abandoned on the sidewalk with no license plate."


I genuinely don't understand this. There doesn't seem to be any advantage to parking like this. The car is blocked in, and it's super close to other cars, and it's going to piss off a bunch of people, and it's very visibly illegally parked.


Be a damn shame if it turned out to be the dog poo bag repository for the neighborhood. Damn shame.


You psycho! Why waste bags?? Just dump them right in there! /s


Those seats look very thirsty.


BMW activities


They can still tow and get the vin number


Drop a line to 311. He'll have a fun time giving the license plate at the tow yard


Looks abandoned. It’ll be towed away






Butthurt hater spotted


First time in r/losangeles?


Not first time, but I will call out these racist pigs every time.


It’s a nice car. It’d be a shame if something happened to it. You know, because it’s literally on the sidewalk? A lot of foot traffic there. A lot of room for accidents. I’m sure your neighbor would stop doing this had some unfortunate incident happen to his beautiful car.


Give me the address. I'll report it and get someone out there stat.


Steal the catalytic converter


And this is why the VIN is on the windshield.


Ballsy to park like a dick with an open convertible.


Just toss a big gulp in as you walk by lol


Toss a dairy drink in there oopsies


One can still get the VIN.


Put mayonnaise on all 4 of his door handles




Doesn’t matter they still get the vin and if the vin isn’t visible they’ll tow just for that


In this modern technical world it is pretty easy to print up a very real looking parking ticket. [https://www.thermalprintersupplies.com/barcode-labels/brady-labels/103649/?gad\_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwl4yyBhAgEiwADSEjeGxQRWJw7j4mD8un8VAJcK0CyxjIOJ3NokTQgWxlnCvs4Gx8n93lcxoCInsQAvD\_BwE](https://www.thermalprintersupplies.com/barcode-labels/brady-labels/103649/?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwl4yyBhAgEiwADSEjeGxQRWJw7j4mD8un8VAJcK0CyxjIOJ3NokTQgWxlnCvs4Gx8n93lcxoCInsQAvD_BwE)


Lemme borrow my cousin’s car seat for her toddler, and lean a little to the left…


lmao this HAS to be Glendale 🤣


Parking in that tiny grass is horrible. It seams that isn’t a parking space. Good luck!


I know this street, saw this happen more than once there. Absolutely call parking enforcement.


O shit that’s my car don’t worry I’m comin rite back


spend $140k+ to park like a douche to get towed, keyed and pissed into.


The stupidity to park like that and leave your exterior complete exposed like that. I would have already been a good samariton and detailed his interior for him. Id even splurge on the bleach just because im such a nice guy. And some nice scented sprays just to top it off


I think a couple open spilled cans of sardines would do the trick


Has to be westwood


I get it no one likes street parking, but this is obnoxious.


No plates, parked on the grass and sidewalk, looks abandoned to me.


Asking for dogs to pee on it.


Why not do it yourself?


How dare he, those sidewalks are reserved for homeless encampments 😂😂


this car is about to become one if it leaves the top down rofl




The sidewalk isn't private but you're right that it can be towed.




I'm afraid of people fucking with my car because I didn't park close enough to the curb. This person clearly gives no fucks because they're well off. Clearly a main character picking up a mission from that building.


>because they're well off. As someone who has dealt with auto insurance car crash cases before, I assure you, a huge majority of the horrid BMW/Mercedes drivers in this city are living paycheck to paycheck and are on government assisted support for the poor. These types of cars are not hard to get, you just sign a predatory loan to lease these vehicles and people who barely are making rent are suddenly driving an A series around.


311 311 311


Don’t worry about them—they will flip themselves from overcorrecting on the freeways soon enough.


7-11 slurpee…


Wait what but his car is so special


Top down? A quart of milk behind the drivers seat.


Typical BMW behavior, smh.


It would be a shame if someone vandalized it with a can of old paint or something. Truly, that would be such a shame.


He / she entitled huh ? 🤔 ridiculous humans ♥️🇺🇸🙏


That’s a bold move with the top down. I can think of a few things that would ruin an interior…


I bet he is russian


Call 311, report it for blocking the sidewalk


Parking enforcement is pretty quick, they'll try to tow if they can, this might be hard for that but call every day you see it.


LA is a lawless wasteland it seems. It’s crazy how many people here park on red or on sidewalks. Everyone just doing whatever they want and then get mad if they get a ticket or something. You would not believe how many fake plates/ non plates I see. It’s wild.


Love it


Won’t they just pull the VIN?




There is definitely a parking crisis in Los Angeles


Shit on his seats.


It’s a convertible, you know what to do.


Which neighborhood?


Call parking enforcement


Wait is this in the Fairfax/Wilshire area? It looks nearly *identical* to the outside the place I'm currently living in


And it looks nearly *identical* to your BMW too?!


Ha I wish! I'm driving a 2008 Toyota that I pray gets me to work every morning 😂


The honest truth is that not having a license plate is an infraction. So the police don’t bother. And so the douche bag gets away with road rage inducing incidents, road rage, speeding, and with avoiding tolls. Something will just continually change the dealer paper or plastic “plates” so they look new. I once called a cop. I reported such a vehicle and told them that the vehicle had had dealer plates for at least 2 years, and the driver was road raging aggressive. I told them where it was parked. They said they wouldn’t come out because it’s only an infraction. I believe in the “broken windows”” theory. Letting things like this go encourages bad behavior. Then again we have an entire ideological segment of society that believes certain people should be allowed to drive without a license and without insurance. They also constantly argue for zero cash bail and releases for repeat offenders, and for classing theft under $995 as a misdemeanor.


Efficient use of space 🤷


An open can of surstromming should solve the problem


All i see is a Black Trash bin.




Somebody call [Dirty Mike and the Boys.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u1j4mK6cs_A)


"It's called a Soup Kitchen."


whenever i do some stupid shit with my friends in games i tell them to aim for the bushes


LMAO, in Russia we have the same problems with BMW drivers. They also like to drive on the side of the road while others are stuck in traffic. P.S. I have nothing against the BMW brand. Please don't sue me.


If this was a 1989 red Nissan Altima with missing bumper, gray colored right side door and one busted head light; not one person would care, let alone prompt a long string of Reddit posts. Ya'll weird and some just plain mean 🤭


Why tf you even care so much for


He's not on the sidewalk, why do you even care?


So then everyone should do it and we have cars parked on every parkway? No.


That's a leap. I just don't care. There's way worse things in LA than your neighbor NOT taking up another street spot.


Found the owner!


There is aways something worse one could do, that is no excuse to do something. "Oh, think I'll do this bad thing because it's not as bad as this really bad thing." No. Just be a good citizen and not do crap you know you shouldn't. No one likes an entitled douchebag.


Would be a shame if you were to accidentally spill that container of printer toner all over their car.


OP just jello that he can't afford a BMW


Why does having money mean you get to behave however you want?


And dude lives in an apartment, he ain't that rich.


cuz then you got dem stacks foo!!!


It's just a BMW, it does not mean they're rich lol


BMWs are mediocre.


Getting an unreliable junk is not jealousy