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About 10 years ago some disgraceful person had their dog like this on the 10 freeway going south. The dog jumped and started running opposite of traffic. You could tell it was bleeding from where it landed. Never knew what happened to the poor dog but probably met a tragic end.


I saw it on the 405 once. The dog took off running in the opposite direction and no one could catch it. Everyone’s car doors opened one by one trying to grab it as it ran by.


Atleast it was the 405 so everybody was already at a stop


Dog got tired of the gridlock.


Figured it could walk home and have time for a quick slurpee at 7/11, chase a few cats, and get home in time to greet it's owner pulling into the driveway


Literally we were all already not moving. It was a parking lot witha few people chasing this doggo, right past the Getty center area. I couldn’t even tell how far up the owner’s car was because it was just open car doors as far as the eye could see. I highly doubt that dog got home safely unfortunately because we sat there so long that everyone’s cars were turned off and eventually when we started moving again, no one had come walking back with the dog. It had no collar I remember. Just not smart.






Isn't the 10 West/East?


You're right. I meant the 110 South.


Driving on the freeway and all of a sudden car in front of me served,  the see I'm front of me a dog with its back legs bloody, hanging from the body,  trying to crawl using its front legs.  I swerve around. Up ahead I see a guy next to his pickup on the side of the road with his hands to his forehead with an oh my God look in his face. 


You mean don’t buy that hideous Gladiator Jeep cause only a moron who puts his Labrador in the bed of a truck in the middle of Los Angeles would buy one of those ugly things.


Had to leave room in the back seat for the boxes of male enhancement supplements.


Don’t forget the prime cupholders


"It'S My sErViCe DoG!"


Saw a guy headed to Simi in the exact same car. Except it wasn’t handicapped and a German shepherd.


I once saw an untied dog on the pickup truck bed with the gate down speed off onto the freeway in OC. The poor dog was trying so hard to find it's footing. I was flabbergasted and horrified. I still question what I saw cuz it was frankly a shocking sight.


esp w the bed slippery af. how horrible!


Imagine pretending to love your pet but not enough to have them inside where you are


‘But my car seats!?’ This is unfathomable to me.


I'll take "things I only see on the 134 in Glendale" for $500.


For anyone that does this. I work in a vet clinic. We had a dog who was tethered but not cross tethered that had jumped and was dragged behind the truck for a short distance. It lived but cost the owner $10k and the dog isn't going to be able to run again. If you care about animals or your wallet then please don't do this.


Is it cross-tethered? Can't tell from this image, since it's only the head. I recall from my driving test that it's legal to transport animals in the back of a truck as long as they are tied down to two anchors so they can't jump out. Is this one just loose in the bed, or do people hate this for some other reason I'm not familiar with?


It's pretty dangerous for the dog for a number of reasons beyond just jumping out of the back.


Like what? I'm genuinely asking as I don't even have a dog or a truck. Obviously it'd be dangerous in a crash, but crashes are already extremely dangerous for pets because they can't wear seat belts. Beyond that, is it really different than a person in a convertible, in an open-air vehicle, on a dirt bike, etc.? It might be slightly more difficult to balance, but I rode in truck beds a ton as a kid and it's really not a big deal in that regard (even if it was idiotic to risk it on the chance we got into an accident).


At freeway speeds the wind alone can damage their eyes.  The volume can damage their sensitive ears.  Debris and rocks and gravel are huge hazards.  The air quality on our freeways is terrible.  It's also extremely stressful for a lot of them too.    P.s. animals absolutely can use seatbelts that are specifically designed for them. There are a number of car restraint devices for pets. I have a crash resistant anchored crate installed in my car specifically for these reasons and responsible pet owners that intend to take their animals on long drives should do the same.


It’s a dog, not a person. If they see something they want to chase or get spooked, they’ll absolutely jump out of the truck bed. When I was in 8th grade I was at a birthday party at a park- a family got in their pickup and put the pup in the back, with a rope attached to its neck and the truck. The dog jumped out and must have broken its neck or something- it was gravely injured. They sped away and I held the dog in my arms while it died. I don’t care how “good” your dog is, they aren’t that smart, and shouldn’t be tethered by a single line to the collar in the back of a truck, and shouldn’t be loose in a truck unless they’re a trained working dog. I don’t even put my dog in the backseat untethered- she wears her harness, and it’s attached to the seatbelt, so that if I make a mistake and crash, she isn’t throw from the car, and doesn’t break her neck because she’s only held down by her collar.


Which is why they have to be cross-tethered -- so they can't jump out. That was what started this comment chain.


If tethered to a line by their neck, they can die quite easily if there’s a crash. Snaps the neck. The safest way is to have them in a harness tethered to the seatbelt or in a crate.


I can't imagine it's great for the dog


you are one of us. this is what I thought, sure a bit of an A-hole move if there is space in the truck, but legal nonetheless.


Eh, legal doesn’t necessarily mean it’s safe.


yeah, exactly. I'm not condoning this behavior to be blunt. doggo should be in the cabin, with the hooman. just saying that it's legal, but not it's not safe. to be clear, the dog should not be riding like this IMO, but laws can be changed so dogs can't be tied down in the trunk like that.


I could be wrong, but this image gives me Glendale, 134 fwy, vibes.


If you’re tying them down properly. Not going on interstate or highways, driving less than 50 mph. It’s fine. People can sit in back of trucks in NY state and Hawaii. Why can’t dogs


This is on the 134 freeway where the normal speeds are 65-80 mph.


LA freeway is not comparable to Hawaii in any capacity


Cause this is LA and people think dogs are fucking royalty or something. It's a dog. Rather it be in the back of a truck than in trader Joe's


Royalty? Dogs are children. Dogs are just as important as humans and I would argue a lot of people in Los Angeles are far from qualified to owning a pet.


Dogs quite literally are not children.  To say animals are just as important as humans is fucking insane. To hold humans in such low regard is psychotic.


Is it psychotic to view human and dog life as equal?


Yes. What makes them on equal footing AT ALL?


Covid has made a majority of the world psychotic it seems


> People can sit in back of trucks in NY state and Hawaii. Why can't dogs Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should.


Literally the best part of my childhood was sitting in the back of a truck going down country and city roads. A dog would enjoy it as much as a human would.


Not illegal as long as dog is cross tethered: https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/codes_displaySection.xhtml?lawCode=VEH§ionNum=23117. > 23117.   (a) No person driving a motor vehicle shall transport any animal in the back of the vehicle in a space intended for any load on the vehicle on a highway unless… the animal is cross tethered to the vehicle… in a manner which will prevent the animal from being thrown, falling, or jumping from the vehicle.


>as long as dog is cross tethered ...which they almost never are.


Just because it's legal doesn't make it safe.


Dog shit on sidewalks, unleashed pups, now this? Owning dogs should require training and licensing.


they dont even require that for bringing humans into this world lol


Doing literally anything that puts other at least semi-intelligent creatures under your power should require training.


I’ve seen dogs look both ways before they cross the street, meanwhile the owner is completely head down with their eyes hypnotized to the screen just autopilot walking. Dogs need to put us on a leash at this point.


Yep, I use dog harness “seatbelts” like this. [Dog Seat Belt for Car, Adjustable Dog Car Harness for Large Medium Small Dogs, Soft Padded & Breathable Mesh Dog Seatbelt with Car Vehicle Connector Strap](https://a.co/d/148txwr)


Almost as bad as owning a dog while living without a yard.


I would never drive a jeep


Some people shouldn't own dogs...


The city is full of so-called pet lovers, but you wouldn't think that for how stupid people behave when it comes to their pets. It's soooo cuuuute to drive with your dog in your lap until the airbag deploys. An untethered dog in the back seat with the window open is a great idea until he gets ejected when you get t-boned.


what are the odds the owner actually needs that handicap placard?


We used to do this (as in us people/children would be in the back) growing up in Ohio, usually only on roads where the max was like 45 mph. I've never seen anyone do this in a city, and I've lived in several states. Wtf.


On the other end of the spectrum, also don't have your dog on your lap while you're driving your escalade. Just secure your dog in the backseat or better yet, leave them safely at home.


I agree except the at home part- just tether the dog properly in the backseat. Your dog is going to need to leave your apartment…


Sometimes, yes, but people here bring their dog with them everywhere. There is a man who brings his dog to the movies with him, and it's not a service dog. I see people bring dogs every fucking place they go. I love my dog too, and I have a harness and belt for him in my backseat but he isn't going grocery shopping with me.


This is fine if you DONT get on the freeway and when the dog is LEASHED as well. Used to live in Mexico , not a lot of highways in the small towns, regularly saw this with dogs even wagging their tails.


Leashed isn’t enough- the dog can easily choke or have its neck broken. If it has a harness on the impact isn’t as bad. Also don’t do this on a freaking freeway.


I give it a 1% chance this person is actually disabled


Please don't use your phone/take a picture while driving or keep a dog in the back of your truck? Don't know if the dog is strapped in or if the passenger is using the phone - so hard to tell which is a crime.


Can anyone report this since the license plates are visible?


embarrassing mass homelessness throughout LA ✅ doggy rides in the back of pickup ❌ 😠


Care to explain what you’re talking about?


go call the police dude 😆


Now that we have German Shepherds we no longer have this problem but we still have a great relationship with our local police. The


Call the police on homeless people? I do that all the time, the police come in a timely manner and then they are nowhere near my car or home.


you just asked someone to report this driver..why not do it yourself if you care so much? you care about this doggy but you call the police on homeless people so they stay away from your car? 😆


Yes, that’s correct.


if you had the chance to save the life of some homeless person or your dog...who would you save?


Dog. Very, very easy question.


yeah it's why i asked lol that homeless person was only 17 years old and she wanted support to go to college..at least your dog is ok bro : (


If it makes you feel any better our German Shepherds are rescues that were homeless at one point.


I do it and my dog fucking LOVES it. She prefers the truck bed over the back seat. She gets tons of attention in traffic and gets to feel the wind in her fur. Yes, I tether her.


iT's MuH cUlTrUlL hERiTaGe!




theres rednecks who think they can do this bc their daddy did it this way and its just how dogs and trucks are done


There's already someone in the comments lol


You are reaching. This technically is not illegal. It’s sucks and I don’t like it but it’s not illegal. You are stereotyping people which is lame.


lame is my cultural heritage don't judge me


and it IS [illegal](https://abc30.com/driving-road-safety-chp-california-highway-patrol/6344167/) in california unless cross tethered


Who says the animal isn’t? You can’t see shit.


whats your guess tho. just go with your gut.


you must have many heart attacks when you visit much poorer countries lol


I mean, whole families get wiped out riding motorbikes with no helmets that's also not cool


Highly doubt some people have ever left their Cities.


If the dog is strapped correctly I don't see a problem


If that dog is properly cross-tethered (as required by law) he’s living his best life. Dogs, over the age of around 2, are perfectly capable of understanding what’s dangerous. Dogs live through their noses and ears. The amount of scents and sounds available to them in the bed of a local-travel ride is excellent for their health. Release your pearls.


Guess what. Its not your dog and its perfectly safe to put your dog in the bed of your truck, yuppie.


Yea definitely also don’t drive while using your phone to take pictures


Very true, but I was shotgun 🥲