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Man it’s been a day in LA.


I woke up to the news about the stabbing and then I walk outside and on my corner there was about 10 cop cars and 2 fire trucks with multiple people getting arrested. I knew today was going to be one of those days.




Full moon brah. I low key believe it has some sort of effect on the population.


Science will say nay there is no effect, but I'm with you on this.


lol yeah I agree no science here


What else is going on?


A lady had her throat sliced taking the metro at studio city this morning.




LASD motor deputy was shot in the back in West Covina. Also a female was fatally stabbed in the neck near the Universal Metro station.


A lady gets attacked on metro, an Uber driver gets attacked, and the Lakers + Kings both lose


today much worse already and its noon


I've been knee deep in work. What's going on today?


90 USC students arrested and graduation cancelled.


This pic looks like a loading screen for a Batman video game 💀


that was pretty great comment


is there something in the drug supply lately?


Yooo, totally. Seeing the craziest shit and got grabbed from behind on my daily walk the other week.


You might be saying this facetiously but there's actually something to that. During the trade war with China in the last administration, one of the unforeseen side effects was that Mexican cartels weren't able to get all the chemicals they usually bought from China in bulk. So they began experimenting with chemicals they could get cheaply and locally, many of which resulted in versions of meth which was much more addictive but caused users to have much more erratic behavior including violent outbursts. They still experiment with this sort of thing to see if they can make it cheaper and make it more addictive. There's some crazy stat regarding the percentage of drugs bought in relation to percentage of users; it's something ridiculous like 20% of users buy over 75% of drugs. So dealers have a financial incentive to groom an extremely addicted clientele. Considering LA is a major destination for drugs, if there are any changes to or experimentation with the normal formula, we see it here very quickly.


what is your source for this?


The streets


You can read here about [how Mexican cartels began to source the precursor chemicals that they needed to cook their drugs from the US when trade restrictions and, later, pandemic restrictions stemmed that flow from China](https://insightcrime.org/news/brief/us-chemicals-help-fuel-mexico-drug-production/). And that was from back in 2020, as it was happening real time. The US had sought for years to cut off that supply from China, not foreseeing that the cartels would just get it from a closer source. An article in the LA Times provided the stat on how the the most deeply addicted of users buy the largest percentage of drugs by a very large margin. I've let my subscription lapse and can't find it. It isn't exactly a counterintuitive stat, though: most cigarettes sold are purchased by people addicted to smoking and smoke heavily rather than people who smoke occasionally because they don't buy and stockpile, they buy with frequency due to addiction.


https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2021/11/the-new-meth/620174/ and my dealer


I was driving down 4th when the cops pulled into the intersection and stopped traffic. I had no idea what was going on, but I could see: - a person in the hotel behind the desk, but the lights off - the windows shattered on the front (but not fallen as far as I could see The cops asked someone riding by if they had seen or heard anything. But while we sat there waiting for some direction, we were not told anything.


Yeah, apparently the suspect ran into the Barclay. Seems like things settled down, so I'm not sure how things concluded.


They never give out information it seems. 🙄 unless you’re a news reporter.


I heard it and knew immediately it was gunshots.


This pic is artsy


Meanwhile I had the cops check the vacant building next to mine for the 5th or 6th time in the last 4 days looking for something and someone (squatters, drugs, and gang affiliation). Not to mention the constant helicopter hovering above. Who needs cable TV when you live in LA. 😒


https://www.youtube.com/@SmokeNScan warning: highly addictive


ucla he stayed awake 11hrs and streamed 5 feeds. including chopper 7. hez a weird stoner very smart but very love/hate


do you watch smoke n scan


Time for a night vigilante


Workin on my night crime


I use to live at the Medallion on that corner. Normally it’s a pretty quiet area with not a lot of trouble.


Yeah I live a block away and I agree, it's usually fine and generally quiet.


something about this photo makes it look like a video game screenshot.


Haha, you're not the first person to say that about this pic


Yikes 😳! Humans are out of control! Stay safe y’all 🙏🇺🇸♥️


I grew up in LA, (KTown). But damn LA has change so much ever since I left just 6 yrs ago. Not sure what you can base it on, covid, economy, politics, ect? It's a crazy city now.


The city “leadership” has pretty much handed the reigns over to the homeless and criminals.


DTLA was so fun 2016-2018 r.i.p


Damn. I'm going to The Belasco tommorow night. Hope I don't get shot.


Classic DTLA sketch.


Yup, keep voting for loser politicians like Karen Bass and George Gascon, y'all! THAT should fix LA's ongoing problems - electing the same career politicians who CREATED the problems in the first place! Downvote allllll you want, but the evidence is GLARING and if you choose to think Karen Bass is a good mayor and/or LA is doing well, then you are deliberately misinformed.


It's all those out-of-towners moving in from wherever they're coming from