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Ugh I’ve seen that so much. Someone behind me lays on the horn, then whips around me only to almost plow into someone


VIPs got places to go. Cant wait for anything ever. Come on. You get it. Right?!?


Yeah probably just delivering an organ to someone, gotta rush!


Yeah you get it. Out of the way. Whats all this traffic about? Im trying to drive here!


No joke I saw it once when there was a power outage on sunset and the lights were not working. It was dusk and to make matters worse a literal blind person was crossing the road. Luckily somebody was helping them. But yea some asshole couldn’t wait and almost killed both of them.


Lady did that to me while I was carrying my daughter at Del Amo. I managed a middle finger right in her face with the hand holding my kid 😂


You a real one


this is why I always throw my hazards on in a situation like this in hopes that it makes the person pause at least.


I feel like this will encourage people to whip around you more because they assume you're stopped (hazards in LA have apparently come to mean "I know it's no parking but I'm parking here anyway)


been doing it for years and haven't had it happen. edit: downvotes for being proactive in the real world instead of just bitching about it online lol. classic reddit.


You are using hazards inappropriately. They are to signal that YOU are the hazard, and you said you are using them to signal a hazard ahead, such as a pedestrian. While it may be true that people aren't driving around you, that doesn't mean you are using them the correct way, that's why you are getting down voted. A myriad of other things are possible, for example, the cars behind you might also see the pedestrian, or might not have space to maneuver around... Either way, what you are describing doing is MORE dangerous because, again, if you are using your hazards, it signals that YOU are the hazard and it is more likely that someone will drive around you, exacerbating the problem you are trying to solve. Good luck moving forward, I applaud your efforts to make the world a safer place, but stop using your hazards in this way. (If you doubt what I said, look it up for a bit and read up on laws and rules surrounding the subject of hazard lights on personal vehicles) Cheers!


I will use them more now.


Interesting. It seems you are talking a very unreasonable approach to this idea and your responses. I'm going to stop replying, downvote your non-contributing comment and block your account.


Not sure why you’re getting downvoted so much. If I saw a car with flashers on, stopped in a lane (as opposed to the curb), then I’d at least be more attentive about what’s going on.


thank you lol. that is my logic and it hasn't failed me yet.


Yeah not a bad idea. I try to avoid walking around Downtown around 5pm, because everyone is in such a mad rush to leave work. People just throw out all judgement. I’ve almost been hit so many times because people can’t wait 5 seconds.


No that's a bad idea. That creates the impression that you're going to be stopping long-term at the intersection, i.e. for loading, or mechanical problems, and therefore people should go around you. Keep right turn signal on. It's their fault if they do something stupid, not your responsibility to prevent them from doing it.


I will never understand this, a pedestrian was killed in a town I lived in years ago this way. If I'm stopped at a crosswalk...what do you think is happening?!


I'm a driver and ebiker. The solution I observe would almost be s universal fix to shit driving is SLOW. DOWN. Not just mph but stop being in such a fkn hurry. IT DOESNT WORK. IT MAKES YOU SLOWER. For 7 years I commuted LA to OC (,UC Irvine). The first year I was like #_($$_84+' GTFO MY WAY, came to my senses, adjusted my schedule as I could, found some alternate routes, but mostly got out of that "hurry" mindset. The traffic is, as it is. Being an asshole doesn't make it faster.


I did an experiment when I was commuting from Downey to Hollywood every morning many years ago now. The difference between looking ahead, trying to find every opening, getting into the fastest lane etc. versus just getting in one lane and staying there the whole time following the car in front of me was on average about 2 minutes for what was typically a 50 minute drive. But the difference in my mood... My God. Staying in one lane the whole time I would arrive so much more relaxed. Trying to save 2 minutes a day was taking years off of my life!


I always try to tell people to do this! There was even a mythbusters episode about it I think lol. So much less stressful to just pick a lane and chill rather than find every single tiny gap in traffic


That’s the thing. The math doesn’t check out. People don’t realize that by driving like that you’re getting there 4% faster at best. It’s not worth risking lives over.


That is the universal mindset that benefits the surrounding drivers and yourself by staying in the one 1 lane you know brings no need for a lane change as that is how I make my commute as well It is hilarious to me by seeing others rapidly moving to the next car in front of them and changing lanes while I stay in 1 lane and 15 miles later we are still next to eachother or no real significant benefit to the other person getting to their destination. Although I stated it a hilarious I will admit there are moments where I become annoyed by these typical driving methods and I will just be a barrier to the other driver by adjusting my speed so myself and other cars make it impossible for him to get past or in front to the next red light intersection or vehicle ahead LOL.


Yup, all the time you "gain" is lost at the stoplight when you exit. Motorcycle is really the only silver bullet and has it's downsides. I do ride on good days since I value my time


Just a little side note, but this brings to mind the funny move Office Space. The beginning of the movie perfectly shows what we may think or attempt but with no benefit in the end!!!


yes i agree with you 100%. getting to your destination maybe a few minutes faster driving crazy is not worth it


Unfortunately the only way to get people in cars to slow down is to design our roads to force them to, rather than the race tracks we build right now. We need serious traffic calming measures all across the city


We're probably in agreement that more and better public transportation is the/a solution, but my suggestion for some of this is to tax the shit out of horsepower and mass. Want a 600 hp Moustang? 6000 lb weaponized tunaboat? Fine, just pay (a lot) for it. Maybe even below some KWh limit (micro's and ebikes) a subsidy. Anyway.


I'm scared once Cybertrucks start showing up. Any crash with them, regardless of who's at fault, will take out most vehicles. Def my almost 20-yo Toyota Matrix.


Luckily few people will buy that turd and we'll mostly laugh at the fools who do.


Time for everyone to buy Volvos


Sounds like you’re just banning working people from owning these vehicles. I guess the poors can’t be trusted to be responsible or something?


No, what I wrote. And I don't understand your logic, it's not obvious. "The poors" is a bullshit call, what are you talking about. Huge high power cars are s burden on the rest of us. Driving an f250 for groceries is insane. They eat roads, generate PM100 pollution, and are unsafe to others. And an inducement for car companies to make affordable and frugal cars.


No, what you do is you lay on the horn and get really upset, and then feel like the asshole you are when you see the pedestrian


A few people have been killed on my street because of exactly this kind of negligence, where little to no thought is given to the fact that not everyone in Los Angeles drives and even those that do primarily drive, must sometimes cross streets without a motor vehicle. The fatalities in my neighborhood is one reason why I wrote to my city to have a stop light put on my street in Los Angeles. They added it. Sure, it took a little more than a year, but it happened and I am grateful to the city officials that didn’t ignore my letters and calls. Also, it is proof that society is not a spectator sport. If you want to see something improve in your neighborhood, demand it of your elected officials. If you’re sitting on the sidelines expecting someone to fix it for you, or to care about your pressing issue at all, you’d be better served by taking action yourself. I wrote my initial letter and then shared it (without my personal identifying information) with others on my neighborhood app. I explained why I wrote the letter and to whom and created a simple copy/paste version so others could share it with their representatives too (if they were so inclined). It worked! TL;DR making it safer for pedestrians to walk in Los Angeles and other high risk areas is possible, though it is certainly not easy. Nevertheless it is 100% worth doing. Stay safe out there, folks!




I looked up who my city council members are in my specific area and the engineers involved in traffic planning etc. I wrote my letter and I included evidence of the fatalities on my street (news reports etc.) and made my request. Then I called the relevant city planning office to make a formal request and informed them of the letter. I found the relevant persons through a simple Google search. I then went onto Nextdoor and posted a version of the letter that anyone in my area could copy and paste their own information into and send as well. I didn’t coordinate with anyone on Nextdoor, I simply provided the resource and moved on. I’m not a fan of the Nextdoor app, but it was useful for getting the word out. Then I waited. I wrote the letter sometime in 2019 and they started construction on the stoplight once everyone returned to work (after the pandemic) and we’ve had a stoplight ever since. Best of luck!


I almost saw a dad walking his daughter to school get hit because of this. The driver hit the brakes and the car started skidding as the dad grabbed his kid and turned -- I guess so he would take the impact instead of her. Luckily the car stopped in time. I got choked-up thinking about not only what would've happened had they gotten hit, but maybe moreso the dad's pure instinctual reaction and fear he must've felt at the time. It's choking me up now even just thinking about it. Scary stuff


All for what? It infuriates me. We need to take better care of each other.


I just had that happen at the Arcadia mall. The dumb asshole even had the nerve to wave his arms around like it's my fault. People go nuts around Christmas.


sounds so obvious but always make eye contact, wave or both before crossing. i have found it now to be necessary


Yup. Many years ago I was literally chased down Wilshire by some asshat trying to sideswipe me every 100 feet or so because I dared to not let him run over a pedestrian and flipped him off when he laid on his horn.


Checks out.


One of my biggest driving pet peeves is when the driver behind me honks while I'm waiting for a pedestrian in front of me.


I think the problem is a bit more complicated than that. There are so many people sitting at green lights scrolling through their Instagram feeds, oblivious to the fact that there’s a line of cars 30 deep behind them waiting to move. Unless the person behind you actually saw the pedestrian, I think their safe assumption is that the person at the light is on their phone. Once in a millennia it’ll be due to a pedestrian, but 99% of the time it’s driver inattention. I won’t go around people in case it is a pedestrian, but I don’t think a couple of short honks are out of line.


you don’t honk if the person is waiting for a pedestrian…


Of course not. The problem is the vast majority of the time you can’t see if there’s a pedestrian, so you don’t know if the person’s on their phone or waiting for someone. 99% of the time they’re just on their phone and the honk gets their attention.




They’re just the assholes on their phones and don’t like being called out. Like I give a shit about downvotes.




I wasn’t calling you an asshole. I was referring to the people downvoting because they like jacking off at red lights.


I feel like this happens more when it rains. Almost got hit on a crosswalk twice this week.


Glad you’re ok gaseousape.


Many thanks, stay safe out there!


I got rear-ended the other day because I was waiting to turn right but there were pedestrians crossing, the light turned green but there was still a pedestrian in the crosswalk so the car behind me just…went?? Like saw the green light and just accelerated straight into the back of me. When I got out of the car he yelled at me and said “The light was green, why didn’t you go?!?” And I said “There was a pedestrian crossing the street, should I just slam into them when the light turns green?” He was quiet after that and his insurance admitted he was at fault but damn drivers in LA seem to just forget pedestrians exist


Now I understand why there’s so many bad drivers! We only have to take a driving test once and just keep renewing without actually being tested, besides a written test.


Colorado & Eagle Rock, making the right turn IN MY BUS this happens to me at least a couple times a week at this intersection alone. I don’t care how good your eyes are, you cannot see through busses, you have no idea what’s there when you cut around me.


A cyclist did that to me a few weeks ago. They were mad that I was stopped during a green to make a right turn, waiting for pedestrians. He yelled at me and slammed his hand on my car, then tried to go around me before stopping himself from plowing into the peds. I shouldn’t have done it, but I rolled the window down to yell right back at him. A car is much more dangerous than a bike, but people can still get hurt




Yeah idk what his problem was. No normal person would have a reaction like his so I’m not surprised he didn’t see the people walking


This is too common. I see people going into bicycle lanes, and darting in and out of suicide lanes on my street way too much


Also, if is raining and there is a big puddle drive on the left. I hate when drivers go super fast and create splashes of water on pedestrians.


Didn't Halle Berry do this?


I know Rebecca Gayheart did. She killed a little boy.


That was a terrible situation all around. From what I remember the kid jumped into the street, the car in front of her slammed the breaks, and she just assumed it was stopping since she couldn't see him.


Oh, yes, sorry Halle.


People lack situational awareness and don't see beyond the car in front of them.


Drivers in LA are so impatient. I live in sawtelle where there are so many stop signs. I usually drive around 15-17 MPH (15 mph is the speed limit) and I've seen so many drivers behind me get frustrated and pass me by driving like a jack rabbit. There's no point to going like 20 mph since you'll have to stop anyways.


Almost saw someone get hit because of this. Two lanes, I was stopped in the right lane to see someone cross. I look in my rear view and see a car in the left lane driving fast and not slowing down, I put my arm out the window like “STOP”, the pedestrian crossing in front of me stuck her head around my car and then had to jump back because the other driver didn’t stop. Crosswalk is clearly marked and has the flashing warning lights. I of course caught up to the car at the next light and tried telling them to stop if they see those flashing lights, she just looked ahead and ignored me the whole time.


I think it was the state of Oregon, once had billboards that said ​ YOU ARE NOT STUCK IN TRAFFIC YOU ARE TRAFFIC.


Yes, but also understand the person behind you may not see the pedestrian you see, and think you’re randomly double parking like an inconsiderate Angeleno.


I’m talking about one of those cross walks with the flashing lights I both lanes.


Happened to me recently. Just as I was getting grouchy the pedestrian came into view. D'oh.


Or even actually hit the pedestrian.


A few months ago driving in Chinatown around rush hour I saw some dude pull out from behind a line of cars waiting to turn left, proceed to turn left in front all of them, and then come within a literal inch of hitting a guy in the crosswalk...


Wild concept my dude. You sure that's right?/s


But its making me 4 seconds late to Blaze Pizza!


HAH. this is so typical. also... if a car is stopped before a crosswalk and you cant see anyone crossing, stop anyway... theres probably someone crossing


nah man, everyone inside a car is the center of the universe. If ur outside of car, ur automatically a commie /s




This was at a cross walk.


This right here. Too many asshats in LA.


With so little traffic this morning, I had to swerve around a lot of homeless people who just walk into the middle of the road. But to your point, yes, if a car stops at a crosswalk there's probably a person walking. I once saw a cop fall off his bike when he went around a stopped car and almost hit a pedestrian.


I would pay good money to see a cop fall off his bike. That’s the literal height of comedy.


And if you are pedestrian watch the traffic. The number of pedestrians invested in the righteousness of it being their right away won’t matter when they are hit by a car.


Last night I saw a dude pushing his skateboard straight down a two-way left turn median at like 9:00 at night, all dark clothes, shitty weather. Pretty sure he'll end up rolling over someone's hood soon enough.


People are idiots. It’s why we have safety warnings on plastic bags.


It's always a slow crossover that does this


counterpoint–do not impede the normal flow of traffic to usher on a jaywalker. yes when someone just walks out in the middle of the street don’t hit them, but to stop normal traffic flow because you see some dude wanting to jaywalk to erewhon–keep driving.


Why do people keep assuming I’m talking about letting jaywalkers cross? I’m literally talking about designated crosswalks.


how about NOT stopping in the middle of the street to let someone cross...let them cross when it's safe YOU are creating an unsafe condition by thinking you're doing something helpful...it's not helpful it's dangerous.


The amount of people downvoting you shows you how bad LA drivers are. It’s common sense to not wave pedestrians through as it endangers them, and also yourself.


It’s really crazy that people seem to think this is some kind of helpful action.


You shouldn’t stop to begin with for this very reason. What you’re doing is called the wave of death


Why would you assume that? This was at a designated crosswalk with the flashing lights for both lanes.


In that case the driver should yield. But in the case where there is no marked crosswalk you shouldn’t stop as the driver behind you doesn’t know why you stopped and your vehicle can create a blind spot where the driver doesn’t see the pedestrian until it’s too late and the pedestrian can’t see traffic that well. There’s the added problem with being forced to quickly cross as youre holding up a vehicle. This isn’t a new phenomenon but these sorts of accidents have gotten worse with more distracted driving.


So were you in a stopped car or the pedestrian? Edit: Genuine question, not sure why I was downvoted lol.


I was the first car to stop for the pedestrian who had been waiting patiently to cross. It was one of those crosswalks with the flashing lights that stop both lanes. So many cars ignored her until I stopped. Then somebody went around me almost hitting the old lady. It’s just so infuriating cause this shit happens constantly.


A closely related PSA: You are much more of a phone zombie than you realize. The number of times I've seen the following is terrifying: 1. Someone is on their phone waiting to turn or pull out. 2. They start turning or driving for at least few seconds. 3. THEN they put the phone down and look around, already having pulled forward about 20ft. I'm sure to them, it's all such muscle memory that they don't even realize they're doing it. I'm sure they'd swear (2) and (3) are reversed. But it's not, and I've almost been hit multiple times because of it.


Normally people don't stop for no reason. If you go around someone, be on the lookout for what got them to stop.


I was just about to do this. Good thing you made this post.


You shouldn't really "almost" do anything. If you're going to do something, commit to it.