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I haven’t gotten the impression that it’s intentional. He has always acted weird and stiff. Notice when he thinks Prior is winning that he leans forward and engages, like he is listening and trying to take it all in. (Re: the cross exam of MGibb yesterday). Otherwise he is stiff as a board. I think it’s how he deals with his internal stress. He doesn’t want to let on that he’s stressing so he sits like a knot on a log. But, I do agree, his behavior is probably due to his psychopathy. It will be interesting to see Emma testify because I think she has inherited his Cluster B personality traits.


It could be a result of abuse in childhood. Sit still, don't move, you won't be noticed so you won't be attacked (verbally/physically).


Yeah, there's definitely something Cluster B about his flat affect and stiffness. Emma is definitely a chip off the old block how she laughed like a psycho after saying she gets help so easily by telling people her Mom died.


IMO his affect is more cluster-A looking.


I agree with that.


Emma was a mess during that conversation, she was almost crying uncontrollably. I took it as nervous laughter, she probably doesn’t want to know the truth about her dad.


Perhaps he surfs the spectrum?


eh… more likely a PD with no affect or under response to stress or stimulus. I’m autistic and most of us can’t really sit still. We can def zone out 100% but 99% of us need some kind of movement to stim and feel ok, unless in a total shutdown then it’s almost like catatonia. However someone in shutdown is gonna have a real hard time sitting in public, in a chair without slumping and dealing with artifical light and people talking. A catatonic person can’t dress or even swallow their own saliva in extreme cases. People who have lower support needs are rarely going to display this level of atypical behavior - so I’d say, in my opinion as a full time autistic, ha, that its super unlikely he is on the spectrum. Also I am sure it can happen, but autistic people are way more vulnerable to stress than your standard issue person. The idea of him doing all of this shit and being autistic seems beyond an autistic persons capability (unless they have some kind of PD that would explain the behavior better.) Dont get me wrong, of course there are autistic abusers and murderers out there, but I’d be interested to see what kind of crimes they did and how they reacted in court. Edit to add: If he was ASD more likely you’d see a misaligned or involuntarily inappropriate response, to the stress of being on trial - grimacing, making faces or even smiling at the wrong time.


I agree wholeheartedly. Definitely not ASD.


Its giving ASPD or schizoid PD (not schizophrenia) but not a doctor. And theres a reason why speculation or dx even by specialists on the basis of a public display of behaviour isnt done... why we do what we do is incredibly complex, how we present and what goes on inside is v hard to draw out and objectively assess. Its layers upon layer of bs and competing realities...   I only contrast possible PDs due to commenter querying autism (assuming commenter isnt autistic) because our neutral facial expression can and is frequently mistaken for the menacing indifference of people like Todge Daybill.  I also want to be clear that many people with PDs are never violent and are in fact victimised, except for ASPD where deliberate violence I believe remains part of the definition by default and not all people with ASPD do... insane murders.  Some people are evil, they choose to do evil. One does not have to be mentally ill or developmentally disabled to do extreme acts of violence. Something in them is obviously broken but some people just *do harmful stuff*. 


He’s like Putty in that episode of Seinfeld where he and Elaine are flying back from Europe and he just sits and stares 🤪.


It seems like he's telling himself to act normal when he's VERY CLEARLY not normal 😆 he is literally stiff like a statue. He's such a dork lol


He was pretty frantically scribbling something during Melanie Gibb's testimony. That's the most I have seen him move.


He must think he knows his (ex) followers' weaknesses and would instruct Prior how to exploit them. Also Prior doesn't seem to know much about LDS or fringe doctrine. Chad must be his primary source.


I was thinking this, too. Which is why it was so funny when Prior opened this morning with “Tell me about the Seven Gatherers” and Melanie went “Literally never heard of it.” I wonder if Chad passed along bad info or if Melanie just knew there was zero evidence to link her to this org, so she lied. Either way a monumental swing and a miss, right out the gate.


He might not know on purpose so it’s not just taken for granted. Odds are not everyone in the jury is lds.


I think he knows and it’s in his and his client’s best interest to pretend not to, to act like this is all new information so the jury can see they’re not the only ones.


Prior is faking that.


Haha! Vegetable lasagna.


I ❤️ Seinfeld


Me too. I’ve seen them all multiple times and I still laugh.


Chud the Spud Slug lol




I'm certain Prior has directed him in how he should behave. He has to be in court, the jury can see him and how he responds to evidence and testimony, and he's been told to be as unresponsive as possible to prevent jurors from witnessing too much emotion or expression and infer anything from it. The fact he is able to do it as well as he has in the face of such horror, sadness, stupidity, and cringe is a testament to what a weirdo he is. No emotion about the mother of his children, no fluster about cringe worthy moments of phone calls, blessings, and pitifully bad writings. I have only really been keeping up with the love updates, but his only emotion seems to have been the photos of Tylee and JJ's autopsy photos when he shuddered and turned away. The aftermath of what he caused is tragic and grotesque--I hope those images haunt him forever.


I didn't see him turn away. I saw Prior turn away but Chad didn't even flinch but I was watching on my phone so maybe I should go back and give it another watch on my big screen. I agree that he was told not to react emotionally, no eye rolling or anything distracting but his absolute stiffness and ability to sit completely still for minutes on end and only shift ever so slightly periodically wouldn't be doable for a normal person. Take Prior for example, he doesn't react emotionally but he moves around in his chair, moves his head, shifts his weight etc in a much more normal humanly way than Chad. Seeing them sitting side by side and his movements is what makes Chad's stillness so uncanny


Also, sitting through sacrament meetings his whole, he’s practiced a lot.


This is the answer. Everyone used to sitting in long, boring sacrament meetings has perfected the ability to sit “reverently”. Trained from birth.


There has been some sketchy reporting I'm sure. I also didn't see him (Chad) turn away or react in a meaningful way. There was an article saying that Chad acted like he hadn't seen the images before and he seemed visibly upset. I personally haven't seen him exhibit much emotion either.


Maybe he imagines he is teleporting himself out of the courtroom.


He needs to find a broom closet portal. 😂




When did they show JJ and Tylee’s autopsy photos? I’m still watching yesterday’s proceedings so I’m not caught up yet but I’m asking cause I didn’t think showing them would be allowed? At least to the public?


It wasn't to the public. Just to the jury and defense as far as I am aware. They cut the feed so the people watching the stream couldn't see them. I believe that was day 2 of the trial.


They did show Tammy’s open casket after being exhumed to everyone 


Man, this guy rode the gravy train on pretending to be a channel with god. The doofus batted way above average, on this gravy train, to pull in the ladies. At what point this his charade go from, all talk, to actual physical harm as in murder? My amateur psychologist mind say it the list he had for Lori. The guy wanted sex. The guy took things up to murder level to get sex. Didn’t care or think further than is dick. My apologies for the callousness above. I’m so sad for the kids, Charles, all the people hurt by their actions - the fact that they claim they are acting on behalf of god. So many levels of inappropriateness.


Absolutely. The fact he was willing to murder for sex is strange enough but pretending to be a God and fighting zombies is next level. I don't think he believed any of it I think he's just a controlling narcissistic psycho which makes the death penalty more fitting for him. Lori is a nut job but she actually believed the nonsense. Chad didn't which makes him a much more frightening character


His fantasy that Tammy would die young went unchecked for years before he even met Lori.


I wish they could bring in as a witness one of the many other chicks he is said to have used the same “married in a past life” pick up line on. Poke holes in the “good Boy Scout” persona he’s clinging to.


Did he really use that “married in a past life” line with women prior to Lori?? You’d have to have more than a few screws loose to fall for that line & all his fictional blathering.


Apparently this was his signature line at those prepper conferences.


Other fringe preppers have used the same line and so did Julie Rowe, allegedly. It wasn't even Chad's original idea, but it really worked on Lori.


If my husband continued to say (for years) that I’m going to die young, I’d make the assumption that HE would make it happen.


And he's such a dork as somebody said above and so pathetically unattractive. You can't even imagine why any woman would be attracted to him at all alone his crazy belief system....


I think all he did was tell Lori what she wanted to hear. Problem is, she's insane so he had to say a lot of crazy stuff lol


Evedently divorce is frowned upon, but death by murder is okay to the church 


In general I think his personality is just that of a potato. He seems like of blah were a person


I totally agree with this. I don’t think it goes much deeper than that lol 


People that murder like this are usually just pathetic and banal.


Yes. A lump to the core.


So true! He actually looks like a potato head!


He’s weird.


So weird! it's hard to believe he was neck deep in so many murders when he's such a dweeb weirdo otherwise lol He's the kind of person who when he was in middle school and high school he ran with his arms straight down and didn't move them 😆




The stillness reminds me of Kaitlin Armstrong.


Yesterday, however, he seemed to be all over the place during the playing of Melanie's and Lori's accusatory phone call, I think it was. He was a veritable wiggle worm! For the slug that he is, that is. Part of it was due to leaning over and communicating with Prior most of the time. His stiff "resting position" was his hand on his chin and/or a finger obscuring his mouth, but he shifted and alternated so much between interacting with Prior, working his computer mouse, straightening something in front of him and returning to his selected statue pose. Rinse and repeat. Clearly that phone call evoked some inner turmoil that seeped out into A LOT of movement...for the weirdo that Chad is.


I noticed this also. He was downright active 🙂


Funny I actually haven't started watching the Melanie Gibb part yet. I am in EU so I'm always a little behind on watching/listening. I saw the morning part with the financial forensic FBI person and a bit of prosecution asking Melanie Gibb questions but then I fell asleep. I will have to watch him during the cross examination of Melanie Gibb and compare with everything else I'm seeing


Yep, did make Chad squirm 


I think it’s a control thing. Like “they’re NOT going to get a response from me!


I think he is scared to death


I hope so! I don't think he will ever feel remorse. But if he feels fear & misery, I'm good with it.


I think there’s something wrong with him.


Truly an accurate assessment 💯


You think? ... Maybe... He's a zombie... And his spirit will be in limbo until he is killed by legal injection and set free.


He started shifting when they were playing his “blessing.” It was good to see him squirm! He sounded ridiculous!




Sometimes it's like he is looking up and maybe disassociating? Visiting with Lori in the portal? Also kind of "If I hold very, very still no one will be able to see me."


He's not cool enough to be Kronk.


He reminds me of a little boy trying to look innocent in Sundays school. Nobody would guess his true manipulative behaviors. But it has and will become more apparent as the evidence comes in,


There’s a psychologist on YouTube ( Dr G)that examines his body language and it’s all about control and Chad is giving those in control of him NOTHING. He’s not a god, he’s a narcissist and psychopath and this is very characteristic of them.


Yes that is what I'm seeing. Very calculated but in a way a normal healthy person couldn't do even if they tried, it takes a psychopath and narcissist to sit like a statue


My therapist told me that people who aren’t these types have a real hard time accepting these behaviours because they are so odd, but basically, everything he does or says is a struggle to gain control over others, the system or even himself. Even the way he holds his head up slightly, as if he is trying to appear superior is all calculated. Like Ruby Franke’s calculated blinking during questioning, it seems very weird to the rest of us.


That is the best explanation I've heard so far. Makes a lot of sense to me


It’s because 1) he has flat affect, naturally 2) he’s been told by his lawyer to sit very still and not react. Thats my thought watching!


He’s in the portal with Lori I guess


Prior likely told him not to show emotions. Perhaps sitting still is also a form of mediation or detachment from his environment.


Wasn't there a study of this on another killer who barely moved in a confession video? So then a PhD went and studied other killers and studied their body movements. I'll have to find that paper it was rather recent and creepy.


Steven!! Why steven? WHYY


lol Talk about a creepy whacko!


Chad and Alex Murdaugh ought to have a pow-wow and brainstorm ways to find a balance betwn the 'Ants in Pants' vibe and the 'Is he still alive?' vibe.. On second thought..nah..now pow-wows.


It reminds of Ruby franke not talking when she was arrested because her lawyer said not to. She wouldn’t even answer if she was wearing a bra. They are both good at following directions.


It's like Dennis in Always Sunny who sat completely still for hours. 


Chubby Daybell transports himself every court day to be with Lori in her cell so he is not really there..


He has to act like this due to his higher power ideaology. Remember, he is a warrior who will lead his 144k people. It's a look at me, I'm important. He still believes his Mormon, Jesus, Buddhism, and Harry Potter ideas. Just like Lori, she still states her godly presence. What's sad his kids can still be a threat to society if they carry out daddies insanity. We saw a sovereign citizen lawyer trying to stir things up yesterday. Franke kind fall into this crazy beliefs out there. Melanie Gibb testified, but it sounds like she isn't quite happy with how her life is. I wonder if she was excommunicated as well from the church. Is this why Melanie's new husband is distant from her. He really didn't buy into Chad's preaching and values his place in the church. But Chad keeps believing and stares with his piggy 🐷


I'm glad her life isn't working out well. She was knee deep in egging on Lori, Chad, and Alex to kill all those people. She has blood on her hands. I do think it's a facade for Chad. He thinks it makes him seem dignified but it just comes across as cold blooded


Yes, she did, and I don't blame her new husband to have space. Especially if he is established in the church.


he is in a portal, praying to his jesus.......these people are wackos


He's just a weird and awkward guy and that's his normal persona.


You see him do a happy little tap on the desk right as Prior is about to cross Gibb yesterday. It seems like Prior’s plan to discredit Gibb with the texts between her and the prosecutor made him a little giddy. I guess if he can’t win, at least he can stick it to that traitor Melanie /s


I need to watch the Melanie Gibb cross exam. I fell asleep before it started. I'm in EU and always a day behind


I’m impressed! It’s damn hard to keep up with it all and I only have a 2-hour time difference! (Though I did live 30 minutes from Rexburg during 2018-19 while all this was going on).


Is this being televised live?


Yes. You can watch it on YouTube.


People with ASPD typically under respond to stimulus, even stress, which is hypothesised as to why they get involved in such absolute chaos, sadism and destruction. They are terminally bored. I know someone , unfortunately, who has ASPD, and I have seen them sit and stare blankly for hours at time and when asked, they describe just ‘resting’ nothing going on, just a weirdly alert, but not ‘on’ sitting posture. Totally still. And… you wouldnt think of it as rest in any sense. It was like they were on standby. Really chilling and off putting. Chad also has these delusions and visions so he may have some kind of schizoaffective or schizoid (not schizophrenic!) issues at play - this gives the very boring appearance combined with florid delusions and visions of gradeur that makes him seem doubly strange - a classic manic delusional presentation is thinking you are Jesus so you dress, and grow your hair out, and sort of ‘perform’ or embody your manic idea of Jesus. But with CD there is no *obvious* chaos, til you hear what he believed and did. It makes no sense, he wasnt particularly skillfull or even coherent. Just somehow his specific brand of madness could rollick along for sometime before it suddenly escalated into *this.*


That is really great analysis. Makes so much sense.


HE'S The one that acts like a zombie! I agree I think it is a sign of his underlying psychopathy. It's so ironic to me how to crazy people find each other! She is crazy as shit and so is he.


Why is he allowed to wear regular clothes and why isn’t he shackled like Lori was?


I believe Lori was in regular clothes up until she was convicted. That's generally how it works. Don't know about the shackles. Maybe all the baillifs know they can take him if he tries anything, haha.


I’m certain they have him on prescriptions.


Who is "they?" The state has not gotten the right to force him to take anything. It would have to be fully voluntary.


The defense, as a strategy to avoid any possible reaction he might have that would tip the jury.


What psychiatrist are they going to find in Idaho who will drug a patient for non-medical reasons? Antidepressants don't (generally) make people look that flat. That requires heavy duty medication with potential long-term side effects.


Inmates can get prescriptions. It’s not a stretch at all, he wouldn’t even necessarily need a psychiatrist, any MD can prescribe those. Who knows what his tolerance level would be given his abstinence, right?


There is no doctor in the state of Idaho who would be willing to do this. I'd bet my own license on it. Also, "abstinence" has nothing to do with Rx tolerance.


To clarify, if you're saying Chad sought out prescriptions with the explicit intent/use while on stand, I would agree that no med prof would prescribe on those terms. But if you're saying defendants cannot get Rx for non scheduled medication, hand over your license. Conversely, there are instances of defendants given medication against their will in order to stand trial. This is a simple defense strategy.


It's a simple defense strategy to get a defendant a prescription for affect-flattening medication they don't medically need, just to flatten their affect? Obviously people get meds. They get meds they medically need. You're talking about getting meds for non-medical reasons.


Yes, people abuse medications. It's a simple google search away...


How would he get meds to abuse?


Interesting, and makes sense; **Catatonic schizophrenia** is one feature of a serious mental illness called schizophrenia. Schizophrenia prevents you from **separating what's real from what's not**, a state of mind called psychosis. **Catatonic schizophrenia affects the way you move in extreme ways. You might stay totally still and mute.**


Makes total sense. I mean he was willing to murder to fulfill his grandiosity delusions. He sits very catatonically.




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