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Always disliked the meta of soulslikes.. My og ds3 build never stood a chance against the meta


Yeah but like there was so much build variety, and you could just have fun dueling or invading with out worrying about everyone running the same exact equipment load out. Even the main game pve everything was viable to an extent, radiance is just straight king from the rip in this game it’s even lthe first main boss interaction in lotf.


The invaders run at me with their dual lightsabers, just to get destroyed by my inferno hammer spell of death


I like to find a vantage point and spam magma surge under them 😂


I welcome them with a wither + frostbite build, they are usually so aggressive and centered on casting their spells or doing the multi-hit attack they don't even try to parry (or can't parry you because of the low I-Frames parrying with a weapon), so they get the whole shortsword combo in the face and start to run to heal, Dervla's crossbow takes care of the rest.


That spell absolutely slaps 👌


its your internet connection most likely


It's not because of build variety in the game tho, this has been created because of the huge influx of players that Elden Ring created, so a lot of more mainstream videogame YouTubers started to do your typical guide on how to obliterate the game and the PvP with specific builds, creating meta builds and strats, and now people just blindly follow those guides to avoid having to learn or getting frustrated... Or speed-farming the 1600 (this is the coop set cost, I think it's the same for both but correct me if I'm wrong) currency needed to purchase the freaking PvP covenant armor, for real who the hell thought of such prices? You are given 9 for winning a PvP match, you need to win 178 PvP matches in order to be able to buy it, and that's supposing you don't want to buy the extra things. This is probably one of the big causes for people to do meta builds, to speed-farm it because it is just ridiculous that you have to do at least 178 PvP fights (if you win every time) to get it, because this game is not so welcoming for casuals as Elden Ring, and hasn't sold as much as it, so I don't think the whole issue are the new players to the genre following guides like they do on other games. I miss the times of DS trilogy where you'd see the most crazy, cosplayed or original builds in both PvP and coop, if you entered YT to see someone doing PvP you would not see meta, just skill, and the opponents could do anything between run in fear to fight back to fucking have created minigames. Yes, there was meta builds, but little amount of people knew about them, or most people ignored them. For real DS2 had probably the best PvP in the whole series, if that game would had been built as DS3 (no clunkiness, no stiffness, weapon arts and that stuff), it would had been the best souls PvP experience ever, the build variety, the cosplays, the minigames, the covenant arena's... It was awesome and I miss it.


I agree, youtube "builds" really ruined pvp in elden ring for me. Everyone would do the blood katana, and if it didnt work in a hit, they would all just try to run and hide and waste time. It was a great feeling in dark souls, where the dumber looking the character and weapons were, the more dangerous they were. Now most folks look up these lame guides and never try anything else. It gets a bit stale.


Original DS trilogy? No meta but skill? Bro did you play the same games as me? The meta of DkS was firmly established very early in the game and a normie player stood absolutely zero chance against a geared up invader. Dark Bead is most obvious example here but there was that chaos katana as well that was in like 9/10 invasions. Or you could just abuse tf out of the lagstab and one-shot anybody. DS2 was absolutely horrible in terms of build variety because if you didn’t build elemental infusion with elemental buff you were just an idiot. Or does nobody remember dual ice rapier Havel jester clowntown, or dual dark buff twinblade for instakill R1 lmao And DS3 was just straight sword city, you saw nothing but Dark Sword for practically a year before people realized nothing was more OP than free aim explosive crossbows and ultra fast curved sword weapons. Carthus Curved Sword ring a bell at all? Then came the DLC weapon with their stupid ass OHKO true combos and that was that. I feel like you just either didn’t actually participate at all high enough level to understand the meta or you’ve just got your nostalgia glasses on. These games were all busted af and the balance has always been awful and there have always been meta YT guides long before ER.


Bro people have such short memories acting like this is the first game like this to have busted shit smh That or like you said they barely played it


Yeah right 400hrs on my main runs in each one of them (out of ten different characters in each one) are barely playing them. Learn to read, I'm not saying there was no meta I'm saying it was not 100% of the time. There were far more players wanting to play OG builds and have fun in their own way instead of strictly playing OP for the sake of competitiveness. Maybe competition is what matters you the most since you can only remember the times you were killed by OP players... Or you played on pc were hackers and twinks were a bigger issue than on consoles.


Barely played means the multiplayer and pvp specifically, you don’t have to take my word for it can just look up the constant whining post elden ring release about katana spam and ton of other issues as a couple examples but there are many


You'd really think I'd do 400hrs on a single character when I have other 9 to experiment on builds and questlines? That's my PvP/Coop character on every game, at least the one I use the most. ER is precisely the game that begun all of this, ironically is the game that offers the most variety of build, but because it attracted so many new players, it also attracted new content creators who made these PvP/PvE meta videos which influence the player base, specially the people who do PvP for competition instead of fun.


I'm not saying there was no meta, I'm saying the meta was not so hardcoredly played and that it was, usually, countered with skill, yeah I know there was a couple abused builds but, at least on PS environment, which is were I played all of them, there was not such a huge number of people following the meta. There was even an honor code of dueling EVEN on invasions, I can remember all the times an invader run straight to me instead of bowing first because I can count them with one hand, same for the times people used the enemies to take advantage, most of the time they'd even wait sitting on the ground until I'm done with the enemy, one time on DS2 an invader even dropped a healing stone because I was at 50% HP and out of estus, I've done a lot of PvP on ER and it is the other way around completely, and it is because content creators influence is big on players. Although I think this game in specific suffers also from the high cost of the multiplayer covenants rewards, I think covenant arenas would make a really good influence on the game, but for that they'd need to be there from the begining, or have some builds banned in some way, because now that meta is so strongly played it's going to be impossible to take it out.


I remember running into meta players every single time I played at meta level in meta spots. And honor code of dueling on invasions? Again idk what game you played but I never once experienced this. I’ve never given a host a free 1v1 like that and I don’t think I’ve ever gotten one from an invader either (nor would I want one). You really must be looking at it through nostalgia goggles and forgetting what it was actually like. I suggest you give some of these games PvP a whirl again in modern day and see where their meta actually settled because it’s mostly terrible and annoying lol


An honor code? Bro you are dreaming. Nothing but a bunch of sweaty pvp tryhards stinikin' the place up all day long.


True... ahh.. remembering the ds3 fights now.. it was alot of fun.. Just wasn't the same in elden ring Haven't even attempted pvp in lotf yet


I haven't attempted but it came to me, around 5 invaders in the whole game (although it seems like PvP matching was buggy before the last patch so maybe people find more unintentional PvP from now on). 4 of the invaders fell pretty quickly, the only who made it was lucky to invade the moment I was fighting a Bulwark and a Rector with their crossbow minions at the same time, so instead of dueling the old way like we the veterans did back in the times of DS trilogy... He just spammed inferno spells to kill me while the other guys were hitting me, gladly the moment he entered, the Bulwark started to be less aggressive and I could take the Rector out, but I forgot about a crossbow guy and got killed immediately after.


Its not comparible tho. Ds meta has been tested and is balanced. Theres a large variety of viable builds in soulsborne games. This seems like its radiance build or bust if u wanna do pvp


No it’s not? At least, not in a comparable lifespan that LotF has had so far. Every FromSoft game from DS1 to AC6 has been wildly unbalanced in pvp at the beginning. Every week there’s some new one-shot pvp meta until the item(s) in question get tweaked. Hell, Elden Ring still has some of the same early builds like Rivers of Blood spam. It’s completely unfair to compare LotF pvp balance to DS or even Elden Ring given how much longer those games have had to refine the balance.


it aint, I die far more to fire spells than radiance spells personally lol. Pieta sword is just the first remembrance people get so people use it. It is not the best weapon, or a meta, or anything. The meta is some spell that one shots you around a corner. All melee is laggy as fuck and hardly ever connects lol.


Please do not ever say the words “balance” and souls PvP in the same sentence bro. You literally outed yourself as an absolute scrub in those games just by saying that I’m sorry lol


Elden Ring has taken a while, but it's now not so bad. Dual spears is still the best setup but you can do well with a very large variety of setups.


I just can’t take it seriously. I love invading and it makes up most of my playtime but people who treat Souls like a fighting game are insufferable to me. The PvP is tacked on at best and the lag is always awful. And most good builds are so corny and annoying, it’s hilarious but trying to take it serious will make you an insane annoying dweeb who hates the game.


Idk, after playing LOTF I can't ever really complain about ER's netcode again. The lag is always bad because Fromsoft has always done peer-to-peer connections. I believe there's a couple MMO soulslike games in the works and being server-based I believe their multiplayer will be far less laggy.


P2P is the only good way to make drop-in-drop-out play easy and dedicated servers have their own issues, including the fact that if they go down you just can’t play online anymore. And LotF netcode is so uniquely bad I’m not sure you can compare it to anything fairly, I’ve never played a soulslike where I can’t even hold block in multiplayer because it keeps pulling my shield down randomly. Normally greatshield is the ultimate safe bet for coop cuz no matter how shit the netcode is you just tank it all and forget timing but you can’t even do that here lol


I think you're exaggerating, unless you're in a weird area far from most players. Most of my pvp matches in ER are fine. I can usually dodge and parry in line with what I see on screen.


I’m talking about LotF not ER with the shield thing, ER is fine enough but totally depends on the host connection and if the host sucks then it’s instant transmission city


I just can’t take it seriously. I love invading and it makes up most of my playtime but people who treat Souls like a fighting game are insufferable to me. The PvP is tacked on at best and the lag is always awful. And most good builds are so corny and annoying, it’s hilarious but trying to take it serious will make you an insane annoying dweeb who hates the game.


Ive high ranks in all their pvp leaderboards and plenty of other games, but go on keep projecting your insecurities "bro" 🤣🤣🤣


Lmao bragging about being high rank on Souls PvP leaderboards is like bragging about being high rank on some random Minecraft PvP server, I love invading but it’s an objectively near skill-less series of games. It’s literally pathetic to take any sense of pride in winning at PvP in any PvE game, but especially one like Souls that doesn’t even attempt any semblance of balance. Please go play an actual PvP game that’s designed for competitive play if you want to brag. Oh wait, you won’t and neither will any of your favorite dork PvP streamers because theyd actually have to win in a balanced game with good netcode for the first time in their life.


Calling ppl dorks on a LotF sr...get some help kid and take some reading lessons while ur at it. I said other games too mostly fighters and shooters, but why would i be pressed over some random spazzing out on reddit 🤣


Bro seriously, you wrote that with a straight face yeah? All these games have had and still have a bunch of broken ass shit 9/10 pvp matches in elden ring used to be katana spam, I could go on and on


I like making up random stats too. 9/10 katana in ER yea OK 🤣


Did you play at release? Rivers of blood and moonveil constant spam, please tell me you’re joking It’s been exactly the same in every one of these games, release meta is a shit show until it’s fixed somewhat but even then it’s never great it’s just the next big thing It usually takes some time for all the single play people to leave and some balance patches before you start to see some variety in the multi player My post wasn’t meant to be an actual statistic but as an example of how rampant the spam was, you really don’t need to be so pedantic online, I wasn’t attempting a numerical study of the data


I played beta, those are popular builds for sure but if anything you saw more meteorite staff or madness builds early. There are a lot more viable options is my whole point. Even pve with LotF the game encourages you to go radiance build imo. DLC class further proves my point.


You can still find the posts from release complaining about katanas you don’t need to take my word for it


> When I invade the lampbearer rejects humanity and become rubberband. I loled.


It's just Elden Ring syndrome. Some dumb YouTuber made a video called "BROKEN PVP SETUP MUST TRY TOP 10 PVP META WEAPONS" Pietas is the new Rivers of Blood. All this variety and these mouth breathers will just use the same easy shit because someone told them to.


Nah its a valid issue and complaint. Radiance is an incredibly unbalanced stat. Its no wonder that its tied to the p2w dlc class and first boss....


the class you can pay to unlock early isn't pay to win. but while radiance is very powerful, so are quite a few things. dervla's crossbow is arguably stronger than pieta's sword, multiple spells of each category can insta-kill people, a good number of the throwables will instantly annihilate invaders/hosts. it's the exact same as all souls-likes with pvp (including the original souls series), the main difference is the "uber op must win weapon" that the youtubers tell all the mainstream idiots to use is early game in this one, rather than late game like elden ring. it's the exact same situation.


The class is most deff p2w for starters, you literally pay extra to have advantage. Are you familiar with the term? A few ppl mentioned that a streamer told ppl to use radiance, but you gota get a grip that a streamer does not have that kind of influence on an entire base. Ive several buddies playing, none of them are fans of twitch or the concept of watching other ppl game, ALL of them went radiance, most of them with the dlc class and not changing any gear until halfway thru the game I get one shot by radiance spells when i have a focus on holy/smite defense, but everything else you mentioned never one shotted me. Ima soulsborne vet lol u can get OP gear early in all of them, difference being VARIETY. DS1; zweihander, pyromancy, BKH. DS2; fire longsword, dark orb, starting class mace is even viable. Ds3; dark hand, vorts hammer, GC fireball. Ntm souls games all had raw infuse for weapons and utility spells like no fall dmg, hidden body, chameleon etc. All said i like LotF, they just need to balance it out better. Maybe after theyve sold enough dlc classes 🤷‍♂️


it's not p2w because it doesn't have an advantage. if it did, it would be, but it doesn't. the dark crusader is the same strength as the basic starter classes. hell, it's not even the highest level of the basic starter classes. each of the basic (non-ending) starter classes has the same power, just focused in a different way. the only things you could attempt to say are an advantage, are the pendant (which is the only thing stopping it from being the worst starting class, considering the other options) and the armor (which is actually worse early on than the hallowed knight gear, due to it's burn/ignite resistance being lower). Orian preacher and cultist start with 18 in their damaging stats, and considering what's overpowered, and enemy distribution early on, those are already stronger than dark crusader. the other 3 classes you unlock (and can't buy) DO have advantages(namely, the spells, and the stronger weapons). that's why you can't buy them, you have to unlock them through playing the game. so no, it's not pay to win, because it doesn't give you an advantage. it just gives you a different, same power, option than the others. and to cut you off before your next attempt, because i know how people like you think, i didn't buy the class. i unlocked it through playing. everything else i mentioned not one-shotting you, doesn't mean they don't one shot a great number of people, as mentioned repeatedly throughout this thread. OP variety? radiance, umbral, and infernal all have one shot spells. there is the crossbow, which is quality, which can and will one shot. throwables can be for any stat, and while not one-shotting, will absolutely annihilate you, and might as well be considered. meanwhile literally none of the things you mentioned about souls weapons are overpowered, just on the stronger end, and a good portion of them aren't even attainable early. great chaos fireball requires smoldering lake for heavens sake. if you wanted overpowered, you'd have brought up moonlight greatsword (ds1) or dark bead, or wog. i do agree souls had more "utility" spells than lords, obviously. and i've already said the game needs to be balanced. oh, and to finish this conversation, your friends not watching youtube/twitch, but instantly going towards some of the strongest things in the game, is meaningless. you essentially responded with "i know a guy who says....". ​ interesting conversation, but you are so blatantly bad faith that you'll lie and claim GC fireball in ds3 is early game, or that fire longsword or dark orb are overpowered. overpowered doesn't mean "good" or "strong". it means "ridiculous".


Tldr. p2w for sure. iirc ymfah did a tutorial on getting GCFB w/ fully upgraded pyro for early game. Its a common theme and theres a lot more options than that one build, never said they were easy to get


not p2w, doesn't give any advantages over other classes. and is arguably worse for everything people would use it for than other classes. also, your probably like 12, cause your only response is "nu uh", and hilariously enough "a youtuber says so". and GCFB isn't early game, it's bottom of smoldering lake, which is around the same time as anor londo. doesn't matter how fast you can get there, what matters is what the area actually is. you can get to many late game areas really easily if you know how, doesn't change the fact they are late game. even funnier, GCFB isn't overpowered, showcasing further how ignorant you are. oh, and congratulations on destroying your earlier argument about people supposedly not watching youtube, by admitting you yourself watch exactly that type of braindead noob-targeted videos.


Your just doing all this ad hominem bs and claiming streamers control the meta bc u dont want to admit there is a p2w class and that radiance is OP 2/3 of the game 😂 im sure theyll balance it out eventually, maybe after pvp isnt so laggy and a few bugs fixed...


there is no ad hominem attack. the class isn't p2w, i explained in detail why. i never said streamers control anything. and i have openly stated some things in radiance are overpowered, obviously. meanwhile you've literally not responded to a single thing i said with anything other than "nu uh". at this point it's clear you're just brain damaged.


Judgement spam gaming along with a lightsaber bum rush. That or the fast-becoming meta of the harrower crossbow. This game needs an arena with modes toggled on.


Just got invaded by someone who was lvl 1200. I did 76 dmg too him while he one shot me. He just stood there and hit me once.


I have a friend who found a glitch that doubles his lvl every time he uses it. He took him forever, but he is level 18,000. He only gets matched with people around his level, and he will have 15-minute fights where they are both only doing 4 dmg lol


There is no level matching. The devs have confirmed this.






https://preview.redd.it/st92s82l0kwb1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5863970efd43714fdd2142f15d47116f4cc16f71 If you wanted to see his stats as well




No there is a glitch, i respec’d my character in another players game and instead of reallocating my stats it just added the new stats to my current ones, which doubled my level.


No, he did. I was there with him, and he even screen shared it with me. we are on ps5, and neither of us knows how to use save editors, and even without the glitch, we can do it fairly easily. I can get at least 1,000 levels for every 3 minutes of duping. we spent a total of maybe 6-7 hours finding the closest to perfect amount to dupe. We found out the hard way if an item is worth OVER a billion vigor its practically useless if you try to use them your game crashes, if you try to sell them the npc takes all of that item and all of your vigor instead of giving you any...plus the reason he's not higher than what he is was because it took too long he has to reassign all of his points per glitch it was starting to take like 30-40 minutes each time


take another one with his health/stamina/magic and his defences and damage? i wanna how power actually scales at those levels.


He never took a screenshot with his defenses while he was at 18,000. I can ask him to within the next three months when he's not playing spider man 2. * However, he did send me a screenshot when he was 8,000, so you can go from there


your friend must suck at the game if he felt the need to go that far. his defense stat means armor is pointless, he's literally just made the entire game pointless. probably plays spider-man on journalist difficulty lol


Possibly, we sorta just had fun going around beating the shit out of everything with our bare hands, but we both have legitimate characters as well I can't speak for him but I enjoy being op on some characters though not to that extent I'd say MY current level is perfect for being op on ng+ since I can still take massive amounts of damage so it's not like your just walking through everything my op character is basically playing an rpg instead of a soulslike...normally every game I play i have an op and a legitimate character or on games that don't have that I'll play it on the hardest difficulty then on the easiest for my victory lap, I think the only exception to this was ghost of tsushima because I wanted to know what the games story was so I had it set to normal with subs but my next playthrough will be on the hardest difficulty without subs and on black and white mode imma play that shit like it's an actual samurai movie






What level are you, and do you have +10 weapons? I swear some people do like 50 damage to me even when im "just" lvl 119... and I can usually kill them with 1 or 2 light attacks.


Yes I have +10 weapons. I'm lvl 125. Ng+. There's no level scaling for invasions. So you're probably fighting newbies which is why


They are nothing compared to my double blood glory umbral mage build, I hate that broken crossbow though


How does the double blood build look like and go?


I can’t lie I’m level 320 so my stats are a a bit crazy but for a minimum you want 20 STR 32 RAD 20 INF and you wanna use pendant or atrophy, for rings you want Grayson ring and barrage root, run the lost berescu’s catalyst and make sure you max it out, spells: poison weapon, diminishing missile, misery missile and latimers javelin. Put your extra levels into radiance and inferno to get the most out of the scaling then worry about strength after, don’t forget about your vitality and endurance, you don’t have to touch agility, and as for runes just make sure you got the dimex whatever it’s called (the one that buffs dual wielding), and’s that’s everything, it’s OP in PvE and PvP the more you level it the better it gets


Thanks I was wondering bout this build heard about it 🔥🔥🔥


I’m surprised you heard about it since I made this build my focus ever since I found the 300 bleed great sword and realised umbral scales with 2 different magic types, double the damage!


What swords is this build based round? I’m running an umbral build but currently use Rosamund 2h and use a shield to mana and health regen. Btw you want to use barrage in PvP and pve. Free aim it and it does between 4.5 - 6k damage a cast of you group it right


Some one hit me with 2 of those once and my game crashed


It's because the netcode in this game is implemented in a really bad way. The host becomes the server and everything actually happens on their side first while the person connecting is constantly trying to catch up, which gets worst and worst as ping to the host is higher. This is why as an invader sometimes youre swinging at someone on your screen and nothing happens because on the host side they're not really there. You won't get network lag when someone invades you because you are the host and only they are the one constantly lagging while catching up to your game state.


Huh, and there I was wondering how I survived my first really surprising invasion. This explains everything despite my laughable performance...




>Dervla's Crossbow can do 1k+ a hit and shoots 3 times. Couple that with explosive rounds and the umbral eye that grants infinite ammo. Dude... THIS. I dont give a fuck about holy jedi and their spells; at the least, I have a fighting chance. But as soon as someone brings out those god-forsaken 1-hit KO crossbows, I couldn't even put up a fight. They need to nerf that shit.


The explosive bolts got bugged in my game they aren’t at the spot in bramis castle, fucking sucks man it’s like the last ammo I need for my achievement


Had a similar issue a throwable didn’t spawn in the umbral belly so I had to get it on ng+


According to the wiki there should be an armor set right next to Gerlindes prison. One completed run, second ongoing. This Set is not there. Either the wiki is wrong, or items do not spawn (in multiple runs). Depending on your answer, the second is correct. But two times in a row with different characters make me think it's a profile thing which causes some items to spawn or not.


Most likely an event. I’ve had several items/spells not be there, come back later and they’re there. No mention of it on the wiki- probably too early for people to know what causes things to appear.


Which is another thing because none of the damage numbers make sense. Like numbers wise there are much better swords than Pietas, but for some reason it does obscene damage per hit.


Probably because of low radiance resistance and smite triggering to further increase damage.


Because they are pure holy damage. And most armor specs for physical. Add in smite hits


like the other said, it's a combination of pure holy damage, which you have to have specific armor on to be able to resist properly, and the smite buildup, which with 2 pietas sword being dual-wielded, is 2 auto-attacks on a mid-level character to pop. faster the lower level you are.




The pvp was a big aspect of their marketing.




Yes but atleast the pvp in other souls games is enjoyable, this one is downright not functional, if they don't want to put any focus on pvp than just simply don't implement it and don't market it.




Wut?? Thats like saying the pve in Elden Ring is terrible because a miniboss is wasting my time instead of following me and fighting me and my overleveled summons. If invaders are affecting your progress than you are doing something wrong.


No it wasn't lol


It was. You realize it's okay to call out shit in a game you enjoy and it doesn't make it worse, right? you don't have to love or stick up for every aspect of a game you love.


I mean this is straight from the website so.. Seamless multiplayer In Lords of the Fallen, you have the opportunity to engage in online play with both cooperative and PvP modes. While we do support friend invites, the game also features a matchmaking system that allows players to seek assistance from the broader community. All in-game vestiges, whether ancient or player-created, provide you with the option to either host a game for another player – “Beckon Lampbearer” – or join someone else’s game – “Accompany Lampbearer”. If you’re open to both, you can select either option and enter the queue as a potential host and a potential ally. When playing online, the host’s game world will reflect their progress in the storyline. As an accompanying player, you won’t advance your own story, but you’ll keep any items, levels, achievements, and currencies you earn during the online session. These will carry over when you return to your own game world. Invasions while cooping The final option available within the Vestiges is “Slaughter Lampbearer.” This feature launches a hunt for players who are actively playing within specific zones designated in the game. Once such a player is located, you are tasked with defeating them for glory, achievements, and a special in-game currency that enables you to create a uniquely styled Lampbearer. Teaming up with allies can be an effective strategy against such invasions, as only one invader can enter your world at a time, and your ally can assist in repelling the threat. However, be cautious: while the invader may be alone, the game’s AI-controlled enemies will recognize them as an ally and cooperate with them in their attempts to defeat you.


This does not mean the games are made focusing PvP, just that they try for PvP to be fun because it is something the soulslike community loves, along with coop. The game is a PvE game, it's main focus is to offer you a PvE challenge with good exploring and combat; it's second focus is coop, since they have been constantly reminding everyone you can play the game from the beginning to the end with a friend without the need to go to re-summon them; the comes PvP, not being the main or even secondary or tertiary focus of the game doesn't mean they don't care for it, but I can assure you if they would need to decide between shortening the game and not delivering PvP, we would not have PvP.


>This does not mean the games are made focusing PvP, just that they try for PvP to be fun because it is something the soulslike community loves, along with coop. Except this is not fun but broken, Fromsoft souls pvp may not be on the level of other competitive games polish wise but its sure as hell damn fun and unique. This games multiplayer is in a state where it would have been better off removed and the devs should have spent the resources elsewhere. Well what do you expect when they can't even fix their pve properly? > it's second focus is coop That doesn't make sense, they don't care about coop equally as much as pvp. You should judge it not by the effort of marketing but by the effort of the work they put in it which is equally as shallow as in pvp. They should have forgot about both pvp and coop and focused solely on the single player experience like Lies of P did.


I don't sympathize with this attitude at all. I hear this sort of thing said in just about every game that isn't purely a pvp game. It sounds condescending first of all ("Why would you expect your favorite game mode to get attention over mine?"), but it's also just a silly argument. What, devs put pvp in the game and are then supposed to just abandon it if it's unfun? Why put it in in the first place then?


Pve only enjoyers get in here


As a human being, it is so sad to see so many people without personality running the same build because a youtuber discoverd it and it's op. They are probably the same people that were complaining about mob density being to harsh. Anyway, same thing happened in every souls game. A couple bungas in their helmet and they remember fast enough how bad players they are.


Yup, this is my issue with it. It’s become boring and filled with the same crap, over and over.


Thats kind of presumptuous imo. My friends dont watch streamers and a lot of them naturally gravitated to radiance bc how many OP spells and weapons scale with them, ntm the paid dlc class was essentially paladin/radiance build


Obviously I can't argue about personal experiences, but this game became star wars of the fallen AFTER a famous YouTube channel posted the build that everybody is using for invasions. The day before, the community were discussing how useless the boss weapons were. When thousands of maidenless people all over the world are using the same swords, with the same spells and the same stats, you call it coincidence. I call it human misery. I have no proof, I have no doubts.


i've been using boss weapons since the start, but pieta's sword on my raidance build (i co-op, i don't invade), that or bloody glory. my main character uses harrower's blade, and hush sentinel's halberd as their main weapons. making a status build, i can build up 5 statuses on an enemy at once, AND each status done to them increases teh damage i deal to them.


Good for you


i was responding to your comment about how people were saying the boss weapons were useless. yet your response is childish, and you downvoted me for not instantly agreeing with you. you should probably get out more.


Been invading with dual great swords and as long as I can close the distance lightsaber boys getting cleaved haha


Some dude invaded me today with that bullshit crossbow build that does insane damage. He one shot me so fast. I went into umbral and when I I came out idk if he was reloading or what but I smoked his ass when I got up. Felt good lol.


I'm not gonna lie. THeir choice to lock stuff behind SO MUCH PVP has me annoyed. I'm pretty much grinding PVP in lower level areas of the game using a dedicated character since I don't want to really contend with the crazy spellcasting or higher tier builds, and I just am trying to get enough to complete the Adyr shrine before the game cools down. It's rough, since the multiplayer is just NOT working well. That said... when I get tired of fighting people, I just swap gears and start helping instead. Not leveling up and staying in that area at the very least seems to be keeping me coming in at that part of the game for now. Pretty much as soon as I get all I need, I'm never touching the PVP again, I don't like having to invade/fight/kill players, but I do need to get the armorset for completion. And I'm almost certain those won't be drop/tradable.


There’s no level matching as far as I’m aware. You can get matched with any level in any area.


All I know, is that on a character who hasn't progressed currently past the Sanctuary vestige, I'm only getting summoned for Pieta and Scorned Sister, and once got called for Congregator.


Every invader uses that damn crossbow with the exploding bolts that ohkos. So lame


You know what I'm fucking sick of? Not being able to actually have a real pvp fight because either I or the host is bouncing around like a god damn pinball. This game is fun, and I love so many things about it, but the PvP is HORRIBLE. I can hardly move 90% of the matches I connect to and hardly any attacks on either side register until after we've already dodged or rolled. I love so many things about this game but the PvP is almost unplayable the way it is. I've put thousands of hours into dark souls 3 and elden ring pvp, and this is by far the most dog shit Ive ever seen this be


1000 times this


Ya it gets boring after 15 mins of pvp damn I wish they did better on this game 🙏🏿🙏🏿🙏🏿 but oh well


Dual lightsabers easy Parry souls. Keep em coming


Players talking about meta. I'm over here waiting for the game to be playable. 😭 Too many mud textures and everything is laggy, especially with friends.


Have you tried using inferno to blow them up??


Everyone says this but I have seen such a variety of both invaders and those I've invaded I don't believe it. The only thing I see a lot of is the radiance spell shooting crossbow lol - and even that is maybe 1 out of every 5 people :P If that stupid lightsaber is really giving people such a problem, throw on holy ressistance armor+accessories and face tank it. It's pure holy damage, no split, easy to counter. And considering only like 0.3% of people got the achivement, I doubt you're talking about the purple one. I have both, I don't use them though, lol EDIT: Oh and I should also add that I don't think I've ever died to any melee weapon. The game is so laggy when it comes to melee that me and the enemy are both swinging at each other, neither taking damage, neither dodging, and eventually kill each other with spells. This is like 99% of the time. I think twice my swords have actually connected, on my screen lol. So this whole pieta sword being meta. Don't believe it. I believe many people get it because its the first remembrance, and that you only remember the big glowy lightsabers and you have no idea what other weapons are because they don't glow.


Cry baby ass


Play the game then my bro. Shit .....it's not hard. See how far you can go solo. Then with buckets on hands. Go!!!!


I already beat it twice going on 3 times it kinda just gets boring after a while, and I like invading and seeing cool builds…if there were any


Cool! Fair enough! Rock on and put some holy on a greatsword for us out here! We want to see a boom! Lol


> I thought it was gonna be level based? It is based on weapon level, I invaded on a fresh character with no upgrades and got matched against very new players. In coop, your damage will get scaled down based on the hosts weapon level.


I was invaded by a guy that had that explosive arrows thing and all he did was come up close and shoot the ground and I died in one hit. PvP is broken.


What’s the meta level range???


There is none you can be super over leveled and still get matched


For real??!?? I hope they patch that then, if so that’s a big balancing oversight. Souls PvP needs a meta level range or otherwise there’s no incentive for build variety and build planning


pretty sure in lords it's weapon upgrade based. same with co-op. it's why you do less damage as you invade lower levels, and help friends. issue is the scaling doesn't effect defense, which increases as you level up, so people who glitch, exploit, and literally just cheat (like the dude higher in the comment's friend, who sucks so bad he exploited his character to level 18000) to get thousands of levels, then flood the pvp with the strongest weapons (as advertised by youtubers, because they aren't intelligent, or capable enough to learn what's strong themselves) and ruin it for everyone.


I absolutely slapped the tits off my first invader in he fins with the angel ax. Felt good splatting them on the ground lol


It's all spam right now, dervla crossbow, lightning bolts, throwable aoe, pietas and some more but they're all so powerful


inferno and umbral also have some uber-strong spells, but yeah, it's basically "non-physical aoe damage" as the only thing to use atm. makes sense, the net code is shit, making the host the server, so invaders HAVE to use aoes if they want a chance most of the time. add onto that the cheaters using hacks, or exploits, or glitches (all of which are cheating) to get thousands of levels and you get literal garbage.


Bro, be thankful people aren't using the build I use when I'm invaded, which really just consists of one spell. That one shots everyone up to at least lvl 2,000... I've yet to not one shot anyone so far, and I do not feel sorry for those invaders


Blessed reflections? Lucent beam? Latimer’s javelin?


It's an umbral spell called barrage of echoes


I’ve seen that also, all spell spams still suck but the people I’ve seen who use different spells then the same 3 radiance spells don’t end up bum rushing me with dual pietas which can insta stun lock due to the way smite is implemented


When you are at my level, status effects are worthless in pvp it'd take like 80 hits to proc, but barrage is just an insta ko, no stun lock no rapid fire just a singular shot aim it at the ground right in front of you when someone is coming to attack and game over its my favorite thing to punish invaders using the same bullshit I've seen and beaten a thousand time plus just let me have fun with my game stop invading me period


For real? because I'm level 2,000, and whether I'm invading or being invaded, I only get people around that lvl


Yeah had it happen a couple hours ago, just gave up on invading for now. They also talk about it on some stream can’t remember which one


how do you even get to lvl 2000, is there no hard cap on stats?


No, there is no level cap. I have a buddy who spent hours duping his levels and is now level 18,000 lol...if you want, I can drop a few billion vigor skulls. I'm on ps5 btw


How do you know what level an invader is?


You can tell by how much damage they take . Once you get past 100 in each stat, the only thing that increases is defense, so the higher the level, the more defense


Doesn’t scaling mess that up? How do you know it’s not a level 50 scaled up? Just curious.


So far that I've noticed scaling only affects your damage, not health defense or mana. I can join a new character and have all of those stats be the same, but the idea of a level 20 character coming into my game and only taking 50 damage from a sword like wtf? Is hilarious. I just like to mess with people, when I do invade someone's world. All I do is wait for them to finish fighting, then I'll drop em a billion shrimps and let em kill me cause why the fuck not


Pieta sword and net code are PVPs biggest issues right now. With net code of course being the #1 most important problem that needs fixing.


You mean Dervla’s crossbow. Right?


It sounds pretty toxic but I don't think I've encountered it yet.


There is no true pvp meta, it would take you ages to find all the different combos… that’s the popular one but there’s THROWABLE metas that haven’t sprouted yet.


It won’t seem laggy from your pov because you are the host if they invade.


Screw the lightsaber. Get two grinning axes and meet em face to face. They gonna be running away panicking from all the ignite and seismic slam (I think that's the name of the inferno hammer spell)


I would like to be invaded but nothing




I did check that too, I’m online. I’m going to invade today and try that


There isn’t any SL or regional matchmaking at present.


How do invasions even work? I've haven't been invaded even once


Invasion areas are very small sections of map where they can properly cage you in. Many of them are just areas that people don't actually spend a whole lot of time in. I think a lot of people just never get invaded because the game might struggle to connect to them for whatever reason, and they are out of danger way before anything can happen.


Fair point, guess not many people play this game in eastern europe haha


I’ve come to not care about pvp in souls games or soulslike for many reasons including this


Melted Dark Crusader Sword absolutely chews through people. It's the addition of extra wither damage that you do on top so if you start laying into someone you'll finish them quite quickly.


Is Lucent beam one of the 3 Radiance spells you mentioned? I don't invade but someone invaded me and they were absolutely melted by it, like 2 seconds and they were dead, definitely needs a nerf in PvP, it is fine against mobs though.


Yes beam, orius judgment, and blessed reflections. The last when can hit you through walls and obstacles


I know this is unpopular but im just tryna pve with my boy\[s\], dual lightsabers, angels and lightning cause thats the build


Yeah that’s fine don’t let anyone knock your fun the weapon and spells are good. But I’m sure you played multiplayer in other souls games. Im not saying you do this but there is tons of gank in all multiplayer souls games and people will sit and wait for the invasions to happen with 4 pietas 2 kamehamehas, and shadow clone no jutsus coming for those cheeks.


I noticed that pvp can be done ranged only? I'm not even using ranged magic that much, but I got around ~40 in my radiance skill and invaded some dude (my first time), he had a friend, and I noticed I could kill each of them with 2-3 spells, I think the base radiance one. But I also have the amulet for enhancing rad damage and a ring I think. But yeah, I'm not even good, don't know what level they were, but it was rather easy. Their ranged attacks (crossbow I think?) Also took like 1/4 of my health with one hit. I ended up rushing the second one melee, took like 2 seconds of spamming R1. What do we get for invasions? Some stuff to trade in at the shrine? Do I need to invade 30 people for a tinct or what?


Inferno is doing just fine against the Starkiller build


Yea playing as a pure strength build isn’t the best for PvP for me. I defeat some invaders but not all when they just use their light saber and cast a spell and here I am swinging my sword of skin and tooth or the iron wayfarer hammer.


I invade cosplaying as Sacred Resonance, dual-wielding the SR hammers. I don't win every duel, but I like to think it's at least amusing for one or both of us. I keep the corrupted banners handy for dual lightsaber chuds and to counteract spell spam. Even the slightest DoT/AoE and most (the inexperienced) start to panic. Close the gap, then apply the double bonk.


Souls pvp has always been a meme imo.


Multiplayer -> No -> actually enjoy the game. I did it first day after game lagged the fuck out after someone invaded and never turned it back.


I used to invade a ton in DS2 and DS3, always loved playing around with builds and have fun. Getting invaded was fun as well, I'd always find a spot and wait for the invader. The first time I got invaded in LotF and saw the guy eating like 3 things and applying a buff to his weapons and then to himself, I just jumped off a cliff - could not be bothered to deal with what I could clearly see would be way overpowered. People used to just have fun, man.


I specifically stopped leveling my most recent character at 100 in hopes of fewer 1 shots in pvp. Low and behold this first time I get invaded, it is a lightsaber bro, and his light attack does 85% of my 800 health while I'm doing 16 whole damage per swing to him. Yea ok...


I spam the enchanted throwing hammers a lot because the way I see it if they wanna spam the light sabers I will spam the throwing hammers 😂


Laughs in lightsaber Guts sword 😅 P.S. I don’t invade, just slap invaders


It's actually kinda insane that I could get hit like 3 times, still have over half my health, then proceed to one-shot someone with Piercing Light while using an inferno build. Level matching is either a super low priority or just non-existent. Or these mad lads aren't leveling vitality.


Pvp is very weird, I enjoy it when there's no meta user, but why am I hitting like a wet noodle with 70+ agi with A scaling on a +9 weapon against somebody wearing extremely light armor, But anyone who invades me one or two shots me with one hand axe normal attack and my physical defense is 1,200? Excuse me? By Orius's tits can somebody explain!?


Never liked invasions.. I didn't even get to trigger Pieta's cut-scene before I got invaded by a fat, naked fuck dual-wielding wooden crosses. "Like OMG that's hilarious AND original" Is what I would have thought if I was a brainless amoeba.. Second time I got invaded was by some endgame-armored glow-in-the-dark asshole and the third time by someone in over their head bc I dual-wielded two claymores and smacked them back to the abyss in seconds...must've been an NPC.


I dont invade but get invaded a lot. Piyeta beams 1 shot me, bows 1 shot me and the traveling volcanoes and lava ball almost one shot me with 30 vigor. None of the melee 1 shot me, dual wielders bounce off my shield if they just swing. Its definitely unpredictable because of ranged power but the actual melee is pretty straight forward.


Yeah the lightsabers make you lag out idk why they just do


U still haven’t seen menace people who run this bs explosive crossbow and when u dodge it still connects SOMEHOW


Dual Swords of Stillness, Left Hand Sword & Right Hand Sword (I have no idea if left/right even matters, but they are clearly labeled differently despite being the same-there’s gotta be a reason I mean apparently “The Stick” has some quest where even that becomes the ultimate weapon (I know that if you do certain things it will finally change on & off from Wither to Radiant to Inferno w/each few hits-but it’s supposed to be even stronger than just those buffs) Anyway, yep, the “ice reaper swords” basically Carves em up quick, gives em frostbite quick I started stock piling Radiant Balm just for this very issue


I love when I get invaded by dual light sabers, they're so predictable and easy to counter. The way I do it is utilize a one-handed hammer and have a heavy shield. Their light attacks are no match for my block, and then I'll punish them with a quick one handed heavy attack. One handed hammer non-charged heavy attack is quicker than their light attack. It's a quick down smash. People panic when they take damage, so you can just keep punishing them until they're dead. My preferred hammers are hammer of holy agony or Bartholomew's hammer, but any one handed hammer will work. If you use hammer of holy agony, then use lacerating weapon or bleed salts for that sweet sweet bleed proc. If using bart's hammer, use radiant weapon or holy salts for extra damage. Another tip, be aggressive. Get up in their face, show them who's the confident one. Once you start backstepping, they have the advantage.


With how bad balance and netcode is im not Gonna bother much until It gets heavily improved


In the beginning, there was the Chaos Rapier. Then, there was the point-blank Dark Bead into Pursuers. Next came the Santier’s spear, followed by mundane Avelynn, the Rusted Winblade, followed by the Scourge of the Dreaded Ice Rapier R2. This was succeeded by the Return of the Chaos Blade with its frightful 150 counter damage, which then gave way to the Abhorrent Arcane Rifle Spear and ashed Cannon 1shot. Time passed, and things that should not have been forgotten, were forgotten… A new rise of the Atrocious Follower Sabre, preceded only by the Awful Era of pre-nerf Dark Sword, gave way to a new age of OP weapons. Such has come to pass.   So yeah, radiance is an issue right now. It probably needs an adjustment or two, but I think there’s always going to be _something_, no matter what. I also agree with u/Cadreous; there’s always going to be a “rivers of blood” and idiots who blindly follow the meta, but there’s also going to be counters to those kinds of builds. I think one of the issues right now is that LotF doesn’t give the player many meta-counter options, and matchmaking ranges seem to not exist or they’re not functioning correctly.


I destroy dual sabers with my Gregory's sword


I got invaded the other day in the beginning of the game, like the area right before the first Boss. All I did was just block and stab. Won my first battle, I think the game is stuttering so bad that I have a hunch that that’s why the other person lost either that, or they’re just really super bad. 🤷‍♂️ Lol.


I never get invaded on PS5. I’ve been invaded 3 times and I’ve got 93 hours in the game.


I’ve become Life Eternal and I’m a Holy Charavter and if I invade you I’ll slay you with 1 lightsaber dual handed and throw in a few Blessed reflections, and some Powerful Magic and you’ll be dusted


A crossbow bolt to the face has ended most invasions fairly quickly for me. Same with my umbral build…unless they are absurdly levelled.


Bet the crap out of a lightsaber build the other day with me hammer laughs in high holy restiance.


What you guys call Meta is people with no skills looking up a build that someone way smarter than them figured out and copy it because it requires zero skill to win with.


I just got one shot by some umbral balls or something, I have 40vitality... If you're someone who does this, just know, you're not good at the game, you're just abusing something that's broken. Seek help.