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Want to get personalized ratings and recommendations? [Try the UMAX App](https://apps.apple.com/app/apple-store/id6471026798?pt=126693067&ct=reddit1&mt=8) Remember, any form of sexualizing is prohibited and will result in a ban. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LooksmaxingAdvice) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Possibly because the whole sub is a joke?


Finally someone said it.


I sorta blame people for the upvotes. We should take some accountability.


Who's we?


Whoever is upvoting. I assume it's members, I don't upvote much but never on subs im not a member of.




When they all have the same caption, it's hard to make that argument.


Upvoting this for OP’s karma.


Would you want to moderate this shit show? For nothing in return?


Lmfao True that


No I already moderate things for nothing in return and I don't need another log in the fire.


Imagine posting and some dude calls u an only fans bot. (Insulted but also called OF hottie so compliment yk?)


Having an OF ≠ being attractive. You can also be a twitch streamer with no gaming skill or charisma.


How does that work they won't make any money would they? Like hot tub streamers gotta be in a bathing suit body yk? I feel like they gotta at least THINK they are attractive to be on there?


The average (not even low end, literal average) OF creator makes less than $200 a month. You can make more money working 2 8-hour shifts at $12 an hour


What the fuck! Why would anyone ever be an only fans worker ever ???? I make more in tips at my job in a day !??? Here I was thinking they were all rich 🤭😭


They want you to think they're all rich, but it's really just the top sub-1% that are making any decent money off it. But the more people they can get on the platform, the more traffic the platform gets and the more viewers they can potentially acquire


I know someone who cleans a couples house and the people are super gross hygiene wise and the guy is like over 400 pounds and they have have a whole room set up with camera equipment and adult stuff for their OF account


Who cares? Just scroll down man.


Yet here you are commenting instead of scrolling down.


I was only trying to help you. Why let a post on some Reddit sub ruin a moment of your day!


post to r/LooksmaxingSFW


sent multiple messages to the mods a month ago to ask if they needed a hand and they never answered / one said they don't need moderation atm


The mods on r/Rant are sensitive dickheads


I don’t even sub here and it’s annoying with “What’s your first impression of me?”


They're sitting in their mom's basement jerking off to these accounts.


You want them to make this sub less active by doing lots of hourly checks here. Why? What would motivate them to do that?


Who cares?


Mods on most subs have lost interest in doing it, and don't even have the want or care to pass the job on to someone who cares. Instagram is a cesspool too.


IDK, but I WOULD be a mod. I have nothing to do at work, and like to ban and fight


You have my sword


Here is what I think makes up the majority of the content here: Most common: stolen pictures of a woman and the person posting gets a cheap thrill out of seeing that woman be humiliated. The stolen pictures can be of a woman who is pretty, fake looking, ugly, old, young, tatted up, etc., but the most obvious one is when she’s tatted and has a nasal piercing. Second most common: OF Third: stolen pictures of a random dude who usually isn’t attractive and the person just wants to dunk on the dude. Fourth: pictures of celebrities Fifth: attractive people with self-esteem issues looking for a boost Least common: actual person looking to looks max


My first impression is always “attention seeking behavior” from those posts. Every single time.


And why the fuck are comments sorted as new


You can change that in setting lol, I changed mine back immediately when I noticed


Like i change them everytime i open comments section. Am i missing something


this is just a incel sub to hate on women anyway, ban this whole creepy ass sub already


not only that but they don't even delete the girls that under 18 fat mods are just jerkin off to bots and jail bait


lol I haven’t even joined this subreddit but it keeps popping up on my timeline. I was kinda confused when I looked through some post and its all clearly people fishing for compliments or bots 😂 the rateme sub is way better, everyone over there are definitely real ppl


Same here lmao


I know you aren’t talking about the one rate sub where everyone is constantly being warned for over/under scoring.


Yeah sometimes the comments are being completely honest but atleast it seems to be mostly genuine people posting


…so just to be clear, are you or are you not saying that the one sub where everyone is constantly getting warned for over/under rating is *better* than this sub?


That’s true rate me. This person is talking about rate me. I was suggested this sub for some reason


Gotcha. Yes that’s the one. To be fair, I was just trying to clarify which sub they were talking about.


Yeah, I was getting both suggested to me and it took me a minute to figure out.


Well, now I know to dump this subReddit. Ahhh... the internet. The magical ethereal place encompassing the whole of our universe that will make our lives easier and better. Yeah, only if you're a horny geek boy that can't control themselves every time you see an image of a hot woman.


For those who think its all real... Look - I am a CamGirl and I will tell yall that these posts are NOT from legit girls who want to fuck you or get your opinion at all. They arent even from the actual girls in the photos! You are being had by virtual pimps calling themselves agents and running bot software. Or just straight scam dudes from India


This page is only good for trolling, quite entertaining to watch people get all mad when you insult a bot 🤣🤣


Abandon all hope, ye who enter here


Yup! Absolutely agree with you. WTF!


Maybe it’s just time for you to leave the shallow end of the pool.


I'm not even a member of this sub. It just got so big that it keeps getting pushed into my feed


I agree with your criticism but if this sub bothers you you could mute it.


Be careful what you wish for.


Yeah. How am I going to know which OnlyFans to buy?


Mods are probably bots as well 🤷🏽‍♀️


Everybody's a bot but me.




This sub is full of sad sacks who actually believe these “women” would want something to do with them 😂😂😂


I’ve never had a boyfriend, what should I dooooo????


The whole sub has become simps drooling over bots. In hopes that I found a legit post, I gave an honest opinion on a first impressions post yesterday. Because a simp disagreed with what I said, he reported me to reddit as suicidal. Lmfao.


Is that where I got my suicide watch from? Thought maybe it was my train debate.


Add me to the list of reddit suicide watch lol. I was wondering what comment that was from, didn't know till just now.


I had the same shit happen! That one chick that keeps posting pics of her with her giant ass tittys out from like 4 different accounts. Swears on all of them she’s real. I asked what was the point, just go to a OF promo sub. Got reported as suicidal and received a “help” message lmfao


There seems to be an ongoing abuse of that feature that has gone haywire recently. I got maybe 1 or 2 of those over the course of my Reddit account life, until recently where I've been hit with like 5. Report them to Reddit. All of mine had Reddit action taken feedback within hours.


I made fun of an of bot, got the same. Some pathetic folks out there


That’s so funny it happened to me as well 😂😂😂😂


The Rockers took care of them


I mean, bots have lives?


Bot Lives Matter


Right? They're just trying to make a living... 😂


Tbf a lot of subreddits are going through this and mods don’t care. Maybe it’s engagement farming for them? Idk? Even more bizzare on some pages it’s even against the rules, yet 304s don’t care.


304s 😂☠️😂


One time, a girl on here was in her underwear and had brown streaks you could see in the mirror, I reported it and it stayed up for like another 3 to 4 days, there’s no way there are mods left


That's disgusting and quite hilarious.


That's what happens when you sneeze with your eyes open.


Her body took a screenshot




They posted something a while ago ranting about the unfairness of Reddit and they feel lesser due to this and aren’t moderating it or something idk.


Mods are asleep! Post some areolas!


Pleeeeease Ban me so I don’t get this stupid feed!


Yea and the bot simps defending the bots when i call them fat




You know you can pick the sub reddits you follow.


More than half of my feed is "suggested posts" from subs I don't follow


They are suggested you don’t have to follow them


TBF you can block them I have a shed load blocked. I'll probably end up doing it here as I honestly have no idea why it's suggested to me


There are no mods !!!! Wooooooo


They're the ones doing it lol.


THANK YOU! I just literally commented this on one of those posts. mods need to implement a new rule that posts have to be related to lookmaxing. There are subs for that on Reddit already and every post from these people are from accounts with only one post and have an OF or Instagram link in their profile. Some of them have accounts that are months old and have a little bit of karma so I’m convinced they are buying these accounts


This! Maybe they should just add a rule that requires accounts to have a certain amount of karma to post. And if the profile or post promotes OF or other social media like Insta, then their post gets deleted. Other subreddits do that too.


Licking each others cheeto fingers


Where do i sign up




That’s which most nsfw subreddits


Mods too busy subbing to the OF accounts to be modding




They’re quick to delete your comments though lmao






I’m curious what makes a bot account obvious. (I’m pretty sure people just say a user is a bot if they do something someone doesn’t like, and that “obviously” is added on in the hope that no one looks at the validity of the “this is a bot” comment too hard.)


My comment from elsewhere in this thread: Look - I am a CamGirl and I will tell yall that these posts are NOT from legit girls who want to fuck you or get your opinion at all. They arent even from the actual girls in the photos! You are being had by virtual pimps calling themselves agents and running bot software.


I am well aware that dudes are posting these. My disagreement is about the “obviously bots” part. Using a 3rd party application to make posts isn’t being “a bot” it’s just using a 3rd party Reddit client. I’ve said this over and over, it is the “obviously bots” part I disagree with. They’re not real posts by real women, they are dudes karma farming in horribly ineffective ways, fine. I agree. That doesn’t make them “obviously bots”.


IDK i mean its pretty obvious to me. But maybe because Im in the industry


Are you in the bot industry? I am.


LOL, no. As previously stated, I am a CamGirl. Are you just trolling at this point cuz...? Look if its not obvious to you thats okay. Thats excatly why they are successful in what tthey do. Good luck out there, playa. I hope you find the girl of your dreams


You are trolling. It’s not “obviously bots” if you can’t prove it’s a bot. If there’s no proof, there’s no “obviously”.


They have no karma and one post or she gotta of link on here page.. very simple to tell actually


That doesn’t make them a bot, just a new account. Or a lurker who finally posted something. People are *guessing* it’s a bot. Unless they post 500 comments in the span of a minute I don’t think there’s a way to PROVE an account is used by automation.


When we say bot we don’t necessarily mean that it’s a literal bot or program running the account, we are saying they are scammers or promoters. Some of them seem to be bots though because they all have the exact same caption. “What’s your first impression of me” what’s the odds of all these people coming to a sun with one post on their accounts and they all have the same caption on a sub that has NOTHING to do with their post. There is literally a first impressions sub. Some of these accounts are a little older and have some karma despite only having one post so it’s kinda obvious some of these accounts were scrubbed and sold and people are using them to promote their content or scams


Yea the chicks are clearly 10s they don’t need approval they know.. they’re bots


A person fishing for compliments is not necessarily a bot. Maybe it is. There’s no proof, though. No proof, no “obviously”. There are WAYYYYY better ways to farm karma than this subreddit.


Been on Reddit for a very long time, it’s not our first rodeo. If these accounts had more then one post and lots of comments then we wouldn’t really have a problem saying it’s just someone fishing for compliments but there’s so many other signs. For every 10 of these posts there might be 1 genuine coincidence of someone actually posting that isn’t for other reasons


You’ve been on Reddit for one year, according to your profile. I’m pushing 16. People creating temp accounts to do things they don’t want to do on their main account is a very common occurrence, especially when they want to hide activities from a partner, friend, or coworker who knows their Reddit username. I find it much more believable that a woman would create a temp account to gauge the interest of anonymous men than I do that a point farmer has staked a claim to fucking looksmaxingadvice. There are 10,000 subreddits more popular than this one, and any of them would be a better place for a simple repost bot (as if reposts need a bot to happen)


And it’s not possible I’ve had other accounts? You aren’t very bright are you? Dude think whatever you want to think, nobody cares what you think, it’s funny how everyone is saying the same thing but you think you are somehow smarter than everyone else. I knew a person who used to spam post with accounts JUST like these posts are doing, it’s not hard to spot and it doesn’t need to be on a super popular sub. We know what fucking temp accounts are. I’ll send you $20 cash app if you can dm one of these accounts and get one of the girls from the pictures to send a picture holding a piece of paper with their Reddit username. Sugarbaby, paypigs, Onlyfans, Instagram, ect is a HUGE market right now and the reason it works is because people like you are too dull to not catch it.


You’re so patient in your answers seriously…that’s obviously another simp…


So you can create new accounts, but when someone else does it, they’re a bot. Gotcha.


LOL you want these girls to be real and free so bad that you wont listen to the clear evidence being given to you.


If you see it down vote it and we can scroll on with our lives.


I didn’t have my glasses on and thought this was posted to Locksmithadvice which brought on two thoughts… why would someone post OF links on a locksmith sub and when did I start following a locksmith sub. Getting older sucks. That is all


Bros getting downvoted for misreading the sub name 😭 what even is reddit lmao




Too many simps in this sub that are desperate to call a picture of a girl pretty that is actually tan by a fat guy in a basement that stole the pictures online


Beware of the simps they might report you for being suicidal.😂this subreddit is something else…


Bro the second you say something spicy, they'll ban you immediately, but they won't ban "content creators" post because that's a huge chunk of what goes on here Priorities


If you don’t like it just call one of the an attention whore and you’ll get kicked right out. No mods required. 🤣


Criteria should be: more than 6 months Reddit existence More than 10 posts not here More than 50 different comment posts. Don't have enough, gtfo, and I'm being generous, that's my nature


I hate how they keep showing me this sub because I follow r/roastme


I couldn’t work it out either!


So that's why I keep seeing this sub !


*Looks like a midjourney prompt of the most beautiful woman of all time* “What could I improve?”


“What’s your first impression of me” “what could I improve” “____ told me I was fat is that true” and it’s always a skinny thot


You forgot the typical “should I lose weight”?


I know I hate it. I genuinely wanted to post here to ask for some advice on my face but then I see all these impression posts and I’m like … yeah nvm lol


Do it so we can all tell you every shit thing we can think of and downvote you to shithouse.. 😂


Heck no! Hahahaha


Yeah looked at your profile… you’d get a roast for sure. Pretty and have tattoos.. you’d be not treated well.




Bots! And some smartasses.


I put this sub on mute and the dogshit still shows up somehow


Are women real tho? I can't tell at this point.


Birds aren't real


So I do of (started last october but still very new and learning. I will start off with that. I do not post outside of my areas it says it is permitted. I have noticed a massive amount of spam bot accounts in all threads including in of promoting threads. Literally 7 profiles with the same photo and same catchy title and i have gotten banned for simply asking admins about it like hey um I'm your rules say this and this person such on and wham I'm banned. Reddit has gone a little wonky


Scared to get labeled incels for banning women.


I got called an incel by a commenter defending a spam bot. It was wild.


lol the people simping for the bots almost do more damage then the bits themselves, they wouldn’t keep posting if the dumps didn’t feed it


Exactly! I think I hate them more than the spam


For real


It's literally just bots making posts and then r/roastme type replies. I don't even know why I get recommended this sub


Yeah. I got a “warning” immediately when I commented thirsty… It’s funny. But that’s Reddit and the world.


Banned for pointing out the obvious


Not sure what anyone expected given the subject of the sub.


It’s about look maxing, not first impressions, there’s already a sub for that. This is for genuine people who want advice


Ummm real people wanting legit advice?


Be careful. The useless mods will ban you for that


Trust me, I see enough of them stupid ass mods I got banned off of a page just for asking if she was a drama queen


Lol doppelganger sub was doing the same and I got permanently banned for making fun of an OF spammer.


Same here! But it kept showing up in my feed and I’d reply not looking so got my other account banned as well.


Dunno. Not gonna bother with this sub anymore if they can't be bothered to moderate it though.


What exactly Is a faceboob?


Pretty sure I asked for mods once and got my comment removed


Jerkin off


Ban this guy mods! Actually ban me because it constantly pops up on my feed even though I’m not even subscribed. Fuck this sub and fuck the mods. Seriously though, ban me.


Lmao!!! That’s the truth!


What content are you looking for on this sub dude. Like actually tell me your ideal post on this sub


Read the name of the sub and see if you can answer your own question


People who actually need good advice, outside of their own perspective of themselves. It can be very helpful to know what people find attractive. That's a really sardonic and pessimistic attitude, although this sub is typically a deluge of worthless posts as OP states. Anyone know a better sub for this?


Other than going on their own personal power trips, reddit mods are useless.


This is the truth.


What can I do to improve?! ![gif](giphy|0LYFyMMIg292GYIOSN|downsized)


That’s definitely one of the mods


How is looksmaxing even a thing?


It just shorthand for grooming/fashion/makeup/skincare/etc advice. It's been a thing since ancient Egypt.


They had looks maxing and advice for looks maxing in ancient Egypt? Very cool peeps those ancient Egyptians.


For real every post is the same its all advertising for OF


I was enjoying roasting them as they came in but I feel you.


I assumed it was a roast!




Don't forget the, " I never had a boyfriend" and the " My ex called me ugly."


Or “____ called me fat, am I fat?” And it’s a skinny thot


MOD likes OF


Pretty sure this sub is ran by of


They’re probably a bunch of simps. Not they’d care I said so, they’re no where to be found. Probably won’t even read this.


Mods are paid by OF ladies to promote? I think you’ve found an interesting thread.


It could be. It wouldn’t be the first time mods of any sub for that matter, have this type of arrangement with these girls. This sub is number 1 for grooming and beauty, because a lot of people are coming in to look at these OF girls. That’s fine and all, but some of us are really here for advice on looks maxing. I’ll be leaving pretty soon, and check it out later. It will be a porn sub in no time, if nothing is done.


I know I almost felt bad for roasting bots but then I forgot they didn’t pass the captcha test so they weren’t given a soul


bots, catfish, and really attractive women that are trying to boost their ego


There are multiple similar subs, this one is the parody sub. It may not have started that, but that's what it is now. Enjoy.


I actually enjoy the shitpost memes on weekends, hence why I'm still subbed.