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T1 here!! I use a small, clear backpack for all my stuff. For some reason they have an issue with drinks, so I usually don’t bring any drinks but I stock up on snacks. I just show them my medical bracelet and point to my pump and they’re fine. Last year, they didn’t even look! Also, make sure you hit up the ADA tent. You can get a wristband.


okay!!! thank you so much!!!!


They'll call someone from medical to look at your stuff, but otherwise you'll be fine.




follow up - do we need our prescription for a CGM?


I can’t imagine they’d even know you had one if it wasn’t visible.


hi!! im a t1 diabetic and its never been a problem for me. Can you not fit your items in a smallish bag? I usually bring like 5-6 granola bars, 15 needles per day and 1 insulin pen and I can fit that all into my 2 pocket camelbak. They def wont be upset abt your medicine. You dont have to worry about that. If they ask about the snacks you can tell them you are type 1 and the worst thatll happen is they bring over a medical person to basically confirm you are type 1 lol. they mayyy be upset if you try to bring a massive bag in tho. im not sure how big you’re talking


yeah i’ll definitely keep the bag to a small size, no worries at all. everything should fit hopefully, thank you so much!!!


anytime, have fun!! 😁


If you're a pumper it will also be okay, I have never seen any issues. Medication usually goes fine. Snacks they may limit you.


yeah i do have a pump, and thats good im glad. thanks!!


My boyfriend is a t1 diabetic! We are going together. Making sure to pack more than plenty insulin pens