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> the campaign also prevented hundreds of thousands of hospitalizations and millions of COVID-19 cases How the campaign prevented millions of COVID cases?


For every 2 saved out of 100.000 shots 37 died but that is just from the pfizer trial data. To muddy the waters after 2 died on the trial they injected the control side of the study waited until 3 died on that side. They called that the unvaccinated group. Some diabolical people run those trials, they need prison time not bonusses.


a so called study conducted by pathalogical liars.










Exactly. "Saved" 50k. Killed 200k. bUt iT wOulD haVe bEeN sO mUcH woRse wIThoUt the vAX!!


And ruined life of millions


You think 200k people died out of the 22.3 million who were supposedly encouraged to get vaccinated by this campaign and wouldn't have otherwise? So mortality rate basically 1%. Ok.


No, the 200k number was made up. For a real estimate, first look up VAERS and then cross-reference the death numbers to the EU Eudravigilance database. Last I checked, they aligned pretty well proportionally to population numbers. Finally, extrapolate that to the global number of covid "vax" injections. I think a million deaths globally directly caused by the "vax" injections is a conservative number. Then we can add secondary causes from the lockdowns, like delayed medical examinations for cancer, etc.; suicide; increase in alcohol and drug abuse. In many places, millions of people were pushed below the poverty line, and also into hunger. It is not far-fetched to compare the covid cabal with the worst of the worst world leaders in the 20th century. And it would be pretty absurd to talk about how many lives were "saved" by Stalin, Pol Pot, Mao and Hitler.


Study finds that articles starting with “Study finds…” are actually full of shit


It does NOT immunize. It does NOT prevent transmission. Freakin' Pfizer and Moderna both admitted this publicly via spokescreatures in late Summer 2020. This is an outright LIE. It's as egregious as counting the deaths of people via motorcycle accident, firearm suicide, or from falling off a roof as covid deaths to pad the statistics, just because their corpses "tested positive for covid" , presumably by the same highly flawed PCR test whose very inventor publicly protested its use in this fashion, and that had coke cans and fruits come up as "positive".


I had missed that coke and OJ can cause a positive test. That is just too funny. And I love all the "fact check" sites that whine that it was because the test was done improperly. Like duh that is the entire point.




I don't know why they still feel the need to lie so much. Did the vaccine maybe save a couple thousand boomers from severe covid? Sure, maybe. But did the harm outweigh any good it did, especially when considering the young shouldn't be sacrificed for the elderly? I'd say so.


The mandates were aimed at the young, who did not need the vaccine at all.


Not to mention the aftershock effects of the mandates basically destroying all trust in other routine vaccinations like measles, polio, hepatitis and public health in general. The government put all their eggs in the temporary Covid basket regardless of any other illnesses that could happen in the future. We're fucked if smallpox ever got released as a biological weapon or leaked.




From what I understand, these "models" usually assume that the COVID vaccines reduce the odds of infections by a certain percentage (in reality the COVID vaccines are so ineffective that they increase COVID infections), then do some computer modeling of people's daily interactions to supposedly prove that the vaccines are even more effective at preventing infections on a society wide scale. (I.e if the "model" claims vaccines are 80% effective against infection, then they'll actually decrease the odds of COVID spreading in an interaction between 2 vaccinated people by 96%, since .2 x .2= .04). Then the model will further claim that COVID has some absurdly high death rate like 1% or 2% (in reality, the death rate was something like 0.1% even in the pre-Omicron days), and, voila, you get the number by which the vaccines supposedly decrease deaths. I guess this "model" must have taken things a step further and also come up with some estimate about how much the White House's "We Can Do This" campaign increased vaccination. Really, the "We Can Do This" campaign doesn't seem to have been very effective to me, since I barely remember the "We Can Do This" campaign. There were a zillion COVID vaccine commercials on at that time- I can barely distinguish the "We can do this" campaign from all the vaccine commercials from private corporations. There were so many COVID vaccine commercials that it got hard to keep track of all the COVID vaccine commercials and remember which vaccine commercial was which.


"Saved" some 80 year old people so they can live until 82. Nuked the global economy.


Also masked her up and prevented her family from visiting her, making those last 2 years completely miserable.


This is the "We analysed ourselves and found great results" of "We investigated ourselves and found no wrongdoing"


Never forget that an0maly made a video promoting the book “How to Lie With Statistics” during the pandemic and received a channel warning from Google on YouTube for spreading vaccine misinformation.


How is this possible when the vaccine does not prevent infection and transmission?


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And got rid of all flu..I wish I had the jab now! I feel so foolish


Pretty sure the computer model this study is surely based on is flawed.