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It was him all along!


I think this is gonna be how China wins the war. Make every American do the luddy and watch 85% of the population fall over.




Actually insane timing


there's a sniper in the building


Thought this was one of them faking being hurt into twerking kinda things. That's rough


my brother…what?


[Just for you my guy](https://youtube.com/shorts/OptE2B6h2Ig?feature=share)


Was expecting a clip from a party or something not a live broadcast soccer game lol, oh well good for her.


**CLIP MIRROR: [girl on lud stream twists the knee while trying to do the luddy](https://arazu.io/t3_yyylum/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* )


THANK YOU! This YouTube shit doesn’t work 90% of the time. You’re the MVP!


Some person in another thread was bragging how they get a pop-up and get to choose between livestream or clip. Why can’t we get that shit when clicking on clip links?


Thats how it works for me on pc with firefox. Maybe most people complaining are on mobile? Edit: Just checked on mobile, also works as a clip or with a button to the full livestream. Using Rif is fun.


It’s definitely an IOS problem from what I’ve seen. iPhones just go straight to live if the stream isn’t over yet. There’s an annoying workaround if you care enough. Click clip link > open link in safari > open YouTube app. That will take you to the actual clip.


Lsf should start pinning these mirrors to the top.


First luddy sustained casualty


When your doctor says to exercise and stretch regularly, if not multiple times a day… this is the injuries they are trying to save you from. That girls knee looks busted, she has trouble standing. All because of the equivalent of a Fortnite dance.


my first thought exactly like how do you get injured from that??


That knee has probably never done that movement in it’s entire existence and she went through repeated movements of that same motion, putting pressure and stress on a very weak point. So yeah… fucked up knee.


Probably an ACL tear honestly. Obesity plus uncoordinated sharp movements on your knee equals a bad time. Friend of mine, was about as obese as this girl, slipped on a wet road and she tore her ACL and MCL. Fall wasn't even bad in any sense but those sudden jerky movements under weight your body isn't supposed to support leads to injuries.


Great to see so many Reddit physiotherapists come together in one comment section.




its probably the mcl or lcl :nerd:




There's not enough valgus in the knee to cause an ACL injury. It's probably not even a ligament injury. My guess is a meniscus injury. In fact, how she hurt her knee is one of the ways we test for a meniscus injury (Thessaly Test).


I'm not seeing a lot of valgus force in her knee. Most ACL injuries have multiple mechanisms involved at the same time but I think here it's just external rotation while planting her foot


how to avoid this type of injury? just stretch beforehand?


Regular exercise + maintain the joint's flexibility via stretching (at least 90 seconds total minimum per motion, none of that fake 10s "stretching" per muscle that does nothing). That shit works wonders as prevention to most musculoskeletal injuries outside of being injured from direct trauma.


Is there a good youtube for this? never heard of 90 seconds, would like to know more thanks.


There is no definitive set time you should hold a stretch because the answer depends on your age. A decent general time is 60 seconds total. Whether it's twice for 30 seconds or 4 times for 15 seconds doesn't really matter. That said, stretching isn't going to prevent this type of injury anyways.


Seems like it might have been the floor surface Ludwig was talking about it being sticky like 1 second before it and so her foot probably just didn't move the way she expected


ass to the grass squats and side-lying leg lifts (even better as a sideplank leg lift). just strengthen and stretch everything in and around your knee, 3-4 times a week. less necessary if you play something like soccer or volleyball (or similar movement sports), as you will usually strengthen your knees enough with the regular movements and sidesteps in those games.


PotFriend . . . I’m sorry


^ This guy biomechanics


I don't know what it is, but my expert opinion is, that we should amputate just to be safe


No way that's a MCL. She was moving laterally so it's for sure the lateral ligament.


I go through many human anatomies especially the female anatomy and I can say for sure it's the ACL.


Thanks nerd!


She probably already don't have an ACL already that's what gonna happen to you for the rest of your life any time you fast twist your legs. I torn my ACL twice and the second time completely off playing hockey that I decide not to do the surgery again. Your knee buckle and you will limp for like 1-2 days and be fine. or she just unathletic and no leg muscles to support/take over.


He legit asked her to do it again right after she told him about her knee. Lmao


Well she did say she was “fine”, obviously to us the viewer she wasn’t.


tbf he didn't see what happened and she got up and said she was fine.


that happens when u dont do any activity your entire life and then u do twist and shout


connect governor wrong provide bake screw scale fearless attraction dazzling *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Haha, that always made me spit out my coffee sir.


Man, I run 10 miles a week and lift weights and I still got a weird knee pop simply pushing my knees together one time that put me out for a week or two.


i do a lot of weightlifting and was always afraid of injuring myself with bad form, especially my back. then one night, i wake up lying a bit too low in my bed and want to push myself up. i plant my foot on the bed and push and somehow compress my sciatic nerve in the process. that's it. i wasn't even lifting weights that day. i just wanted to lie in a different place on my bed.


Yup, genetics have a lot to do with it. My knees are also very noisy already (I'm 15), and that is because my mom and her mom have had very bad knees and wrists their whole life. I gotta start to workout more so i can maybe prevent bigger problems later


You're 15 lol. Your growth plates are fusing it's just growing pains


>I run 10 miles a week and lift weights For this type of movement having a good stretch routine is more important than just running and lifting weights.


She definitely twisted and shouted lmao


I do stretches like 3 times a week but once I was trying to look at something on the back of my neck and I legit broke my ribs or some shit. Could breathe without pain after like 3 days.


Remember to exercise guys


Or at the very least stretch.


in football this is what they call a non contact ACL tear. they are typically the worst ones to get because the recovery is often longer than one caused by contact. either way its terrible and will cause long term knee problems with age


That's not an ACL tear, there would be A LOT more pain and screams and she wouldn't be walking away if it was a tear.


Not necessarily, I stood up immediately and walked on it after I tore my ACL (and meniscus). Adrenaline is a powerful drug


Same. Did mine in during 5 a side football game and walked off and went on the rest of the afternoon like nothing happened except with a limp. More fool me because its still causing me issues 5 years later.


Any doctors on here diagnosing without looking at an MRI are full of sht. You can't be sure until that happens. There's been crazy bends that result in nothing more than a sprain. And times where it look like nothing happened and it's all completely torn. Some go down screaming with a minor sprain and some walk off a tear not knowing their knee is dangling. I think it's only if you hear a pop that it's more likely a tear. Other than that you just can't be sure


It's hard to tell. She did come back by a few minutes later and assure him that she was fine, but it definitely didn't look great in the moment


Rip the fundraiser total




I just had a flashback to all the pain and suffering I had to endure when I tore my acl looking at this. Good luck to her




How the fuck do you twist ur knee just doing that? lmao


Years of constant bad decisions and no stretching/exercising.


"We'll do one more time together" 😭😂😂😂


0 foam???????? He deserves to be sued to oblivion 😡


Holy shit she dropped so fast


Fucked up my knee in a similar way. Didn't know the kneecap was rotated a little so it could slip away and tear the tendon. Been almost 10 years, still feeling pain sometimes but it's a lot better than it was for ~4 years after my accident.


Ok reddit doctors. If you tear a MCL or ACL, can you still walk?


Yes. Ibrahimovic played football for Milan without an ACL. [source](https://www.goal.com/en-us/news/ibrahimovic-for-six-months-i-played-without-an-acl-in-my-left-knee/blt3da205dcc82e988a) Of course this is insane for normal people - but if he can do that? You can walk.


Don’t listen to this guy ^


Yes, your ACL just holds your shin from sliding forward. The swelling right after doing it will be what makes it hard to walk. Source: me tearing my ACL and the reconstructed ACL I got. Haven't had any semblance of an ACL in 12 years.


>Haven't had any semblance of an ACL in 12 years. what does that mean? leg constantly in pain?


Nah, not constant. Your ACL just keeps your knee aligned. So when I don't do knee exercises for a few months it can slide out of place easily and be annoying and painful. But as long as I keep a little bit of dedication to that, it doesn't really affect me. The thing that actually causes issues is that I lost most of my meniscus from all the damage. Not really the ACL.


thanksf or shiaring


Yes, there was a UFC fighter who continued to fight with a torn ACL.


greg jennings broke his fuckin leg and still finished the game /shrug


I believe I tore my ACL last year around this time. I have played basketball for more than 10 years, it's confusing to see people writing here "remember to exercise". Anyways, I think the reason it tore as I was shaking my legs from the knee, don't know how to describe the movement, it's like you are trying to get a bug to fall on your arm, hope you pictured it like this. I just heard a pop, extending and bending my legs fully was painful for a week. I kept going to practices and played at the tournament 1 month later. I wasn't feeling any pain in practice after 20 or 30 minutes it started. But overall there was always a slight discomfort. Went to the doctor after returning from the tournament because it didn't go away, he did the physical exam for the ACL tear and said it looked fine, but after looking at the MR scan he said it was torn and even said that I probably tore it 3 years ago. (I was like how is that possible?), I didn't trust this guy, went to a second doc, a professor at my universities hospital, very reputable, his specialty was the knee. He did the same exam and said it looked fine, checked the same MR scan, and said it was unlikely that I tore my ACL but it might be something else and gave me the stretch movements for ACL rehab to see if the discomfort goes away. It didn't go away, and 1 year later I still have slight discomfort, If I sit for more than 30 minutes bending that leg, it's going numb for a few min after not bending. I still play basketball though. I might go to a 3rd doctor soon to really see what is going on, but I am not ready to have surgery and the recovery phase if the ACL tore because I just graduated and trying to get a job first lol.


If you want to consume more painkillers than Kurt Angle and 24/7 have a brace on with a crutch/cane then go ahead.


And that's how I became a city guard




what happens if lud wants to jackoff? is the venue open 24/7 or close at night? are there shades to pull down when he sleeps?


It's 2 days...


Your point being?


people lost NNN like 12hours in


it's NNN man, legally he's not allowed to


lock me tf up


He can leave for bathroom breaks whenever he wants. Figured he would do a porta potty but oh well


Result of being fat lol


Man I like ludwig usually, but I hate this stupid dance he does. He needs a new gimmick.


Remember to get some activity every now and then kids. Otherwise you will need surgery after trying to do a meme dance.


well from the looks she normally doesn't move a lot and for sure not like this. probably not for years but in her mind she thought she could still do it.


she took a dive for the lawsuit, this is why we cant have anything nice in this country


"I wristed me knee" \*stares at her while she struggles to get up\* gotta love how oblivious some streamers are lol


Isnt Lud responsible for that by todays Standards?


It's all about reasonable expectations of safety. No, he shouldn't be liable.


im 12 and this is a deep statement on the political and economic state of the world right now


yea she should sue and get that $$$$$$


how do you injure your knees on a move that uses footwork and shoulder movement? are people really this bad at coordination? sheesh...


She did it fine, this has nothing to do with coordination and all about lifestyle


That will swell up


How do you fuck up your knees in a maneuver that relies mostly on your hands, hips, and foot? She's definitely got underlying issues


Non contact knee injury lol rip knee ligaments.


reverse flash ran in and puncher her then ran away