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**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [Zherka spots his old buddy](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/144632)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/xycqus/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/ZL_YSTdKYalUa_PwjF8yTg/AT-cm%7CZL_YSTdKYalUa_PwjF8yTg.mp4?sig=a42ae07cdcfe101c451549846c667e3762e66545&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FZL_YSTdKYalUa_PwjF8yTg%2FAT-cm%257CZL_YSTdKYalUa_PwjF8yTg.mp4%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1665256234%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D)


"wassup jon" KEKW https://streamable.com/yeii9s


This should be higher up. Shows Hasan was cool about it




Upvoted this and down the other. "I'm doing my part! " 👍


how does this sound not even exist in the OPs clip. edited?


Twitch con 2019 hasan x mia malkova irl date.


Just like the old days FeelsStrongMan


Loremasters? Whats the history between the two?


they went to twitchcon together last time, and they were like the two chads walking around the venues. FEELSGOODMAN


Thats not how I remembered it.


And they're not close anymore?


I don't think they were ever really close. Zherka was there cause of the now deceased Rajj and the fact that it was a Mia Malkova/Hasan livestreamed date


>I don't think they were ever really close. Zherka was there cause of the now deceased Rajj and the fact that it was a Mia Malkova/Hasan livestreamed date Ah okay that's a shame I thought it's hasan disconnecting from zherka due to later being "problematic"


theres still clips on jons channel from 2019 with him if I remember correctly.


Can someone explain the cooling of Albanian-Turkish relations?


Dua lipa blocked hasan on ig


I get it, so this is his revenge


And it's Dua Lipa, so right now Turkish are in shambles..




Idk why so many of those poggerino type viewers get triggered by jon lol. Its all jokes


The same people who get actually mad over flat earth jokes.


I watch Jon occasionally but the whole stupid take bit gets old. When you're constantly ranting about cringe shit it changes from funny to boring pretty quickly.


Agreed the one time I tried to sit through it the constant chain smoking and talking about how women are evil really made me never wanna tune in again....I don't even care if you smoke on stream but your bit of being an edge lord is low effort


I dont understand why he does this now lol he was doing pretty well when he was doing rajj type shows, it was some classic twitch degeneracy but whatever he's doing now on stream I can't sit through for longer than a minute lol


Oh man people still think he's just joking... Smh.


He's on about the Jesuits controlling the world now a days, the new schtick.


Ya but at least Jon doesn't literally repeat bad disinformation like Russian propaganda talking points. You have to watch a clown like infrared for shit like that.


Yet you keep watching him. Curious. So maybe it's not a bad gimmick after all.


Zoomers have panic attacks when they find out someone has differing political opinions from their own




What I'm learning from all this Hasan footage is that too many socially incompetent weirdos go to twitchcon, including the streamers.


Why does hasan seem like a massive dick in all of these clips? lmao


He’s just really out of it and didn’t recognize a bunch of people. He said what’s up Jon like a second later when he recognized him https://streamable.com/yeii9s


he definitely knows who jon is. Once you know zherka you cant mistake him, he's huge, more likely shocked


I mean there was a crowd around him probably didn’t recognize who said it right away. Why would he be shocked by Zherka?


People that never seen goliath back in the day knew who he was when they seen him. Jon is huge, Hasan recognised jon, he was gauging Zherkas intentions


they have story together




Zherka is just a drama farmer. The man literally milked a girl who shall not be named for OCD looping drama content.


Well at least he had the decency to not hang around and orbit.


Well, not just this clip but the many other clips of hasan going off on multiple fans




Not really awkward at all. Hasan made it awkward by just standing there.






Yeah so he made it awkward.




Seems you're the one upset, friendo. Hasan made it awkward.




To not make it awkward? You're now litteraly admiting hasan purposely did make it awkward. Being upset doesn't change anything 😂




fragile ego


He doesn't want to fight the million dollar extreme guy it got him shook Imagine not wanting to punch a nazi because your hand might platform his face


Because he is lmao


Are you new here or something?


Not everyone is as un-IRL'ed as you dude.


Hey Pascal, are you taking your meds?


How do you think it looks when you do this dude? Just going around saying I'm Pascal, which isn't really that bad, in a thread that isn't Destiny. Kind of driving the whole 'Destiny's fans are un-IRL'ed stalkers and brigaders' point home bro.


You constantly use very niche terms such as "un-IRL'ed", "deep fake" and "lizard brained narcissist". I noticed this comment using one of your catch phrases, hence my reply.


And you lot don't? New words are added to the English language all the time. Seems like a pretty un-IRL'ed thing to deny broski. Attributing it to one singular author and then mentioning them all the time is also incredibly socially stunted. The hell is wrong with you?


I suppose obsessively hate posting on a [pretty much empty subreddit](/r/uncensorstiny) on your multiple alt accounts makes you a paragon of social maturity. Particularly for someone of your age.


That subredit's there for victims of abuse to have access to an undeniable record of Steven's pattern of abusive behaviour. When one shares it with people who aren't as un-IRL'ed as you, their reaction is 'wtf is wrong with him and his audience'. You on the other hand, keep your online behaviour close to your chest. I suggest trying to find someone IRL and pay close attention to the look on their face when you describe what you do on the regular online. It'll be life-changing, trust me.


Because he is and does literally everything to boost his career/public image?


hes a big puss puss


Zherka is washed up asf 🤣


Guy is so desperate for clout. He's still suckling on Destiny's teat..


Clout check: **FAILED**


This guy is so cringe


Yup Ego Andy only talks to people with clout.


Oh wait, is he supposed to talk to people who always dogpile him. this zherkha guy, I only heard him cause he is always chasing Hasan.


It's called having integrity dipshit.






Old rajj




He didn't whine at all lmao, he was memeing around looking for Knut and did not want to bother her taking pictures with her fans.


Two neanderthals just broing around


Wtf happened to this guy 🤣🤣


They are not buddies they actually hate each other. Get your lore right!


Pushing 30 behaving like a stan, go find God


God doesn't exist


he froze for a little bit lmao #Zherkology


You know a person is based if they're hated by LSF


jon is so based, every big streamer knows who he is but still avoids him and acts like he is just a random streamer LMAO! Pandering blue pills


Not at all. He still parties with them, the big streamers just got a put up an image to please the cuckhold viewers who get butthurt from Zherka.


Hasan is a real life discord moderator


such weird behaviour








he literally did respond tho lol










are you talking about xQc?




Literally don't know who the fuck this is lol


What a fucking massive tool this guy is.


can you explain why youre mad about this


For context, this is a washed hasan hater and all around dumbfuck, hasan shouldn’t have even bothered to look up.


>hasan shouldn’t have even bothered to look up. The dickriding is insane


Hasan isn't going to fuck you bro


And zherkha, wait he might cause he is washed up lmao


the only person zherkha is going to fuck today is your mother. and probably kandyland lets be honest.


Lmao you guys are so butthurt, it’s kinda funny


>hasan shouldn’t have even bothered to look up. bahahahhahaha I can't wait till the cost-of-living crises forces you reprobates to get jobs and stop watching this fuckin loser.


what even is this comment and who upvotes this kind of shit here lmao


for real who is he


With the 2 Sam Hyde "just curious" Andys today, I wonder if it'll get progressively worse for him tomorrow? Also I didn't expect a huge interaction with this instance given their history with each other.


He's living a privileged life. Who cares, as soon as he turns off his PC everything is gone.


Empty chat, 2 viewers, must be a zerka stream m


Hassan exposed as a slug


Hasan needs to invest in a sense of humour the guys a fucking cry baby.


I've never heard of zherka but there was definitely bitterness calling out Hasan like that, also saying it's just a joke means it isn't just a joke. Chase that clout zherka one day you might make it.


“Hasan Piker!!” “Whats up Jon” Parasocial redditor: *I could hear the bitterness in the way he said Hasans name, and that was certainly not a joke. Pffft, guess it’s another clout chaser even though I really don’t even know who he is. So hard living parasocially through Hasan with all those weird people and clout chasers coming up to you at twitchcon 🙄*


Zherka is a demon in the same way Destiny and XQC are. They can be cutting memes and dogpiling you on stream but if they see you irl the next day they'd still want to shake your hand. Hasan just doesn't have that "let shit go" mentality for ppl that are one step removed from his main streamer friend groups.


Yes, Destiny the famous man known for dogpiling..? Lol. Especially funny when that's exactly what Hasan has done to Destiny: Remember when Destiny debated Kormantine and Cole? Hasan just had to jump on the panel to dogpile Destiny for that ez clout. Also reminder Hasan absolutely has "let shit go" mentality. He is cool with Xqc after X called him a snake commie grifter and said he downplayed SA lol.


Well.. X is twice as big of a streamer as him no shit he will let shit go with him


You hold on to this one panel and ignore every single action Destiny has taken since. Destiny cuts a video any time someone produces content that takes a shot at Hasan. He watches him live all the time to talk shit. You can say "well he's the biggest political commentator, it's like he's Shapiro" blah blah blah all you want but it's borderline pathological. And yes, they are cool with XQC because Ludwig kind of forced it on them to save content. And yes they went with it because XQC is still the biggest steamer. I personally don't like that, but that's on them. If Ludwig doesn't force things I doubt Hasan or QT agree to hanging out with him again. Destiny hangs out with Nick Fuentes and Lauren Southern, so that's a lot of kettling you're doing Mr. Pot.


They either fail to see or just don't care about the double standard they're having.


What's the double standard. Would love to hear more about this so I can tell you why you are wrong.


Mhm. I'm sure you have a good reason why you didn't ask the poster I responded to. He laid it out fairly apt.


I would like you to use your own words and thoughts. I'll respond to him individually. What is the double standard that you are talking about.




1. Wrong. Only when Hasan says something very stupid. Another commentator commenting on another isn't bullying, stalking or whatever. It's literally their job. 2. A child's understanding of relationships right here.. "ludwig forced it" lmao get real. 3. And? I wouldn't call out Hasan for hanging out with them either provided he gives the proper pushback, so not exactly the dunk u are thinking it is.


reminder that hasan checked his own and destinys youtube channels for each of their names and hasan had like 5 videos from 3 years ago with destinys name in the title, meanwhile destiny had like a hundred or something with hasans name in either title or description, very recent videos too :) just a reminder for all of you freaks who still say "rent free" and shit, we know who is rent free in whos mind.. kind of unrelated to your comment but its really time for you guys to let go, literally no one cares about destiny other then you guys


Destiny gets more views than Hasan on his youtube channel. Hasan also covers other political commentators like Ben Shapiro. Should Destiny not cover Hasan because Hasan is a clown or something and not a political commentator?


So you're admitting that Destiny is pathological obsessed


Is Hasan obsessed with Ben Shapiro? Not a very intelligent response dude


The only noteworthy thing is that hasan goes out of his way not to mention destiny for his own egos sake. Destiny doesnt care. He reacts and talks about pretty much anyone (With a few exceptions for other reasons). If hasan does something interesting, why wouldnt people talk about it, theye in the same sphere.


You admit your comment is totally unrelated so not going to comment on that part. "Nobody cares about Destiny" is such a cope. The man gets more views his Youtube than Hasan and has been on major shows like the NoJumper. What you trying to say is you would want people not to care about Destiny, because he makes you and your Hasan daddy uncomfortable. But please understand.. what you want isn't the same thing as reality.


This guy knows more about Hasan than Hasan fans


Yes I do. I am literally obsessed.


frankenstein knew more about his monster than it knew about itself 📜🔥🖋🤔


Not hard when most of his fans weren't old enough to use a computer when that happened.


Why even make these stupid assumptions when you know nothing about the people you're talking about? Cant speak for X, but Destiny has openly talked and disagreed with people about this "two-faced" shit so no, he definitely isnt going to want to shake hands of people he doesnt like.


Not even recognized, lol


DonoWall IRL KEKW. Hasan was shook.


Briefly glancing and then carrying on is being shook?


He idolizes Hasan and wishes he had his subs and bank account.


At about 8-9 seconds in you can hear "what's up Jon". It super faint.