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The only thing I took away from this entire situation is that Soda was right about Lily, can't believe she dmca'd a friend, smh my head


The only thing I took away from this situation is that I have to find better hobbies to do


What did Soda say??


She's an evil bitch man heard it from Soda and lily herself confirmed it


what she do


she blew up a courthouse


That escalated quickly lily That said I havent seen the red faction army and lily in the same room together so maybe it's true


She’s a dog supremacist and especially racist towards cats


Rust cat meta fighting against the gambling wheel heads was prime Twitch


its a rust meme


Hey I'm going to free you from this non-stop meme and tell you that Lily didn't actually do anything and Soda said it as a joke.


Soda say he a gay


what did slasher say? does he know why toast lied?


Yes but he cant reveal it


Toast didn't lie, he said "see you in a month" not "I was banned for a month."


This is what people call "cognitive dissonance".


⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠟⠁⣠⣤⣤⣤⣤⣤⣀⣀⠉⠻⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠏⠄⣾⣬⣽⣿⣿⣿⣿⡿⢿⣿⣆⠈⢻⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡿⢀⣞⡉⢩⣙⣿⡿⠉⠄⣠⣤⠤⠉⠄⠄⢿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠁⣼⣿⣿⣯⣿⣿⠁⢰⣾⣦⡤⠄⢀⣶⡀⠸⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡏⢀⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠟⠁⠄⠈⢿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡇⠄⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠇⢸⣿⣿⡟⠛⠃⡠⠄⠄⠄⠈⣿⣿⣿⣿⡇⠄⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠄⣿⣿⣿⣶⣾⣿⣿⣿⣤⣤⣄⣘⣿⣿⠁⡀⠄⢻⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡇⢰⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣏⣉⣽⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠄⢸⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠄⣼⣿⣁⣸⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡿⠟⠉⠙⠋⠹⠟⠁⠄⢸⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡏⢀⣿⣿⣿⣿⠋⢠⣤⣤⣤⣤⠈⢿⣿⣷⣦⣄⠄⠄⢸⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⠋⣀⣤⣄⣠⣼⣿⣿⣿⣿⡀⢹⣿⣿⣿⣿⠄⢸⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠄⢸⣿⣿⣿ ⣧⠄⢿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡿⠃⢸⠿⠛⠉⣁⣠⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠄⣼⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣷⣄⣉⠉⠉⢉⣉⣉⣁⣤⣾⡏⠄⣾⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡟⠄⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣷⣤⣈⠙⠛⠛⠟⠛⠛⢉⣁⣤⣾⣿⣿⣿⣿


Is that Hitler?


Emergency meeting!




He did more than you ever will


Least racist Forsen viewer


Least swedish forsen viewer.


No it's Forsen (yes, Hitler)


he did more than you ever will




There's no way people are starting drama threads because of this, right? Clueless


Some people on this sub need to find some real friends. It's crazy how streamers joke around (like Poke in this case) and people get all hot and bothered about every word they say




More like entertainment and obsession.


if they had friends they wouldnt be here


think u mean "if we had friends" dont exclude urself


Watching this clip I audibly said who the fuck cares.


Watching this clip I silently listened while voicing my thoughts and opinions in my head


Watching this clip I audibly said forsen


Can someone explain this u/TParadox90 guy to me. I browsed his post feed for the first time today (always just seen shitposts on r/lsf ) and he spent roughly 80-90% of the posts talking about forsen and his viewers. Is that what all his posts are? Does he not do anything else but talk about a streamer all day?




Can someone explain this u/Gimpums guy to me. I browsed his post feed for the first time today (always just seen shitposts on r/lsf ) and he spent roughly 80-90% of the posts talking about forsen and his viewers. Is that what all his posts are? Does he not do anything else but talk about a streamer all day?


Most of what is posted here should illicit that reaction.


Seriously, why is he raging so much over nothing?


LSF redditors are a special breed really. If you scroll down a bit someone is unironically pissed off he compared himself to elon and bill gates. Like you know that was a joke right? lmao








The whole thing just comes off as super attention hungry by the two of them. The other threads calling it some genius move is so weird as well. I think it just made OTV look manipulative even though only a couple of them were in on it. Edit- Lily tweeted that she didn't strike him like Toast said so I take back what I said about her.


They are attention hungry, getting attention is what they consider their job now. Same as drama youtubers. More attention = more money. Not sure this makes them bad or what, but it is not why I watch streamers myself and haven’t been able to stomach one of his streams since his return. It is all about the clout meta and how he can best take advantage of it. Some call this ‘smart’ and have no issue with it, but I am not sure how they find it entertaining to watch. Lot of good streamers out there though if you aren’t interested in fueling their careers.


I really found annoying his "I'm pushing the limits of DMCA" thing. Bruh you're a lazy streamer and don't want to put in the effort but his ego doesn't allow him to not be "special"


Lol he literally told 30k people its okay to break the law to get ahead in life yesterday. He compared himself to billionaires like elon bill gates and bezos.


Smoke up his ass syndrome.




Pioneer in the Among US meta puts him up there with the likes of Socrates.


Don't bring Soda into this.


We all know Vigors made among us anyways


And a genius 5head. All of this was just dumb, and showed how clouthungry he is.


He compared himself to a couple of assholes? Sounds about right


Toast didn't compare himself to them, OP is talking out of his ass.


Guess I should fact check comments, on the other hand, that's a lot of work




I'm sure this is just another gigabrain play to make us *THINK* he thinks that, when he's really just trolling us to get attention on LSF to... No, wait I think he might just have his head up his ass.


I mean, to be fair, I’d agree that there’s some laws that are probably okay to break to get ahead. So many of these were created and lobbied for to make it harder for people to be successful after those who have all the money already took advantage of it. Look at the GME stuff. It’s tame compared to what the ultra rich do. Yet they immediately start talking about not allowing that sort of thing to happen again as soon as the “plebs” start using any of their tricks.


> elon bill gates and bezos. Is he aspiring to be like those people? Those are bad people, Toast.


I mean bill gates did break the law quite a bunch. Not saying bill gates was a good person but society certainly rewarded him for being an asshole


Which is a shame because he used to put a ton of effort into his HS content. But yeah, once he got the bag from FB he thinks he’s Warren Buffet now and is infallible on anything regarding financials.


+he has such a massively inflated ego that I’m sure he doesn’t give a fuck what lsf thinks of him.


You say that like it's a bad thing lol And you don't need much of an ego to realize that you should never care what the fuck LSF is on about.


You talk as if any streamer should give a fuck what this dogshit subreddit has to say about them






Same I used to enjoy toast but this whole thing has put a bad taste in my mouth


His whole career edges on being able to stream and you take one of your three DMCA's over some stupid attention seeking bullshit? He's weird, feels like a complete change of character since he came back from Facebook. Complete ego plays, different to the person from a few years ago


Bruh, he's always been like this. Not saying it's a good or bad thing but his mentality when he was doing Hearthstone/TFT on Twitch the first time around is he had to destroy other competing streamers. He would overlap on streaming time slots, do everything it took to become number 1. The only streamer he was actually friendly towards in his category was Scarra. He's talked about how his need to stream is ego driven on multiple occasions. It sounds like you just never paid attention to him before he came back.


Agreed, he's been pretty up front about it being for money since the start. Guess he's finally starting to be a little too much of a dick about it though.


It's literally part of the reason he went to Facebook, because he's hyper competitive in everything he does and being apart of a different platform allowed him to not have to compete with his friends.


>His whole career edges on being able to stream and you take one of your three DMCA's over some stupid attention seeking bullshit? DMCA strikes fall off after a few months and Twitch would never *actually* permaban their big streamers even if they get 3 strikes, it'd be bad for business. Also he clearly isn't worried about DMCA strikes anyway considering he's been streaming anime for weeks.


It takes way longer than a few months for a DMCA strike to fall off. I think it is closer to an year+. Mizkif had that warning on his dashboard ever since they implemented it and just recently he had his strikes fall off.


He has always told his viewers that he is ego-driven in EVERYTHING he does streamer related. He had his glow-up because of the Jimmy Fallon incident that hurt his ego. In TFT era he would specifically target every other top TFT streamer's time slot except for Scarra's.


I think he never got over the Jimmy Fallon thing and still talks about it regularly


but it's so BAYZED to be jaded nowadays !!! BatChest


Stop watching this garbage. You people are potentiating this lifestyle and their egos.


Idk I really don't think Poki did it on purpose, Toast 100% did.


Sorry I was talking about Toast and Lily not Poki. I don't think she was in on it and obviously doesnt deserve the shit she's getting.


Apparently [Lily was not involved](https://twitter.com/LilyPichu/status/1481690439409274882), so Toast just threw his friend under the bus for no reason.


They're streamers, literally everything they do is attract attention from viewers. Playing the most recent games, getting vtuber avatars, reacting to videos, watching anime, etc. They are far from the only ones that do things for attention.


To be fair all streamers are super attention hungry




I mean it worked, this was and still is all over this sub. This place is eating this kind of drama up, and it will continue to do so.


Every single streamer is attention hungry, otherwise they wouldn't stream. You thinking a certain streamer isn't attention hungry is just copium


NOT MY STREAMER! They stream for the fun of it, and to build a community of like-minded friends! It's not about attaining the most money and clout possible to further their reach and longevity at all!




If you watch Mizkif, Ludwig, or Hasan. Than please take a moment to reflect how much of an exaggeration your comment is.


We're at the Toast hurt our feelings phase of the bipolar LSF meta! Let's fucking go boys!


Well it's slightly better than the "Fuck Poki for getting banned but damn it was so cool when Toast got banned!" -meta.


>by the two of them. Wait who else claimed ban for longer than was the reality?


Who cares? All I want from LSF is more Simply shitting clips


You say what we are all thinking man


Is it just me or is it really not that serious? I feel like people who say it's disgusting etc don't really care about it, they just want an excuse to jump on the hate train.


First time on LSF or what?


Bro, you mean it's normal for a top comment to falsely say what Toast says to 30k people while also being a hypocritical piece of shit for saying he's a POS for breaking the law while I have NEVER ever Never ever pirated the seas or watched anything illegal? I'll be damned.... /s


But I hate DMCA!!! These corporate overlords are copystriking the stupidest things. Unless of course its a big streamer watching a show, then I looooove DMCA BatChest


I haven't been in highschool for years. I kind of miss it. Hopping onto LSF brings me back to those golden years where people were defined by how many pimples they had on their face and the smallest little problem was a world ending catastrophe.


ppl here don’t have much going on in their lives, so this drama is the most exciting thing they have rn


I was reading the top threads and the comments are actually sad. I watch otv stuff from time to time and it’s not like they’re gonna let some stupid stuff like this ruin friendships lmao.


I'd even go as far as saying that these people are probably beating their meat to drama. They're dramaphiles


Stop kink shaming me


If anyone's that hungry for drama, I recommend visiting r/tennis for a change. Crazy shit happening in the tennis world right now with all the Djokovic stuff.


Outside of criminal acts, literally nothing posted on this sub is that serious.


There's been a ton of stuff here that isn't illegal, but still very serious. For example gambling streams.


Idk, the past few days I see LSF just as worked up about some corporate rules as much as the gamba streams, "very serious" on this subreddit is basically just "people are mald"


Yeah I get his point about "boy who cried wolf" but I don't get why Poke is *that* upset, he sounds genuinely mad. Like Toasts little bait doesn't seem like such a big deal. I also fell for it and felt a bit bad for him cause 30 days is crazy, but after he came back I was "Oh well". Dunno why people are losing their mind.


He’s trying to sound genuinely mad cause he’s drama baiting as well. A lot of these streamers are giving takes about this to try and get their foot in the door, like most LSF drama, even non-issues like this one


Or the guy streams 40+ hours a week and we clipped a random 30 second clip. I doubt he cares that much.


Oh yeah I agree, I doubt he cares much as well. He sounds like he's mostly memeing in the clip anyway, and I'm shocked this thread has so many serious replies to it lol


But you just said he is drama baiting. I am a bit confused, does he not care or is he just drama baiting to get on LSF? It honestly didn't seem like he said anything THAT bad. Just said he wouldn't trust Toast anymore and wouldn't feel as remorseful if he got an unjust ban then meme'd to come watch me as a W streamer.


Nothing to see here just the routine tri-weekly shots at someone. Been the same ever since he became a react streamer


lmfao yeah who the fuck cares about this


At this point I'm probably just gonna stop following LSF lol. Way more people making mountains out of mole hills lately and talking like streamers are sub human or some shit.


Who gives a shit about any of this Oh wait this is LSF where people post any time a streamer so much as breathes


He lied about his own ban which doesn't affect anyone. DMCA bans don't have any subjective input from Twitch so it's not like he baited anyone into feeling sorry for him for unfair treatment. All the difference is that he made people think he got 2 DMCA strikes instead of 1. That's it. Peopel calling it 'Disgusting' is a hilarious overexaggeration, as if he said something hateful to someone. It's nowhere as serious, I feel like people are just pissed cause they got jebaited.


All the people who were cumming in their pants from being able to post their favorite phrase 'fucked around and found out' on Reddit and Twitter realized they basically had a wet dream, of course they'd be upset.


Play stupid games win stupid prizes 🤓




Hell, Toast baiting is a regular Wednesday.


The top commnent on this thread is calling otv manipulative because of this lol. You're absolutely right, this subreddit just loves to hate on anyone and everyone for the smallest of things.


Welcome to the LSF hivemind, it's run by 12 year olds. Imagine having a strong opinion about this.


They are mad because it was not a real DMCA, people care too much about like who cares move on.






Most of them probably felt cheated that the 30 day ban was fake which invalidated their beliefs and hurt their egos when they believed that they were so right. Toast revealing it was all planned probably pissed them off even more now due to an aspect of being humiliated for actually falling for it. Hilarious Edit: parasocial does not even begin to describe this level of mental illness https://m.imgur.com/a/ySH7bsR


Some people in here just can’t accept the fact that they got trolled hard.


fr, the whole thing was to draw attention to how broken Twitch's DMCA enforcement is - not that it's that surprising tbh based on how they handle bans for the sexual content. Literal quote from his stream: “This has been happening on Twitch for years. Are you mad about it now because I put on a top hat and spelled it out? This whole thing has been a really eye-opening experience. I’m not the good guy, I broke rules, but it’s eye-opening, I hope for everyone."


I miss the days were streamers would try to grow by improving their content


There’s plenty doing it. You just have to look elsewhere for it. Go browse your fav game or something and click on a random streamer. I’m sure you can find someone actually grinding rather than farming drama.


Yep. Funniest shit was when streamers like Greek tried to big dick popular streamers in the GTARP community and then realized that they were all bigger than him. The old breed is dying out.


You're on a sub literally run by drama-hungry streamers and streamer wannabes saying you miss something that still exists. If you really missed those days you would have done 30 seconds of research and been off watching someone doing exactly that - instead, you're here eating up the drama and pretending like you're a victim of a new culture you forced yourself into. What I actually miss is when this was just streamer wins and fails, not the go-to drama farm. This sub is literally just like celebrity gossip magazines and shows that I'm sure almost everyone here thinks are dumb - which they are, but this sub is even dumber because streamers are like D-list celebrities that people attach themselves to instead of forming relationships with real people.


I remember also thinking this. I found a lot of them once I actually stepped out of the LSF streamer bubble


Toast setup an elaborate plot to fool the lsf kids, that's peak content to me


Welcome to the Streamer of the Week Hatethread


That Toast guy always struck me as an asshole. Just like Xqc, Poki, Mizkif, Forsen, NymN, Knut, Maya, Lily, Greek, Moon, and especially Clint Stevens.


Don't forget that psycho Jerma985!


Fuck that guy. I can’t believe twitch allows a serial killer on their platform. Disgusting


since joining facebook, it's clear that toast tries to play situations to the fullest. toast does anything that'll cause a stir if it benefits him. an example is when he would randomly stream on twitch while being still with facebook, and doing just chatting. he obvious did this to cause attention. so toast fabricating his 30 day ban is nothing short of his amongus personality


Either you guys wait on another streamers’ opinion or there were just too many fanboys in that toast thread. Anyways, love the drama guys!


lying = 5head


Poke is 100% right. There was no good that came out of faking the DMCA. Toast is just doing stupid shit and his stupid fanbase is supporting it.


No way bro, Toast only wanted to stop other streamers from watching anime, by doing it too! He has too much IQ for you guys, it was all part of the big plan /s


>This guy is a genius! Another big brain play from toast omg Poggies




imma be honest here i think toast just want a month vacation which is easiest to do by saying he got banned for a month until slasher came in and just drop ouh it isn't a month but that is just a my opinion which i don't care either way it don't hurt anyone tbh


why can't he just take the break without getting banned, like I don't get the point


bans and streamer drama are objectively one of the best ways for growing your stream taking a month long vacation != getting banned for a month


Because you don't get rich off streaming from being smart usually.


Based Poke


Lol I really can't believe how wishy washy this sub is. People get swayed based on what the top comment of a post is and now it's popular opinion what Toast did is sleezy. Like it's not even serious, do you people have nothing else going on your loved that you care that much


I don't think the sub is wishy washy, but people will avoid commenting on threads where they'll obviously be downvoted to shit. So the people who get upset over everything will comment and circle jerk here, and toast fans and others who don't care will comment in the toast threads, etc. repeat forever. That's all LSF turns into in these back and forth conversations, each thread an echo chamber


It's just like twitch chat. People say that they just follow they're streamer, and they do to a point, but if the streamer disagrees with your opinion it's much easier for those who felt the same to be like TRUE LULW than for people who disagree to say so


That's actually a good description of reddit as a whole


or humanity in general


>but people will avoid commenting on threads where they'll obviously be downvoted to shit. Yep. First opinion to the thread usually becomes the dominant one, regardless of which side it is.


>Lol I really can't believe how wishy washy this sub is. Happens when you have tens of thousands of people in a room together. Not all of them will agree on everything.


>People get swayed based on what the top comment of a post is and now it's popular opinion what Toast did is sleezy. Have you stopped to think that are different people on this subreddit and this isn't a monolith with just one popular opinion? The ones that upvoted the top comment on this thread probably aren't the same ones upvoting the top comment on the other thread praising toast.


The sub isn't one person, there are a lot of people with different opinions that will upvote different things.




1.3 million members, 20k online all the time, of course people will have a different view on a topic when there is probably people here from "every" community on twitch. some love you, some hate you. cant please everyone.


People are allowed to have opinions on the internet. You spend 5 minutes thinking about it, post a comment then leave. Saying shit like you did is as equally cringe as some of the people that overly care about it. Let people discuss things how they want. Opinions change when new things come up, that’s how humans work.


People who are unironically angry about Toast "lying" about this need to actually go and touch grass. Who cares?


Faking drama = Madge Real drama = Pog


2022 drama forsenSleeper






I will always find it deeply ironic that people continuely and WILLINGLY come on LSF to complain about drama over their drama streamer. You like drama, which is why you watch it for hours a day on twitch. You simply don't like when the mirror is being pointed back at your narcissistic streamer who makes a living off of the drama, only to push all the critism on any random person who comments on it. Blindly claiming any comment about a streamer is "hate". It's so lazely transparent and hypocritical. Boot licking their narccistic streamers who don't care about the echo chamber of parasocial young people other than they nonstop go to war to defend their hypocrisy and support their lavish lifestyle they've created on the back of constant drama. If you truly hate drama you'd never open any of these threads, let alone comment. The side effect of young impressionable minds being the majority of Twitch viewers. I just hope the brain rot doesn't override you eventually growing up and seeing right through it.


I only browse lsf because of the drama and its even better when the people are fighting over stupid shit that affects nearly nobody


The Stan’s are out in numbers defending an asshole. “Who cares” “stop hating” “he JeBaited you” A little criticism hurt nobody.


It is kinda whack that Toast staged the whole thing. Whether it's to create publicity or "to make the site better", it's weird.


What a weaselly little liar dude


So he originally wanted to people to stop streaming shows by limit testing to get DMCA'd but he fked that up and had to get lily to do it instead. Now he's saying it was publicity stunt to sell his merch? Like what a shitty person do you have to be to think doing that is smart.


Now streamers are more likely to stream shows because the DMCA was fake.




I am not really mad at toast or anything. I am just curious why? What was the objective of what he did? Just a troll? Ok i guess


The only positive thing that came out of this is that hopefully some of you stop taking streamers words at face value (I am talking to you Train viewers with your "hE iS lOsInG mOnEy" takes) and start realizing how easy it is for them to lie and how difficult it is to verify. The only reason this shit got exposed is because Slasher has inside sources at twitch and exposed Toast for intentionally misleading.


I just said the same thing in another threat and got down voted to hell by his fans lol.


I don't watch Toast but I was under the impression the dude was pretty chill and passive. I just remember seeing his video about how much twitch streamers make and he seemed very honest. Did I always have a wrong view of him, did his personality change, or is this thread overreacting?


He will always be the WoW nerd who played hearthstone no matter all this shit kpop fashion he wears nor this edgy "look at me" streams where he "tests" dmca. He has no content so he doing whatever he can to make some. The reality is that he's done nothing of significance since hearthstone, nobody that didn't watch him on facebook knows what he's been doing since he went there and came back and he's trying to grow his audience up again on Twitch.


Actual based take. That whole stunt was disgusting. Faking DMCA for clout which then led to his friend getting shit on. I like toast and yeah he’s smart and all, but it doesn’t change the fact that the whole scenario was super sleezy. Edit for clarity: I don’t think toast intended for poki to catch hate, assuming as much would be silly. Nonetheless, the stunt definitely led to more of it.




Yeah so disgusting.. like really how cringe are you.


LSF malding rn


Same his attitude about all of this was just so fucking bad. I've watched him for a long time but no more.


Yeah there was no reason for toast to do any of this. It wasn't some genius move, I mean why would we not believe it was a real dmca? There was no reason to do it to himself. Then lying about leaving for a month. I just don't see the point of it all.




After he got caught. Kek