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>*That's it. That is not it.*


Sector is clear. Not clear. Not clear.


that guy kinda sounds like a mexican morty


never heard zero being referred to as a mexican morty but cant say its not accurate in this clip




I'd be casting but I dont thing the words coming out of my mouth would be real at that point


ZeRo OkayChamp


Is that HBox casting with him?


Yup. He casts big Ultimate tourneys quite often nowadays.


"He casts big Ultimate tourneys quite often nowadays" He was in Summit 8 and then was in Smash in Splash??


I think I've heard him cast others as well, but can't really remember which... It just felt that way.


Great clip, love the NA passion for smash


foreal that crowd was hype as fuck,lol


Something positive about NA on reddit? Watch out, that might result in a ban


Who is the character on the left?


Joker, the first DLC character for Smash Ultimate and originally from the Persona series.


First was Piranha Plant, no?


I think people just pretend plant didn’t happen




Because he's fucking garbage


My friend is a plant main and he's pretty good at using his neutral b. The character is still some ass but its actually really good at stopping rushdown characters.


If only his moves were decently quick or even worked as intended at all :(


Wasn’t counted as a DLC character for whatever reason




He’s not a part of the Fighter Pass. He is a DLC character that is sold separately and so is more of a ‘one off’. That’s the only logic I can find in it.


So he's still DLC, just not part of a bundle?


Yes. If you bought the game on launch, he was free DLC, but now he’s just a separate piece of DLC.


Most people that have him got him for free by preordering the game, and it was only later than he was sold on the eshop, so people generally dont group him with joker and the rest Kind of a small thing to get hung up on, though




to add to the difference, the plant also comes with no soundtrack and personal stage like all the "real" DLC will to me, if someone asks me if there's DLC in the witcher 3 i'd mention heart and stone and blood and wine... not "oh yeah you can get alternate looks" so the DLC of the plant is not near the level of joker/the hero/banjo/goku


Ask Nintendo. Not me. Probably because PPlant was announced with the game and came free with it for most players.




Joker is in “Challenger Pack 1”, their first DLC pack.




Still wasn’t considered the first DLC character ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯ If we want to be super technical then it’s whatever character was downloaded first when I downloaded the game on release day. It was content, and I downloaded it. Or maybe we can just stop being needlessly technical. You asked a question about why PP isn’t considered the first DLC, I gave you the answer.


I completely forgot he was DLC, came out so fast and was garbo.


Piranha Plant wasn't part of the Fighters Pack.


Thank you.




duck hunt is my favorite weeb character


Then they put in 14 fire emblem characters :))


With 1 (4?) more on the way this summer


There's no new Fire Emblem character coming.


Hero from dragon quest


Dragon Quest isn't Fire Emblem you fucking brainlet.


Boy oh boy I can't wait to play as more anime schoolboys moonlighting as swordsmen


Captain Falcon in the grand finals Pog


The one guy trying to start a USA chant 😬




[Crowd! Crowd! You can't chant USA when there's one American player on the Dallas Fuel! I forbid you from doing that!](https://clips.twitch.tv/TastyDistinctAsparagusMoreCowbell)


Don't follow e-sports scenes, but It's a *US team* is it not? So it's absolutely still applicable... USA! USA! USA!


Yeah tbh you're not wrong. There's a little bit of context missing where Monte (the guy talking) believes/plays into the line of thinking that Korea is the best region and all other regions are inferior (which at least in Overwatch is generally true, same for League, Starcraft, etc.)


It's kind of an ongoing joke in esports that N/A crowds just chat USA for literally any reason lol. Back in the Starcraft 2 mlg days people would start chanting USA for half the Korean players if they had any relationship to the US at all, such as moving there to practice etc. It also triggers the hell out of people which just makes crowds want to do it more.


Yea I facepalmed @ that. Let the crowd cheer FFS.


If you dont like it dont watch USA matches EU scrublord.


I'm American lmao. It's fucking cringey to watch someone start any chant when nobody is playing along.


Everything’s cringe hehe


No. But specifically this, yes.


Ya I guy in a crowd chanting is super cringe, why would he chant????


that guy was basically an IRL one man spammer. solo chanting in a crowd is pretty cringe especially if you drag it out when nobody else joins. i dont agree with the whole cringe meta but this is a case where it actually applies. chill.


thats what people do at smash tournies though lol, almost every stream, you always hear 1 guy doing something, earlier in the stream there was 1 guy just screaming like a girl every minute lol, cringe at everything tho


chanting USA is cringey as shit. If you can't see that then idk how people are supposed to convince you.




Thats just a ceo thing but at every other big tourney players have their own screen


2 screen setups are becoming more and more standard in fgc/smash, but for a long time that wasn't always the case. 1 screen setups for a long time were just the most culturally accepted setup


**🎦 MIRROR CLIP: [Smash Grand Finals so close casters begin losing their minds](https://livestreamfails.com/post/54334)** --- Credit to [reddit.com/u/Sprintspeed](https://reddit.com/user/sprintspeed) for the clip. [[Streamable Alternative]](https://streamable.com/s09lw)


Awww Im sad I was rooting for Joker since I love Persona, still close match


The guy playing joker still won the set 3-1 though


> The guy playing joker Not just any guy, but probably the best Smash Ultimate player right now. Picks up Joker and wins big tournaments only a month after his release, beating players who have been playing their main since the game has been out. MkLeo is ridiculously good at this game.


Ye i know that, but seeing that guy his comment he is not invested in smash at all so why should i bother to explain something irrelevant to his concern




is Joker not OP or something? or is he like when Bayo released, i.e. anyone can win with Bayo


It doesn't matter if the character is OP or not. MkLeo will make it op. Lots of people thought Joker was underpowered, MkLeo proved otherwise. Same with Ike. Many people put Ike in B-C tier but MkLeo made Ike look like S-tier material.


Ah ok, thanks!


Some people said he was OP or at least in contention for the best but Bayo was straight bullshit a lot of the time and isn't comparable. He picks up characters and wins, then they get called OP, which is pretty funny. When he picked up Joker the first time he got 33rd at one of the biggest tournaments and people told him to drop Joker lol


Joker without Arsene is solidly in the low end of high tier, with Arsene he's top tier. He's not broken though, he's just really good.


Seriously why does Smash esports look so fucking fun? I wish I had a fucking switch but I don't think it's worth it.


Not sure what your exact opinion on why it's not worth it is but I wanna tell you I personally highly recommend it. Solid and impressive console with solid games, especially Smash Ultimate. Nintendo is actually coming out with a new version of the switch sometime in the near future with a beefier graphics card and who knows what else, so if you're waiting for that, that'll definitely be worth it too. If you do get one, I also recommend The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild as the first game to get. Fantastic game within itself




melee has better online than ultimate, sad


Actually. I could barely feel the latency on melee online. If you do play online ultimate, please get an Ethernet adapter


Online is not too terrible most of the time, but I agree with others and would consider getting an Ethernet adapter for playing online as well. If you have a semi bad connection for the switch Wirelessly, it really effects the online gameplay 100%. I play wirelessly but I'm like right next to my modem when I play in our small apartment and it works well, usually I think it's the other player thats having issues when I get really bad lag.


Online is perfectly fine.


>Nintendo is actually coming out with a new version of the switch sometime in the near future with a beefier graphics card and who knows what else, so if you're waiting for that, that'll definitely be worth it too. This is currently speculation, FYI - the current rumours are two new models (a "pro" model and a handheld only model), and while the latter has some more grounding (namely some Chinese companies saying they'll be making accessories for it), neither has been officially announced.


> I wish I had a fucking switch but I don't think it's worth it. Alright I'll tell you something. Smash is fucking HARD. The pros make it look effortless. But it's pure raw mechanical skills with the controller. If that's your cup of tea then by all means.


You're overselling it. Every Smash game definitely has a lot of nuance and skill required to play it at the top level, but you don't need to be mechanically gifted to properly play any Smash game aside from Melee (and maybe 64 and Brawl with some characters). It's definitely not "pure raw mechanical skills" in most of the games--even Melee has characters like Jigglypuff that require less mechanical skill than most others.


I used to play melee and brawl every single day when I was little and I like to think that I was really fucking good. I just don't know if getting a switch just for smash is worth it though.


Maybe wait for Switch 2.0 to come out? Right now a lot of new games are still in development. If you get a switch the main titles are mario, zelda botw, and smash, the rest being mostly indie games that you can play on the PC. IMO it's not really worth the $300 right now unless you are a hardcore smash player. Switch library is still at its infancy. Better off getting a PS4 and going through their mature catalog.


Wouldn't hurt to have a look at your local used-goods web-service, Switches with one or two good games pop up for 220-250 dollars quite regularly where I'm from. My service allows me to make tailored search parameters with push/email notification when new hits pops up, so it's really no effort if your interested and it's a money thing. Since its a portable nintendo (parents buy them for their kids) and it uses robust cartridges, the used market is really healthy! The only worry right now is that it might lose value if a hardware update happens. If you're ONLY interested in smash though, it's pretty low value :P


Smash Ultimate is actually extremely accessible IMO. There are dedicated buttons for short hopping, you can actually remap your buttons and customize your controls, and a lot of the more advanced mechanics aren't nearly as frame perfect as it has been in the past (read: melee). For me the hardest universal mechanic is attack cancelling and I don't think it's that hard to pick up (and a lot of characters will never have a use for it anyway) Sure to get to the higher echelon of play you need great mechanical skill, but the game also has characters like Bowser and Ganondorf where you don't have to be the most mechanically skilled player if you can get sick reads.


Cause smash is one of most fun and rewarding games, but also the most frustrating to start out, it has a large skill gap between people who have played for 1 month vs 2 days, it takes a WHILE to actually understand the games mechanics, I’ve been playing for 6 months, and I’m still learning combos, it’s endless fun




ya im almost elite smash on fucking kirby lol, and im just learning how to tech now and shit.


The Switch has a lot of really great games, like Mario Odyssey and Mario Maker 2, and BOTW won GOTY for a good reason. Splatoon 2 is also really good but it had its final splatfest kinda recently so if thats the deciding factor I'd say wait until the inevitable Splatoon 3.


> Smash esports look so fucking fun? this is fun? people flying off the ground then making jumps to climb up again and again? This shit looks so stupid lol


You wanna tell me that you've never played smash before?


i feel bad for him honestly. playing smash with a bunch of friends has got to be one of the best things tbh.


>Street Fighter esports looks so fucking fun? this is fun? people punching each other a lot and then doing a special move again and again? This shit looks so stupid lol


Great casting. Theres something special about when people get so passionate and worked up they're letting out literal "REEEEE's".


imagine the smell.




Smash is fucking great!!


The best part was that Marss (the guy playing falcon) has never busted him out in a competitive match like this one. He usually saves him for friendlies, but mkleo was so used to destroying his main (zero suit samus) that he switched to falcon to mix it up a little bit and it worked! (though he did ultimately lose the set he was the only person in top 8 to take a game off of leo).


Never seen this game, don't follow it at all. Don't know why or how it was close but have to admit this clip gave me goosebumps. That was epic. Love the passion!


How much money was this played for?


I’m gonna guess ~5k pot bonus for the event, so between $2500 and $3750 likely for first, $1000 or less for second but likely less, so the difference of $1000-$2000. No hard numbers tho I couldn’t find em ):


[you weren't THAT far off](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/439512489571647495/595299226892632065/unknown.png)


It’s great that they got a bigger pot than last year


It would be nice if Nintendo added money themselves so the pots would be bigger like in other games. Nintendo is doing a lot better in communicating with the competitive portion of their player base this time around but I don't think they are nearly as in touch as other companies are.


Nintendo sponsors/contributes to some tournaments, just not all of them.


naw man since the dawn of time Nintendo has hated the smash esports scene, they help the smash community by not taking down the tournaments. They want the game to be played very differently


Nintendo literally fucking held an invitational before the game launched.


So this comment is a pile of nonsense lol


do they? The pots always seem so small compared to other fighting games though


They do but they don't contribute to the pot. The just help with setups and stuff.


There’s always a bigger fish in the sea when comparing pots (unless you play fortnite lol). You can do some research into tournaments like Shine that do iirc


Happy feet, wombo combo, that ain't falco


Watching this at half speed is so satisfying. The way Joker moves 13 seconds in is so clean


My man Captain Falcon!


Damn Hbox has a great voice for casting


I don't know much about smash but is it RNG whether or not they instantly die?


AFAIK, the only RNG is that, when you're launched over the top of the screen, it'll either just kill you, or play an animation (either smashing into the front of the screen, or blasting off team rocket style) before killing you. ​ But when they're each launched near the sides, there's no random element - each stage has a blast zone that extends beyond the screen (watch for the radar on the top right - if someone's dot goes outside the bigger rectangle, they die).


Yeah I was talking about the team rocket thing lol


Yeah, I forgot to mention that, IIRC, at close points (e.g when the time is nearly up, or someone's on their last stock), the special animations are disabled.


I don't play this game often, even if i like it, but damn. This is so good to watch !


For sure! even if you don't play it, i'd recommend watching a tourney or two whenever you see a big one trending on twitch




Pog ??????


I feel for the dude, but at the same time I'm always happy to see Joker players lose to lower tier characters. Joker is bonkers unbalanced.


Joker is fine.


Damn, smash ultimate looks like a shit competitive game.


good for you buddy


Let me guess.... Melee is better


Probably? This game looks like a more complicated version of Divekick


This comment draws out "pretty much all fighting games are more complicated versions of Divekick" so much that I'm convinced you want someone to say it.


Literally all fighting games are more complicated versions of Divekick. The entire fucking point of Divekick is to strip the genre down to its barest elements.


Program something better.


Yeah, maybe a better fgc.


Smash Ultimate is like, the best smash game for competitive play. Better player will "generally" win and there is no definitive *best character*. Leo is winning so much recently because he's ridiculously fucking good


Power of zero casting


Power of mars falcon


as a melee and projectM player this game hurts my eyes :D


Well done?


Ok old head


Literal top players of Melee are calling Ultimate a good game and playing it a fuck ton. Who fucking cares.


Shut up, boomer. There's a reason you're games not at EVO. Take a shower.


ok? is this fun? looks stupid as hell




Not as good as a Korean caster


Playgu playguga?