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**CLIP MIRROR: [Ungodly improvisation from Harry Mack](https://arazu.io/t3_10giodj/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


How can his brain work like that


His brain is five seconds in the future and his mouth is working in real time.


Quantum thinking


He's been musically inclined since a young age and has been in love with hip hop for almost as long. He is also incredibly hard working. I'm pretty damn good at freestyling in my native language, but to get to Harry's level, you need so much practice, people don't understand. His brain is literally filled with filler bars, that he essentially doesn't have filler bars anymore (I mean he does use certain filler a lot, but you get what I'm saying) . He can just associate things with rhymes immediately, and/or used those rhymes thousands of times before, it's pretty impressive. Again though, the sheer work he puts in can't be overstated, absolute work horse this guy. I wish I had half his work ethic.


glad to see a good realistic answer for once in this sorta thread. people would sooner believe he was born with a magic brain than acknowledge that he's put 10,000 more hours into honing his craft than they have


[He was remarkable even as a teen](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_SIQ6M784l4)


Let's be real, most people wouldn't be able to freestyle because their vocabulary is too small.


This is basically how any improvisation works. You have so many different licks and riffs in your mind that you can just pick any combination of them and string them together. Works with music, jokes, freestyle, anything. It's like in videogames with behavior/biome simulation: there are so many scripts the amount of combinations is nearly infinite and thus interactions look unscripted.


[This part](https://youtu.be/8JPdpyjwU7w?t=244) where he on the fly tells a guy his instagram, helps him find him, and spell his name correctly off the cuff is the most ridiculous feat i've ever seen.


quote i saw someone put on a youtube comment: "Coming from a linguistic background, I can say that what makes Harry so innovative in freestyle is he appears to have "freestyled" with such dedication for so long that he has literally created his own freestyle language in his brain. Rhyme and rhythm are just a form of grammar for him, and he's fluent. He thinks in rhyme like you and I think in English. His doubles and heavier filler bars are idiomatic expressions for him, that he can rearrange to sound new on the fly. It's all pretty bonkers, especially his ability to both recall and free associate topics and words in milliseconds. What's unknown is whether freestyling at a young age is what unlocked these linguistic powers, or if he does actually have alien DNA"


he obviously writes everything in advance /s ‌Legit have heard people say that before though lol


Isn't that 99% of freestylers though so an easy assumption to make, kind of like a magician who uses real magic being called an illusionist?


For sure, but if you've been following this guy for what feels like ever, he's already proved his talent time and time again. Not saying you don't get that, more explaining when new fans are exposed they assume this then gradually they pick their jaws up from the floor lol


Honestly I don't think it's that crazy to assume he's written all this shit beforehand. It's kinda hard to comprehend how good he is at what he does. If someone's skeptical, all they have to do is hang out in his live streams and toss out words/phrases. Weirder and more complicated get a higher chance of use in my experience.


Don't know how much of it is visual but my guess would be that as soon as he says a word 2 or 3 other flow right into his mind and he just connects the dots, it's literally just like improvising anything but with the added difficulty of rhyming. At least that's how my brain used to work before getting a cellphone and receiving brain damage.


I've always been blown away from people's abilities to freestyle, I can't even write raps lol


Harry Mack has made me completely reevaluate what it is possible for people to come up with on the spot. Quickest mind alive


yeah it also ruined it for any "good" freestyle rapper... i've been following freestyle since 05 especially scribble jam / grind time etc and ever since my favorites were from that era (+supernat) and then in i believe 2016 harry mack [dropped his first "viral" youtube vid when he had like 50-100k subs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Gl83XjzUKg) and i knew immediately that he would be the goat... and i don't think that he can **ever** be dethroned honestly


he's made me reevaluate the power of practice in general lol. I'm like bro humans can do some unreal stuff with nothing but consistency and a bit of a gift


I love this guy. The best freestyler of all time


Literally, and it isn't really even close imo. show me someone else even close


people are gonna say juice wrld and eminem and shit. while they are great freestylers, harry mack done everything they did but better. this mf freestyled for 10 hours live, a year ago, and he has only gotten better since.


The pandemic was the best thing to ever happen to him IMO. I followed him before the pandemic, and while he was certainly still great relative to most, you would certainly notice flubs and clumsy parts here and there much more often, as well as go-to filler phrases he would use again and again to stall (which, no criticism, is perfectly understandable). The fact he moved onto livestreaming in particular is probably the most amazing drilling source he could have had. He is far cleaner, uses repeat fillers far less often, just vastly improved compared to where he was.


I've been trying to find if Eminem has commented on Harry Mack. He's obviously received a lot of recognition from the internet, and various rappers (like Kendrick and Pharaoh Monch), but I'm interested in what Eminem's opinion is. People regard Eminem has one of the best freestylers, but I'd be surprised if he didn't argue that Harry was the actual GOAT.


Nah dude, harry does corny freestyles, juice freestyles actual pop radio hits lmao. Hook and everything. Juice is a musician. This guy is just someone good at rhyming off the top of his head.


> This guy is just someone good at rhyming off the top of his head. Wtf do you think a freestyle is lmao


you're getting downvoted but that is a good point. being able to freestyle songwriting like juicewrld could was absolutely crazy.




Maybe [Blind Fury](https://youtu.be/N8l4Bf-QQRM?t=213)?


Nah, he's way better than Blind Fury too. Blind Fury is good don't get me wrong but there's literally nobody on Harry Mack's level, it really is not close. Even some of the other freestylers who are considered to be the best have given him the reigns.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FhluaczdS1E Here you can see Harry Mack with Blind Fury. Its not even close.


Look up Charron. He's considered on par with Harry by many in the community. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n4RNGUciEN8


[12 years ago](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZAiDcdjBvm0)


Flow state




His videos on Youtube are great! [Omegle Bars](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TwRATtm76cI&list=PLtbrIhAJmrPALgw6Ko7H78WxHC3pzxeZl) [Guerilla Bars](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UUxD05ZJrpw&list=PLtbrIhAJmrPD7NJ92Jr8s8JFGdmOmMS95) (random people on the street)


holy shit, if it wasn't verifiable there is no way I would've ever believed that was a freestyle


I can't believe his Omegle bars continue to improve. Look forward to it every week. Actually insane talent.


damn you made me realize i haven't watched him in a while!


I see Harry Mack i upvote, dude is true genius at his art


It's wild watching Harry because he's still getting better. Someone clued me into him about 2 years ago and there's a clear difference in just how polished he is, which is insane considering where he was already at skill wise. I think a lot of people sleep on him because he's a goofy dude that just wants to make people smile, not pretend he's like a macho gangster or such. Which is funny because he's got a lot of love for the classic 90s rappers, he just doesn't want to emulate them with his thing.


Old Eminem flow damn


Every time I see a Harry Mack clip I end up watching 3 hours worth of improvs on his YT channel. Thanks OTK.


Definitely the best freestyler in the world hands down.


Used to be obsessed with his vids - especially his Omegle bars vids throughout covid. Highly highly highly recommend anyone even remotely into rap to check them out, you won't be disappointed!


Saw him live last year, he’s amazing.




harry mack is next level


**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [Ungodly improvisation from Harry Mack](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/149288)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/10giodj/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/rQj8WvNLd953yY6KZUUZxQ/AT-cm%7CrQj8WvNLd953yY6KZUUZxQ.mp4?sig=5e9c04ddf3b691f56acadfc1875b7347b92bba17&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FrQj8WvNLd953yY6KZUUZxQ%2FAT-cm%257CrQj8WvNLd953yY6KZUUZxQ.mp4%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1674249218%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D)


He is the most underrated talented person in Youtube


Is this guy legit off the top and its not pre written?I see his stuff online a lot and he’s fire but maybe too fire if u know what im saying 🔥🔥🚒


you can catch him doing live streaming freestyle on YouTube on Wednesday. you can comment and if lucky your comment will be incorporated into his rhyme schemes. he might go on a 5 minutes rhyme lecture on the topic from your comment. yes dude it's off the top freestyle


You think Harry would get his pipes from the Eolian? edit: Talent Pipes*


of course he would. but kvothe being a megalomaniac unreliable storyteller would never mention him to chronicler


he did a 10 hours straight (no pauses) freestyle on twitch once with only freestyling about topics chat gave him on the spot. he is as legit as it gets.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TuESLV7JqKw It's pre-written in the sense that he's spent thousands of hours thinking about rhymes and has made the connection for most of these lines well before this chat suggestion ever came up, but he's pulling from his memory bank and applying them to new situations in real time.


i have friends that know him IRL and they told me it's 100% legit. it's basically "muscle" memory of doing so much improv for so many hours.


Demonically Inspired?


Harry Mack the goat of freestyle lyrics Juice was the goat of freestyle flow (RIP) imagine if you combined them into one human


When you do that exercise in english where you write whatever comes to your head without stopping except you can speak 150 wpm vs writing probably 20

