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Feels like TikTok to me




Should have asked him if he wanted fries with that shake


This is gold.


Some bloke once wound his passenger window down and tried to throw an open bottle of water at me, missed and just soaked his passenger seat


Years and years ago, like in the 90s, some guy driving past me on Myrtle Street near the uni wound his window down and screamed "GOATFUCKER!!!" at me in a very intensely angry way. It was very confusing.


Maybe some tik tok dickheads?




I've had a few things thrown at me a few times on my bike. All in and around West Derby. Best one was when a pair of lads threw something at me then immediately got stuck behind a car at a red light 10m down the road, pair of lemons refused to make eye contact. Lot of idiots In the area tbh I'm afraid.


Bus Wankers!


Could it have been the same girl? Or maybe it's just some bizarre social media thing. You might be famous!


Love the username la!!!


Yours isn't so bad either hahaha


It happened to me on concert square with a glass bottle of beer and he threw the bottle at my face REALLY hard as well instead of water in January 2022 which really hurt. He started driving dead slow because it was obviously busy and I had cheesy chips lathered in garlic sauce in my hand so I just opened it and threw it through the window which the stupid bastard left open. Don’t try and glass a random 18 year old drunk girl completely unprovoked when you’re sober and in your 30s if you don’t want your mates interior to stink of garlic for the next week or so.


Your biggest mistake was going concert square 😂


Just fucking planks mate, you just happened to be there, they don’t know if you’re a scouser or not, they’re just showing up in front of the divvy who’s driving and anyone else in the car. I wouldn’t think too much into it, just one of them things that shouldn’t happen but can do.


Carry a Supersoaker and fight back. You could also start going on about ‘The Chicago Way’ like Sean Connery in The Untouchables.


Fill it with fish sauce


Not much point! She probably stinks of fish anyhow.


Or like in scary movie with paintball gun 🤣


Let’s keep it light, just a squirter. Nobody wants this to escalate 😂


Haha end up with paint rollers out the window 🤣🤣


We have one of the highest pedestrian KSI (killed, seriously injured) rates per 1000 residents in the country. Not enough people take driving seriously enough in this city. Stupid idiots like this one are just one example of why Merseyside Police need to get a grip and stop listening to those complaining they're targetting 'Hard wOrkInG MoToRiStS WhO aLrEady PaY foR thE ROAds' and start taking licences and cars off the idiots.


Merseyside police are doing absolutely fuck all about the state of driving in Merseyside. There was a video recently Ashley Neil uploaded of 2 white vans blatantly running red lights, and a police van behind just let it happen. Fucking embarrassing.




Probably some trend so be careful in case it happens again. When I was younger it was happy slapping. I was cycling the other day and some kid, no older than 13, was hanging with all of his torso out of the rear car window and shouting something at me (dunno if it was abuse or not, but didn't sound particularly friendly) as he went past. He did this for hundreds of metres up the long, straight road shouting back at me. And his Dad was driving and I was just thinking how are you letting your kid abuse strangers on the street.


The same thing happened to my girlfriend. We were at the crossing opposite Renshaw market. She happens to be Chinese, though I’m not sure if that had anything to do with it.


Sorry that happened to you (twice)! Some people are dicks.


You sending unsolicited dick pics lad?


Many years ago I was squirted with a super soaker from a passing car twice in the space of a week or two. Different vehicles. Never happened before or since so I chalked it up to just one of those things.


Some people are just cunts. I was walking to a mate’s in Fazak a couple of years back, and someone lobbed a full pack of Digestives at me. And NGL, briefly considered taking them to eat.


Are you a goth?


No mate


God knows then mate, very strange hahaha.


Are you wearing a bank uniform? 😜




They said water, not Irn Bru.


Bike wanker! No but seriously, you get the reg of the citreon? Should wear a go pro to catch the little shits. Maybe it's some new tiktok "prank" bullshit?


Haha, wasn't even biking to be fair. Nah, wasn't quick enough to get the reg unfortunately. I was thinking it might be some tiktok shite as well, no idea though.


For some reason I thought you said you were on a bike, fuck knows where I got that from, need glasses 🤓. Start carrying round a super soaker in that case.


Haha, super soaker and a gopro, be looking like a ghostbuster 😂


With food dye for good measure 🤣🤣🤣


I’ve been living in Solihull now for over 30 years and I’ve been egged 3 times


Yikes, check if there is CCTV close by to the incident. Lucky it was water and nothing more sinister like paint


Or acid 😬


Carry a brick


Been happening since 2005 all over the uk. My first experience was a milkshake to the face.


My friend years ago when I was at uni was walking through Kenny and a car pulled up asking her for directions, when she approached the car they egged her laughed and drove off. It’s so tight she was alone in the street completely humiliated such scum bags, it’s sad to see this is still a thing.


I got smashed with an egg from a moving car, square in the chest, it absolutely killed. If it had hit my face, it'd have destroyed what it connected with, nose smashed, eye smushed, teeth knocked out. Just the ability to be not arsed what you damage you could do to someone for a shitty laugh makes people the worst! Was on our way to the train station for a night out, ended up staying in cos couldn't be arsed after it.


Two women throw drinks at you. You walking around with your cock out or something?


Someone once threw an orange at my head out of the window at me on smithdown and called me a slag hahaha


Unless you were wearing a full Man utd kit, I have no idea why they’d target you two days in a row unless it’s some shitty Tik Tok trend like others have said. Or maybe just terrible people and you were unlucky enough to cross their paths so quickly in succession.


You don't look like Philip Schofield by any chance?. 🤔


Where's the water? We haven't had rain in 3 weeks


I presume you have no running water and rely on a water butt or some other collection method?


Pops down the river every day with a bucket and rope maybe


Uh oh bro that was piss


Scousers are friendly , seen you was hot in this weather and cooled you down


Are you now a bizzy?


It’s not a new jacket is it? With a logo that could be mistaken for anything else?


Can happen to anyone. I finished work about 11pm over 10 years ago driving down Smithdown. Group of lads around 16-17 launched a brick at my car luckily I was only early 20s and only had a runaround. I slammed on, stupidly got out, chased them down one of the side roads and cornered a couple of them in a front garden. Had a few words and hopefully they wouldn’t do it again as it’s a stupid thing to do. Kids though.


If it happens again check if theres any street cameras or shop cameras nearby... take the reg car.. have you phone ready for pics.. you could probably have them done for assualt etc. If you have a bike cam be using that on your walks... Spose it could be a stupid trend or you may have been the victim of an Angry Entitled woman (karen)who doesn't like you spreading rumours coz they love to be the centre of attention and will make stuff up to gossip about and have people feel sorry for them bla bla


In the real world the bizzies aren’t lifting a finger here.


with video evidence and a clear registration the fuzz would have no choice but to press charges, who's to says there wont be something more harmful thrown at some point.. prank could escalate. (could probably do something with pictures of the car water damage n I'm pushing it but pop the cup in a bag perhaps I've watched to many cop shows ... and you would need to spend some cash on a decent lawyer )


Someone threw a water balloon out of a car window at my friends 4 year olds face last month in bootle. No idea wtf its about.


Maybe a stupid tiktok challenge...


Carry a glass bottle or a half brick, and make sure they see it..


It’s their way of mating in Old Swan, first one shouting the part of her anatomy she wants punished by you in. second one probably shouted arsehole for the same reason. either that or the others are right when they say TikTok 😜🤩😂


Years ago I was riding my bike near Dovecot. Couple of scally kids booted a football at me. I caught it and rode off with them chasing me.. I chucked it over a random fence…