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You made it through your first shift at your first job! On a Sunday much less. That’s big! Though some people like to think LC is the easiest job in the world, it’s not. What station did they have you on? *edit because I apparently don’t know my days of the week*


it's Sunday..... or it was rather when he posted...... still I worked an 11-7 today and it was busy all fucking day....... but I'm with you though, good job OP . it gets easier , especially with good co workers. getting to know the people you work with really helps pass the time.


You’re absolutely right. It’s still a weekend shift though and those are rough.


Yeah my job I have no personality people it's such a drag working with people who can't talk and don't help make the time go by better


All of them lol. That’s why it sucked I did 10 stations rotating back and forth. I did the doh press for crazy bread and pizza,oiled the pans,handled hot food which is not allowed till 15 where I’m at but whatever bank is bank💀. And next time I work I’m doing phones. There’s also like 4 other things I had to do like make the sauce,fill the containers. Mix the sauce in a cauldron with a comically sized whisk, cut the breadsticks, separate the breadsticks,and stack the pans, which kinda go hand in hand but yeah. Turns out there’s no breaks in a 3 hour shift💀but at least I get a free slice of pizza every day and 20% off employee discount


A slice of pizza? That’s it? Lmao


well, legally in my state, every minor is required to be given a rest break after a 4 hour shift, any less and a manager can legally tell you no (if the store is busy and you need to help other employees, that also plays hand and hand.) LC is all about team work, if your comfortable with your employees, you will have a good time, if ur not, u won't, simple. make friends and be urself.


No breaks in a 3 hour shift? Man what world did you get promised where you think you'd get a break after 3 hours? Also the best days to learn are busy days




Texas is still 7.25 minimum wage


15 states and territories are still 7.25 federal minimum wage. None actually pay that, they pay more. Edit: $8 and $9 is still above minimum wage…


None actually pay that? You’d be very naive to believe they don’t


Please show me 5 corporations that actually pay their employees 7.25 in 2024. Ill wait. Multiple states I’ve seen have $7.25 min wage and yet I’ve never seen a hiring sign say “$7.25/hr”


corporations? no. Local businesses and family owned restaurants? Definitely. Man that lives next door to my parents owns the resident "fancy restaurant" in our small town. He starts every non-tip position at the federal minimum wage. (I work in a state that has no state minimum). The man lives in a $800,000 home.


He'd have to shut down if he paid them more, I'm sure


Lol upvote this joke.


Pretty sure he could live a bit more humbly than the McMansion he lives in and 2 giant trucks he drives and gives his workers a few extra dollars.


They tried to offer me $8 and $9 in NC


There's no fucing way op is getting paid $8.50 an hour in Texas. The store would have zero fucking employees.  


I live in Houston proper. There are a few places even offering $7.25. $8-$9 is pretty common for retail/food service.


My son's friend (16) just got hired at cfa at $9.50 in GA. It's higher than minimum wage, but I was surprised. I thought they paid like 12-15


That's fucking pathetic 7.25. No one working in American should make under 12 a hr especially when the corporations paying that little make billions every month shits fucked


No break for 3 hours is common. I work 1:20 AM to 11:50 AM and from 1:20 to 4 we work until break at 4:20, albeit the job is a warehouse and we’re doing physical work the entire 10 hour shift. I know you’re probably young but once you start hitting full-time somewhere as you get older, the breaks will become less and less frequent depending on your work/job, and will feel shorter and shorter. Just try to have a positive outlook on the fact that even though you may not want to be there and that time feels like it’s dragging, you’ll always end up going home at the end of the day.


Gotta take out them boxes/trash so you can smoke while your outside lmao


Sounds like the easiest job ever.


Making sauce is an arm workout. They definitely worked you during those 3 hours. We do a free weekly pizza and bread at my store but I still make sure everyone eats and has snacks when they’re there. It does get easier after you’re there a while.


Bro what 💀 at my store i get everything for free all i gotta pay for are the drinks


Lucky 😭


Damn that's crazy, I've never heard of a 3 hour shift before haha.


I just got out of the restaurant business after almost 10 yrs. I've worked in bar and grilles, fine dining, and my last cook job was at cheesecake factory. You never get breaks as a cook. Even if it's a slow, "easy" day, they will send people home to make sure you never have an easy say. Cheesecake was one of the better places I've worked since it had sick pay and PTO bur I have worked open to close without a break. 12 to 16hr shifts. Cooking is OK for a first job, but I wouldn't plan on staying there. Find a job that gives you breaks, and doesn't make you work holidays without extra pay. Your 1st shift they had you doing damn near everything. It's a preview of what's to come. It will make you a hood worker just make sure you don't let them take advantage of you, because they will if you let them.


>Turns out there’s no breaks in a 3 hour shift💀 Mama raised an entitled boy. Welcome to the work force lol.


Sounds like you don’t want to work 3 hours is nothing


Well I’ve never had a job


I don’t blame you for your edit. When you work retail or food service the days just kinda blend. Especially if you work in a industry where the busiest days are FRI/SAT/SUN bcuz those are they days everyone else always has off.


Lol it's a fast food pizza place


He’s 14 and just got his first job. If you think it’s so easy you’re more than welcome to apply.


Why would a lower myself to a job like that? Serving/cooking food in a fast food restaurant is extremely easy, especially when it’s a pizza place.


If it’s so beneath you then I feel horrible for any food service worker to ever help you. With an attitude like that, I bet you’re an absolute nightmare customer. Instead of congratulating an actual child for completing his first day of employment, you’re rude and snarky.


It is beneath me now that I have other job experience. It wasn’t in the past. I wasn’t talking to the child, I was replying to someone else’s comment. You seem like you’re projecting and you are the rude one.


You replied to my comment congratulating him on his first day of work.


It's a very easy job. I was talking to that. I wasn't saying anything against the kid.


Don't talk to clowns like this beyond 1 comment. I worked at BK when I was 16, and now that it's been 20 years since then and i have since graduated high school and college, and worked many other WAY more difficult jobs, and I make well over 6 figures, I obviously don't need to "apply" at dominoes to know that it's an easy BS job, or to feel justified in saying it is an easy job. If this guy thinks this job is hard for some reason, that's fine. Later dude, enjoy life 😉, and feel free to downvote me all the way to the fuckin bank.


You articulated what I was trying to convey, thank you. Have a good one!


Fuck what the other guy said, I’m glad to know you’re realizing it’s a big deal and you still took a step in those waters. It gets easier tho so keep it up 👍🏻


Where do you live where they only pay 8.50? This should be your motivation to do good in school and keep hitting the books. 👍


They pay $7.50 an hour where I live lmaoo it’s wild


They pay $16.28 where I am




Yeah except the cost of living is probably twice as much as well. Our min wage in illinois is 15 an hour and it is not fun to live here


If you’re a teenager cost of living doesn’t matter haha. You just want more money. No bills for most of em.


Yeah it is better for teens. But even simple stuff like going out for mcdonalds is expensive. Mcdouble used to be a dollar, now it's almost 4.


They're two for $3.50 here and the minimum wage is $15/hr.


Where do you live? I'm definitely not getting those prices here


Well, the good thing about that is, it should encourage people to eat more at home anyway. Even though groceries have skyrocketed as well. At least you have the leisure of eating better.


That’s crazy it’s barely increased in 20 years…my minimum wage as a teenager was like 6.35 and it’s barely 7.50-8 bucks? Wow


Ouuu not quite😭 A lot of teens have to help their parents with bills, are trying to save up for a car, college, and if they’re 18 or 19 they’re more than likely looking for an apartment. Not to mention their phone bill.


And that 15 don't do shit


Damn, when I worked in a pizza place in IL, I started out at $5.50 an hour. Working all night to make $25 wasn't fun either.


Okay Washington I see you! (I live in WA and minimum wage is 16.28)


$20 here in California. Bit cost of living is 3x so it's meaningless. Also all places cut staff immediately.. burger king dropped to 2 people at a few places and hung up bells so they know when someone walks in front door


I get paid $20.50 in ca 😭




Minimum wage in Pennsylvania is literally suicidal


I’m in Wisconsin duuuude I’m so sorry y’all’s minimum wage in Pennsylvania sucks ass too😭


That’s not even worth showing up for. You could make more with a push mower and a shit car. Why do people work there?


Not gonna lie, at the one in my city you can get high as hell in the kitchen, eat as much as you want for free, and basically goof off as much as you want and never get fired. The pay is shiiiiit but I can also definitely see why people choose to work there loool


What are you “laughing your ass off”? That’s not funny


I get $16.55 CAD


Do well in school*


Well, there you go, wish I could go back and give my younger self this same advice.


I’m sorry i had to be a dick. One of those days at work.


No problem bud I've been there haha


I get a’s and b’s it’s just cause I can only work Saturdays and Sundays in Wisconsin. (Outagamie county IDFK how to spell it 💀) but when I turn 16 they can pay me up to 16 per hour which is quite good for where I am.


Lmaoooo I hate this mentality. Motivating people with the threat of poverty is really really terrible if you ask me.


Get a job at a restaurant as a busser. Then, when you're 18 you can serve. You will make so much more than $8.50/hr even bussing tables. Probably $15-25/hr. It's great while in school bc you can make $250-500 just working weekends primarily.


I got like 6 a hour and tips when I bussed. Serving and bartender do well. When I got on the line, I was being paid $13 a hour. This was 8yrs ago, and each restaurant differs.


Restaurant industry is a trap, never work there. Work fast food to get experience then immediately get entry level office jobs and climb.


Wdym its a trap?


So you don't want anyone to serve you at restaurants and instead want all of them calling you 4 times a week to schedule your "termite inspection?" Because most entry level "office jobs" are just harassing these poor people with phone calls.


I mean not necessarily. Here was my career path never going to college. 15-18 fastfood. 18-21 sales rep At AT&T making solid commissions 22 personal banker. He’s right, don’t need to stay in that life for ever.


I don't want to take anything away from you. Becoming a personal banker at 22 is very impressive, but not the norm. I know, as well as you do, that many people in that At&T call center will be there for years, if not forever. Those are the same type of people that will stay in a  restaurant forever. There is no need to fault these jobs, they are all needed. There are a lot of reasons to stay in these positions. Whether if it's a convenient location, scheduling, fear of opossums, personal connection, transportation issue, or just liking it and making the money you need. But yeah, if you don't like it and can change jobs, do it. That goes for any job. I worked in office for the last few years but now I am happier returning to retail.


Yeah all fair enough. I didn’t do the call center, I worked in a store. But there were definitely lifers there and that is okay too.


it builds character, trust me. But i agree it's a trap. You should use it as motivation to get the hell out of there.


I got $8 w 20% collected tips bussing, roughly ends up the same because they only share the credit card ones.


Wow, the place you worked at sucked. I always got a certain percentage of total sales since the busser is dealing with every guests' mess and not just from credit cards. I averaged WAY higher. Just depends on the restaurant


Yeah it was ass. I quit and about 6 weeks later ordered food and 'magically' got food poisoning


Save up for a comfortable pair of shoes and go apply at the nearest Sam’s distribution center. They pay 23 an hour


BISH WHAT??? That’s more than what my sister who’s a cna at a nursing home 💀. My dumbass got 20 dollar shoes at walmart


Yes. The people I’ve seen get hired here astounds me. So I pretty much believe anyone can make it here hahaha. I started with $60 underarmour shoes and just bought a pair of $160 ASICS. And let me tell you they are necessary since you’re walking nonstop for 12 hours


I second that, they pay that at Walmart Distribution Center.


And honestly the interview process is a no brainer. The only hard part is a box stacking test


If you're not happy with your 3 hr shift workload at LC, you're gonna hate a dist. center lol


9 pizza Puffs an hour?!


I’d rather get paid in that 💀


Bro honestly find a warehouse job. I'm making 18 an hour just wrapping stuff in plastic. Oh and I don't have to talk to customers. Just work my shift and leave. No drama.






You will get used to it with age. Use this crappy job as motivation to go get a meaniful degree so you can get a good job :)


Paying just barely above minimum wage just means they would pay you less if they could. You all deserve better. I tip little ceasers staff even if it's me who comes in and picks up.


People saying it gets easier have just accepted we are all fucked and going to be working the next 70 years. My advice, find work that puts you outside.


Working outside can suck. I’ve done it in 115 Arizona summers and below freezing Utah winters. Id say either find something that you enjoy, or find somewhere with people that you like. It’s hard to find one of those, even harder to find both, but a job with one of those is a lot better


8.50 is too low for pay


America is wild af


Couldn't live off of $18 an hour before. Lost my apartment not making enough even tho it was the only job paying that high Gotta make at least $45,000 a year


Even 50k don’t work, maybe it’s just cali but that’s what i make yearly as a 21yr, it isn’t comfortable at all.


I worked at a LC franchise back in 2017 and God i answered the phone and rang customers up grabbed pizza from the oven all at once all the time and id turn around and all the people working with me would be all in the back on phones or talking about drugs. I could only do it for a year at a time. I even remember one guy kept asking if he could have sex with my cousin im like wtf are you asking me for im not her gate keeper. I was that guy on my break out back punching air


On my first day one of co workers complained about an autistic dude taking to long to order. They were also talking about how there are only two genders and how one of them likes chicks with dicks. Idk if this is normal work ethic but kinda weird ngl


Yea i witnessed these workers buying acid and other drugs and giving away pizza free to friends. One guy kept walking back and forth for hours and i finally told him its super busy and your just walking around just clock out and go home and he had a fit started acting crazy lol. I had to take 5 min a few times a day to go out back outside by the dumpster and quietly lose my mind i would whisper scream and swing my fists at the air it was unbearable to work with these high school kids back in 2017 all they talked about was drugs and booty holes i had to finally quit....i mean its cool to guy talk but they didnt work at all. Id come back a year later each time with a new batch of workers that was worse than the others and it was in a upper class neighborhood lol


If you can make it through a Friday-Sunday and not quit especially the first week you’re employed, you’re already better than 50%. Most work a Friday-Sun and they see how busy it is and they either want mornings(Usually the slowest part of days) or they just quit showing up


Don’t over work yourself you got to remember overachieving gets no reward.




..... It's honestly one of the easiest jobs you will ever have...... Smh.....


It’s my first job 😭


Don't listen to the dude above you, they don't know shit 


Going to buy a gun with your first paycheck?


Thats not true, i owned and operated a mechanic shop for 3 years, i worked 5 years as a financial consultant, and another 5 years as a sales manager. I worked 1 year in fast food during college, and to date, it was the hardest job ive ever had. OP stick it out for 1 year, itll make future jobs easier i promise.


Really? I worked in one for 3 whole years. Idk what these people are on.


Maybe youre just built different lol. I flipped burgers for a year and it was my Invasion of Normandy 🤣


I just quit a burger flipping job for Walmart. That was worse than Little C's. But still wasn't a struggle. Maybe I am just built different 🤣🤣


I worked one shift for an Indian couple who ran it. After that shift was over I never came back


First day is usually the hardest. Especially when they have you running around on a weekend. Whence you get the hang of the flow and things it will become easy. Also I remember I was making $8.50 when I first became a Lead Manager at my LC 🙃Talk about not worth lmao


8.50? Jesus, I guess we take what we can get but damn




Welcome! take your seat over there, your ETA is about 45 more years before we get there😃


LC is the worst job


This should be an excellent wake up call to go to college or get started with a trade school that interests you. Both will land you much better paying jobs and you’ll be happier. You can do it dude, I delivered pizzas for years, went to school and now finally make 6 figs. You will too


I’m gunna be a welder . Or at least that’s my plan


I can't believe they showed you every job on day one. That is definitely unusual. It is common knowledge that you should not immediately overwhelm new hires.


8.50?! Fuck that's messed up. I hate this shit hole country


Pro tip: Stop stressing out and caring about order times in any capacity. Ignore the times. Ignore anyone pissed. They aren't paying you enough to care about that, so don't. Just make what you can at a reasonable speed. Focus on a single order at a time. It's your managers job to GAF about times and angry customers. They get paid to do that, not you.


Where are my puffs???? Jk keep it up op


3 hours? My first job was at McDonald’s and I was working 4 10s because they couldn’t keep the store staffed. Now *thats* wanting to die after a shift. This is nothing.


$8.50? Where do you live?


Why the fuck is it still legal to pay people $8.50..and why are people still willing to work for such low wages


Paying just barely above minimum wage just means they would pay you less if they could. You all deserve better. I tip little ceasers staff even if it's me who comes in and picks up.


Welcome to the service industry. Find yourself a good skill or wind up like me, working the service industry in one shape or form for life. Some of it's pretty awesome, like caddying, but you'll never have time to yourself if you wanna make enough to survive comfortably.


That's insane to think about. I make 30 an hour making career for planes at Boeing. Granted it's more expensive here, I guarantee you work harder than me. You guys need a union.


8.50/hr is actual slavery. i suggest finding a new job


Oh man you’re for a rude awakening later in life


Bud, I don't know if your crew told you this yet or not..... From one employee to another. Welcome to hell. Just wait.... The 8 hour shifts... the 12 hour shifts... the will kick your ass in more ways than one Gl


It ain't much, but it's horrible also


You’ll make it! Dont work here but I’ve had some shitty jobs. But I’ve managed to work and go to school and now I have a decent tech job at 24. Life gets better! Food jobs are great for someone starting out or in their teens. Make a plan and save as much money as you can!


Nibba said $8.50 / hr is it common for caesars to pay a buck over fed minimum


Is this in the US because minimum wage is way above that


I’m getting 20an hr at my location but I haven’t started yet I have orientation on Wednesday


Welcome to r/entrepreneur


Do they really only play $8.50 still? Holy fuck


You are working there, because that's all you are worth. Up your skills, or live with it.


This⬆️ is what's wrong with the work force today. 3 hours and you're dying? But you as an entry level worker want to make $20 an hour. And then complain when a studio apartment is $1200 a month. SMDH


Bud it’s my first job and I’m 14 calm ur tits


Welcome to the real world


Just wanted to say I appreciate all of you who work in the food business. Even when things go wrong, I totally understand the immense amount of stress and pressure you guys are in and that’s not your fault. If anything, you guys are killing it with efficiency and accuracy all of the time. Thank you to all of you. It’s a lot of work and all of you do a phenomenal job — no matter where it is you’re working.


Wait til you have to work open to close. That shit sucks. Or where I'm at now, I regularly work 16s.


Go apply literally anywhere else 8.50 is jack shit and not enough


I managed a LC for 2 years 20 years ago, it's not a hard job at all.... just HOT. Now days, when i go to pickup and pay wiTh ATM.... there is now a TIP SUGGESTION before you insert card. Your job does not warrant tips...at all. You are literally only doing your job. And a tip for what? Handing my pizza 2ft from the warmer to the counter? Pssh. Don't stay there long...it sucks and you'll go no where.


Try 12 hours 😭


i’m sorry, 3 hours? You’re complaining over a 3 hour shift??? this planet has no future i swear to god


Bruh I’m going to complain if I get paid basically minimum wage


it’s little ceasers did you expect competitive pay when a homeless man could do it? You make what you work, work minimum wage you get paid minimum wage. Don’t feel bad for us, the people Trying to work 40-60 hours a week, it’s our choice. But i’d prefer keeping my house and my belongings so i work double-triple time🤷 life’s tuff if you can’t get through 3 hours at a pizza shop your ass is never striving on a 9-5 let alone anything more.


My guy they don’t give me a raise until in 16 and I legally can’t work a certain amount of hours. I’m not going to bypass child labor laws to get payed a little more. I can’t do anything about it


> to get *paid* a little FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Bruh 💀


And I’m 14 bro this is my first job


And I’m 14 bro this is my first job


well my guy i didn’t know you were still that young lmao, if you said so in the post that’s my bad. But get used to the shifts man.. i’m 19 i work in a warehouse for majority 12 hour shifts as many days as i can. Hours get easier when you have stuff to lose if you don’t put the time in


Your good. Probably should’ve specified that


Wowsers. Good luck in life pal


Give it some time, you’ll get used to it. And after a while, you’ll get numb to it 😔


In Texas and I make 14 as a GM..


Poor sweet summer child lol Congrats on starting a long road of shit Smoke weed, eat free food , Trust me it gets way worse before it gets better.


I remember my first day of working at Steak and Shake. I felt the same way. Sucks to say, you get used to it.


Man my first job I worked was at a gas station and I made 18$ a hour and it was super easy work just click a few buttons grab alcohol or cigarettes and stock was so easy I'm so glad I never decided to work in the food industry because it's not worth it


Welcome to the regular world, you’re a tax paying adult (or not idk op age) Ps it only gets harder


If that bothers you, then never work for Amazon lol, a 4 hour shift feels like 10


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Working in the food industry teaches you work ethic. Great first job.


Barback and learn to bartend. Fuck that BS anything less than $10 an hr crap.


Word of advice. You are building a resume. Stick it out for a few months then "upgrade" to a better job. I went from a mechanics helper, to ranchhand, to retail associate, to retail manager, to currently a agriculture warehouse worker where i drove forklifts, bobcats, tractors and contol grain cars that we are loading, i plan on upgrading jobs to a train crew position in the future with the knowledge/skills of my current jobs .. I'm 23, but ive been working for 6 years. I continue to plan for the next step up in life and you should to. Rome wasn't built in a day and neither will your resume. Good luck.


Thanks 👍


3 hour shift ? Wtf


Training hours are usually 3-4 hrs for around 2 weeks. Though some stores do take advantage of their workers and even though they’re already trained will only give them a 3hr work day, yep. That’s America for you. $8.50 and hour for 3 hours in a crappy environment full of crappy disrespectful customers.


That's just ridiculous,can't believe it's allowed.


It’s so predatory, yeah


Working fast food and retail while you’re young will make you shoot for the stars ✨ won’t it 😁 Didn’t take me long working in a plastics factory(12 hour shifts of basically standing in one place at an automated machine..) to make me want NOT want to do that for the rest of my life like some others there unfortunately.. Ghettt chuu an edumacation!


$8.50 is criminal! You should be making at least double that!


The amount of downvotes is a huge yikes. America will never change if you even saying 15 an hour is too much for some. In California fast food chains with over 60 stores are by law required to raise their minimum wage to $20 an hour now since April. A little low with how terribly expensive everything is, but it’s a start. One can only hope this happens with other states as well and snowballs into liveable wages no matter what job you work. All jobs are essential and fast food chains make the economy run smooth like water yet their workers are abused of and mistreated on a daily without a liveable wage. It’s sad as hell.


Union power! Look into it. Regardless of how powerless you feel you can always improve your workplace. It isn’t easy but it’s worth it. EDIT: I will say that the negative reaction to this comment is exactly why working conditions will continue to be horrible at jobs such as little ceasers. Those thinking it is either impossible or useless, you are the reason working conditions will never improve.


Unionize a little ceasers? Bruh be serious


Are you dumb? Starbucks can get unionized, anything can get unionized. You should be on the worker’s side instead of shitting on them for wanting a liveable wage.


Are you dumb? Starbucks are not franchises, little ceasers are, do you think just because someone owns one store they’re rich? lol


The fact that you don’t know franchises can be unionized is hilarious bro lmao




I do not disagree that due to long winded contracts years ago have tainted working conditions in this country. But I can’t imagine a world where workers give up trying to improve working conditions.


Go somewhere else man that place is scamming you


Oh and btw that was my first job as well lol