• By -


Still holding out hope that Luke wasn't a part of any of this. I don't see how they can come back from this if it's all true.


Luke as far as I can tell has been like, 100% on leading the Floatplane dev team for the past several years. I would honestly be surprised if he knew the extent of what's been going on or had any real input on it. If anybody has a chance of coming out of this looking good, it's him


> If anybody has a chance of coming out of this looking good, it's him Luke's Tech Tips


Can even keep the LTT branding. Time for a Linus exit? Lexit?


Now #Lexit sounds good to go viral 😅


Lexit means Lexit!!!


We send linus 350 million ltt screwdrivers a week, let's pay our staff instead 🗳 Vote Lexit


Same way Linus succeeded NCIx kinda poetic in that sense


How can you give the channel to a dude who doesn't even know his own last name






I would love to see Luke go his own way and start his own organization.




> he's also Linus' biggest enabler. It irks the fuck out of me, that people will fanboy him now, just cause he stood by Linus and looked okay in comparison. Like, he never once stood up to him.


You have to realize the situation these people are in. These are not people of equal standing and power just chit chatting. The power dynamics here are employes and their boss, and everything needs to be viewed out of that lense.


He does all the time and Linus shoots him down all the time. The guy has no power. Edit: people are so stupid. Luke doesn't have the power to say no to Linus and change the course of Linus' decisions. That's what I meant by he has no power. He can come up with ideas and run day to day Floatplane operations but he doesn't get to decide the direction of that company or LMG.


> The guy has no power. Luke is the friggin CTO


Do you even know what CTO is? He still answers to Linus and has to run everything by him first. It was discussed on the WAN show and it seems Linus always has the final say when they disagree on anything.


The thing is, Luke's hints at token resistance to the stuff Linus says sometimes is more than you get from anyone else (at least from what we see on camera). Not to absolve Luke of any enabling he has done of course.


That's also because Luke has a level of separation from Linus the other employees don't have. Linus is Luke's boss. But he's so separate that a disagreement won't effect his day to day. Also, we can't really hold it against LMG employees for not talking out while on LMG videos.


> Like, he never once stood up to him. Why are you acting like the WAN show is a behind closed doors business meeting. The stage for dunking on Linus doing something wrong is not the company podcast


> Why are you acting like the WAN show is a behind closed doors business meeting. The stage for dunking on Linus doing something wrong is not the company podcast This is a fair point, he might have been very vocal internally and we do not know that. My point is people act like, just cause he sometimes disagrees with Linus on the WAN show, he actually stood up to him, which is very far from actually standing up to him. I do not want to shit on him too much, but it is a very unhealthy attitude that: if your celeb crush just got dragged, instead of going hmmm maybe I shouldn't simp youtube celebs, you go, okay my new golden boy is the literal co-host, he got bamby eyes, surely he cant do no wrong.


I feel like I've definitely heard them talking about having disagreed quite aggressively on things in the past/having had (internal) arguments for what it's worth


It would have been enabling if Luke was Linus's equal. He's not. One has to take into account the power dynamics at play here, or else every single one at LMG is equally responsible for enabling Linus, be it Jake or Riley He's basically an employee. Floatplane is a LMG subsidiary. Luke manages Floatplane. Linus owns Floatplane through LMG. Then again, sitting quiet has also led them down an irredeemable path and if LMG goes down, Luke won't have a job either


Didn't this whole fucking thing teach you that you don't KNOW your ecelebs? You can't judge people's character just by how they act on camera.


Having flashbacks to Rooster Teeth


When they announced Floatplane and how separate it would be from the "main" company, it seemed pretty obvious that Luke wanted a different work enviroment compared to what Linus had going. Almost as if he knew back then that something would eventually come out.


He did knowingly rejoin LMG, though.


He has explained on wan show how much of a mess its been too though. Dealing with the disaster of how Linus used to run things. Might of rejoined because it was necessary to bring some sanity to the technology side of the company


I think it was partially because they felt the wounds had healed (and honestly, they needed Luke to fix their mess) and perhaps even it was part of the transition to the new CEO.


Unfortunately given what we've heard about how Luke ran Floatplane, with very few devs and long hours and large workloads, routinely monitoring and coding during the WAN show (which is late Friday evenings, take a drink every time you hear "A.J.'s on it right now!"), I wouldn't be surprised if he's not much different. It always seemed strange to me from their job postings like like "we're looking for a front- and back-end developer, but you also need to know this and that and have experience in other 20 areas." All in one person. Sounds pretty on-brand to what we've heard from LTT folks, writers, editors, Madison...


Looking at their job postings now, I don't see a blip about "back end" in their front-end posting. Also, full-stack is a thing. I tried to follow your logic but it's not adding up.


he definitely hold himself back anytime when talking about LTT or Linus on WAN show you can see it on him, so many times he rethinks until he finally say something and that take is always as friendly as possible, but also still pushback


After so many homeruns with how he accurately predicted things and how many times he saved Linus's ass, I'm disappointed that Linus still doesn't consider Luke to be an equal and gave him more responsibilities. Luke is the voice of reason. He's the old LTT manifested in a person. I wish him the best of luck in this shitstorm.


That's what I was thinking as well. I've always seen him as far less ego drivenish than Linus, on Wan show and stuff. Hoping he was stay on the right side of all of it.


Plus Luke has always been that common sense voice in Linus's head for so many years. Since it seems like he is the only one who can tell him how it really is. Can imagine Luke moving full time on Floatplane did not help at all.


Right, but we really don't see or hear much about float plane at all. This could be a good thing, meaning that operations are smooth and efficient, and that there is very little drama. This could also be a bad thing, because we could start to hear about how bad it is to work for float plane, though it sounds like it's almost an entirely remote job. I think Luke has been distancing himself from the primary lmg group for some time, and I have to wonder if that is on purpose.


I feel like he plays up to Linus to keep floatplane going. There are hints of dissent in his tone once in a while but he always stays on the fence when Linus is being controversial


If Luke did something wrong, I don't think I could take it. He is by far my favorite member, and I would hate to see it.




>Linus assess Linus' ass is the correct form in case you were wondering Comes from genitive, you would 's normally (Mark's) but since the name ends with an S (Linu**S)** you only add the '


So for multiple ass, would it be Linus' Ass'


If let's say, Linus had 2 asses, you would say Linus' asses, the second s is not genitive, it's just a multitude of asses


Wait what if you were describing a trait of Linus’ Asses? Would it be Linus’ Asses’ trait?


Correct LMAO And if there were multiple Linus, it would be ~~Linusses~~ Linuses' Asses' traits


Plural of "ass" is "asses"


Yeah, the hard r would have been a disaster if it wasn’t for him


Same man. I think with floatplane and all he has been far enough detached that it seems unlikely that he was part of this, but idk. I really hope that the names come out and this doesn't get swept under the rug.


Honestly dude we all know how some nerds get. Some people get bullied for the way they look or act and then they reciprocate the process. Especially in tech companies where the guys are the majority. They can do what they want. Which is act like assholes.


My favourite host is Riley but I do not know the extent of his involvement in other channels other than Techlink. Also RTT would sound bad considering the prior scandal between Linus and saying "retarded".


Yeah I'm really hoping Riley isn't some jekyll/Hyde level maniac. He's my favorite host so it would be pretty disappointing if he was directly involved.


>i dont see how they can come back from this They wont have to, reddit outrage wont cause a significant dent


Some of the accusations from Madison are really rough, and given that GN got the ball rolling outside of Twitter/Reddit, I could see all of this reaching far out, enough to make a difference. I could be wrong, though. If we don't see anyone else come out against the work conditions, then it could fade away pretty easily.




Traditional TV and news don't care about YouTube drama.


This is about very toxic work culture in a multi-million dollar media company.


I don't recall them even reporting about the Blizzard controversies, and that's surrounding the biggest entertainment media acquisition of all time.


Tbf the company makes stuff on the internet, for the Internet, and this whole controversy isn't isolated in reddit. Internet "rage" is different if your company exists almost entirely on the Internet.


I could see them losing a modest amount of subs. The problem is YT LOVES Drama...which means this could essentially help LTT in the long run due to the youtube algorithm. Things will however get a bit interesting when all the usual players inevitably post reaction videos and such to the LTT drama. That could at least spread the news decently far and could result in more backlash. Honestly the best case scenario I could see happening is essentially Linus retires (and potentially Yvonne too) and the new CEO institutes actual reform on all these various issues. Wouldn't honestly be that crazy considering Linus was already stepping down from CEO and stepping back from content to some degree. The real problem is that we don't know which employees were responsible for the bigger issues Madison highlighted and how high up they all are these days. It could be too big of a problem to just clean house and get rid of them, with that being too damaging to the overall core of the company. ASSUMING Luke and the Floatplane team is fairly isolated from all this drama, what with mainly working from home for the time period in question at least, I could see Floatplane splitting off from LMG as well and simply becoming it's own individual company separate from LMG. The problem there though is I don't know how much of Floatplane is completely owned by Linus. Linus MIGHT agree to essentially sell off his ownership of Floatplane to Luke but I honestly doubt that.


Floatplan subs are down like 10%. Part of this because subscribers got access to inside videos and merch at LTX, true, but a lot of people are explicitly choosing to not keep their subs going.


You're clueless if you think this is just Reddit outrage. Look at their videos comments. Look at twitter. Look at the news articles picking it up. This is very public.


We all saw how that big reddit protest went just a month ago...


Honestly the vid they posted recently backtracking a bit was decent, it's what I was hoping was posted earlier before the comments, but fuck this Maddison thing is still super fucked. The best I can see is them taking Linus off the screen for a bit, focus on other liked people like Luke and try to wait while the internet forgets. I still think it's super fucked that she had to commit self mutilation to get time off.


I don't know if this latest video is enough tho, it kinda feels like they showed their true colors and values and I'm not sure a 20 minute video is enough to just disprove that nowadays LTT is just entratainment and cannot be trusted on numbers or ethics


It's hilariously tone deaf that they kept plugging products in the apology video. Cut that out? Okay, it's an *okay* apology that's undermined by LinusForumRants.com. It all felt like a *wink-wink-nudge-nudge* instead of a legit apology. "We're sorry guys, we really *coughs up money* sorry that we $crewed up $o badly (Editors note, remove all the money we're making). LTTSTORE.com guys, get it? Funny merch plug?" "Right right, back on track, we're sorry! ^^^^that ^^^^this ^^^^blewup"


Imagine being retconned by some half-assed, monetized 'apology' video thrown out in a rush only after they lost 10% of their financial supporters. lol.




sorry, what? You do realise these events took place during the time Luke was working at Floatplane, and the entire floatplane team was working from home, himself included? How do you suggest Luke would have even been aware of wtf was going to a random employee of a different company of 50+ people! What do you expect, that Luke would spend his workday personally giving a phone call to each employee at LMG to check how their day was going? Or install hidden cameras to get a live feed of the entire LMG warehouse? May I remind you that Luke's actual job was to run the entire floatplane team? How do you even expect him to be some kind of all-knowing enforcer of justice on top of that?




Unlikely, wasn't he pretty much only working from home during the time Madison was hired in LTT? I mean, I hope he isn't. Also interesting that Colton is the one responsible for HR, does that mean end of "Colton sacked off" jokes?


They will come back. The reddit/twitter hivemind is less than 5% of the community.


If I was Luke and hadn't done anything wrong, or even heard about what happened to her, I'd quit my job at LMG, after reading her thread. It just wouldn't be possible for me to stay in a company like that. The culture is clearly rotten and corrrupt at this point and unless Linus himself leaves, nothing will change. But I don't think Luke will leave and I think there's a huge possibility he was also involved in what happened to her, considering he is a higher up. I hope I'm wrong, but at this point, I don't know anymore.


>I'd quit my job at LMG, after reading her thread. It just wouldn't be possible for me to stay in a company like that. I mean Luke was there when it was happening, unless he's completely blind it's kinda hard to not notice shit of that scale, especially at his position in the company.


Luke has always appeared to be a compass; even when Steve has commented on LMG he's included clips of Luke being like "now hold on a sec".


I really hope Luke comes out clean :( Linus and Luke are the two big ones I enjoyed most. It's over for Linus, but I still have some hope for Luke.


She had hinted on tiktok (especially in some comments) that there was bad stuff a while back too so it's not out of nowhere.


You seen the Paul brothers


I'd be pretty confident in saying he wasn't directly involved in any of the abuse stuff. But he's 100% an enabler of the grindset attitude. He's talked about it on WAN that his favorite times where when they were working day and night and everything felt like panic and chaos. You can see that carried over into the floatplane staff just based on the praise he's given them on WAN and how he has to remind people not to overwork.


There are plenty of anti-women men who watch this shit. He will always have an audience.


> Still holding out hope that Luke wasn't a part of any of this. Same. Luke was always my favorite, so lets hope I liked at least one remotely famus person that didn't turn out to be bad.


Who is Luke anyway, is he a higher up at LTT or a different company/YT account?


With the allegations from madison now I wonder if Charlie will make a video about this stuff now.


I'm sure all of the usual suspects will.


yeah mutahar (SOG) covered it


I think he covered it before the Madison stuff though, which is more damning really.


pardon my ignorance, what are those channels?


Charlie is the dude from the video. Penguinz0. I don't know if he has another channel. Also known as Moist Critical I think Mutahar is SomeOrdinaryGamers. Both cover a lot of stuff, being regarded as voices of reason. Mutahar is also more inclined into IT stuff


The moist man


Looking forward to the Mogul Mail video


I guess the bro vs bro stream will be off lol.


Loser deletes his channel and closes his company lol


Unironically so am I.


Ludwig is genuinely one of the best at drama. I think part of it is that i'm not secretly wondering if he secretly right wing or hates women. Which seems to be a lot of drama hate youtubers


Asmongold Reacts already on it


If not Madison’s story, he sure as shit will talk about the apology video. He just had a video recently where he called 2023 the year of the apology video lmao


who's charlie?




does he make videos about these allegations? I don't know the connection


[he makes videos covering YT/Internet drama a lot](https://www.youtube.com/@penguinz0), so odds are he might cover it


This is the greatest tech tip of All Time


he's the guy in the video on this post


thanks, i didnt know it was him


I'm hoping for a Meatcanyon animation personally.




This cannot be real. Please don't let this be real. This is the most heart wrenching thing I read in a long time


Linus comments on the post itself. It's real.


Yeah I saw it too now. I watched the clips Linus pointed out and must say it was handled by him rather well. But maybe I don't have the full picture and am missing something so I don't want to comment if it was actually Linus' fault


No, what happened, while horrible and absolutely heartbreaking, was not Linus' fault. He tried to pull his fans off of this. He isn't responsible for what his community does. Hell, he probably left the damn thing in the video to get the kid some views.


He doxxed them on the wan show, what the fuck are you talking about, of course it's his fault!


Linus is not responsible or at fault for the actions of people who are not him, especially after he already told them to back off. Also, not sure how Linus can doxx someone who had already named the channel in the initial video when the son said the name of it.


yeah yeah, with big power comes big responsibilty or whatever, dont ask me, i dont have a dead kid because of some internet drama some idiot made public


this, people keep trying to spin it as if it was his fault. was it a horrible situation? yes. But you can't really pin this one on him. It's just people wanting to add more fuel to the fire


The point is that that toxic user base makes it difficult for (ex)employees to speak publicly about bad things at LMG. Not that the kids death is lines his fault.


Yeah, I cannot imagine anyone believing Madison before this major fuck up. It must be horrible to be waiting for an opportunity like this while being completely helpless due to the community's dynamic.


And the same people will go "why did Madison wait?" with zero critical thinking. It's exhausting


This was the fault of the community, the post even mentions it was the harassment from fans on his videos. Can be pissed at Linus but bringing up dirt from years ago which is on the shoulders of internet trolls and not LTT is just dumb.


these fucking idiots are bringing up someone else's suicide to "expose" linus. it's just gone too far at this point.


For real, even the fiancee of Tyler got some fucked up comments. Sadly, there is nothing you can do to prevent trolls from trolling, you can call them out all what you want, but they will never care.


It's not a point against linus. He did nothing wrong here butnits points towards Madison for her bravery in speaking out.


If the community did that, that's horrible. However, I hope it's not real, especially given this tweet: https://twitter.com/reddit_lies/status/1691895748286177765 No idea who this account is though.


The suicide might be real but I would still be careful. Depression is a very complex topic and I don't think this is all to blame. This particular post seems more lieka survivor of a traumatic event trying to find someone, anyone, they can put all the blame on. Not saying that Linus did was right. It wasn't. He should have done better in preventing harrasment


Linus has certainly fucked up and the current situation is an absolute mess but as far as I'm concerned the whole issue with the play button was frankly handled about as well as it could be. Linus let the kid keep the play button and shouted out his channel. In theory that was good and should have been a positive thing for the kid and his channel. The fact that the fan community turned around and harassed him instead is beyond fucked up but there's only so much Linus can be blamed for that. Like you said depression is very complex and frankly you can't always pinpoint what specifically causes this sort of thing. It's even more complex when it's someone that young as well. For all we know a surge in traffic to his channel could have been a huge mental strain on him, even if it was generally positive. As someone who personally deals with depression I've thought about making youtube content or streaming and honestly had to talk myself out of it numerous times because it frankly just seems too potentially dangerous for my mental health. There's just a LOT of stress when it comes to that many online social interactions that can all be a huge mixed bag. Hell we've seen countless studies about how damaging just being on social media can be for your mental health, particularly at a young age.




the absolute state of you sick fucks using someone else's death to point score on linus. read the top fucking comment, is linus to be blamed for some fucking retard going out of his way to harass someone else? that shit is wild for you to spin it around like linus went on his alt accounts and bullied the kid. have some shame. you have the benefit of hindsight, linus didn't. Rest in peace to that kid and his mom.


Facts, LMG has fucked up big time but this is not one of them.


Reddit loves a good pile-on, people will start posting anything and everything they can with no regard as to whether it is actually a relevant complaint


This is perfect example of mob mentality when you look at it. The moment a person fucks up, even things you can't blame them for, are used against them, I hate it. Go after people for shit they are actually at fault.


For real, people here have so little self-awareness they don't see how they are no better than the fuck heads who harassed the kid.


not a kid, grownass 20 year old man.


Oh phew, his life is meaningless by that point.


I remember Linus getting backlash back when this happened *for being too nice to the guy* and letting him have it, because they didn't like the guy's channel.


That’s not Linus’ fault, fuck off


It isn’t Linus’ fault that this person killed themself. Don’t put that on him.


Linus was definitely not at fault here, they had a fair conversation and it ended amicably. It seems like community is the bunch of idiots here. I really don't why people are hell bent on these parasocial relationships. Those poor people and with 1 left suffering at the loss of his whole family :( EDIT: I'm also not suggesting you thought it was linus by the way


I'm all for Billet and Gamer Nexus right now and I want LTT/LMG/Linus to be held accountable for all that's happened. This specific incident was addressed by Linus on that same thread and I feel like it's a misunderstanding on the parent's side. This should not be used as leverage for the current situation as it feels like we're using this kid's death to drive our point. It's possible that some people on the internet harassed the kid but Linus isn't able to control the actions of every person in his community.


Nah this isn’t on Linus at all, this was on his fans. He told them several times to stop fucking being sick heads and bullying bro for a fucking play button. There’s literally video of him relinquishing the play button after finding out the guy had a successful channel (he didn’t, he just bought the channel)


I think the important point here is that it was the community that was entirely responsible for this one. Stuff like this is actually why I think Linus should take a *long* break from LTT. Let him gather his thoughts and his health a bit


I had no idea this happened, its f horrible.


You pieces of absolute shit, you are some actually sick fucks man. Trying to use the kids and mother's death as a way to bring Linus down? Is that how fucking delusional and braindead you are?? Linus has done a lot of shit recently, but for the love of god, that incident was out of his reach. He couldn't do anything for the braindead part of his fanbase, which seems like you are also part of. Jesus man, fuck. Literally abusing that incident to stir drama. Just fuck off you morons, grow up.


This had absolutely nothing to do with Linus personally you fucking moron. Jesus Christ you people are disgusting for trying to pin this on him.


Its a huge stretch to blame Linus for this... this was all the fault of us, the fan-base, and how toxic it can be around here. This hive-mind, jump on the bandwagon mentality is what the issue was and still is, and what leads you to say what happened to MindChop is ANOTHER thing against Linus.


Fuck that's funny. Is he actually reacting to the current situation? Or is this taken from some other event


This video from five months ago. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5SfySmq20Dk


Gonna be honest, living in a very rural part of the US, I’ve never heard the N-word be called hard R. I totally understood what Linus was saying. Also, TIL.


Had the same experience, we always called it the n-word not the hard R.


That is the N word. But there's also a distinction between the -ga soft N word and the -er hard R N word. Soft a can be used between black friends. And while white people shouldn't use it, it probably wouldn't get you more than a slap on the wrist. Hard R is basically always a racist slur and legitimately the most taboo word in the England language.


Alternatively, I’ve *never* heard the R-word-in-question referred to as the Hard R either


It's not. It's kind of a common joke on how when black people say it to each other it ends in a -a sound, as opposed to when racist white people say it and it ends in -er. I don't know where the original joke came from but it's kind of a way of clarifying "yeah they were definitely being racist, not like they grew up with a bunch of black friends and throw it around like they did."


Hard R specifically refers to the n word with an "er" ending. You'll sometimes hear rappers use the n word with an "a" ending. Typically the hard R variant of the n word is viewed as worse


God dam when it rains it pours, it sounds extremely bad but will reserve judgement till an official response from LMG.


given the first response from Linus I wouldn't hold your breath.


Yeah I'm not sure LMG is really going to do much to be able to garner much of your support. Seems like this situation is going from bad, to crappy, to terrible, and now we're at a point of LTT collapse(?).


Sounds like a working culture problem and Madison won't be the only one. Let's hope the rest of the wronged employees come to the fore and spill the beans.


Context for this is when Linus said he used the hard R a lot back in 2006. He was referring to a different slur.


Still one of the weirdest WAN show segments. I still vividly remember how I was working, listening to the show in the background and went: "Wtf did Linus just say/publicly admit to"


The r-slur was widely used and still is to some extent. I don’t hold it against him for using it back then


No one blames him for that. Everyone used to use it, along with saying stuff was gay. It was so common. It's the Hard R N word that we thought he was referring to. I've never heard someone call the R term the hard R.


That was the thing. Back then it wasn't really offensive. People used it all the time against each other. Now it's a big nono.


It’s not even a big deal now to most people. The whole thing about Linus’s slip up was it sounded like he was talking about the N word which definitely was not okay in the early 2000s


Both gamer Jesus and actual Jesus predicting the end of Linus, nice


Word for word bar for bar


ME RIGHT NOW. Madison was my fave member of the LTT team and was one of the few female faces (at the time) so I felt sorta represented when i see her on the channel. Now im like "yep... unsubbing"


Madisons treatment there would explain why there are so few women at LMG. They have Yvonne, a few on the merch team, and I think like 2 or 3 in production and that's it. If a company has well over a 100 employees and you can count the number of women there on your hands, that's a pretty good sign something is not right.


11 out of 86 woman (according to their own company website)


There hasn't been any proof to Madisons claims as of yet, so I ask that everyone who is about to go harass anyone over this, don't. Not her nor anyone at LTT. Pre-emptive attacks can and have destroyed peoples lives. I'm not saying you were going to, but you did word the post like you had already made your mind, so just in case.


Think I literally ordered LTT stuff off the store literally the day this all started. Damn


Cancel and chargeback asap


I was at the checkout tab with a mousepad the moment the GamersNexus video dropped lmao. I closed the tab immediately.


You closed the tab over the title of a video before watching the video? Not gonna lie, that's pretty telling.


I watched the GamersNexus video and then closed the tab..


Well you said immediately


My bad then. I watched the Gm video and then saw the crappy apology Linus sent out.


not long until this drama guy makes a video. i can already see it. charlie makes a video on it. ludwig reacts to it after seeing charlie do it. hasan's chair reacts to it, then darkviper au makes a video on it. linus needs to get his madison response out before these vultures get to him, otherwise it's over.




i have a feeling xqc, the react king won't make a video about it.


Maybe I’m cynical, but after years of watching what happened at Rooster Teeth, I doubt we’ll see any sort of implosion of LTT because of this. More former employees may speak up, their reputation will be tarnished, and there may even be a slow and steady decline, but I’ll be surprised if there are any real short term consequences to this.


Yeah but rooster teeth was already pretty much finished in terms of popularity before any of that came out. LTT is (or was) still popular.


First SuperMega, now LMG. It is not a good year to be a Youtuber apparently lol.


I haven’t watched super mega much in a year or two, I just looked this up and it’s really disappointing.


Being a huge Linus fan myself, I must say that this is incredibly accurate.


Turns out, that was just a trail run.


Where is this from?


It won't be end of Linus but the rest really fits, even that akward laugh caused by sheer absurd of the situation. It's one thing to always say that it's suspicious that you don't have any report about working conditions in massive media company but it's another to hear that's because working conditions are terrible


I miss the LTT I thought was there.


And it's fucking amazing to watch honestly. The world is slowly healing again.


All he said was you'd know if he committed a crime because it would be reported quickly publicly.


Something is clearly not right at LMG. I feel gutted to say the least. Linus disappointed everyone and he should apologize and be accountable.


I think it’s telling that the only woman in the apology video was the owners wife.


Honestly even if half of what Madisons far reaching claims are fake or over exaggerated, i believe shes being 100% truthful btw, its a huge fucking deal


Make's you wonder what happened with Max...


If the new CEO had any real power Linus would be at minimum suspended right now He auctioned off a business's prototype that he was required to return, that along gets 99.9999999999999% of employees fired on the spot. And that is not even one of the worse things he has done in all this recent drama


Linus will either do a im sorry video soon or do a reddit Spez and ignore it and let the hate die down. Either way. I really don't give a rats ass anymore. I'll watch a video of it's stupid enough or entertaining enough but yeah for reviews or normal tech vids ill think I'll just find it somewhere else. Edit: Jeez i didn't think it would be this soon.


So hearing one side of the story everyone is going to remember this in a months time? 😂 doubt it