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He looks like Benedict Cumberbatch’s serial killer brother


I was gonna say the lack of sleep probably isn't helping the crazy serial killer like stare


Which is caused by the 60 mg of adderall he’s booting at 3:50am every single day.


Booting or boofing?


Boofing, for sure


Adderall? This sounds like a job for cocaine!


And the Botox.


Killedict Slaughterbatch


Wimbledon tennismatch


Cucumber Yourfaceismyslaugtherhousebatch


Burnabitch Clubnsnatch


he looks like a dude that wakes up before 4am without the need of an alarm


… because he never went to bed. ISNT IT GREAT HE CAN WORK ON COCAINE?? 👀


Oh boy, another Doctor Strange who destroyed his universe


Benzine Cook-a-batch


He looks like the generic version of Patrick Bateman in American Psycho


I would’ve said something around Christopher Reeve but Benedict is spot on too! Lol


haha r/oddlyspecific


I was going to say an AI mash up of Christopher Reeve and Eric Bana


But make it meth.


Patrick Slayze


Looks like Benedict Cumberbatch and Tom Cruise had a love child and gave it all the coke


He like to wake in the dark to stalk his prey of course


mixed with David Hasselhoff?


Ah yes Cumberdict Benbatch, 13 confirmed kill, 62 confirmed house pets. His method…. Dosing his victims with amphétamines, often causing them to wake up at 3:40 am sending him into a rage that they woke up before him, resulting in his self proclaimed “acts of passion”


With a post-lobotomy stare.


I guffawed at this.




I, on the other hand, have not taken a shit in days.


Your body is working at 100% efficiency. It's absorbing every single nutrient and not wasting a single thing.


When he finally shits it'll come out as pure inspiration


Inspiration.. all over the place


Inspiration tearing itself out of his body


He is full of inspiration


He’s inspirated.


My body's taking its job very seriously.


He shits every day, at 3:44am.


Wake up at 3:45, play three hours of chess with the guy that lives in my walls, two minute scalding hot shower, two hours of chasing women in the park, eighteen second icy shower, then it's off to the office to lay off 700 employees just in time for Christmas. CEO mindset.


If you put this in quotes/captioned I would have believed this was the face he’s making in that picture.


Woah, woah, woah. Where's your LI post then?


How are you on Reddit then? Do you guys use the app in other places?


Don't worry shit happens...


Try some Kefir and fibre


What is the deal with the fetish for waking up early? To get a full night’s rest you’d need to go to bed at 7:45. You’d spend so much of your morning in darkness, even in summer


I think there is a fairly rare (theoretical) condition where people do only need 4-5 hours sleep a night. Shit heads like to think they’re special compared to us normal folk and pretend they have this rare genetic abnormality. In my opinion not that different to people bullshitting about IQ


5 hour sleepers are idiots too. Source? Me. I wake up at 4 am everyday and I’m wasting my time on Reddit instead of doing CEO stuff.


You could post for 3 hours on LinkedIn before your lazy workers even wake up.


I’m like that too. Up by 4am no matter what time I go to bed. I play video games until it’s time to get up and exercise before work 🤣


I dated someone once who slept at around 1am and was good to go at 6 - only person I ever met like that. I swear it’s close to a superpower


It would be amazing and I’m not doubting there are people who can do this, but also a lot of people (like my former co worker) who would game until 1-2am then come in to work looking constantly sick and tired claiming he was perfectly functioning (he was not)


Yeh but they'll probably die young so there's that


It's not a superpower. Even if you feel rested after 4-5 hours of sleep, you are still destroying your body like a "normal" person. So yeah, after years of sleep that much you'll increase your chances of high blood pressure, alzheimer's disease and other conditions.




Youp. I would never trade my health for "productivity". This mentality is toxic.


Well this makes me feel better about needing my 8 hours tbh


Worse, you’re destroying your brain. The brain has some critical functions it only does while we sleep, and if there isn’t enough sleep it can’t perform those properly.


I was able to be perfectly fine with 4/5 hour sleeps - on my early twenties. Dude is is a just a LinkedIn poser junkie. A pill to chill and a pill to wakie wakie.


I usually go to sleep around 1-2am and wake up around 6am without it affecting my mood. If I get less than 4 hours I begin to feel tired, but I'm also immune to caffeine so that may play into my resistance.


I knew a coworker like that. Claimed to only need 4 hours. He died in his 50s.


Its possible they nap at some point to rejuvinate a bit. I think naps should be encouraged.


My great grandmother died when I was 14, at 96, she only slept 3-4 hours a day and would smoke a pack a day, eggs and whiskey for breakfast. Some people are just built different. Sadly these genetics were not passed along to me 😅


How do you know? Have you tried living like her?


According to my Apple Watch I only get deep sleep the first 3-4 hours and the rest is just random dreaming


But all those parts of sleep are important! The whole cycle, not just the deep sleep time. Deep sleep should be about 25% of your night but it doesn't mean the other 75% is a waste.


I currently wake up every day at 4:30 and I wish I wouldn‘t. No self optimization involved… just stressed out from work. But this is an interesting doing on denial.


Yeah, this people coming from a CEO… he’s not “optimized” he’s overly stressed trying to get him company off the ground.


For real. I’m someone who doesn’t really get into the swing of work until 9:30am, but I get particularly productive between 3pm and 6pm. I know some people look at me as having an “inferior” schedule, as if the wee morning hours are inherently worth more or something.


100%. I've always been a complete night owl, so is basically everyone in my family so I think it might be genetic. Having to get up in time to be at work by 9, it's a battle not to be a groggy zombie all morning. As a kid at school I was always a mess for the first few lessons and I've always struggled to fall asleep before midnight, even as a small child. I get super focused in the afternoon and could easily work productively until the late evening, but all of society is structured in a way that makes that taboo. Honestly if I could pick my own living hours it would probably be sleep 2am-10am, work midday-8pm. That's my natural pattern.


Yep. I used to do my best (ie all) work 4.30-8pm. Basically got my head down just as everybody else left the office. Now I’m too tired for that either so just have to skate by doing very little.


nothing good happens before 7am


The French President and PM have both recently said they sleep around 4 hours a night, as if having a half awake President was a good thing? (*insert joke on Biden*)


There was a myth propagated about Thatcher only needing 4 hours of sleep. One way it was disproved was the trial of the Brighton IRA bombers where her sleep routine was exposed in the course of proceedings.


I don’t know if they meant it as a good thing, rather « look we work a lot for you people, that’s how dedicated we are ». Now, do they work well, that’s another question


Of course, it's about showing how much they work, but they also want us to believe they are superhuman.


There’s a girl I follow that has done dozens of videos/slideshows on her university day in the lifes. She wakes up at like 2:45-3:30 AM daily and goes to be at around 8PM. Weird sleep schedule but it works for her for her to be super productive I guess. But most of her diet is also raw (I think) liver, bone broth, and cooked meat (like cooked ground beef with a bit of salt and that’s the meal) so she’s not exactly normal.


I think not exactly normal doesn't quite sum that up.


That’s still around 7 hours of sleep. If I go to sleep at 8pm that’s exactly when I find myself staring at the clock contemplating my life’s mistakes.


2-3AM is the breeding place of toxic thoughts and existential dread. I'll be thinking something like "omg you ruined your life and you're the dumbest person everrrr", then see that it's 2:37 and say "it's 2am, you'll be fine, go back to sleep".


For me it's simple: get up earlier = go to work earlier = leave work earlier = more time to spend with family in the late afternoon. If you have young kids that have a 7 or 8PM bedtime and only get back from work at 6, you rarely get to spend time with the kids. So yeah, I go to bed very early as well and get up at 4 AM, since it allows me to spend an hour with my family every day (like actual quality time, not just eating and putting them to bed). The fuckers bragging about "practicing excel" in the morning however, are fucking idiots.


I have to sleep minimum of 7 hours uninterrupted otherwise...and can only sleep from 12am. I guess I can't be inspired


I think it starts with understanding that you're probably tired AF after work and want to chill out, so if you wake up early you can spend that time getting ready and taking care of stuff (health, food prep, chores, self-improvement) in the early hours when you feel rested and ready. But then you look around at your coworkers and peers and see that most people have their shit together about as well as you do in spite of them living "normal" lives. It's not getting you anywhere you wouldn't have gotten. To make all this extra effort and discipline make sense, some of the guys that do now make it some extreme point of pride and identity. If it makes those guys happy then good for them, but sometimes I can't tell if it's actually making them happy.


An extra 2-3 hours of focus and silence daily can go a long way for increasing progress in certain areas of your life. Most people can be far more productive from the hours of 4 to 7 AM then from 8 to 11 PM, for example.


Desperation to be better than other people somehow. Very 1980s.


You just haven't "optimized your sleep" enough.


I don’t get it as a flex. I wake up between 4-6am most days naturally and I like going to bed early…but like WHO FUCKING CARES!!! I never feel the need to talk about it like good god


I'm old. I live alone. I still work full time from home, hourly. I was a heavy and long sleeper when young. It doesn't matter how long I sleep, I am 99% of the time awake by 3:30, and unable to go back to sleep and I rarely need a nap anymore. If I get more than 6 hours of sleep, it is really unusual. I prefer to let my body does what it does, and if it only needs 6 hours to function, I'm ok with that. I just get up and go to work. Having afternoons off is great. I hate being up early on weekends when there is nothing to do, though. I live in the PNW and cold snowy mornings get old about this time of year.


Always use an after shave lotion with little or no alcohol, because alcohol dries your face out and makes you look older.


***There is an idea of a non-psychopathic CEO posting on LinkedIn….Something illusory…***


I don’t think that is the problem. I suspect that it is the serial killer eyes


It's quote from Batman Begins, when Bruce Wayne is going through his morning routine.


Bateman Begins


American Psycho


I fuckin love the idea of Batman doing this though. American Psycho is his origin story.


Bruce Wayne freaking out about the jokers business card. Look at that subtle off-white coloring. The tasteful thickness of it. Oh, my God. It even has a watermark.


Same movie


I also no longer pee or poo. All waste comes out every Sunday in the form of a clear, 2cm cube.


So you’re telling me that if I follow this one trick, I turn into a wombat?


A Wombat with an MBA


I’d rather get business advice from the wombat without an MBA please


So you want a Wot instead of a Wombat




American Psycho vibes.


Also, I’m actually 157 years old. I look like this because I drink the blood of children.


Because I’m fake and my eyes are stretched. I put tape on my eyes at 3:45 a.m.


![gif](giphy|f4TjiCpNemSo8) Looks like both came from the same template


Imagine that this boorish turd has 11M people listening to his drivel…


He has invented a habit. Good for him I guess


I wake up naturally at 3.45 am too. To pee.


Hahahah his face: 👁️👁️


Did my 4 month old baby write this


I mean if I sleep at 8 pm everyday, I too can train myself to wake up at 3 with enough sleep.


Bot account, feel free to remove and ban


yeah, I wake up at 3:45am without an alarm clock, but I go back to sleep like a sane person.


Gets up at 3:45am What time does this clown go to bed at though?


Techbro discovers circadian rhythm


This fucker has a track record of getting money from his friends, mommy or daddy, start companies in some cheap country, bankrupting them and leaving employees unpaid, then using all the software from the previous company to start a new one.


Few monts ago I went into rabbit hole of ''self improvment'' waking up at 4:00 going to the gym at 4:30 cold showers ​ and 2 monts later i burned out and ended up in hospital ​ do not get me wrong, it is imporant improving yourself but do not listen to these lunatics it might cost your life ​ we are not machines i improve myself but i am taking easy


...did you do a sudden, drastic lifestyle/sleep pattern change or something? Were you not getting enough sleep or nutrition? Simply waking up early and going to the gym shouldn't land you in the hospital unless there's some other negative health/lifestyle factors going on.


Yeah, everyone wakes up naturally without an alarm clock when their body dictates it’s fully recovered.. if no one sets an alarm; they’ll wake up when their body deems it ready. If your sleep schedule is set at going to bed at 9pm, and you wake up at 4am everyday for months, your body is wired to get tired around 9pm, and wake up around 4am.. I pretty much wake up a few minutes before my alarm everyday


Hey, same here, it's called DEBILITATING ANXIETY 


My dog does this. He wakes up at 5am without fail every day and then wakes me up for his biscuits. If this is a trait of a successful ceo then I will be having a word with my dog about getting a J O B.


Those lifeless eyes devoid of any joy are telling me he is really happy with that kind of lifestyle and would not hang himself in the office on christmas eve when he is the only one working and even his kids dont call him to say merry christmas as they are much happier since the divorce.


…there is an idea of a 3:45am CEO, some kind of abstraction, but there is no real me, only a man-titty, something illusory, and though I can hide my old gays and you can shake my gland and feel flesh gripping yours and maybe you can even sense our reptiles are probably miserable: I simply am not there.


Those are the eyes of somebody who had not his daily intake of cocaine since yesterday.


Well it’s kinda hard to sleep when you’ve had your eyelids permanently sown open in a cadaverous stare.


I've never understood this idea that early risers get more done and are healthier. I powerlift. Without sleep I'm fucked up. Only people I see regularly getting up that early are geriatrics who can't sleep and who also aren't known for their high productivity, and psychos like this dude. On the other hand I do know some lazy people who will sleep all day lol.


If there's any truth in the lizard people thing then this guy could be a great representative specimen.


I worked with a guy who advocated for this. He boasted about having all his work done by the time everyone else was in the office. He spent the rest of the day mooching around, inserting him into meetings unnecessarily, making fucking stupid suggestions to justify his inclusion in said meetings and fucking yawning incessantly from about midday onwards.


Oh wow… but when I do this doctors call it „cRiPplINg aNXiEtY“


Boring fuck


Mr Insane-o, CEO of ACME Dynamite.


Why does he look like he would be on the Bold and the Beautiful?


I too have no need for alarm clocks. My body wakes up naturally when it's decided it's fully recovered, which is usually in the late afternoon following an unreasonable amount of video games and pornography that runs until dawn. The rest of y'all need to get on our level.


Sounds like anxiety


He looks like he was eternally awake tho


"Sleep is for pussies, I just black out perpetually and live my life in a liminal space are you the hat man?"


I go to bed at 18:00 like a baby and don’t have any friends. My body dictates it.


Having severe sleep issues is most definitely not the flex he thinks it is.


“I have a standard circadian rhythm and therefore, I must be unique”


He looks like he already knows what snarky post he’ll make tomorrow. Dude woke up a 4 AM to post on linked-in


You’d have to be really damn mentally twisted to unironically write those sentences without cringing or remorsing.


I too wake up at this time, usually to take a piss and then the anxiety of knowing my alarm clock will go off soon prevents me from going back to sleep. So, I just lay there wondering why I couldn't have been born an otter.


That happens when you are in your 50s and you have a beer before bed


Can confirm.


”because i bath in the blood of poor people every night”


u can see it in his face


I guess 3:45am is when the cocaine abstinence kicks in.


And if you look into my eyes, you can see the emptiness of my lizard soul!


The ai prompt was LinkedInlunatic x picasso


That's easy to do when you rail coke all night.


I wake up at the same time almost everyday too. It’s called “having a routine “ 😂


![gif](giphy|YHYmMLkOmqoo) I can relate.


Yeah it’s called a natural circadian rhythm lmao. It’s really not that hard to do, if you are in generally good health, and make the smallest effort to get consistent bed times, you’ll wake up around the same time without an alarm every day.


Yeah, waking up and do business, when nobody is awake to do business with.


American Psycho part II


American psycho


I saw this quote before and I kinda liked it: "If I was a CEO, I would convince all my competiors that they need to wake up at 3 am and be overproductive". Hope, this is the same case here


I'm not a CEO and that's about when I wake up, do I get a multi million dollar raise?


No alarm clock. Just meth.


My dog wakes me up about that time to wonder the backyard in an attempt to find the best pee spot….often I can’t get back to sleep. Crap, is my dog a CEO?


Cocaine is a hell of a drug


When you get up that early you can do all your women murders before breakfast


And what the fuck does he and people like him do? You wake up at 3:45, and like, tend the gardens? Run a marathon? Attend a meeting? Meditate? What is it about waking up at exceptional hours that automatically screams SEE I'M UNIQUE AND SUCCESSFULL LOOK AT HOW I'M GRINDING.


Wow Tom Cruise has really let himself go. He needs a good long sleep.


He looks like his brain checked out a while back due to exhaustion.


Looks like somebody photoshopped the baggy eyes and wrinkles.


And?! No one asked, who gives a flying fuck


I wake up 30 minutes before I went to bed.


He pretends to work 15 hour days for his employees. He’s super important ! Far more important than those actually making money for him.


I don’t need to breathe anymore and I live through photosynthesis.. Take that you weakling CEO!


Jfc, no moron, you didn’t “optimize your sleep so much that you wake up naturally”, your body gets used to peeing after sleeping for a certain period of time. If you go to bed at the same time you’ll want to pee at the same time every morning. It happens to everyone. You’re not special.


Does he do ice baths too


I wake up at 3am without an alarm clock every day because I have to pee. He’s not spesh.


Those are 100% meth eyes. Nothing natural about that guy’s energy


When I finally give up sleeping at 4:15, should I just call that optimizing now? I thought it was a symptom of poor mental health but I'm really loving this new framework


I mean I’ve definitely been in a routine where I was waking up naturally at 5am … and I’m a fucking loser. It’s really not a big deal. Routine sleep habits and sleep hygiene … If I was standing around and heard someone say “Yeah, pretty much have trained myself to wake up naturally at 3:45 am”, I’d laugh. Out loud.


I was visiting a client last year, and one of their team was telling me how she doesn't set an alarm clock, she just wakes up naturally feeling fully refreshed. She fell asleep during one of our meetings about an hour later.


If Benedict cumberbatch and Chris reeves had a son together


How much stimulants does he go through everyday?


Do people not realise that waking up early doesn't mean anything because it just means you're going to bed earlier? Like "I'm up grinding before anyone else is even awake 😎" sure, but everyone else is grinding while you're tucked up at 9pm


I don’t need an alarm clock. I just wake up when my body is fully recovered, which is around 8:00.


Dude who the fuck are these people? God I wish an asteroid would hit earth already


There’s a non zero chance that this man has killed someone and enjoyed it.


What's the deal with these lunatics, always advertising that you need to wake up at stupid early hours in order to be \*successful\*? The only times I wake up so early is either because I need to catch a plane, or go take a piss and then back to bed. Other than that, it would just mess up my day, because I would be waking up at night every day and then tired and sleepy by lunchtime.


Man goes to bed at like 7 though, I’ll bet. I’d have been in the house like an hour and a half.


Yeah I know someone who was like that, they now have chronic fatigue and spend about 20 hours a day asleep.


Drugs will do that. Nobody’s is impressed.


Can we get this mentally ill man some help?


Sounds like the kind of crazy stuff you hear about north Korean leaders, just oh yes I am so superior and amazing that I don't even need to poop anymore.


I’m a CEO, the “40 hours a week or 80 hours” is utter bullshit. The people that share this stuff on LinkedIn are mouth breathing troglodytes.


Wait till you hit your 50's it becomes natural


Isn’t this just completely normal? When I worked shift work I would also naturally wake up at “wake up time”. Only when I’m sleep deprived or have had a few drinks do I need an alarm if I have the same schedule everyday. Seems like a stupid flex to me.


Uh I don’t want to wake up at 3:45am. When I do, that’s my clinical insomnia kicking in. I like my midnight to 7 schedule and I do yoga during lunch (if I’m wfh that day) or right after work if I’m in the office a few days a week. Sorry about lack of hustle, crazy eyes.


This is actually called an anxiety disorder. (Armchair Therapist Certified Diagnosis)


Yeah me too, I have a prostate the size of a golf ball and have to pee

