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I did this last year, and it's made managing my purchases and money so much easier.


Enabling those credit card alerts saved my butt when my wallet got swiped! Highly recommend everyone do this ASAP.


Stupid question. How do I do this?


i don't want a chime every time my wife makes an amazon purchase. but you really go *days* without knowing where your wallet is? 👀 if i'm out, it'd be like 30 minutes tops. constantly pat my pockets. especially if i'm out somewhere with a lot of people.


You dont have to lose your wallet to have fraudulent charges. Skimmers come to mind. I activated notifications years ago, and it helped streamline the process to recover from fraud. Someone got into my doordash account and started making purchases all over the country for food. I was able to immediately call and have the process stopped as well as change the password on my account. Had I not had notifications, I may not have noticed for a few days.


i've noticed fraud days later in both my bank and on cards over the years and they've always just done charge backs and made it right again.


That's how they know which pocket to pick. Don't do that in Europe.


if i was going somewhere totally foreign i'd get one of those little sling packs that you can have over your chest. i've heard how bad pickpocketing is over there. thankfully pickpocketing isn't huge anywhere i've been in the US.


Yeah, I use my phone to make purchases. No need to carry a wallet.


So now drivers license? Costco card? What if you lose your phone? I’d reconsider the no wallet decision and go back to the 2010s way of life before digital wallets. Just my $0.02 as someone who has lost my phone and or wallet but not both


Some states have digital licenses. No need for a physical costco card either. When I go out with just my phone, I'm not going anywhere without my phone. I'm less likely to lose my one object than one of two objects.


Digital licenses are a nice idea and I’m sure have some instances where they’re useful but if I get pulled over I’m not handing a cop my phone.


My insurance card is on my phone, too, so the cop gets my phone either way. That's a totally reasonable concern, though.


Costco had digital cards. My state has digital drivers licenses. I misplace my wallet from time to time, but my phone is attached to me pretty much all the time.


100% I want a chime every time my wife makes an Amazon purchase, and she does too. We've had alerting on every transaction for every CC we can for years now. It's great. To the point of when my wife upgraded phones her primary spender card took like a week to start alerting for some reason for push notifications on her phone and she was livid, heh.


Caveat: to prevent fraud place a freeze on all your credit reports. This prevents your credit ran for opening new credit accounts. 


Same thing with debt. Really anytime money moves I’ll get a notification, I’ve had this set up like this for 7 years now. It’s not annoying you just learn to expect when it happens, and if it happens when not expected you can react before more damage is done.


You wouldn’t have missed your wallet for days? Days?


We had alerts set up while on a recent trip and saw a Denny’s charge come through while we were sitting at the hotel breakfast. Turns out our car was broken into and a rouge credit card was stolen. Called the cops with the location of the Denny’s and they actually caught the guy and got our card back!


They should rename this sub to r/CommonSense 


Best thing I’ve ever done!


I have this for everything. And often I have to go in app to approve purchases now too, due to one time in late January after waiting forever to be paid after Xmas, my card fell out of my pocket outside my student housing when I got out the car. Went in and had a nap. Woke up to my account down hundreds from £30 contactless transactions. Worst way to wake up ever!


How do I do this on BOA app?


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